2009 (3)
2011 (132)
2012 (148)
2021 (1)
拉赫瑪尼諾夫1897年3月完成的《第一交響曲》曾被作者自認為是其最好的作品,但在當年由格拉祖諾夫指揮下首演後卻遭到了外部評論家們尖刻的批評,年輕的作曲家由此患上了嚴重的抑鬱症,不得不去看心理醫生以求擺脫痛苦的糾纏。在我看來,《第一交響曲》其實是一部非常成功的作品,它有著濃厚的宗教末日審判的氛圍,其第四樂章就是對此的鮮明表達,其音響效果之宏偉和凝重給人留下了極其深刻的印象。當然,我不過是一個醫學院畢業的音樂愛好者,所以,我的觀點沒有絲毫的權威性。 還是讓這部音樂作品自己為自己辯護吧!
Symphony No.1 in D minor Op. 13
Sergei Rachmaninov (1873-1943).
Conductor: Vladimir Ashkenazy & Concertgebouw Orchestra
I = Grave - Allegro ma non troppo (莊重地 – 快板但不要太快)
II = Allegro animato (有生氣的快板)
III = Larghetto (小廣板 = 緩慢寬廣的廣板)
IV = Finale,Allegro con fuoco (終曲,如火如荼的快板)
Thanks for your suggestion. I will do it and try to know more about the backgroud of this work.
I would like to suggest you listen it in multiple times, you might like it more than what you have thought. It really nice in deep thoughts and powerful.
yes, I agree. It's a very decent work actually.
There's a very entertaining book called Lexicon of musical Invective. In this book, the author collected thousands critical assaults on composers since Beethoven's time.
In this book, you can see how critics to predict with "accuracy" for today's disaster would have become tomorrow's acknowledged materpiece.
Thnaks for sharing even I still think Symphony No.2 is his greatest orchestral work.
By the way, like your words: 還是讓這部音樂作品自己為自己辯護吧!