
西雅圖人 公平讓這座城市衰落 槍擊患者 由300增到528

(2023-02-02 16:18:59) 下一個

西雅圖 槍擊患者 由300增到528

1... Seattle's Harborview Medical Center sees 'dramatic increase' in gunshot patients


2... I'm a Seattle native and 'equity' is destroying my once beautiful, thriving city



chaya | komonews |2023-02-03  

西雅圖港景醫療中心(Harborview Medical Center)的新數據顯示,2022年該一級創傷中心的工作人員共治療了526名槍傷患者。港景醫療中心外科主任艾琳·布格爾(Eileen Bulger)博士說,2018年該醫院共治療了308名槍傷患者,自那以來,這個數字一直在增加。2020年,該醫院記錄的槍傷患者“急劇增加”,達401名。

布格爾說:“平均而言,過去我們每年會看到大約300個槍傷病例。但就在最近兩年,該數據增加到了每年500多例。家屬難,醫生也難。我們是處理傷害的專家,但我認為我們應該在如何為患者及家人提供支持等方麵做出改變,並提前防止傷害發生。” 布爾格指出,她的工作人員正在通過華盛頓大學 (UW) 的槍支暴力研究項目來防止槍支傷害。布爾格說:“它需要被視為一個公共衛生問題,而不是一個政治問題。而且這不僅僅是一個城市問題,農村地區(的槍傷患者)也在增加。我不知道這是什麽原因引起的,但我們專注於尋找解決方案。”


2015年,保羅·卡特三世(Paul Carter III)臉部中彈,並在港景醫療中心接受治療。他現在在這家醫院擔任暴力預防和幹預專家。卡特說:“我不是來評判的,我是來幫助你解決你所經曆的事情的。” 卡特會坐在患者床邊,幫助他們了解他們正在經曆的事情,並幫助他們度過康複過程。他說,他讚同布爾格博士的觀點,應加強對預防槍支傷害的關注,並在這些事件發生之前加以阻止。



Seattle's Harborview Medical Center sees 'dramatic increase' in gunshot patients


by Jeremy Harris, KOMO News Reporter 

SEATTLE — New data from Harborview Medical Center in Seattle shows the staff at the level 1 trauma center treated 526 patients with gunshot wounds in 2022.

Dr. Eileen Bulger, the chief of surgery at Harborview, said the hospital has recorded a "dramatic increase" in firearm injury cases since 2020. That year the hospital treated 401 gunshot wound victims. That number has been increasing since 2018 when the hospital treated 308 gunshot victims.

“On average we used to see about 300 cases a year. Just in the last two years, it’s increased to over 500 a year. It’s hard for the families and it’s hard for the physicians. We’re experts in dealing with the injuries, but I think where we’ve tried to make changes is in how we provide support for the patients and their families and trying to prevent the injuries in the first place," Bulger told KOMO News.

5 year data on gunshot wound victims treated at Harborview Medical Center. (Source: University of Washington Medicine)

Bulger noted her staff is working to prevent firearm injuries with the University of Washington's (UW) gun violence research program.

“It needs to be seen as a public health problem, not a political problem. And It’s not just an urban problem, rural areas are also seeing an increase. I don’t know the cause of that, but we’re focused on solutions," Bulger said.

The hospital is also providing peer support for shooting victims during treatment.

Paul Carter III was shot in the face in 2015 and treated at Harborview, the same hospital where he now works as a violence prevention and intervention specialist.

"I’m not here to judge, I’m here to help you with what you’re going through," Carter told KOMO.

Carter sits bedside with patients and helps them navigate the recovery process as someone who knows what they're going through. He said echoed Dr. Bulger's focus on preventing firearm injuries before they happen.

"There are all kinds of things you can do to help - get a lockbox, get a trigger lock," Carter said.


According to UW research, 63% of firearm owners in Washington state do not keep their guns stored, locked, and unloaded.

Whyman 14 hours ago
When politicians defund the police and prosecutors and judges release criminals through revolving doors. What could possibly go wrong.

Whyman13 hours ago
Just curious ????. Is anyone else having difficulty posting on this site? 

Whyman13 hours ago
I’m not quite sure how to interpret the thumb down. Does it mean “no” or doesn’t like the question 

Hughjanus5 hours ago
Whenever they ban your account your comments stop showing up. You don’t get an alert or a visual saying you’re banned. But if you stop getting likes/dislikes or comments on your posts, probably safe to assume they banned you. Just create a new account if that happens. 

Dorimonsonfan 13 hours ago
Imagine that.  You defund SPD, reduce the number of police officers and crime goes up?  Amazing!

