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【習作心得】“三碗不過岡” 與 “五段出文章”

< 550 words 短文之構成, 日以習之, 篇章可成矣


“三碗不過岡” 與 “五段出文章”
融 TOEFL / IELTS 應試寫作技巧

  1. 世人常歎東西之別,然一語觀之,東西乎日之升降,其理如一,如陰陽之和諧。
  2. 古有西天取經,今有習漢語熱潮。
  3. 華夏文化世人矚目,天方一水,地原一日。
  4. 多元世界,同為人類。
  5. 一語以繼年少之好奇,移居湖邊,習洋文自娛。
  6. 平常工作,友西人,觀起居,小異有,理大同
  7. 驚李唐君答譯西人名言。
  8. 小戰士仿古語隨之,東西合璧。
  9. 一氣嗬成,毫無牽強。漢語自然形象。
  10. 西語精確科學!堪為一例!
  11. 看官思之,無惑也!
以小序為例 英文寫出 十一個句子如下:

  1. People often argue about various cultural differences between West and East.
  2. When you wake up in the morning the sunrises from the east, later, picturing in your mind, the sunsets in the West in the evenings, those are really the things can make you understand the universal happenings in nature.
  3. Good example in human history in this case is novelized in the Chinese literature "Journey to the West".
  4. As mentioned by many philosophers known to the world, harmony is one of the highest statuses that many politicians dream about.
  5. Very personally, I see Western people nothing different from Easterners based what we see in their daily lives.
  6. Followed by the curiosity in my youth, I landed at a lakeside being friends with some west people, and to be closer to the culture of English speaking people.
  7. I do ordinary jobs, and realize, other than small things, the huge moral of human beings is all the same in those multi-nations.
  8. A most recent case of this kind is Mr Li, a blog-writer posted his translation of 14 West sayings which I found interesting in my imitations of the Chinese ancient language.
  9. It conveys the meaning well, and you may agree. 
  10. To sum up, languages vary, however, Chinese language is natural and vivid but perhaps West ones are more accurate in a sense of delivery our observations of life.
  11. Surely, you may find an answer if you keeping this question in the considerations.

Above is written in reviewing the styles skills done in TOFEL and IELTS writing skills,
in Chinese, called:
一句綱要,兩分思考,“三碗不過岡” 五段出文章, 六七好字匯,七句八型變,九要短,十模樣!

“三碗不過岡” 與 “五段出文章”
融 TOEFL / IELTS 寫作技巧

  1. 一句綱要,-虛指,每段構思一句綱要句子點明主旨。
  2. 兩分思考,-虛指,每篇予以兩分鍾時間思考要點,關鍵字匯,提綱。
  3. “三碗不過岡”-虛指,每段構思 兩到三句話。句子長度 小於 22 個單詞為好。(幸運數也為A4/12號字 一行)
  4. 五段出文章,-實指,一般而言 一篇文章,信件,五段 即可明了。網絡寫作(Web-writng) 流行短文。
  5. 六七好字匯,實指,單詞長度以短為好,長音節詞匯,及學術性字匯控製與六致七個即可。
  6. 七句八型變,虛指,句型要變,愈多,愈活躍,愈口語化則 愈有感染力。
  7. 九要短,虛指,無論段或者句子,包括字匯,以長短結合為上。尤其長句之後要用寫短句!北美尤其推崇!
  8. 十模樣!虛指,諾一每句22 詞,每段 2-4 句,每篇 5 段起, 加 引用他人語錄轉折設問感歎引申 各一段,十段 到 十一段 文字成矣!共計:1,100 詞也。
  9. 短文 250 - 550 長文 800 -1000。長文謂“章”, 篇章之構思,萬字論說可創作矣!
  10. 組“字”則“句”成,集“句”則“段”成,集“段”則“文” 成,集“文”則“篇章”成!集“篇章”則 “議論及小說”成矣

  1. People often argue about various cultural differences between West and East.When you wake up in the morning the sunrises from the east, later, picturing in your mind, the sunsets in the West in the evenings, those are really the things can make you understand the universal happenings in nature.
  2. Good example in human history in this case is novelized in the Chinese literature "Journey to the West". As mentioned by many philosophers known to the world, harmony is one of the highest statuses that many politicians dream about.
  3. Very personally, I see Western people nothing different from Easterners based what we see in their daily lives. Followed by the curiosity in my youth, I landed at a lakeside being friends with some west people, and to be closer to the culture of English speaking people.
  4. I do ordinary jobs, and realize, other than small things, the huge moral of human beings is all the same in those multi-nations. A most recent case of this kind is Mr Li, a blog-writer posted his translation of 14 West sayings which I found interesting in my imitations of the Chinese ancient language. It conveys the meaning well, and you may agree. 
  5. To sum up, languages vary, however, Chinese language is natural and vivid but perhaps West ones are more accurate in a sense of delivery our observations of life. Surely, you may find an answer if you keeping this question in the considerations.

Pages (approximate):                                         1    ( 頁數 )

Google 文本技術分析:

  1. Words:                                                        240    ( 總計 詞匯數 )
    Paragraphs:                     1    
    Sentences:                                                     15     (句子總數 )
  2. Average words per sentence:                      16.00 (平均句長 為十六詞 )
  3. Average characters per word:                       4.82 (平均每詞字母數 為 4.82 )

    Readability:  (可讀係數)
  4. Flesch Reading Ease: [?]                            57.00    (難度均係數)
    Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level: [?]                   9.00    (難度均級度)
    Automated Readability Index: [?]                  9.00    (難度均指數)

諾以此類短文為段,每段增添兩-三句,4-5 句為好,
每句< 22 個字匯,字匯短為好,五段之內千字出

5 (句子)X 22(字匯) X 5(段落)= 550 字

一語湖邊 原創 

  • 可成一大段:
  • People often argue about various cultural differences between West and East.When you wake up in the morning the sunrises from the east, later, picturing in your mind, the sunsets in the West in the evenings, those are really the things can make you understand the universal happenings in nature.Good example in human history in this case is novelized in the Chinese literature "Journey to the West". As mentioned by many philosophers known to the world, harmony is one of the highest statuses that many politicians dream about.Very personally, I see Western people nothing different from Easterners based what we see in their daily lives. Followed by the curiosity in my youth, I landed at a lakeside being friends with some west people, and to be closer to the culture of English speaking people.I do ordinary jobs, and realize, other than small things, the huge moral of human beings is all the same in those multi-nations. A most recent case of this kind is Mr Li, a blog-writer posted his translation of 14 West sayings which I found interesting in my imitations of the Chinese ancient language. It conveys the meaning well, and you may agree. To sum up, languages vary, however, Chinese language is natural and vivid but perhaps West ones are more accurate in a sense of delivery our observations of life. Surely, you may find an answer if you keeping this question in the considerations.
225 words

Links, 原帖備考:http://web.wenxuecity.com/BBSView.php?SubID=mysj&MsgID=45453

 Internet research, Readers discretion advised!
 Burlington, Ca. 2009 March
Contact : john.canjourno.2008@gmail.com
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