比吃維骨力更棒的方法---治療關節炎的神奇妙方 (ZT)
(2011-06-28 18:31:10)
好像有幾個朋友的母親都有關節疼痛的症狀。這個在網上看到的偏方,也許有作用。實際最有效的方法可能是走步鍛煉。比吃維骨力更棒的方法---治療關節炎的神奇妙方 (ZT)我大姊剛旅遊回來,提到一位團食用此方,效果很好。她現已不吃維骨力(glucosamine),甚至骨質疏鬆的藥都停了。我也曾在世界日報副刊看到有人見證此方的功效。特地上網查了一下,居然還真的有製作方法耶。 治療關節炎的神奇妙方(具有行血、舒筋、活絡之效. 有症治病,無症則養生,LKK族關節多少有點毛病,試看看吧!) 1、將買來的金黃色葡萄乾(大顆粒,美國加州產),放入一個乾淨的寬口玻璃容器內。 金黃色葡萄乾就是白葡萄乾,新竹中央路(台北市迪化街)賣南北貨的店都有賣,(1斤約120-150元)。 2、將GIN酒(英國製琴酒)倒入容器內,至淹蓋全部葡萄乾為止,一瓶酒約浸泡兩斤葡萄乾。GIN酒(BEEFEATERLONDONDRYGIN英人牌琴酒)大賣場有賣(一瓶3、4百元)算一算比吃維骨力還要便宜又天然又有效果。3、放置到全部流質(即GIN酒)被葡萄乾吸收(大約需要七天的時間)。期間可攪拌,以助流質快些吸收。 4、將製好的泡酒葡萄乾避免汙染,每次取出五粒至九粒,每日吃兩次或三次,如不喜歡純吃葡萄乾,可將其放進沙拉或麥片粥內同食。 緣起去年九月的時候有個住在麻省的朋友Hynnis,給我這秘方,她是從一個腳科醫生處得到的,這位醫生在未退休前是Georgetown醫學院的副院長。 後來我這個朋友回校探訪同事時,一個朋友告訴她,醫校的風濕專家常用這藥方給病人,通常在兩個月內,每日服食這浸酒葡萄乾就可見到功效。(這位腳科醫生及他的朋友食用這浸琴酒葡萄乾已有三十年的歷史了)。以前本人曲膝時常會有怪聲,手指稍一動就有如刀割,自從服食酒葡萄一個月之後,便已經無聲,且可以輕鬆走路,過街、上車等,彎腰亦不需靠牆,數星期後,我的關節炎及腳趾已消腫不痛;繼續服食三個月後,手指可以握拳,可以使用果仁鉗來夾果仁了,全身四肢恢復正常,背部亦不覺疼痛,亦可操握針線縫紉等工作。 為什麼這藥方有這樣好功效呢?遠在聖經早期,印度和埃及的民族就已發現juniperberries(杜鬆子)具有醫療功能,而GIN酒就是用juniperberries及其他殼類釀成的,醫生說:即使你現在服食其他藥物,或醫生囑你不要喝酒,都可不必禁忌,因為大部份的酒精早已揮發,隻剩下少量酒精是無礙的,雖然我對酒無緣,但為了保持手腳靈活,我要持續地服食這個可治療關節炎的良方。如若有風濕關節炎,手腳酸痛者,不論男女老幼,試試如法服食,試用後,如身體適應,覺得有效的話,請將此方廣印與他人分享,助人解除痛苦!English version:The Amazing Gin-Soaked Raisin Remedy § 1 lb golden raisins § gin (approximately 1 pint) § glass bowl (Pyrex ® is good—crystal is bad) § glass jar with lid Spread the golden raisins evenly on the bottom of the glass bowl and pour enough gin over them to completely cover. Let them stay that way until all the gin is absorbed. It may take 5 to 7 days. When the gin is absorbed, transfer the raisins to the jar, put the lid on and keep it closed. Do not refrigerate. Dosage. Each day, eat only the number of raisins specified on page 13 of your FREE-Preview book. No more, no less. Very important. (9 only)Q. Is the gin just making folks numb? NOPE. This remedy was tested by an expert pharmacologist at the University of North Carolina. Result? Less than one drop of alcohol was left in your daily dose of raisins. So no one's getting tipsy. They're feeling no pain because it works. Just be sure to follow the Wilen Sisters' careful directions on page 13 of your FREE-Preview copy of Bottom Line's Secret FOOD CURES. This is where you'll also discover... § The "bag cure" for morning stiffness. No more locked-up joints on cold mornings! Page 14 § Eucalyptus trick for back pain. Instant results and oh, so soothing! Page 24 § Sensational salsa recipe for carpal tunnel! Powerful proteolytic enzymes in the ingredients quickly correct the cause of your pain. Page 34 § Even make arthritic bumps disappear with the cherry remedy described on page 10