
世界各地馬齒莧(Purslane)的多種吃法1 組圖

(2013-10-26 13:15:02) 下一個

世界各地馬齒莧(Purslane)的多種吃法1 組圖

Purslane: Egg Purslane Tacos – Tacos de Verdolagas y Huevos

Tacos de verdolaga purslane egg - ForkFingersChopsticks.com

I’m excited you’re excited for purslane. I feel like I’m on a marketing campaign for the succulent this summer.

I confess, however, the inspiration for featuring this ingredient came from my hubby. He’s been making green smoothies this summer (adding raw kale, spinach, collards and other greens into his berry smoothies for extra nutrients). One day he asked about “purslane” and I reminded him that he’s eaten it in tacos de verdolagas.

In most Mexican cookbooks, verdolagas/purslane are mentioned in recipes with pork. But, they are also frequently eaten scrambled with eggs. That’s how I remember eating them growing up. When I told my brothers and sisters that I was writing about verdolagas – they waxed nostalgically for those tacos with verdolagas, sautéed onions, chile and scrambled eggs.

For those new to purslane, the cooked version tastes like spinach and loses its tanginess. It’s a nice earthy compliment to eggs.

When you prepare the raw purslane, make sure to use the florets and use only the tender part of the stem. The whole stem is edible, but I find the really thick stems chewy. Substitute purslane in those recipes where you’d usually have sautéed greens like spinach.

This morning we had tacos de verdolagas with a little queso fresco and salsa. They are great for breakfast, lunch, dinner or even a snack.

If any of you are already purslane fans, what’s your favorite way to eat it?

Tidbits on Purslane:

  1. Purslane is loaded with vitamins and minerals but for anyone watching their nitrate intake – as in spinach, don’t over do it.
  2. Its name in Malawi (a southeast African country) translates as “buttocks of the chief’s wife,” referring to the plants rounded leaves and juicy stems.


Ingredients tacos verdolagas purlane tomato onion chile saute - ForkFingerschopsticks.com

Verdolagas Purslane Eggs Tacos Queso - ForkFingersChopsticks.com

Purslane & Egg Tacos – Tacos de Verdolagas y Huevos

Serves 2 to 4

The reciepe serves two people abundantly; four people if you are also serving other side dishes like potatoes and beans. For added measure for four, add a few more eggs and purslane.


3 eggs, beaten

2 tablespoons oil – canola or olive oil

1/2 onion

2 cups purslane, large stems removed, 1 ½ inch pieces

1/2 large fresh tomato, diced

1 chile – jalapeno, serrano or roasted green chile, diced

1 – 2 cloves garlic, minced



Fresh corn tortillas

Queso Fresco



  1. Beat eggs with whisk or fork. Season with salt and pepper. Set aside.
  2. Heat large skillet on medium-high heat, add oil. Sauté onion for 1 to 2 minutes until it starts to become translucent. Add purslane; stir to cook for another 2 minutes. Add diced tomato, chile and garlic; sauté about 1 minute to reduce the juice from the fresh tomato. Using a spatula, push the purslane mixture to the sides to make a space to scramble the eggs. Scramble the eggs for another few minutes and mix the eggs and purslane together. Season with salt and pepper.
  3. Serve warm with corn tortillas and topped with queso fresco and salsa (preferably green).
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