
As an Indian, how do we stop China from becoming a superpower?

(2018-02-05 05:24:05) 下一個
The motivation of the topic from article 

China’s Rise to Global Economic Superpower

The International Monetary Fund (IMF), the most prestigious international financial institution in the world, has rated China’s ranking to number one economic superpower in the world — surpassing those of the United States based upon the purchasing power parity of GDP indicator (gross domestic product). IMF has asserted that China produced 17% of the world gross domestic product (GDP) in 2014 exceeding U.SA’s GDP of world’s 16% (1). China’s economic growth performance over the last 30 years has impressed development economists who took the position that China will remain in the low/middle income group of nations permanently due to its very large population — approximately 1.2+ billion in 2015. Moreover, China’s performance has inspired other low and middle income countries to emulate China’s approach and engage in growthmanship including many middle income countries of Latin America such as Brazil, Argentina, Columbia and India which also has a large population like China.

It is most likely that China will maintain its lead in economic ranking of GDP in the foreseeable future largely due to catch-up of its per capita income which is rising annually at 8%-10%. (2) Although China’s GDP has converged and surpassed Untired States GDP, its per capita GDP is still below the U.S. and first world. However, China’s rapid GDP growth coupled with low fertility rate (number of children per women) will boost China’s per capita income to high marginal annual growth paving the way for its convergence, in less than two decades, to the level of high income countries as estimated by USC researchers (3). It follows that the GDP gap between China and other countries will further widen in the future. Moreover, the U.S. carries a heavy military burden which does not feedback to economic growth while China has avoided heavy military burden. Instead in 2014, China inaugurated a major international economic development program by financing infrastructure projects in the historical silk route countries. It is engaged in financing economic infrastructure projects in the silk route countries with positive ROI for China and the recipient countries. (4)

The genesis of China’s remarkable upswing in a relatively short span of time goes back more than five decades to 1948 when China emerged an independent state after World War II upon the defeat of Japan by the United States. China’s leadership was bifurcated between Chairman Mao Zedong’s communist party and Chiang Kai-shek’s Kuomintang regime raising concern of a pending civil war. (5)

To China’s good fortune, the two leaders’ views coalesced and a coalition government was formed. The absence of a civil war and the peaceful political transition of leadership largely explains the remarkable ascent of China’s political and economic fortunes.

China’s political system is not monolithic, or colossal, it has worked under a seven-member Politburo Standing Committee of party congress. Political leadership is elected every five years.

The second major influence that explains China’s good fortune is its decision to open up to the free world and get out of the Soviet sphere of influence. It was prompted in the 1960s when President Richard M. Nixon sought reproachment with China and sent his Secretary of State Henry Kissinger to China who arranged a personal visit by President Nixon with China’s leadership. The approach turned out to be very successful. It got China out of the sphere of Soviet Union’s influence, paved the way for China to open up to the Western world, and the rest of the world, and eventually modify its system of political economy to a very unique system of private enterprise market economy and a one-party political system. This unique approach has turned out to be successful both politically and economically for China, and it has benefitted the rest of the world in trade, commerce and international peace. In 2014, President Barrack Obama initiated the exchange of 100,000 American students to study in China further cementing cultural and education relations between the two countries.

Following is a synopsis of China’s economic, political and social framework that augur well for its continued development and leadership, and provide a blueprint for other nations to emulate.

The transition of leadership in China has been remarkably peaceful and smooth. As can be seen Deng Xiao Ping adopted market economy in December 1978. Deng Xiaoping (1978-1987) was instrumental and responsible for modernization and reform. Premier Zhu RongJi (1988-2003) paved the way for China’s entry into World Trade Organization (WTO). President Jiang Zemin (1993-2003), theory of promoting business and entrepreneurial class into the country’s one-party system, helped China’s economic expansion. Current president Xi Jinping launched the economic development of the silk route countries, clamped down on corruption by rooting out high party members and military brass, has launched a rural development program to close distributional and development gaps, and promote social equity.

