
【筆談 與Deli 君】 我在,湖邊大步地走著,北方的夏日照在我身上

(2008-07-26 20:20:08) 下一個
筆談 與Deli 君: 我在,湖邊大步地走著,北方的夏日照在我身上!

June 26th 2008,


君的 機要“ 信 收到十分高興。你的信讀來個性,也真情感人。






如遇到三倆知己,實乃幸運。君之話語當然還在我腦海裏, 一直等有機會給你一信,
向君敞開胸中之竹ye!Following are typed out in English.

I am so sorry. I did not write too much in past couple of weeks.

But I treasure the penmanship between us a lot ! Other than that, I played twice Tennis with one of my friends from another small town called Oakville, about 15 minutes away. I like the summer sunshines and kisses my skin. Now it's bit of dark now, and looks better colored.

Please allow me some time to get ready to come back to your proposed ideas.

Normally can hardly know my profession by only reading the Blog I wrote, for those are only part of my life.but actually I had quite many years in the field of business of marketing.

And one of my weakness, namely, is that I devoted or indulged too much to things I interests turned to, however, like you said, among few things ones can in his life time
need focused commitment and passion. I can not agree any more!

It would be one of possibilities to shift my career into another profession which I always dreamed of could be nice but challenging thing to do.

My recent and immediate plan might includes:
Seeking co-writers for the English Blog, on several interested topics, so to up grade the web-content for international or multicultural readers.
Seeking suitable topic to break through into the some interesting topics, which need fast writings to respond.
Seeking opportunities to know better about the city of Toronto.

Please be free to let me know if you find any suitable subject that we might fall together, or could collaborate, if I may able to do, or time allows?

I can sense there will be a shifting in my life as I expressed to you in my last mail, in several respects. Will keep you informed.

One thing is recently on my mind that is there are any Canadian Poet known to the Chinese people?

I quite interested in trying one of them, since recently I have been reading a few poems which are quite nice.

Before this, I have to let you know, that I have been missing my "balcony friends" a lot, they finally decided to leave me, maybe they can bear the bareness after the renovation job which seems dragging along quite slowly.

As our usual practice, attached to you a small piece of poem in separate post, please kindly check!

Have a nice week ahead!

Truly yours,


I feel like a piece of maple leaf flying, and flying ...high and higher, over the lake of Ontario.

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