

(2008-03-27 07:36:04) 下一個

【也談 “Shanghainese" By: 一語湖邊

原帖: http://web.wenxuecity.com/BBSView.php?SubID=teatime&MsgID=146076
網絡搜索主題: 上海,Very randomly:

· Shanghai is always a topic. Very controversial, Shanghai People sometimes pay less attention to the city they live in, but the interest grows as they get out of the town.

· This is often seen when you travel to the places like Venice in Italy, or to remote town small and quite as “Wu-zhen” - 烏鎮 in the southern part of China, you tell immediately whose are coming from outsides from those generation dwellers from  the quietest smiles in their faces looking at the outlanders curiously.

· Quite interesting, “Shanghai” has been a topic of many works. Told in Numerous movies, fictions, and so on. An lee’s movie -“Lust, caution” – 色戒 , could serve no argues another most recent example. Why It is become an interest so peculiar for people from everywhere.

· That the People in Hong Kong or Taiwan have special interests in Shanghai is very obvious. We may feel that from the movies they made in recent years. From earliest “shanghai-bund” 上海灘, to latest “Lust, caution” – 色戒 .

· Truly enough, a big topic, -shanghai started some 200 years ago from a small fishing village to now has a lot to unfold. · Or is there any one specialized in digging into the history or studying the city-development of  a sort? Surely it could cost some time to find out….

【也談,上海人:“shanghainese"】 "nish or nese" By: 一語湖邊
也談, “shanghainese" 我的漢字輸入有點問題,原諒我用英語.

上海國際化了,應運而出的是”SHANGHAINESE “ 這個稱謂的出現 .
Basically, I did not see anything wrong with that. When we define a word is properly used or not, should we consider situations where the word or the term is used. If we are in the discussion in the sence of the of language .

“在上海時,我聽到嬌滴滴的上海女子在酒店裏對幾個東方麵孔的男人介紹自己說,”I’M SHANGHAINESE”. 我真的有點兒迷惑. 在感請上, 我沒法把’SHANGHAINESE’ 和上海人等同起來.我認為 最自然不過的一句話是上海人對自己的同胞說”我是上海人”,而對老外說 “I’m Chinese. ”

Here is a question: first, in daily conversation, there are many nationalities or people outside with oriental faces: Japanese, Korean, or Honkongnese. suppose you re among them and try to make clear what is your local language or try to give more information of you back ground you would naturally added where you’re from. From this point hardly could we see any thing unsuitable.

“但是鮮有上海人直接了當地對自己的同胞說”我是上海人”, 既使他們說完後也要補充一句, 其實他們父母不是上海本地人. 可是,當無比可愛的上海美眉躲在英文裏嬌媚而自豪地說I’M SHANGHAINESE”的時候,卻好像沒有一點需要說明的解釋,反而讓人覺得是上海人要飛出CHINESE 的圈子, 而直接飛向”SHANGHAINESE”,目標是和 TAIWANESE, HONKONESE, JAPENESE看齊, 而把其他的Chinese 甩在身後. 我不能不承認上海人的優越, 這和所有北京人,NEWYORKER, CHICAGOREN 的優越感是等同的,大城市有著得天獨厚的地理環境, 令人咋舌的商業中心, 前衛時尚的流行精品,巨大而風格獨特的博物館,物價昂貴的名街名宅, 更有要人, 巨星, 富商雲集, 為城市錦上添花.”

Same as Hongkongnese, Cantonese, Taiwanese, it comes with the languages exposure to the outside world. it is known that China is such huge country with many local languages; there are cases when people in real conversation to be more specific as to let the listeners know where she or he is from instead of just saying "Chinese". It goes along with more exposure of Chinese people and China as a whole. I always say I am “shanghainese” to make clear I am not Cantonese as my westerners friends thought, and to give my languages preference is not Cantonese but Mandarin, or shanghainese as native. Then added I am “Chinese-Canadian” to tell I am Chinese as my nationality.

