Shakespeare Sonnet II. 惜春 漢譯仿古應和李唐
-莎翁尋美十四行漢譯沁園春 09年 初春
-和對模仿美語李唐君《沁園春 尋美》配圖 惜春仿古一語湖邊
From Google 仕女圖
風憂韻存,四十寒署,香融雪亍沉魚羞雁月,紋深處處嫩季花,澀果漿熟,春花秋裏,寒草顆顆,妖嬈過後竟憐蹙詩幾何,奈春風不久 美麗難初?眸語夕暈栩栩,池溢濡,揮金奢盈禍,
難拒媚惑,尋美躊躕麗顏依舊,童豔鮮初, 時光盼留婷楚楚 耄耄時,血弱脈微愁,夢歸泉宿。
Warning: 鑒: 樂觀高處人生, 瑜伽美容處處;養生食補 豆腐!恰同學少年, 鶴發童顏如初, 惜春不宜太久, 昂首提臀豐乳, 滋撫推揉安摩,琴棋書畫竟逍遙!美麗如初, 要Positive!讀博深思, 一語留言, 看官留步, 青春久駐!
商榷字眼:(妍難駐)(年紋植 露出,生生楚 生露露, 栩栩楚,楚璐璐。雀紋深楚)
Note: 韻太多也不好,還沒把握規律。律詩暗道密碼太多,解密慢,也難
莎翁原文:Shakespeare Sonnet II.
From Google - When forty winters shall besiege thy brow,
- And dig deep trenches in thy beauty's field,
- Thy youth's proud livery so gazed on now,
- Will be a tattered weed of small worth held:
- Then being asked, where all thy beauty lies,
- Where all the treasure of thy lusty days;
- To say within thine own deep sunken eyes,
- Were an all-eating shame, and thriftless praise.
- How much more praise deserved thy beauty's use,
- If thou couldst answer 'This fair child of mine
- Shall sum my count, and make my old excuse'
- Proving his beauty by succession thine.
- This were to be new made when thou art old,
- And see thy blood warm when thou feel'st it cold.
原貼自李唐《沁園春 尋美》
From Google
- 李唐 君
卌載將去,每每冬寒,困踐麗顏。奐佳園地裏,深溝遍是。青春傲,錦裳眸連,終也難逃,支離野草,蕩盡窈窕無價憐。頻被問,美曾何處有,珍盛何焉?亮出眸框深含,通占恥、揮奢讚語緣。 美之途頌讚,你值幾遍?你能應對:“看那童妍”"我所瑰華,點盤由他,”即證他承你血源。當老邁,血冷逢春又,流淌溫泉。 Feb 27,2009