【意大利鋼琴詩人---喬瓦尼 (Giovanni Marradi) , 雙語感評】 與:北美中國文學城 璐娜合作
Music Journals, 西方美聲的感悟: 003 【音樂隨筆,湖畔雙語】
【Be Mine】-- Giovanni Marrnadi
配譯:約翰. K Shaw
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
【意大利鋼琴詩人---喬瓦尼 (Giovanni Marradi) , 雙語感評】
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
意大利鋼琴詩人---喬瓦尼 (Giovanni Marradi)
喬瓦尼 (Giovanni Marradi ) 出生在意大利,5歲開始步其父親後塵練習音樂演奏,8歲開始學作曲。現在已成為世界著名的新世紀(New Age)音樂作曲家和鋼琴家。Giovanni Marradi, born in Italy, He plays at 5, after his father for performance, at 8 he started to compose music. Now, he is the world-known composer and pianist of New Age Music.
我喜歡聽喬瓦尼的音樂,可能是喬瓦尼的鋼琴彈奏出最浪漫的樂章,人稱「現代鋼琴詩人的」喬瓦尼以輕柔的琴音,撩動著人的心弦,喬瓦尼(Giovanni)運用鋼琴豐富多變的特質,將音符幻化成一幅幅唯美的風景,熟悉的旋律賦予自然而感性的轉折,造就喬瓦尼迷人的音樂風格,營造出泛著銀暉的浪漫情境。Giovanni 的鋼琴音樂猶如清晨荷花上的露珠,晶瑩、透明;有時又象森林深處夜鶯的私語,飽含不食人間煙火的淒美。聆聽Giovanni 的音樂,你會覺得是在讀一首首的抒情詩或在欣賞一幅幅的風景畫。。。I love Giovanni’ Music. Perhaps, it’s the romance. Only from his interpretations, and maybe it is because the soft tunes from the keyboard that only the “modern piano poet’s fingers” can write on; only he can touch the string of your heart. He knows the piano so well, that only from his touches, the piano plays with diversities and vibrancy. He translate the music notes into colorful paintings, the transits made so naturally, so sentimental, and so charming. In his style, only, can we feel the touch of the silver that shines with delicate romance, as through the morning mist crystal shines the spring on the green green leaves in the lakes; it whispers some times like humming-birds in Autumn forests deep in the mountains; sometimes it’s dripping from its drama the saddest loneliness and in deepest sorrow. His playing is poetic, as if he is reciting a sonnet ages ago, or he is pushing you upfront of a landscape that taking away your breathe while listening.
尤其是這首《我愛你》如泣如訴,時而輕柔委婉,時而激情奔湧,仿佛在向戀人傾訴心靈深處久藏的愛情。。。雙目微合,任憑思緒隨著起伏的音樂在湖邊飛舞,在空中飄蕩。。。“Be mine,” when it played, you would feel like a tiny boat that dances with the waves high and low, let the whisperings from the deepest places from your soul be voiced, be told; just close your eyes, let it flow, let it dance in the air, let it land on the shore of the lakes,…
閉上你的眼睛,在音樂中去感悟那份愛,那份情,那份緣,那般無奈。。。Close your eyes then, is the very moment, of feeling the love and passions, the inner emotions, and destiny UNCHANGABLE.
(By Lunamia Feb 13. 2008)[情人節]的禮物--《我愛你》
Happy Valentine's Day!
-To be continued
浪漫鋼琴曲 "我愛你" (Ti amo, I Love You)
-- 選自意大利鋼琴家喬瓦尼的專緝《團聚》
Dear Luna,
I have been reading your Blog for quite longtime; touched by your thoughts and feelings nurtured from the music you love, I see a huge mountain where buries the deepest mines that I am hungry for, as if a spring creek flows down the valley…
你的博克, 尤其是那對音樂的感悟, 猶如一曼小溪, 流淌著生命的最求; 趟著它,覺得麵對白雲間的峰巒,有著汲取不完的靈感. 我要謝謝你, If you like it, then I am happy.
Happy Valentines’ Day, 一語
Happy Valentine's Day!