The economic innovation in China started in the early eighties beginning with Deng Xiaoping through Hujintao implementing innovative economic policies which lifted China’s sluggish economy by introducing private ownership, market economy, and less governmental control contributing to robust economic performance. A succession of leadership in China including president Hu Jinping and follow-up by the current president Xi Jinping’s flexible and innovative economic policy took advantage of globalization and export orientation, attracting foreign investment, and maintaining a sound monetary and fiscal policy. China became a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and hosted a very successful International Olympic Games. 

Beginning in early 1980s, China shifted its economic strategy from self-sufficiency to export orientation. The shift was pivotal to the growth rate of China’s GNP. Concurrently, China is building its domestic consumer sector so that in the future it will have a strong and well-developed domestic market. The multi-billion dollar natural gas contract with Russia in May of 2014 will be a major plus for China’s energy demand. China’s drive for the development of non-fossil fuel under its twelfth five-year plan could make it a world leader in energy exports and offer unmatchable prices on alternative energy in the world market contributing to convergence of per capita income of the silk rout countries.

The process of China’s remaining catch-up time of per capita income to that of the first world is estimated to take place in approximately two decades. It follows that China’s catch-up time with the first world would take place in five decades, starting in 1980 while it took the first world nearly 50 decades to reach its current level of per capita income. Part of the explanation is the diminishing return to capital in the first world since it is saturated with capital and return to capital has dropped. And the law of accumulation of capital due to growth rates differential between the first world’s average of 2% annual growth and those of China with an annual growth range of 7%-10%. The United States achieved a 2.0 percent average annual growth rate of real GDP per capita between 1891 and 2007. (x) And its growth rate for the next couple decades may be somewhat lower than 2%. This means that there may exist 4%-6% percentage point differential in growth rates that has contributed to the rising trend of annual growth rate of China. This phenomena will continue until China’s per capita income reaches within 70% level of the first world. Then its annual growth rate will conform to the first world’s annual growth rate of approximately 2% per year.

China’s sound macroeconomic management was demonstrated during the Great Recession (2007-2009) when its export dropped 15% - 18% causing 23 million to become unemployed, but 98% found jobs as the economy readily bounced back and the unemployment rate dropped to 4%. This performance is in sharp contrast to a number of countries where the recession is still lingering in 2014. It is most notable that China escaped three global financial meltdowns since 1990, including the Japanese severe credit implosion, the Asian economies foreign reserve meltdown caused by capital flight due to rigidity of fixed exchange rate. The Great Recession (2007-2009) which engulfed the world economy was contagious, and China was subject to the turbulence and transmittable global meltdown — but ironically China escaped. China’s experience has drawn re-examination of the Western neoclassical paradigm concerning macroeconomic stability, and efficacy, of countercyclical measures via mini manipulation of the supply of money by the Federal Reserve Board. A better alternative for all nation states is to establish social indicator targets.

China’s 12th five-year plan has placed specific emphasis upon the targeted development of renewable energy to satisfy 15% of China’s energy needs by the year 2025. This policy will contribute to clean air in China and prevent environmental degradation as the use of fossil fuel is substituted by renewable energy.

F. China is already the world’s biggest merchant marine operator according to U.N. data. Container port data compiled by the United Nations shows. Customs administration figures show around 40,000 ships entered and left Chinese ports in the first half of 2014.

China’s one-child policy and its recent modification has been optimal given the absolute number and the possibility of population trap. Successful control of fertility rate (number of children per women) is the hallmark of optimal population and determinant of China’s long-term growth potential and carrying capacity. China’s prosperity is closely connected to its population policy although the age distribution of the population may pose some problems concerning productivity in the future. Its population is expected to peak to 1.5 billion by 2040 reaching zero growth rate and avoiding the population trap dilemma. No doubt, it is known that population policy in Europe in the 14th century led to the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century. Technology of industrialization from 18th century to the present created the high level of per capita income in the first world. Clearly, demographic policy affects economic development in all low- and middle-income countries.

