
遊走四方的魚 (熱門博主)
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The Bright Blue SEA

The Crystal Sea
the light of the sea,
Waving gentley with the breeze.
But, don't look at it the way it is
for it's full of surprises
if you look down deep
The Bright Blue Sea.

The great barrel reef
invites a zillion more fish
to be their guests.
And calling all to angel fish
to stay and raise their their
Famalies .

You shoud of seen the winning turtle
he waited until the final lap
then he herd a great big shout
it was the judge shouting out
"He wins ! He wins! Turtle number 10!He wins!"

So pround so tired,
smiling with pride
He's herd what he wanted,
and now he's gleaming with pride!

In the watery mirror
the rugged white tern
admires her face
by the light of the moon:
the sweet little mask,
the beak beneath,
a silver little fish
still stuck in her beak

I will never take walks
like some spoiled little dog
at least -I'm a fish
so I don't even walk.

Sometimes I bite you
and you sob, sob, sob.
So what do you expect?
Nobody wants a pet like a SHARCK!

Dolphins in pods
clicking all the songs they know.
Their singing in their smooth coats- where they'll always singing from head to toe.

Clicking out their highest notes.
They lope across the summer water
singing to
the neighbor hoods.

They sing until there throats are sore,
all summer long their voices pour
dolphin music through the air.
If no one listens,
they don' care.

I'm just a simple turtle
and this is all I ask:
a shallow stream for swimming
and a quiet place to bask...

plus...a ray or two of sunshine
and... a boulder for my pillow would be absoulotly grand.
Oh,a I'd love a log for floating
and some lotin for my back...

Then...a bird to entertain me
and some guitar players too.
And I guess I'll need some sunglasses if the sunshine is tooooo much.

But I 'm just a simple turtle
So that's not the way I'm made!
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閱讀 ()評論 (5)
naivekid 回複 悄悄話 喜歡她的詩還有畫!透過她純真汙染的心和眼睛,世界是如此美好。一個才華橫溢的Indigo寶貝——她是上帝給這個世界的禮物!
遊走四方的魚 回複 悄悄話 回複平淡的生活就是幸福的評論:
平淡的生活就是幸福 回複 悄悄話 你家小姑娘好厲害啊!是不是學過畫畫?
遊走四方的魚 回複 悄悄話 回複深深海洋的評論:
深深海洋 回複 悄悄話 女兒真行!用的色彩太好了。