
【贈德利君一語淺作】請玉與君吾友德利:“再別康橋” 淺譯講演

(2008-07-29 21:59:50) 下一個
Bye Bye, My Cambridge - A deep voice from a bridge,

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A short speech,

Few days later, I am going to say good bye, to all of you, to this program, toPatricia, she brought us many joys on a journey, walking on a bridge from here tothere, from past to future. She helped me writing a bridge too, a beautiful bridge on Hamilton bay, from where I often walked along the lake shore home in the summer breezes.

Today, I am going to read you a poem written by a Chinese poet. He studied the banking and sociology in America, and his Master degree in literature at Cambridge in 1920. He was the beginning of Chinese modern poetry.His stylish romance in poetry and in real life still fascinate hundred and thousands young from early 30's till now.
( His name is
Xu, Zhi mo (1896 - 1931 11.19)

He was a poet of romance,a famous name. He returned to China in 1922 from England; Within a decade, many poems he had written, and left to us hadformed what is called "New Moon", a movement new in poetry writen in modern Chinese language. Hewrote three poems about one of the bridges
in Canbridge.

On November 6, 1928, he wrote passionately, "Bye, Again, Cambridge" returned from Cambridge, on a ship backhome.  This poem Published on December 10, 1928. ( Vol.1 No10 ) when he chaired as an Editor of a "New Poetry publication" .

He says: Quietly, (as ) I'm leaving , speechless,
as I came in silence. Yet, delight rhymes heard within. I wave (my love), to thee, Cambridge, O, a hundred time good byes  whispered, (in the air,) the clouds in colors, painted in the sky...

(Silently, as I turn, speechless, 'n quietness in heaven. Silence, 'n my footsteps, when soft music played;So lightly it flies, 'n my sleeve; In a bitter sweet, whisperings, 'n the clouds above, are left colored in the sky...)

Butonly three years after this poem had written, sadly an planeaccident shortened his life, when he was only 35. However, he is still alive, as his name and poems remain, in people's mind.

Life is short but journey is long however, we will go on the journey we start, crossing the bridge; Yes, we shall walk on, and on.

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Thank you for your gift – your beautiful translation. I’m very glad toread your master piece, the version of “Chance” by Xu Zhimo. This isthe first time for me to read his poems with my heart. This poem is oneof his most famous classics. I love it so I translated the whole poemand present my version to you in return. Poem-translation is my newfield. It is you that led me to enter this beautiful garden ofpoem-translation. As doing other things, we cannot make poemtranslation confined to a certain style. You have your style, he hashis, and I have mine. Now I’d like to show you my style. Whilecomparing on the whole, I feel that yours is liberal translation(意譯)but mine is literal translation(直譯). I quite agree with what you saidabout his poem. In order to make myself well understood, I’d like tomake an explanation in Chinese. Hope you don’t care.
Deli Song 07-29- 2008

I’m very much interested in your recent and immediate plan, but I’msorry to hear that your bird-friends have gong with the wind. But noneed to feel disappointed, maybe they’ll be back soon.

附:宋譯【偶然-徐誌摩 詩】- 08 年夏日






Translated by Deli Song

I am only a cloud in the sky,
Just by chance mirror in your wave mind -
In surprise no need,
Let alone in glee -
In a flash traces wholly passed by.

We encounter on the sea at dark night,
You have your direction, and I have mine;
Good you remember,
Better you forget,
The light bursting out at our meeting time!

From Internet source, Study purpose only, Discussion welcome
Readers discretion advised!
約翰雷K. Shaw Burlington, Ca. 2008 080719
You can reach him at:

akeshore_viewer_2008@yahoo.cn (China) john.canjourno.2008@gmail.com (Canada)

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