Since 1978, China has uplifted millions of peasants out of poverty and it has been the most successful country in the world in poverty reduction. China will deserve very high marks for its social indictor and distributional objectives.

Other favorable political economy policies that have made poverty reduction feasible include annexation of Hong Kong. Three-fifths of China’s foreign direct investment are financed through Hong Kong, and billions of dollars of China’s assets are in Hong Kong’s financial institutions. Development of Growth Zones — such as Shanghai to attract foreign investment — and investment in human capital including all levels of education through college are among the hallmarks of growth policies in China. The above factors have given a major impetus of high growth to China since 1980, ranging in an annual growth rate of 7 to 10%. This is an unprecedented growth rate in the experience of world economy with the exception of Germany in the ‘20s, largely due to military buildup.

Unfortunately corruption is a universal problem and once it takes roots it becomes institutionalized and penetrates the culture. Thus it becomes difficult to undo corruption. It is keenly prevalent in low- and middle-income countries. China is no exception in this regard, however, a concerted effort has been launched to bring corruption under control beginning with the effort of former president Hu Jinping and follow-up by the current president Xi Jinping. Beginning in 2012, reportedly imposing punishment occurred upon 182,000 government officials at all ranks through 2014. Several high level party members have been removed; legal cases of anti-corruption of high officials in China have been reported in the Western press with due process. Perhaps China will succeed to clean up corruption completely. The anti-corruption drive in China is serious and admirable. It is certainly instructive for other countries to adopt a policy of transparency and uproot such criminal activities.

Altruism, social cognition, equity, equality, egalitarian motives, public service and economic growth are the hallmark of China’s leadership pronouncements. The duel system of one political party and free competitive market economy characterize China’s unique socio-economic-political system. The political system is not monolithic, or colossal, it has worked under a seven-member Politburo Standing Committee of party congress. Political leadership is elected every five years. Last year 10,000 small protests were tolerated. Currently over half of China’s GDP is produced by private enterprises. China’s government has not been shut down due to internal political dissent of multi-party feuds. More than 250 million people have been lifted out of poverty, this is approximately 20% of the total population.

In June of 2014, China’s 2,400-year-old Grand Canal, which historically linked sections of the Silk Road, was awarded Enesco heritage status, as were large portions of the ancient overland Silk Road. The 11,179 kilometer Yunxinou International Railway linking Chongqing and Xinjiang with Europe and, commonly referred to as the “New Silk Road”, runs alongside many of these ancient caravan tracts.

The foregoing are indicative that China is embarking in a distinctly alternative approach of inter-governmental collaboration and connectivity to promote economic catch-up of low and middle income countries that are located in the path of silk road.


1. International Monetary Fund, www.imf.org. Data Base, world economic outlook, GDP, 2014.

2. Kamrany, Nake M. and George Milanovic, “China’s growing economic strength in the 21st century,” Huffington Post, 11/17/2011, also see: NAKE M. KAMRANY and FRANK JIANG, CHINA’S INNOVATIVE PARADIGM - SHARING GLOBAL PROSPERITY - THROUGH CONNECTIVITY OF THE SILK ROUTE COUNTRIES , Huffington Post, September 4, 2014 2014

3. Ibid. Also, see: Kamrany, Nake M, ‘China’s Rapid Recovery in the Great Recession of 20o7-2009,’ Huffington Post, 2/11/2011.