“但是 , 一個地域再優秀 , 也不可能擺脫它的民族和隸屬國 , AFTER ALL, A SHANGHAINESE IS STILL A CHINESE, 我猜是不是有一天 , 當一個 NEWYORKER 到中國旅行 , 對老中們說 “ 我是 紐約人 ”, 而我們又可以分辯出他的紐約口音時 , 那麽 SHANGHAINESE 才可以百般驕傲於這個詞語的發明 . ”

Secondly, I have heard people in Canada or American saying they are "Torontonian" or 'New Yorker' too, to people who knows little about the area or find hard to tell the difference from their accents. It is quite natural to be a bit specific. It is as simple as to say I am Canadian. but lived in Toronto. So from some people, "Chinese" "Canadian" or "American" is more or less to mean their nationalities only. Surely when they are mixed only with other Westerners and meeting people of other ethics they will mention the country where they belong to as to tell the true nationalities are.

其實 , SHANGHAINESE 這個詞本身聽起來真的酷極了 . 隻是用起來 , 卻有那麽一點不倫不類 . 因為 , 上海人不用對老中說 , “ 我是 SHANGHAINESE,” , 而對老外應該 說 ”I’M CHINESE”. 我想巴 , 想巴 , 這個詞最大的用處 , 是在和殖民地的香港人 , 或是以英語為母語的東南亞同胞交流中可以說 . “I’M SHANGHAINESE”, 既能體現上海和他們相近的西化程度 , 又可不露痕跡地掩飾說 ” 我是上海人 ” 的一點尷尬 , SHANGHAINESE 顯然已經厭倦了作為 ” 上海人 ” ,而 TRY TO GET OUT OF IT. 於是 SHANGHAINESE 便在自以為是的在洋涇浜小資們中間流行了起來 .

So, allow me to quote: " 上海人不用對老中說 , “ 我是 SHANGHAINESE,” , 而對老外應該 說
”I’M CHINESE”. Let’s figure out this way: when you meet some westerners, amidst some 3-4 Chinese, they know you are all 'Chinese" for sure. Then it is better, to say 'Shanghainese" or "Hongkongnese"or "Taiwanese" rather than only "Chinese", which tells your nationality but not clear about the local languages. Unless there is no such word at all, or the city is too small to say, "I am Shu_Zhou_ese" as an example?

However, it is noted the word  “Shanghainese” might be still not acceptable in some dictionaries. And one more thing the "-nese" itself is also within the language discussion too, if we noticed. Here, as some one asked why  "Spanish' is not called 'Spanese' or 'Japanese' but why not "Japanish', or 'Chinese" but not to be called "Chinarian" "Chin-nish" just a example of language curiosity, or whatsoever? It is truly another interesting 'why" or to name it deference of "nish and nese" to dig into?

One more thing: there is huge sub-cultural difference among locations and cities in China, owning to the immobility of Chinese citizens in the past and to the lacking of  the public transportation and communications . But now, the vital thing for Chinese is to go beyond our 

, or be not too fussy about where we come from. Unless one had personal problems with the people form the varied locations. That is why I guess people are calling for a mindset of more internationally oriented

Post for personal interest, Thursday, March 27, 2008

約翰雷客霄 Burlington, Ca.
Contact: lakeshore_viewer_2008@yahoo.cn (China) john.canjourno.2008@gmail.com( International )

附: 高手專題Blog鏈接:


1. 【也談,上海人: “ Shanghainese" 】 By: 一語湖邊 [ 品茶小軒 ] - 一語湖邊 _lakeshore(4927 bytes ) (19 reads)2008-03-26 http://web.wenxuecity.com/BBSView.php?SubID=teatime&MsgID=146076

2. 對 “SHANGHAINESE” 和 ” 上海人 ” 的一點困惑 [ 品茶小軒 ] - 風清月白 (1647 bytes ) (143 reads)2008-03-24 http://web.wenxuecity.com/BBSView.php?SubID=teatime&MsgID=145701

