Fancy Craft

I would like to present some craft projects of my own.
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感官的盛宴:Grand entrance to the world of dancing

(2015-07-06 11:01:25) 下一個

每個人對事物的熱衷可能都是不同的。我對於舞蹈的喜愛,源於一些舞者通過舞蹈對我的震撼,給我的啟示。近距離觀看他們,猶如戲劇在眼前上演。音樂的旋律,鼓點的節奏,步法的轉換,舞者肢體的伸縮翻轉,多層次的表現藝術的疊加,融合。舞者在跨越距離的同時,有效地用肢體語言觸及到無限的空間。 很難想象,一個人的能量,存活在2米不到的軀體裏,能在瞬間閃光爆發,點燃每個旁觀者的眼睛,照進他們的心裏,敲動他們心髒裏最原始最真切的鼓點。 觀看他們的舞蹈,有的時候我聽到的是澎湃的音樂,隨著舞者的抑揚,感覺音符順著他們的手指和腳尖在舞場裏流動。有的時候,是一片靜寂中,在上百雙如炷的眼睛的注視中,隻聽得到兩雙舞鞋摩擦地板的聲音,已及裙擺隨風舞動的聲音。舞者,每一個亮相,從手指尖到腳後跟,都好像精凋細琢過一樣地完美。每一個動作,精準流暢,力量與速度相宜成章,同時又是那麽蜻蜓點水一樣地輕巧自然。這樣的舞蹈,這樣的舞者,怎不讓人陶醉,怎不讓人終生難忘?
In this world, there is a group of people. They can create an atmosphere around them, which works like a black hole that capture everyone around them. They do not speak, but their language is so loud that you can hear them across the 10,000 square feet ballroom. However, the most captive moment is when everyone sit around and all eyes are on them, all I can hear is the sound of their feet sliding on the dance floor.
Before I encounter a dancer, I never see so dramatic difference in a person in terms of how they can change their appearance and presence, in a blink of eyes. Maybe because I am so close to them, I experience first-hand how much subtle adjustment change the outlook completely. While, those little details add up to a huge task that require years of training and practices.

Let us see, what dancers, not just a ballerinas, do when they dance:

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