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( 2009 年 9 月 13 日 )
以下是 CND 網友提供的市場上出現的非法新建築的例子。貼在這裏給大家提醒注意。
評論與提問: SQ. 2009-08-27 11:09
請問如山 , 根據你的經驗 , 這房產的命運將是如何 ? 扒了重來 ? 小區裏有十來個已建的房子 ( 房子還是很漂亮的 , 見圖 ). 下麵是 AGENT 告知該小區的房產的不合法性 :1) 沒有居住許可證 2) 不能接水電氣 .
謝謝 !
This property is available. However, there are a lot of issues surrounding this property. The previous developer is being prosecuted for fraud. There are no certificates of occupancy that have been issued for any of the properties in that subdivision, nor is the county currently allowing any utilities to be turned on. The seller has decided not to pursue resolution to any of these issues. Instead, they have opted to sell the property as is, where is with a quit claim deed. They are accepted cash offers only, Earnest money will be nonrefundable from binding agreement, no due diligence. Buyers must due their research prior to making an offer. My suggestion is to start at the court house researching any liens, taxes owed, etc. you should be able to locate a legal document outlining the events that lead up to the arrest of the previous developer and what has brought the situation about that we are currently dealing with.
評論與提問:如期2009-08-28 00:31
I am guessing the cost to fix is VERY high.
好像還行。 我猜想是合法性上有很多工作要做。 總覺得從財富不浪費角度上看,應該有解決辦法。
前麵如期、濃霧迷蒙、和KY2005都說得很對。這裏麵看來要改成正常的房子還要很多功夫。首先是要搞清楚所有的utilities是不是not available還是因為沒申請permit而還沒接上。另外當然要看所有Liens(因為用 quit claim deed)等等。但是我也同意你說的“從財富不浪費角度上看,應該有解決辦法”。因為Utilities還沒引入這個區,從個人買一間房子的角度,恐怕是不值得花這個功夫,而且很難一個業主去解決。然而,要是有能力的developer或者builder,應該是一個很值得花功夫的項目。因為這種project一旦解決permit的相關問題,應該是會有很大利潤的。要我估計,這房產的結局是foreclosure拍賣,可能拍賣價跟地價接近,然後被developer或者builder買下,解決相關問題,而不用 扒了重來。這將會帶來很大的利潤。要是這個物業(該小區的十來個房產)在我的範圍,可能就是我要尋找的最好project。
如山, 謝謝。
非常長知識的解釋. 其實,我放這裏也就是覺得對你這樣的專職的也許更有價值. 想不想擴大你的範圍? 我沒仔細跟蹤你們討論的CND退休之家. 好象這個物業蠻合適. 離大湖很近, 周圍的住家都是那種大麵積地的度假房. 幾邁之內有OUTLET MALL. 離最近的醫院現在是20邁. 再過十年就可能在家門口了.
你若需要的話, 給個E. 我把代理人給的信息給你轉過去. 我可以放我的E在這裏. 但就怕如期來冒充你.
Thanks for your information. But it is too far from me。
Basing on what you copy on the CND, I'd suggest you don't tough it no matter how cheap. The main trouble is we don't know how difficult to hold up with the utilities (I can't find any thing in the web).
如山,附件是該房子裏麵的照片. 有關該建築商的官司消息,可以用地址搜索. 好象是用沒居住權的房產騙房貸. 下麵是我GOOGLE找到的信息.這個房子是不準備買的. 我隻是好奇, 想知道如何才能讓它們變成可用的房子.