4. THE SILK ROAD Economic Belt Construction and Future: 12 countries Think Tank Forum, Proceedings of Conference, Renmin University of China (RUC), Beijing, China, June 27 - 28, 2014- http”//RDCY2013-SF.RUC.EDU.CN

5. Richard Bernstein, China 1945 Mao’s Revolution and American’s Fateful Choice. N.Y.: Alfred A. Knopf, 2014.

6. Fan, S, ET. Al, “The Economics of China: Successes and Challenges, “NBER, Working Paper No. w19648 for link go to orders@nber.org National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER)

7. Waggle, S. at al, “Integrating Border Regions and Connectivity and Competition in South Asia,” World Bank Paper No. 6907, Economics Research Network

90 Answers
Sam Arora
Michael McGuire

“First you must learn the rules of the game. Then you must play better than anyone else.” — Author unknown

Get your stuff together as a country, look at what they’ve done to become so powerful, and try to see how you can apply it at home.

There are reasons that China is currently so far ahead of India despite being in comparable states at the end of the second World War.

Great prosperity does not come easily. It does not happen naturally. Rather, it must be fought for. The battle for prosperity and societal progress must be fought in every home, in every street, by every individual day after day after day for a period of time that can span generations. It is a constant process of pushing a boulder up a hill, knowing that any carelessness will result in losing control of the boulder and undoing all the hard work that has been done.

You and your country are going to have to make some extremely difficult choices, if you expect to see India become a prosperous nation before you die, and even then it may take your whole life for you to see it happen.

To stop China’s rise to superpower status, India will have to beat them — catch up, AND surpass them, all while China continues growing at 7% year after year after year.

Look at what they’ve done. They are the country that is almost singlehandedly responsible for the world’s poverty reduction in the last thirty years, transforming from an agrarian society to an industrialized society faster than any other country in history.

India will have to learn from that success, replicate it, and somehow find a way to do even better.

India will likely have to leave behind many of its most destructive traditions to do so. But if prosperity and superpower status is what India truly wants, India must be willing to sacrifice anything to push that boulder to the top of the hill, before the gap grows so big that China can never be beaten.

Good luck.

Shou'en Li

As a Chinese, the first time I knew there is the nation, India, was when I was still a kid back in the 1980s. A Film projection team brought the movie The Tramp (also, Awara or The Vagabond) to our village. Though the movie was still in black and white due to technology limitations, it left me a very deep impression. I was fascinated by those beautiful dances and melodious songs, and till today, some 30 years have past, I can still hum to the melody of Awaara Hoon, the theme song of the movie.

As time passes by, I got to know more about India: its long history, its ancient civilization, its charming historical scenic spots, its vast land, its metropolises including Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, etc., and of course, its Bollywood movies......BTW, the box office of Dangal, the Indian blockbuster here in China in 2017 was RMB1.3 billion (over US$200 million), twice of that in its home nation.

I can’t say I am the representative of China here in Chinese’s attitude to India, but I can guarantee that there were indeed many Chinese had a favorable impression on India, until the India side actively flagged China as its “rivalry.”

My own fancy towards India hasn’t changed even after I knew there was the Sino-India War (or Sino-India Border Conflict) in the 1960s, as there is an old Chinese saying, “A far-off relative is not as helpful as a near neighbor,” even though there might be some quarrels or even fighting between neighbors. Anyway, China and India share a border of about 2,000 kilometers. But. the border disputes were negative legacies mainly due to former British rule to India.

The two neighbors are both big nations and major powers in Asia. We Chinese value “harmonious development” and think we should have harmonious relations between human and nature, among nations, among co-workers, among family members......When we call for “win-win” cooperation, we are not just taking it as a slogan, instead, we are really hoping so and inserting efforts to do so.

Then, to the question: As an Indian, how do we stop China from becoming a superpower? Why should Indians “stop China to become a superpower?” If you Indians make a cake with your own ingredients, and we make ours just by ourselves, we can only have two small cakes, but if our two neighbors combine our strengths together, we might make a much bigger cake, which will not only benefit our two nations, but might also give a share to other neighbors in Asia.