02 主題搜索:清單見下:

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• 謝謝莊主:)我是坐著公車走進上海的:) [品茶小軒] - 為吃不怕麻煩(0 bytes ) (3 reads)2006-07-23
• 回複:連上海的老底子都要挖呀, [品茶小軒] - 莊文雅(223 bytes ) (6 reads)2006-08-10
• 回複:回複:連上海的老底子都要挖呀, [品茶小軒] - 莊文雅(349 bytes ) (10 reads)2006-08-10
• 上海的確是個淑女培訓站,不管湖南辣妹還是四川潑婆 [品茶小軒] - 莊文雅(72 bytes ) (28 reads)2006-07-17
• 都是在上海變的,感謝上海,感謝生活:) [品茶小軒] - 為吃不怕麻煩(0 bytes ) (4 reads)2006-07-17
• 清純:2者都是阿拉上海姑娘啦 (圖) [品茶小軒] - TigerHunter1(186 bytes ) (35 reads)2006-06-28
• 海上花 之煎餅果子“上海造” [品茶小軒] - 為吃不怕麻煩(4421 bytes ) (296 reads)2006-06-17
• 南方人吧 嗬嗬。上海人? [品茶小軒] - 笑的跟花兒一樣(0 bytes ) (8 reads)2006-06-16
• 你知道嗎,百盛可是上海小姑娘的最愛,下次你去必勝客時 [品茶小軒] - 聶耳(102 bytes ) (29 reads)2006-06-10
• 我是急性子,到了上海才學會了悠閑:) [品茶小軒] - 為吃不怕麻煩(0 bytes ) (7 reads)2006-06-10
• 坐著公車看都市 之走進上海 [品茶小軒] - 為吃不怕麻煩(4409 bytes ) (215 reads)2006-06-10
• 2006年上海高考作文題是 (zt) [品茶小軒] - 聶耳(1886 bytes ) (160 reads)2006-06-09
• 我昨天貼的上海民歌喜歡嗎? 會唱嗎 [品茶小軒] - 海姑娘(81 bytes ) (7 reads)2006-06-07
• 華夏優秀民歌係列40: 上海(蘇州)民歌-紫竹調(海姑娘推薦) [品茶小軒] - 海姑娘(2104 bytes ) (93 reads)2006-06-07

• 想去上海看看,:)) [品茶小軒] - 999roses(0 bytes ) (5 reads)2004-01-20
• 笑臉兄猴年吉祥。等著看上海-N(圖) [品茶小軒] - 嘿嘿,嘿(0 bytes ) (8 reads)2004-01-21
• 上海外灘。 [品茶小軒] - 沒胃口的狗(0 bytes ) (9 reads)2004-01-09
• 夢冉應該是杭州人吧? 難道重劃省份把上海歸杭州管轄了? [品茶小軒] - 迷惑得葉子都掉光的棉(0 bytes ) (9 reads)2003-12-15
• 上海的冬天 [品茶小軒] - 夢冉(261 bytes ) (265 reads)2003-11-22
• 在上海,我找不到感覺 [品茶小軒] - 吹雪(267 bytes ) (89 reads)2003-11-22
• 從大學畢業到出來的幾年大都在上海,讓你這麽一講還真想回去看看 [品茶小軒] - 999roses(0 bytes ) (7 reads)2003-11-22
• 上海的治安被黑幫侵濁,不少行業如建築為其滲透. [品茶小軒] - 不問有言(0 bytes ) (15 reads)2003-11-03
• 上海的治安 [品茶小軒] - 真實的中國(3965 bytes ) (126 reads)2003-11-03
• 活在上海的22種風花雪夜 [品茶小軒] - 儂儂。(3769 bytes ) (121 reads)2003-09-21

約翰雷客霄 Burlington, Ca.
Post for personal interest, and revised on Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Contact: lakeshore_viewer_2008@yahoo.cn (China) john.canjourno.2008@gmail.com ( International )