Bobby10 13 hours ago
"It needs to be seen as a public health problem, not a political problem" [applause] The root of the problem isn't the guns, what causes someone to inflict harm is the root.

Gadsden 13 hours ago
The poll forgot to include holding criminals responsible, weird.

Leviathan12 hours ago
Well, KOMO IS left leaning and wouldnt ask the real questions.

Montark9 hours ago
Holding criminals responsible in Seattle ????????????????????????????????????

Leviathan13 hours ago
Defund the police... Dont prosecute the criminals... DEMOCRATES/LIBERALS ARE STUPID AND ADVOCATE FOR THIS.

DainBramage n12 hours ago
Gotta break some eggs to get to socialist laa-laa land.  Sadly, the true believers rarely realize they are eggs too.

ConservativeOne 12 hours ago
Seattle = The socialism experiment gone bad.

Seattlesucks 12 hours ago
It is most definitely a political problem woman.  When politicians relax laws intended to protect tax paying citizens it is always political.

SeattleSlim 10 hours ago
Seattle, King County and WA are all uniparty Dem controlled they own thos uptick with depolicing, electing soft judges, lax prosecutors, tolerance of illegal drugs and mass prison releases.  They want to blame guns like California, New York and many other Dem run localities have.  It is an easy tactic that panders to the many gullible Washington voters who elected these politicos.

Commonsenseislost 10 hours ago
Come to think of it...  Every time we get comments from Harborview or the UW.  They never talk about the lack of mental health facilities or why they don't pump out mental health professionals.

Since the issue with mental health has been going on for well over 60 years.  Why hasn't the great research fellows and others not piped up during that time.  Remember it has been at least 60 years of poor mental health services.  And keep in mind they are the professionals, subject matter experts and any other new speak verbiage.

In a nutshell why hasn't the UW pushed for more mental health students.  Maybe they can also explain why so many mental health patients end up on I5 after going through their hospital.

Hughjanus5 hours ago
It’s the whole mental health system that is causing the “rise in mental Illness” The only reason depression and mental illnesses are such a big issue now compared to 50 or 100 years ago is because of the mental health system.
Into it the second they start prescribing kids adderal and start giving people who are going through a rough patch Zoloft or Xanax. The doctors that write these prescriptions should be held just as accountable as the ones writing them for opioids when people don’t need them. 

JDutton 10 hours ago
This year I say we shoot for 600. See what I did there?

Hughjanus 4 hours ago
In 2020, 54% of gun deaths in the US were suicides according to the CDC; But you’ll see pigs fly before you see a left leaning site like komo add that to any story about big mean scary guns.


Fox News


伊麗莎白·伊科諾姆(Elizabeth Economou)是一位出生於西雅圖的自由撰稿人。她曾為福克斯新聞、美國思想家、新聞周刊,西雅圖時報和CNBC商業等媒體撰稿。她在福克斯新聞上感歎,自從堅持“公平”原則之後,西雅圖就不斷衰落。

















盡管如此,政府還是沒有意識到他們激進的健康公平政策導致了這一切,還是堅持認為“差異和係統性種族主義”是金縣有色人種過量死亡的主要原因。由西雅圖和金縣公共衛生專家出版的《公共衛生內幕》 說:“這些差異反映了係統性種族主義對毒品相關傷害的風險因素的影響,包括代際創傷、不公平的資源獲取和監禁。”





January 30, 2023 8:00am EST
I'm a Seattle native and 'equity' is destroying my once beautiful, thriving city
Since returning from NYC in 2007, I have witnessed Seattle’s steady decline
By Elizabeth Economou | Fox News

Former Seattle City Council candidate Ari Hoffman on why Seattle’s relaxed drug use laws are contributing to a rise in overdoses

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Seattle, a city in decline, is obsessed with "equity," the centerpiece of diversity, equity, and inclusion, or DEI. Once lovely and livable, the Emerald City has lost its shine. 

The word "equity" looms large even in Seattle magazine, where I worked as a freelance writer more than a decade ago. In the current issue, a social justice activist is being celebrated as one of Seattle’s most influential people for her role in the "Defund the Police" movement – even as homicides increased by 23% in 2022, according to data from the Seattle Police Department (SPD). 

Under the banner of equity, the Seattle City Council in 2021 cut the police budget by nearly $35.6 million. Today, SPD staffing levels are at an alarming 30-year low with 400 officers having left in the past three years. 


