
The West can never do humanized projects besides ruin

(2022-04-18 04:52:47) 下一個

The West can never do humanized projects besides ruin

    Frank April 18, 2022

This is the comment following Youtube video 

How China is Reforesting the Gobi Desert into Forest - The Great Green Wall



By Primest - The Money Channel; a first business TV channel in Romania. It broadcast information about the Stock Exchange in Romania, and also news, mainly economic, but also politics, weather and sport.



Thanks a lot for inspiration video. But it only can be done in the economic model of socialist mixing capitalist of China by viewing the profit from whole economic system in a long term, not by single project for a return in a short period as that of capitalist persuing.

But the most decisive root is at China based Collectivistic Civilization humanized Technocratic Democratic government since two thousand years ago and today China the government is composed of outstanding entrepreneurs and scholars to be headed by a Politburo of 7 members who are gradually promoted from grassroot with ensured personal and political quality, without the meeting consensus, no one would speak at will to avoid personal dictator. 

Since two thousand years ago, the ancient government of China recognized that is not all people in human feature are in human nature and ideology is in decisively affecting the quality of people; so that took Confucianism as only moral guidance to suppressing other stupid ideologies to have humanized people with human quality of self-discipline for collectivistic interest. This is the reason that China has been in long peace with old and new Silk Road to supply the life necessaries globally.

In the West, it can never be done the projects as that of China did from now on after the gone of quality generation that cultured by the hard life of World War II. 

Due to that in the Western countries, everything done and in doing is opposite with the humanized practice of China did and in doing; which is because of the inhuman flaw of European looting and killing Dark Ages based Western Individualistic Civilization; in which the free campaigned liberal democracy attracts brainless social garbage as reckless dictator by taking the power of State Apparatus as personal crutch to exert their beast mentality at will by looking for harm others as pleasure; while wrongful ideologies dehumanized people in only selfish individualistic concern without a slight sense for collectivistic interest. The country that their people not care about is doomed to ruin.

The fatal harm of liberal democracy is at that it shares the power of the State Apparatus to the brain defective individuals who are eagerly democratic playing; which exposed a terrible tragedy that liberal democracy has been in large scale producing reckless dictators; and than the dictators ruin the economy of own home place.

Actually, Liberal Democracy is not a democracy; but produces dixtators by granting the power of the State Apparatus to the beast individuals.

For self beautifying to cheat voters and public; the dictators of democratic politicians endlessly yell Liberal Democracy, Liberty or Freedom, human Rights and too many ignorant ideologies; they are never care about to ruin the life of public and themselves. 

Social effect exposed that the Liberty or Freedom, human Rights and too many ignorant ideologies is the noose on the neck of democratic played countries; and it is never able to untie.

Please look at the contribution of democratic players

The Geatest United Sataes of America

2018, in book Destined for War: Can America and China Escape Thucydides's Trap, the American political scientist at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard, the professor Graham Allison has indirectly proved that the United States has lost essential vitality along with the loss of social productivity.

The Professor introduced disappointed project of the silver line of the Washington Metro, it began planning in 1968, officially launched in 2000, but began the construction until in 2009. The first phase of the project was completed in 2014, which was 46 years later from the start of the planning, but, that only completed 5 stations of planned 34. The professor sighed that it’s even harder to know when the second phase of the connection to the Dulles Airport will be completed.

The professor introduced another project that was the bridge across the Charles River between the Kennedy School and Harvard Business School in a distance that can be seen from his office window. In 2012, the State of Massachusetts said they were going to renovate this bridge, and it would take two years. But, in 2014, they said it wasn't finished. In 2015, they said it would take one more year. But it was finished until 2017 with three times over budgeting. 

As sharp contrast, the professor introduced a project in Beijing China; a much bigger bridge called the Sanyuan Bridge was renovated within 43 hours. The Professor disappointed said that now China completed project in hours is more than that of the United States completed in years.

The reason of the slow of the construction is nothing else, but the values cultured idling play encourage people playing idling play to force government adding supplementary budgets.

The terrible is at that in the U.S.; such idling play for adding budget is not limited in the public project; but corrupted in the project of individual home. My friend told me that his neighbors in both sides are suffered idling play in building fence of back yards; so that they have to three times adding supplementary budgets that were nearly reaching the half of the price for buying the house.


The Greatest United Kingdom:


Feb. 12, 2016, a report How did Britain fall out of love with privatisation indicates that, privatization was supposed to reduce the burden on the taxpayer and force these sectors to become more competitive, efficient and deliver better value for customers. But over the long term, it has become clear that private services do not deliver good value. 

For the ticket of 35-minute railway journey, in Britain was £358 monthly, but in Italy was £37 only. The most recent data show that for Department of Health projects which delivered over £11 billion of capital investment, the undiscounted cost of the unitary charges to be paid until the end of these projects was around £80 billion.

Labour Party leader vows to renationalize their failed infrastructure again, it is not willingly, but have to; and which will be the second time in repeating the same business. The Great Britain may be the only country that flips its economy upside down twice likes a pancake.

