


(2012-12-18 16:25:03) 下一個



Sister pulls up the wagon before a secluded dilapidated shack. Carrying Marie in his arms, Victor sinks his feet into the deep mud and drags along. He stumbles and falls, gets up to stand on his feet and trudges toward the shack.


Sister places a basket of food on the ground and spreads blankets on the straw mattress.


I'm leaving now. I'll be back tomorrow and bring you necessaries.


Thank you, Sister, for taking risk to save us.


May God save you. God have mercy to you.


Thank you. God bless you, Sister. See you tomorrow.


Victor tucks Marie in the blankets and his sheepskin coat, smiling at her. He sets fire to the wood and cooks with a tin on the fire. When the soup is ready, he feeds Marie with a spoon. Marie eats only a bit but appears satisfied with the feeding.

Victor puts the gun under the straw mattress. Victor lies beside Marie and finds her shuddering. Victor stretches out his arm to make a pillow for Marie.


Are you painful?


I'm okay.


No, you're not okay. You're shivering.

Victor seems distressed and feels Marie's forehead.


Don't worry about me. I want you to be happy.


I'm happy because we're together. But, you've got a fever. You're seriously ill. Your pains break my heart.


Hold me, hold me, Victor.

Victor holds Marie closely in his arms, sniffing her hair.

They fall asleep.

A SOUND of gunfire wakes them up.


Marie, we're attacked. Let's go, hurry up.

Victor fumbles about under the straw mattress for his gun. Victor carries Marie in his arms and sneaks out of the shack from the rear door.


Nikulin leads soldiers to siege the shack and shoot it.

Victor, with Marie in his arms, runs toward a HORSE outside the rear door. They flee on horseback together, holding in a tight embrace. The horse breaks into a gallop.


The soldiers pursue and shoot. Victor fires back while galloping. Hit by bullets, Victor and Marie fall from the horseback together.

They struggle to reach to each other. Lying on the ground side by side, they smile at each other and clasp their FINGERS. They are dying in the pool of BLOOD.


Marie hurls the apple. It hits Victor right on the forehead. Victor raises his head and sees Marie, astonished at the sight of a beauty. Victor bends over to pick up the apple from the ground, wipes it on his coat and takes a big bite out of it.

Marie sews the sapphire button onto Victor's coat, stitching before his breast where his heart beats. Victor closes his eyes and sniffs Marie's hair. Marie tries to cut the thread off with her teeth. Victor's eyes falls upon Marie while her head approaches his heart and her teeth cut the thread.  Marie raises her head. They gaze at each other.

Victor takes out his necklace and puts it on Marie's neck. Marie appears surprised and joyful.

Victor swiftly advances toward Nicholas and takes out his knife to stab. Before the tip of the knife reaches Nicholas, Marie leaps forward and throws herself in front of her father to shield him with her body.  The knife stops going in front of Marie's bosom. Marie and Victor stare at each other.

Across the swirling snow, Victor gallops the horse along the road toward the palace. Victor halts the horse, dismounts and runs toward Marie. Marie gets into ecstasy, beckons to and rushes toward Victor. They run faster and get closer.  When they reach to each other, Victor lifts Marie up in the air and whirls with her. They embrace and kiss, laughing and leaping.

The cart with Marie and Alexandra crashes through the melting ice floes. Marie falls into the icy water and struggles to get out of it. Victor rushes into the swiftly flowing water and approaches Marie whose face can be seen floating. They reach for each other. Victor holds Marie in his arms and supports her to get out of the water. Victor carries Marie in his arms and wades through the water. Marie shivers and rests her head on Victor's shoulder.

Marie follows her parent to climb into the rear of the car. Victor madly runs after Marie's car driving down the roadway, followed by a full truck of Bolshevik soldiers. Victor wrestles with some guards who try to push him back.

Victor guards on duty at the post two in the secondary hallway. Marie approaches, looking at the back of Victor. Victor slowly turns his head and takes off his cap to face Marie and play the gallant. Marie stands still, dumfounded with her open mouth. She soon recovers and they rush into each other's arms.

At the bottom of the stair, Marie spreads a handkerchief on the floor for Victor to place a cake on it. They sit on the floor, cut the cake and feed to each other, chuckling.

Victor places a wreath made of fresh flowers on Marie's head. With her fingers, Marie tries to wipe the crumbs and cream off Victor's mouth. Victor kisses Marie so as to smear her face with crumbs and cream too. Marie laughs and hammers Victor on the chest with her fists. Victor grabs hold of Marie's hands and gazes at her.

Victor pulls Marie in his arms and slowly waltzes her round the narrow space, humming Tchaikovsky. Victor looks at his necklace on Marie's neck. Marie fondles her button on Victor's coat.

The Cheka officers catch Victor and Marie clinging together. One officer comes near and separates Victor and Marie by force. Another officer knocks Victor to the ground with a sharp blow. Victor kicks against the cruel beat. The officers suppress him and take him out of the house.

Marie bursts into tears and runs after Victor. The wreath drops from Marie's head and bounces on the floor.  The officers push Marie aside roughly and trample on the wreath one by one, leaving the floor strewed with petals.

Marie crawls into the underground passage and passes out.

In the darkness, Victor gropes his way through the underground passage and stumbles over Marie's body. Victor crawls with Marie on his back and wriggles through the passage toward the manhole. Victor carries Marie in his arms and runs across the street toward the cathedral.

Victor takes off his cap, combs his and Marie's hair with his fingers, wipes mud off their faces and tidies their bedraggled clothes. Supported by Victor, Marie struggles to stand up and leans against him. After the Priest pronounces them man and wife, Victor and Marie kiss with tender passion.

Their SOULS hover around the HEAVEN.

TRUELOVE, the theme SONG is heard.


I'm not me, you're not you.

We're us, our love's true.

We're in love, we're equal.

We're equal, our love's true.


I'm not a Grand Duchess.


I'm not a Bolshevik ass.


I'm not a wretched prisoner.


I'm not a ruthless jailer.


I'm not a pearl on His Majesty's palm.


I'm not a weed at my proletarian father's tomb.


I'm not arrogant but modest.


I'm not humble but honest.


I'm not me, you're not you.

We're us, our love's true.

We're in love, we're equal.

We're equal, our love's true.



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