Fancy Craft

I would like to present some craft projects of my own.
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玫瑰紅戰袍:This is it! The dream dress. I made it happen!

(2014-05-24 15:15:29) 下一個

When I first saw this dress, I "WOW"ed. I love its design and feel. A lovely fuchsia color with simple streamline shinny leaves made of stones. Unfortunately, it is one size small. Furthermore, the back is open. How many hours of exercise do I need todo to look good in it!? But the second time I saw it, I know I have to get it, because I know how to enlarge it. I have to try. I also want to stone it heavily, making it the first dream dress for dancing! It is well worth the time and effort. I lost count of how many stones, sewed-on and flat-back, I had to use. But I made it the way I want it and I enjoyed every moment of it! Yeah! Time to tone up my body.

1. This stoned dress is ready for prime time, baby!

2. I like the back to be shinny as well.

3. Created a diagnal line on the front.

4. The stone detail on the side.

5. I just cannot resist to add one more pattern around the hip!

6. 裙子的本來麵目。This is NOT ME!!! The orginal dress is this beautiful latin dance dress.

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閱讀 ()評論 (4)
40er 回複 悄悄話 倫巴。Rumba
SnowFallingOnWater 回複 悄悄話 真的很拉風,穿上一定豔驚四座(偷綠草的話)。 你跳那種舞?
40er 回複 悄悄話 謝謝美言!你問的關於舞鞋的問題,我配套的鞋在博客的另一集裏,閃亮的戰靴????????
greenlawn 回複 悄悄話 改造完真是完全不同的風格了,做得真好!一定會豔驚四座的!