


(2008-09-18 13:22:39) 下一個
來源:http://news.creaders.net/headline/newsViewer.php?nid=358106&id=832241   萬維記者唯一編譯報道:最近美國金融機構紛紛倒閉或瀕臨倒閉,華爾街大批金融人士失業,財富雜誌的一位專欄作家Stanley Bing在他9月16日的博客中說,也許,這一切都是報應,是華爾街人應得的。   Bing在他的博文中寫道:   “上帝,請原諒我今天的這個想法。   我想知道那些華爾街人今天是什麽感受,那些大金融機構的分析師,經紀人正在為他們的貪婪,愚蠢和想當然的行為而受到懲罰。當他們拿出落滿灰塵的簡曆重新整理的時候,他們心裏是什麽感受?   他們這些人逼著大公司必須有年年上升的業績,命令那些公司通過裁員來達到這個目的,因此我的多少個朋友失了業,此刻,他們心裏是否與那些失業的人有同樣的感受?   我原來就在一個有線電視公司做事,由於這些分析師認為該公司業績不夠好股票不升值必須裁員,我的很多朋友因而失去了工作。此刻,他們是否體會到我那些朋友的心情?   有多少人因為同樣的原因-所謂降低成本-被公司裁員。此刻,他們是否體會到那些被裁多年的人們的心情?   由於這些華爾街天才們的分析和算計,多少小公司被重組,兼並,再合並,小公司被吃掉,員工失業。此刻,他們是否體會到那些被兼並公司員工的心情?   我的好友Brewster, Armstrong, Molina和Frankovitch等人都是由於公司被兼並,不得不提前退休。那些公司兼並不過是為了讓華爾街人享受幾天股價上升的樂趣。此刻,他們是否體會到這些逼迫提前退休者的心情?   由於銀行收屋,多少人失去了自己的房子,不得不想辦法租房住。此刻,他們是否體會到這些租房者的心情?   想到這些年來就是這些華爾街上的傻瓜分析師,銷售人員,銀行家和乳臭未幹的家夥們到做實際工作的公司去指手劃腳,我簡直想哭。在他們的直接操縱下成百上千的人失去工作。在這些所謂的商業管理人才眼裏,公司不是一個雇用員工製造產品的地方,而是一張僅僅為投資者服務的資產平衡表。   現在,這些華爾街人士得到的就是他們對於這個世界的錯誤經濟觀的報應。   當然,他們還會卷土重來了。但是在他們卷土重來之前,我看到他們現在的倒黴狀不能不麵帶微笑,上帝,請原諒我吧。” 附:Stanley Bing 博客原文

Maybe all this misery is just payback

Tuesday, September 16, 2008 at 12:26 pm 來源:http://stanleybing.blogs.fortune.cnn.com/2008/09/16/maybe-all-this-misery-is-just-payback/ God forgive me for the thoughts I’m having this morning. I’m just wondering how they feel today, all the analysts and brokers from the financial institutions who are now being punished for the profligacy, stupidity, greed and wishful thinking of their masters. How they feel as they dust off their resumes and try to put the pieces back together in a world flooded with needy drifters just like them. Do they feel like all my friends in years past who were downsized as a direct result of the kind of advice the Street gave to a variety of senior managers facing the issue of forced, quarter-to-quarter growth? Do they feel like my pals at our former cable division, which was divested, in an act of completely moronic short-sightedness, when people like them decided that businesses who throw off cash flow but lower earnings per share were not worth keeping? Do they feel sort of like the folks subsequently laid off from the corporation when, without that cash flow, it could no longer make the payroll it had once been able to support? Do they feel like the employees of all the little firms that were reorganized, consolidated, de-consolidated or re-consolidated, given the whims and abstruse calculations of the geniuses who analyzed these things for the firms that are now sinking? Do they feel like my buddies, Brewster and Armstrong and Molina and Frankovitch and all the others, who had to take early retirement when their business units were merged with other business units that were then spun off to juice the stock for a couple days, just to impress these guys? Do they feel like the homeowners who are looking for short term rentals now, after the banks that are melting down could no longer carry their freight? When I think of the just plain dumb stuff that Wall Street and its assorted salesmen, analysts, enabling bankers and callow spin-meisters have visited upon working companies over the years, it makes me want to choke. The arrogance. The willingness to see hundreds, thousands, lose their jobs as a result of their pronouncements and manipulations. Masters of Business all, they have been taught to see corporations not as places that employ people and provide a product or service, but as numbers on a balance sheet, a balance sheet that serves only one group: Investors. Well, now the investors are taking it on the chin. A bunch of companies are feeling it too. And of course all those poor Street people are now reaping the payback from what their entire economic world-view has wrought. They’ll be back, of course. God forgive me if until then I succumb to occasional grim smile at the current proceedings.
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