India is recently forging closer ties with the US, Japan, and Australia, etc., trying to form a “diamond” to contain China’s development. Compared to the other three nations, India is obviously lagging behind in various aspects. Do Indians, especially those who have a hostile attitude towards China and think it’s necessary to contain China, really think the “diamond” will work as they wish? Do they have any idea that India is just taken as a “chessman” by others?

So, my suggestion would be: whether China will become a “superpower” or not, both China and India should first focus in their internal issues, to develop a more completed industry system, to catch up with the new waves of technological innovation, to build better infrastructures, to provide better education and social welfare, to create a sounder international environment...... for the two nations and their people. With a solid foundation in both sides, then join hands together, to work for a better bilateral cooperation and to build Asia into a better continent for all its inhabitants.

Vince Cheok
Kanwal Flora

India can't do anything, and there is no need to do anything.

Keeping aside annexation of some areas during modern state generation,throughout history both India and China have no record of expansionist endeavors unlike U.K.,Japan,USA etc.

There was a reason India was a closed non aligned socialist type economy, Infact it stayed so even 15 years after China started becoming capitalist, India only changed after USSR broke.

So one can say India was even more socialist than China. India was sick of West for colonising her.

India should pay less heed to being projected as an Democratic antidote to Communist China, its mostly propaganda by West.

Because even as a Indian, it's a joke when India and China are compared right now. It's not just economy, it's also extra cocurricular parameters e.g. Olympics.

Yes , India is growing but it will take atleast 50 years to have respectable infrastructure and I do believe in 100 years India will be a world player along with USA and China.

Instead India needs to look back to last 2000 years history and see what worked in the past.

China should be a inspiration more than anything as they have done something never done in history of mankind.

Ofcourse, Military and Nuclear bombs are there if needed but unfortunately that doesn't make one a developed country.

Ronald Kimmons

You do not.

You only help India to continue to progress such that it can remain (or become) an influential sovereign force in the world regardless of what China becomes.

Right now, in my country, the President is taking what he thinks is a hard stance against China in order to reduce China’s growing powers in the world.

In reality, though, what he is doing is increasing China’s power relative to the USA. This is because, by cutting ties with China, he is making China less and less concerned with upsetting us, as it has less and less to lose in doing so.

Another thing he is doing is ruining relations with other countries - again due to his “America First” policy philosophy - and thereby causing those countries to establish closer relations with China.

India does not need to take an approach like this.

If you want to remain China’s equal, what you need to do is look inward, kill your own corruption, and open your culture and your economy to the world. This will make you vibrant and strong. Whereas if India tries to “protect” itself by closing itself off to the world - to China in particular - what it will do is throttle its own economy while causing its own bad ideas to fester and grow in a closed environment.

Like China, India has amazing potential right now. There is no reason why India and China cannot continue to progress and grow side-by-side. China is doing it by increasingly engaging in the world and being competitive. India should do the same.

I have often told people in my country that war between the USA and China is basically the worst possible thing that could happen in the world today, and that we should take great pains to avoid it. Thinking about it more, though, I think that war between India and China might be even worse than that. This kind of zero-sum thinking could lead to that.

In short, don’t try to force China to stay down. You won’t be able to anyway, and it would be devastating for you to try. What you can do is choose to rise with China such that, despite China’s power, you have nothing to fear. That is what India should be focused on.

Siddarth Prabu

Let's not work for the fall of China, but for the rise of India.

We must work hard to make our country stand top in every field.

Currently India is lagging behind many countries in many fields. some of them include:

Defense: Development of new fighter jets, missiles, radars, stealth technology, aircraft carriers, submarines etc.

Artificial intelligence: last year China has surpassed U.S in the number of scientific papers published in the field of AI. But we stand no where in the top positions in this race. Few AI startups are budding in India now, but we should make major break throughs by doing more researches.

Basic amenities: we severely lag in this field. Every Indian must get food, water, electricity, access to basic medical aids, sanitation facilities and most importantly good education. These things bring a major change in the standard of living.

