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普萊西德湖(Lake Placid)是位於紐約上州Adirondack山脈中的一個小村子,人口僅有2500人。因為在1932年和1980年舉辦過二屆冬季奧運會而得名。另外於2000年還舉辦過唯一的一屆冬季世界友好運動會。因此普萊西德湖具備了進行各項冬季體育運動項目的完美設施。在村裏有一座設備先進的現代化奧林匹克滑冰館。二屆奧運會的所有速度滑冰,花樣滑冰和冰球的賽事都在此舉行。1980年冬奧會發生了二件大事,至今難忘。一是美國速滑運動員埃裏可.海登(Eric Heiden)一人奪得了從500米至10000米的全部五項個人速滑項目的金牌,史無先例,這一壯舉至今無人打破。二是蘇聯冰球隊在當時是一巨無霸。獲得了自1956年來的5屆奧運金牌。美國隊是一支由在學大學生組成的年輕球隊,在與蘇聯隊的決賽中比分三度落後,經過頑強奮戰,最終以4:3反敗為勝,轟動全美國,連總統都打來電話祝賀。

在離普萊西德湖13英裏的白臉山(Whiteface Mountain)是美東地區最著名的高山滑雪場地。海拔1483米,高駕索道垂直的升高達到1050米,是美東之最。同時白臉山還是唯一的一座從山底至山頂全程通公路的高山。在山頂一覽美麗的山光水色,風景美不勝收。


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xrzeng 回複 悄悄話 Nice to know that,thanks for providing this moving story which was happened at Lake Placid.
Quarx 回複 悄悄話 Lake Placid ice rink is where the famous Soviet Union Pair skater: Ekaterina and her husband, Sergy Ginkov practiced regularly. In year 1995, Sergei dead on ice during training from a heart-attack, he was only 28 years old, and Ekaterina is about 25. It was a very sad news shocked the whole world of figure skating. Ekaterina lost her husband and best partner. They win multiple top-level competition Gold medals and Olympic Gold medals.

After back home in Moscow, they give Sergei a like country-level cemetery.
Quarx 回複 悄悄話 Lake Placid ice rink is where the famous Soviet Union Pair skater: Ekaterina and her husband, Sergy Ginkov practiced regularly. In year 1995, Sergei dead on ice during training from a heart-attack, he was only 28 years old, and Ekaterina is about 25. It was a very sad news shocked the whole world of figure skating. Ekaterina lost her husband and best partner. They win multiple top-level competition Gold medals and Olympic Gold medals.

After back home in Moscow, they give Sergei a like country-level cemetery.