

(2008-11-28 20:17:12) 下一個

大湖兩地 德利一語


冬令湖畔孤鵝淵,天地悠悠靜思遠 !

  Nov, 26 2008

Dear Deli 君,

People feel the time flies because in winter they miss the breezes. But the breezes now at the lakes chill and chilly.

Hard to remember how many times listened to this song. But this is the only he wrote especially for Shanghai, when he traveled there. Maybe there could be more if he would had not left us too earlier in an plane over the sea. Some of my Toronto Friends had recently toured the unique city on a very tight schedule, for which I prepared a small map of the Bund-area for them to take a stroll.

He was inspired when he walked along the river during his stay there. But by his lyrics in his song, I figured he was feeling in love for sure. Shanghai, yes it's almost as mysterious as it can be. The city turned it's appearance so fast that no one trust the memories. No wonder 安 Lee wanted to film it in 2007. causing sensations in the circle. If China or Chinese are still the words most popularly referred to something miraculously puzzling, then Shanghai has been put, add, or noted as a bit of modern sense, if look at the drinking lists in the Bars, Shanghai Lady, Shanghai so and so, Oh, Shanghai babe,...Exactly as one of them said to me "it's a typical a nowadays' version of New York city". Shanghai now is mostly popular as it was in 30's when exactly the An lee's film mirrored.

Tonight, I made in a multimedia player the "Shanghai Breezes" by John Denver with other two clips. 12 Girl's Band Shanghai and Today's Shanghai

May you enjoy it, and trust you re doing very well!


Country Music, John Denver, Multimedia 多元視頻
 “Shanghai Breezes”, by John Denver,

-with other two clips. 12 girl's band, Shanghai and Today's Shanghai

點首鄉村歌, 【上海 微風】 


May you enjoy it, just Click the play on 【Mp3 player】

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