Education: Remember, we are the ones who built world's first University, but today we are struggling to get a spot in the top 200 universities of the world. Today most of us(not everyone) are only interested in earning money than inventing something new. This is where the problem starts. We must innovate tons of new things. We(government) must invest heavily in research.

A survey indicates that not even 1% of the top 1% researches done around the world is of Indian origin. I hope this is enough to explain our current scenario.

We must give utmost importance to innovation.

Chinese filed 1.1 million patents in 2016 but Indians filed only 45000 patents.

Refer China filed 1.1m of patents in year 2016 and India only filed less than 45,000 patents in year 2016. Why has India only filed less than 5% patents of China? For more information.

We must donate atleast a small part of our income for a good cause. Helping one another may be a catalyst in the process of developing our country.

Development is when the people of a country are happily living with access to all basic amenities and focus on “what's next?”

I would like to thank one of my greatest inspirations Mr.Balaji Viswanathan , whose answers motivated me to write this answer.

I suggest every Indian to read India Dreams Collection: Ideas for changing India. by Balaji Viswanathan on Ode on a Grecian Urn which talks about developing India.

Note: This answer is not meant to hurt anyone and is solely for the purpose of motivating the fellow citizens for a positive change in the society.

Apologies for poor language (if any)

Peng Yuan-Xiu

Hey, dear Indian friend, don’t you think it would be better if the question is: as an Indian, how do we catch up China in near future?

Think about, if two neighbors A and B living side by side, man years ago both A and B were colonized by western imperialists, recently B is much wealthy since B makes friends and trades with all, if A said “how can we prevent B from being wealthy”, then will A became wealthy automatically?

The answer is hardly yes.

Despite India has comparable population to China, population is a double-edges sword, which could turn into productivity or become burdens very likely, if a country can’t feed her population.

Personally, I have faith on India, perhaps one day, India will return back to her position in history.

GDP comparison.

China owns rather complete industrial chains.

Xiaoke Hu

As a Chinese, I would never raise similar question, e.g. “How do we stop India from becoming a superpower?” or “How do we stop India from becoming stronger?” I believe most Chinese will not raise this question. I do think you should not carry a blinkered vision which will definitely do harm to your own country. It is much harder for India to hurt China than China hurt India since China is much stronger now. Think about the Soviet Union and US, vicious competition destroyed the weaker one in the end.

To be honest, we Chinese think that India could hardly cause great threaten to us, although border conflicts may make Chinese feel uncomfortable. The gap between China and India has become larger and larger indeed.

We Chinese do regard India as a potential and repected rival since you have two advantages over us. First, you have more young adults, which means more sufficient labour force, while China is now facing severe aging problem. Second, you have better relationship with international community, but China has been regarded as a threaten due to the possibility to become so-called superpower and different ideology with most countries. However, these advantages are far from enough. As I know, India has many internal problems, especially caste system, economic inequality and poor education. Any of these problems cause greater threat to India’s development than China does.

If some (I know many Indians in Quora are wise and far-sighted ) Indians insists on China’s threat, I think one important reason is because China has become the workshop of the world, seizing the chance that may belong to India. However, how could India miss this chance under better international environment and similar fundamentals in the past decades? Recently many industries in China have been moving out due to increasing labor and land costs, but most plants have moved to Southeast Asia rather than India till now. India may lose the second chance to increase its manufaturing industry.

To conclude, firstly, I don’t think Indians can do anything to stop China from becoming superpower, and it is even easier for China itself to make mistakes and fall behind again. Second, India may lose more in any form of conflicts with China. Third, India has its own advantages but suffers a lot of internal problems, and producing conflicts with China cannot solve these problem. Last but not least, I do think China and India could stand for developing countries and Asia, we were both countries with an ancient and strong civilization. I wish we two countries could both make Asia great again. (Using Trump’s quote, lol..)

Miow Koon Yong

What a question, stopping the rise of China to Superpower just because you are an Indian?