Boarded up storefronts, private security and homelessness dominate the urban landscape. (Elizabeth Economou)

Boarded up storefronts, private security and homelessness dominate the urban landscape. (Elizabeth Economou)

As a Seattle native and daughter of hardworking Greek immigrants, who sacrificed everything for their children, I no longer recognize the pristine home of my youth. 


Things I took for granted, like safety and protection, are no longer guaranteed with police emergency response times reaching new highs. 

Smash and grabs occur more frequently, re-offenders commit crimes with impunity, and soft-on-crime judges endanger public safety. Even something as routine as riding the bus is now sketchy.

Since returning from New York City in 2007, I have witnessed Seattle’s steady decline.  

Once vibrant, downtown, where I worked in my 20s, has turned dystopian. Boarded up storefronts, private security, and homelessness dominate the urban landscape. 

There are fewer and fewer places to gather.

Just last week, the Nike store announced it was closing after 27 years in business, citing a spike in crime. Next month, the theater across the street will meet a similar fate. 


Across Seattle, sprawling homeless encampments, blamed on the high cost of living instead of lenient drug policies and rising mental illness – the true culprits – have ravaged neighborhoods, intersections and public parks. 

I wonder: How much worse can it get?

Equity is based on the false premise of equal outcomes – not equality of opportunity or equality under the law – whereby resources are seized from one group and given to marginalized or preferred groups. 

Equity is why theft in Seattle is now rampant and goes largely unprosecuted.


At the grocery store recently, I saw laundry detergent, toothpaste and other necessities behind lock and key. (Elizabeth Economou)

At the grocery store recently, I saw laundry detergent, toothpaste and other necessities behind lock and key. (Elizabeth Economou)

At the grocery store recently, I saw laundry detergent, toothpaste and other necessities behind lock and key. 

Health equity is why drug addiction is being normalized with harm reduction strategies, like free needles and free naloxone – medication that reverses the effects of opioid overdose. Instead of freebies, the government could compel life-saving treatment.  

 In the summer, I witnessed a young man writhing in agony from an apparent drug overdose at the drugstore, where my husband works as a pharmacist. I could not believe my eyes. 



A homeless man, 24, smokes fentanyl on March 12, 2022, in Seattle.

A homeless man, 24, smokes fentanyl on March 12, 2022, in Seattle. (John Moore/Getty Images)

The other day at the post office parking lot, an addict was getting high, as I emerged from my car. Drug paraphernalia strewn about. 

Inherently Marxist, equity breeds misery, not hope. 

Today, 70% of all overdose deaths are "driven by fentanyl," according to Public Health Seattle & King County’s 2022 Overdose Report. 

Things have gotten so dire the medical examiner’s office is struggling with how to store dead bodies, said Seattle-King County Health Director Dr. Faisal Khan, recently.

Still, "disparities and "systemic racism," are being cited for the disproportionate number of overdose deaths among people of color in King County notradical health equity policies.

"These disparities reflect the influence of systemic racism on risk factors for drug-related harms, including intergenerational trauma, inequitable access to resources, and incarceration," according to Public Health Insider, a publication by health experts at Public Health Seattle & King County.  

Curiously, even health care delivery facilities, it seems, are on board with equity messaging. 

A rainbow sticker packed with combined symbolism, including a clenched fist signaling resistance, is prominently displayed in the window of a primary care clinic in an upscale Seattle neighborhood. 


It is unsettling that Providence Swedish, Western Washington’s largest health care delivery system, is engaging in divisive identity politics, when doing so appears to contradict the Hippocratic Oath’s imperative: "Do No Harm?" Media@swedish.org declined to comment. 


A rainbow sticker packed with combined symbolism is prominently displayed in the window of a primary care clinic in an upscale Seattle neighborhood. (Elizabeth Economou)

A rainbow sticker packed with combined symbolism is prominently displayed in the window of a primary care clinic in an upscale Seattle neighborhood. (Elizabeth Economou)

Beyond health equity and equity in policing, Seattle.gov, the official website for the city, also cites workforce equity and digital equity. Transportation equity and gender equity. Environmental equity and arts equity. Even cannabis equity. It goes on and on.

In "Equity: When the Left Goes Too Far," clinical psychologist and author Jordan Peterson claims that equity is "inexcusable, both morally and practically," as "it identifies perpetrators who must be punished, and victims who must be coddled and protected."


Similarly, equity in Seattle has gone too far; overdose deaths driven by fentanyl is one indication. The rising homicide rate is another. Urban decline and human suffering are at once rampant and heartbreaking.

I do not want to leave Seattle. It is my home. But the city’s obsession with equity is making life less safe for everyone under the false premise of equal outcomes.


Elizabeth Economou writes from Seattle.

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