
【大湖兩地閑談漫筆】德利一語 0801: 信複德利 君

(2008-08-30 20:37:54) 下一個
【大湖兩地閑談漫筆】德利一語 0801
 信複德利 君:


回答: 為德利君點首鄉村歌,我默默注視著夏夜遙遠湖麵,輕輕地,浪在搖晃!一語湖邊_lakeshore

2008-08-29 20:40:41





Dear Deli 君,
Country Music, Don Williams, 柏林頓牛排節

It's pity that some people stay working during the weekend, but whom are among admired in my eyes. For some years, I used to enjoy few moment of being free of doing nothing while others are busier at party or some sort of activities that keep them busy.

I am so glad that you also enjoy the country music that I posted last night. It was one of my loved songs by Don Williams. said he is one of the earliest country music singers. Pretty hard now could I remember when exactly I first heard his singing, yet his magnetic  voice still touches people's heart. People feel attached to certain sort of music, for it instantly reminds them the moments of experience in life. This is one reminded me a lot when language capability was quite weak; I felt more eager to listen to understand it.

You are right, the verbal part of it seems little fast, but the whole song delivered in a sincere talking mood, like other stylist singers in a similar way of singing the country lyrics. Guess, it is the important reason people like them, including me.

At corner of the bay, the Lake today was even quite, seems it was listening to the noises from the bank where people gathered from all around corners and nearby town and cities for the 'Rib Feast', a local tradition for quite many years. "Number one Ribs, in Northern America" this is what the slogan says. But I really can smell the 'ribs' in the air. The Ribs are nice, Yummy too.

Thanks for your many good posts this week, I enjoyed them all, a lot, especially those 21 short verses, 【雜感 20 首】nice captures and snap reflections from the moments observed in life. Enjoyable readings.

Here at this side of the lake, we have the saying that the 'ribs fest' ends, the summer ends, and
As Canadian say:  Summer is always too short in Northern America. So, please enjoy it.


夏日湖邊 2008 08 30

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