As an Asian and immediate neighbour of China, India should whole heartedly support the peaceful rise of China as a Superpower. The two countries with many decades of historical links have both suffered under the bullying and exploitation by the big powers even up to these days. It is easy to understand the fear of the existing powers such as USA, Russia. UK, EU, Japan on the rise of China to Superpower status but why India? Although India and China had previously clashed in a border dispute in 1962 and had smaller skirmishes thereafter, there was indeed a great show of understanding, respect and tolerance on both sides to resolve the 2017 Doklam issue. Why cannot India and China live in peace forever and work towards a better future. especially their poorer countrymen.

I am surprised by the amount of hatred and intolerance shown by Indians against China on Quota. On the other hand, quite a few of my PRC friends have shown some understanding and tolerance towards India in our conversations. Even, President Xi JingPing of China is exhorting peaceful coexistent among nations in his speeches. Let peace prevails among nations for a better world!

Aakash Ankit

I will tell you if you tell me Why would we stop China from becoming a superpower?

People do know that I belong to a great nationalist organization of India, and still don’t want china to not be a superpower. That said, I think, India should also find its way in becoming a superpower. While we missed the train of 1980–1990s, we must not leave any stone unturned to avail the opportunity presented before us.

India has second largest cultivable land in the world. It has greatest human resource in 2025. The utilization will ensure that India will be a superpower, along will China and other countries, and able to sit on the table to tackle and decide for peace and prosperity of the world.

China is our neighbor, we must try to have a peaceful relation with him. The support China provides to Pakistan, the way it annexed Humbantota port from Sri Lanka raises eyebrows about co-existence principles of China, and that is why we must have America, Japan and Russia as our allies. It is not to contain China, but to protect our own interest.

Rivalry between Indo-China is a natural things, and must not be looked away, as both are big countries in the neighborhood, both have 1.25+billion people, both got independent around 1950s and are the prospect of future. But this rivalry should not be taken as a jealously to contain every move taken by other country. As I am impressed by Shou'en Li’s answer, I would like to say, China should take few steps like banning of Masood Azhar and supporting India’s bid to NSG to make roads for the good relation with India. In absence of which, India will naturally go to USA, Japan and other countries, where India and Indians are rightly respected.

To the fellow India who asked this question: We need to extend ourselves in many things, including economy, industrial growth, military, and even games and sports. Just do your work with full honesty and Integrity, and we will definitely move forward and climb ladders.

Ajeet Sharma

China is growing, and it is growing at a very fast rate. This intimidates many countries, particularly the west. They tried everything they can, to suppress the China’s rise as a superpower.

But all efforts went in vain.

India is nowhere near the west in terms of the soft and hard power they have. This means that India cannot stop China from becoming a superpower. China’s rise as a superpower is inevitable.

On the contrary, as an Indian, I would argue to not to create unnecessary tension between the two countries. Because, in conflicts china can do more harm to India than vice versa.

India should only focus on its people and economy. Creating hurdles in the rise of any country is unnecessary and unethical.


Instead of looking for ways to stop a country from rising or becoming a superpower, I think it is more productive to look for ways to improve your own country, or any country, for that matter. Study how China became a superpower and learn from that. Continue to improve the economy and opportunities for the people living in your country. Improve your country’s military capabilities to include better equipment and training, in particular, the air force and intelligence. Improve and develop new missile technologies as a deterrent and keep India’s nuclear arms in top shape. I believe India will become a superpower one day and the best way to “stop” a country is by becoming a superpower or being the best yourself.

Nikunj Rathod

All the afore mentioned answers might have given you a clearer idea that China's rise as a SUPERPOWER is Inevitable.

But I would like to share some light on what a patriot like you and me can do about it.

Answer: Make India a superpower

This might not sound shockingly absurd to fellow quorans who follow SouthAsian power tussle between India and China.

Question: How do we make India a Superpower?

