中國俗話講:‘鑼鼓’聽音‘啊!紅袖飄香還添亂, 聽著名字,是個“角兒” 的意思了. 看著文學城詩壇上下的,時不時的紅袖裏就抖出了詩的詞的。那浪漫地氣息,不令人窒息,不胡思亂想,也說明精力是集中得十分可以的。然而讀著這首詩, 這感覺就更豁然地蒼涼起來。。。
躍入眼簾的:‘風沙' ’落日‘ ‘大漠’ 廣袤, 與蒼狼的孤獨,一種西部的淒涼的美感,猶如’寒風‘中 悠遠地’長嘯‘ 撕開冷月下的夜幕. 畫麵裏竟是:‘寒風冷月’ 與 ’沙浪孤煙‘ ; 到了'西行與萬裏戈壁’ 與 ‘破霜而出’ ‘搏擊鷹蟒’ 武打動作, 就會想到一些動作的設計。而畫麵的處理,在第一段的第三句就交代了:‘生存’;‘掙紮’,‘拚搏’,‘出征’ ‘製勝’, 穿插些 ‘生衍’的細節,加上柔化些‘血性’的鏡頭,看來就一切都妥了。剩下的隻是物色:帶著‘不愈的傷’ 的 我們的‘大漠蒼狼’ 的主角了。。電影或詩歌,確實是需要些‘蒼狼’派的。。。
詩, 好, 意境,更‘蒼’。讀到這,想到這會兒,柔柔紅袖,飄香添亂的‘男兒氣概’ 就水落石出,‘詩人’ 的本質終於得以把握住了!
【Chinese Poetry 】 A Close Reading,
In this poem, artistic elements, we seen in images, actions, even the color and the sounds are vividly well described. 'Heroic', 'Solitary', 'West scenes' are main themes in the picture that the poet draw for us.
Story starts from a stormy day on a desert area in the west areas, where readers and viewers can see the setting sun, bloody, and gold, against the yellowish sea of sand, endless, and harsh. So the main character, a ordinary looking, grey, maybe, little bit of dark, a lone wolf, howling in a cold moonlit night deep in the mountains.
Differed from those doggies in arms of the rich-ladies or a sad man sitting at the bar or in the fancy car, the 'Wolf' is the hero in the nature; he had scars in his face, and all the battles fought for food, and his children, and his 'tribes' in 'fighting' with other kinds of animals, including human? Maybe.
Most interestingly, the what we called 'personification' is used just oppositely to draw a picture of the ‘Hero': A lonely Wolf, seemingly a unique character in this powerful poem.
"Calls from the wild" and numerous stories and even movie had tried in depicting the "heroism' of the wolves. they run, chase, bite, and howl in the cold wind under the moon in deep mountains. All these actions we saw and heard, and even his colors, and colors of the sky in a setting sun in distance desert of the west, vivid and living.
Then fall in deep thinking of the relations with animals and the total significance of the environment, which we human and other creatures to live in. Maybe you might wanna click again!
Note: Lakeshore, a little soldier