8-10隻/1500 克 雪梨
200 克 蓮藕
150 克 蘿卜
30 克 麥冬
30 克 川貝母
2 大勺 冰糖
3 大勺 蜂蜜
1. Clean and cut the pear, lotus root and radish. Use a juicer to extract the juices and keep it in a large jar.
2. Place the leftover pulps in a pot with some water, cook for 20 minutes and sieve or with the help of cheese cloth, squeeze the liquid from cooking into a pot.
3. Combine the liquid from cooking with the fresh juice in a pot, add Dried lily turf root (麥冬) and Tendril-leaved fritillary bulb (川貝), bring the liquid to boil and turn the stove to medium heat and cook for 30 minutes.
4. Remove the Dried lily turf root and Tendril-leaved fritillary bulb using a strainer, add rock sugar and continue simmering the liquid until it reduces to the thickness that you desire, it should resemble thick syrup by now.
5. Let cool and add raw honey, stir well and store in airtight container. Refrigerate for up to 2-3 weeks.
To serve, use 1-2 tsp in a cup of warm water to drink.
1. 把雪梨、蓮藕和蘿卜洗淨切長條狀。用榨汁機榨汁備用。
2. 把榨完汁的果渣加兩大杯水煮20分鍾後過濾或用紗布擠出湯汁,蔬果渣丟棄不用 。
3. 把鮮榨的蔬果汁和煮好擠出的湯汁混合,加入麥冬和川貝, 中火煮 30分鍾。
4. 把麥冬和川貝撈出不用,加入冰糖後繼續中小火熬製至濃稠。
5. 冷卻至室溫後加入蜂蜜拌勻,把秋梨膏裝入可密封的瓶子裏冷藏即可。
1. 可根據需要加入羅漢果、生地、葛根、等材料。
2. 熬煮時間可按個人喜好的濃稠