Answer: Let the Government of India worry about our defence procurements, Naval bases and International affairs with West and in SouthEast Asia. The only terms on which India can compete with China is it's economic might. And that is what we have to worry about right now. But then how and what can we do you may ask. I say,

Use India's Demographic dividend :-

Almost half the number of people on earth live in either of the two countries. Ever wondered how did a country like China who got it's self-rule in 1949 (and that's two years after India's independence) manage to emerge as an exceptional competitor in the Superpower race? That is because they knew they had a Huge workforce and needed to create sufficient number of jobs.

Now, India has 65% population in working age group. The average age of India is around 27 years and so this makes India a young nation that is capable of becoming a Superpower.

The only problem dragging India behind is there aren't Sufficient jobs available. The only Sectors in India that provide some jobs are government sector and some Giants in private & service sector like the TATA, Infosys and rest of the BPOs you see in cities. Rest 90% people in India who do have a job come from the Informal sector.

So you see, you and I have to become Job givers instead of Job seekers. Now that's a responsibility upon our shoulders who happen to dream of India as a Superpower.

The current regime in India is striving hard to create jobs in the country. NDA government has taken many initiatives to give a boost to job growth.

Make in India, Startup India, Standup India, Global Entrepreneurship Summit and so on.

The recent visit of our PM to World Economic Forum was regarding the foreign investment in India which might improve the situation here. Now that is why the rank upgrade of India in ease of doing business rankings matters to us.

Now all being said, India needs to boost the Manufacturing sector to create more number of jobs that could eventually boost the economy. All we have to do is to create jobs for our fellows here in India. Would you help us with this? We would really appreciate that.

Thank you.


References: Demographics of India - Wikipedia

Pawan Chaudhary

China is already on track to become an economic superpower and will challenge world superpower in defence in few years .

China has bigger influence in world matters than India .

China spends a lot in creating new infrastructure,their policies strongly favours local companies ,they have a strong manufacturing industry and economies of scale.

Lot of Chinese companies have a global presence ,we are a bit behind them .

Instead of stopping it (which we cannot ) we should learn (not everything )from China and its rise to become a superpower .

For example ,China and Chinese companies are investing a lot in AI and quantum computing ,this is something we should emulate from them.

China is opening a new quantum research supercenter

We have learned from our mistakes of economic crisis of 91 when the economy was about to collapse , we have come a long way but we still have a lot to do .

We should look into our issues first which are stopping us from becoming a superpower mainly,corruption ,tax evasion ,lack of good infrastructure.

We have our strengths as well , great service industry , world class space programme ,young workforce ,doing a decent work in expanding defence capabilities.

We should work in making our country progress faster rather than stopping others, after all the world is big enough to accomodate india in the league of so called “superpowers”.

Jyotipuspa Das

As an Indian first we should think of how to uplift our own country to be a superpower instead of thinking about how to stop any other country to become one.

Remember when Pakistan blocked the road going through its territory, and created disturbances in Indian reach to Middle East. What did Indian government do?

It connected it's path through maritime inaugurated “Chabahar Port”. :-)

That is called strategy of doing business and moving forward towards development.

My point here is -

China is a country which focuses on manufacture and development applying strict rules on citizens. It is easier to implement rules there than India. Because in India one transformation would drag even more than a decade to be ratified(including strikes, protests, demands etc).

That is a part of democracy. But at the same time we must remember just because some people are protesting it doesn't mean it has valid reason. Anyway Indian government as well as citizen should focus on implementing and following certain strict transformation in order to keep up with development.

As an Indian we should know that our country is one diversified country , so we still need to work on integrity.

As an Indian we must utilize our knowledge or resources to establish ease of doing business and more manufacturing products in India.

As an Indian we should focus on our safety, trading, exports, development, education and most importantly population control to become a superpower.

China never compromises with anyone when it comes to his countries policy. India should learn that from China.

“Think of your own development instead of blocking other's.”

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