


(2020-10-29 20:21:15) 下一個




各位中國同胞和武漢老鄉們,我非常榮幸地在美國華盛頓接受由“華盛頓奧希日基金會”頒給“武漢吹哨醫生”的“奧希勇氣獎“。 “奧希”在希臘文裏是“不”的意思。這個獎項是紀念希臘人在第二次世界大戰爆發的時候對法西斯德國說“不”並勇敢戰鬥的精神。


武漢是一座英雄的城市,也是在推翻清王朝中打響第一槍的地方。“武漢吹哨人”繼承了同專製鬥爭的傳統。我今天代表他們接受這個勇氣獎,就是要跟隨他們的步伐,學習他們的精神,不僅敢於對自然界病毒而且對“社會病毒”,包括言論審查等,“到處說‘不’” 。“管它批評不批評,老子到處說,是不是?” (武漢話。)


It is a great honor for me to accept the Oxi Courage Award on behalf of the Whistleblower Doctors in Wuhan, the Chinese central city where I was born, raised, and had worked.   

While the whole world remembers Wuhan as the ground zero of this global pandemic, few know that the city was the site for the uprising that toppled China’s two thousand-year imperial rule in October 1911, and ushered in the Republic of China, the first republic in Asia.

Eighty years ago, today, when the Greek people courageously stood up to the seemingly invincible Nazi forces, the city of Wuhan also put up fierce resistance against the foreign invaders.  

Knowing Wuhan’s glorious past, one is not surprised by what the Wuhan whistleblower doctors did early in this year.   From the first day of this global outbreak, the doctors began their daily battle on the front lines courageously and selflessly to save others    More importantly, when the government suppressed and censored the information about the coronavirus outbreak, they risked their careers and well being in exposing the Communist Party’s cover-ups, and alerted the rest of the world against the deadly potential of this threat.

One of those whistleblowers, Dr. Li Wenliang, died from Covid-19, but the others continued to fight and refuse to be silenced.  “I AM a big mouth. No matter what pressures are, I’m going to talk about the virus to whoever and wherever I could,” said a doctor to her suppressor.

Just as the Greeks said OXI to the Nazis, the Wuhan whistleblowers  not only said OXI! to COVID but also OXI! to disinformation, censorship, and political suppression. They are the true heroes.  By recognizing them, the Oxi Courage Award inspires all of us io follow their footsteps and say Oxi to any virus and evils from nature and human society.

Thank you very much.



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nightrider 回複 悄悄話 Well done!
x瀟瀟 回複 悄悄話 謝謝紀念那些努力抑製疫情爆發的英雄們!
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