Now, I really doubt that whether Great Britons have fixed their teeth that have been broken by the hard nut of state owned economy or they have cultivated the wand for taming the monster of state-owned economy - a monster that once beats Great Britain in decades ago.

Such sadness was not the result of British politicians who neglect their duties, or the low quality of British people, but the social atmosphere of the country has been corrupted as that of herding cats by the legally supported poisonous ideologies.


The Greatest French Republic:


Feb. 21, 2013, the article French minister hits back at 'three hour day' attack reports that: "Arnaud Montebourg, minister for industrial renewal in France, was subject to a written barrage of abuse from Maurice Taylor, chief executive of US tyremaker Titan, after the French politician appealed for financial support for an ailing Goodyear factory."

"Mr. Taylor berated French workers for putting in just "three hours" a day, and said his company would be "stupid" to invest in the loss-making tyre plant in Amiens, northern France."

"'The French workforce gets paid high wages but only work for three hours. They get one hour for breaks and lunch, talk for three and work for three. I told this to the French union workers to their faces. They told me that's the French way!' Mr. Taylor wrote."

In view of this, France comprehensive daily newspaper "Le Figaro" made an on line survey, there were 81 percent of French people said support the view of American boss. 

It clearly showed that French people themselves are also dissatisfied with the status quo of the poor work ethic of people.


See, they are all the Greatest in Greatest Stupid.


Below is the comment from the Primest - The Money Channel.

How China is Turning it's Desert into a Forest Oasis


Greening the world's deserts reverse climate change Allan Savory  regenerative agriculture desert oasis desertification desert farming in Saudi Arabia desert farming sustainability fight climate change regreening deserts global warming China Turns Desert into Green Forests desert into forest desert into oasis desert into green desert into farmland Regreening the desert with John D. Liu Arabia Oasis Africa green wall china green wall forest wall

In today's video, we're going to introduce How China is Turning it's Desert into a Forest Oasis

The China Great Green Wall Project has the Chinese government was concerned about one thing: the Gobi Desert. The Gobi Desert spans about 500,000 km of northern China and southern Mongolia. The expanding dryness of northern China poses a severe danger to the country and its people. The Gobi Desert is the world's fastest-spreading desert, transforming over 2250 miles of grassland per year. This expansion devastates agricultural land and generates sandstorms that wreak havoc on populations along the desert's edge.

Chinese desertification has been continuous since the 1950s when the Young People's Republic started raising farms and wildlands to create communities and infrastructure to accommodate a growing population. This human activity exposed most of the land to wind erosion and desert deposits. Until the 1970s, the government concentrated completely on desertification and took action. In 1978, the Chinese government initiated the three North Shelterbelt Projects, often known as the Great Green Wall, a state-wide ecological engineering project. Another unofficial title was Luise Chang Cheng or The Great Green Wall of China. It is considered to have been written by Deng Xiaoping. This operation aims to stop the Gobi Desert's spread by planting millions of trees along its 2800-mile border with Northern China.

Reforestation is one of the world's most important environmental projects. Grass and indigenous trees are planted first, followed by drought-resistant species. Then come to the hardest trees, such as poplars. Planting teams are formed, and seeds are dispersed throughout the plains. Chinese elites, including ministers, join specialists and amateurs in planting trees. Although billions of trees have been planted, the project intends to plant 100 billion trees by 2050. The Chinese can now grow trees online. Donations are lawfully collected and used for planting. According to the Chinese government, around 66 billion trees have been planted in northern China during the previous several decades.

Between 2009 and 2014, thousands of moving dunes were stabilised, and the frequency of sandstorms was cut in half throughout the country. Hectares of windbreak trees have been planted, 336,200 square kilometres of desertification has been reversed, and over 10 million hectares of grasslands have been protected regenerated in the previous 40 years. while parts of the Gobi Desert are blooming with lush vegetation, rich soil, and more rainfall. Another achievement was establishing a luxuriant forest area in northern China's Mu Us desert. The Great Green Wall is not China's sole action. In the early 2000s, many laws were enacted.

While the Great Green Wall Project has shown potential, it is not flawless. Some opponents of the initiative are critical, but the majority are anti-monoculture. Most woodlands contain just one tree species, rendering them vulnerable to epidemics. Numerous trees have been devastated by plant diseases. The World Bank advised China to prioritise tree species quality above number. A forest debate occurred a few years ago. Large Chinese cities, particularly Beijing, suffer from pollution, which increases year after year despite government efforts. Smog is pushed out of cities by the wind. However, this has become infrequent.

The New Forest plantings may have hindered air movement, resulting in stagnant air in cities that cannot be cleaned. Zhang Yongli, the People's Republic of China's State Forestry Administration deputy head of Trees, can only hinder air circulation near the land's surface. In any case, the benefits exceed the drawbacks, notably their engagement in pollution reduction. Mass tree planting. Farmers in Southwestern China were spotted removing native vegetation to earn government funding for spreading non-native plants as part of a government effort. Water. Large areas of China, especially in tree-planting zones, are becoming drier. The project's thirsty nonnative trees have depleted groundwater resources in arid portions of northern China.

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