Fancy Craft

I would like to present some craft projects of my own.
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I never thought that I would get upset by a dance show. I never thought that I would get so seriously about a hobby. It happened like this:
Last weekend, I had a dance show to attend. The night before, I stayed late to get my dresses, shoes, and make-up kits ready. In the morning, I put on make-up, false eye lashes, the whole nine yard. Before heading to the high way, I also checked the dance gears twice to make sure I got everything I need, plus back-up dance gears. When I arrived the place, I was told that I still got plenty of time to prepare. After I changed into my dress, I practiced my routine several times. I got butterfly in my tummy. It reminded the old time when I entered the race back in the middle school, the high school and the college. I was nervous. 

I told myself, relax. It is just a leisure hobby. I was in long-distance race, I gave presentation on the stage. I practiced this routine many times. I got this. 

When it is the time, we entered the show-room. When the music started, it was loud. But I danced. I and my partern were back-to-back, walking away. Then I turned around. I was supposed to see him just turn around, and then we were supposed to walk towards each other. In stead, I saw his back!!! I waited... When he finanlly turned, I forgot to move. What happened next was fast. I tried to catch up with him. I cannot hear the beat, and I felt he was moving at the different tempo from mine. I saw audiance with encouraging smiles. They made me feel comfortable. I just managed to keep calm and smiling and finished the dance. It was so messed-up, that I thought all I can do is to show my best.

It was definitely a set-back. When my friends were comforting me, I cannot be cheered up. I kept telling myself that it is OK, and I am enoying the other fun stuff at the show. But deep inside, I was disappointed. It does not matter what other say and how possitive you are, it sucks.

I remembered the first time I was in a race. I did terribly. I pushed myself too fast in the beginning, so at the end I could not keep it up. It ended worse than I expected. But I went on and practice more running. I kept that habit for 10 years. And I pick up running as an excercise rountine after 10 years without doing it. Running has become a source of my happiness and confidence. I know whenever I want it, I would always be able to enjoy it. What failures, mistakes and associated pain can teach you? Courage. The self-motivation that keeps you coming back to the things you love.

When I sat there, admiring others' performance, I realized how difficult it is for them to be there, how much hard work and dedication they put into it. You don't see it when you see the graceful movements floating through the dance floor. You don't see it when you are pumped up by the powerful steps and funky attitute. You feel it when you tried and you could not do it. It is not as easy as it seems. 

Well, still disappointed, I am making peace with myself. Next time, there is always hope. Until next time, my friend....  
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天邊的薔薇 回複 悄悄話 每個美麗的舞者背後都有著辛勤的汗水和努力,深深知道“台上一分鍾,台下十年功”的含義。祝你越跳越好!
40er 回複 悄悄話 Thanks a lot for your encouragement. When I first started this, I thought most of the students just think it as a leisure hobby. One of the dance teacher told me, "You open a door to a wonderful world." Now, I understand what he meant. I meet quiet a handful of students stayed in the program for years. Off the dance floor, they are the most common, even a little bit quite people. Dance is the way they express themselves and they really love dancing.
Once my teacher wanna comfort me because I am about to see a video of my dance. "Don't feel bad if the video does not look good. Everyone always say, I should have put my feet the other way, " he said. I told him, "I will not feel bad, because I can always look at my previous video. It will make this look better." No one and nothing can take away my joy and pride in dancing, because I put my heart into it. I owe myself happiness.
Know what you love and keep doing it! My friend.
greenlawn 回複 悄悄話 確實是這樣,需要往前看,需要好多好多新的嚐試和挑戰。隻要你真地動了腦筋思考了對策,真地認真準備了,臨場發揮的技能會隨著比賽次數的增加和你對舞步的熟練而自己增加的,隻要你真地努力在成為強者,並為止咬牙,為之奮鬥,不管最後拿不拿獎,你都會贏得喝彩。人的強大的精神是最感染人鼓勵人的。
