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Analects of Confucius


論語一部,字字璣珠:思之本,念之源。一部論語,風光無限:朝之煙,夕之嵐。高堂在世,時時奉讀; 嚴慈仙逝,迻譯成書。遙望東方,喟然寄情;情深意切, 悠永靡絕!

2010年7月5日 紐約





《論語》首創中國語錄文體,比較忠實地記述了孔子及其弟子的言行,也比較集中地反映了孔子的核心思想。今本《論語》共二十篇。每一篇若幹小節,節數不均,總共512 小節。每篇均有小標題,取自各篇語錄的前兩個字。如第一篇為“學而篇第一”,就是因為開宗明義第一句是“學而時習之”。其中的“第一”則是本篇在全書中的順序號,最後一篇為“堯曰篇第二十”。每一篇裏又在各小節前冠以順序號,條例十分清晰。


2010年7月5日 紐約



1·1 子曰(1):“學(2)而時習(3)之,不亦說(4)乎?有朋(5)自遠方來,不亦樂(6)乎?人不知(7),而不慍(8),不亦君子(9)乎?”














Confucius said: “Learn something and then review and practice it frequently. Isn’t it a pleasure? Have friends coming from afar. Isn’t it a joy? Not being well understood, but I neither complain nor get angry. Isn’t it a gentleman bearing?”


1·2 有子(1)曰:“其為人也孝弟(2),而好犯上者(3),鮮(4)矣;不好犯上,而好作亂者,未之有也(5)。君子務本(6),本立而道生(7)。孝弟也者,其為人之本與(8)?”













You Tzu said: “There are seldom persons who show filial devotion to their parents and obedience to their brothers but offend their superiors at once. And there are absolute no persons who are not insubordinate to their superiors but like to rebel against their superiors. Gentlemen give all their minds to fundamental affairs. So long as a solid foundation is laid, the principles will come into being which help one administer a country and conduct himself. Showing filial devotion to parents and obedience to brothers is the foundation for a person to conduct himself.”


1·3 子曰:“巧言令色(1),鮮(2)仁矣。”







Confucius said: “Talking plausibly with feign amiable looks, people of this sort are scarcely benevolent.”


1·4 曾子(1)曰:“吾日三省(2)吾身。為人謀而不忠(3)乎?與朋友交而不信(4)乎?傳不習乎?”









Zeng Tzu said: “Everyday I examine myself many times. Do I do my best when doing things for others? Am I honest and reliable when associating with friends? Whether do I review and practise what my teachers teach me?


1·5 子曰:“道(1)千乘之國(2),敬事(3)而言,節用而愛人(4),使民以時(5)。”





(4)愛人:古代“人”的含義有廣義與狹義的區別。廣義的“人”,指一切人;狹義的“人”,僅指士大夫以上各個階層的人。此處的“人”與“民”相對而言,因此其用法為狹義。 這些狹義的人,當時被認為是最聰明,最具才幹的人,用今天的話說就是人才。因此,這裏的“愛人”,不妨理解為珍惜人才。





Confucius said: “When administering a country in possession of a thousand military chariots, you should strictly and cautiously handle the major national affairs, keep your promises, cut down expenses and highly value talented people, and remind farmers not to miss the farming season.”


1·6 子曰:“弟子(1)入(2)則孝,出(3)則弟,謹(4)而信,汎(5)愛眾,而親仁(6),行有餘力(7),則以學文(8)。”













Confucius said: “Together with your parents, you should show filial devotion and obedience to them; while out of home, you should obey your teachers. Words and deeds should be cautious. Keep honest and reliable and taciturn. Show universal love to the broad masses and be close to the noble-minded persons. If still having some leeway after earnestly practising what you advocate like this, you should study historical documents and try to learn some knowledge.”


1·7 子夏(1)曰:“賢賢(2)易色;事父母能竭其力;事君,能致其身(4);與朋友交,言而有信。雖曰未學,吾必謂之學矣。”









Tzu Xia said: “If a person pays much attention to his morality but not to feminine charms, does his best to show filial devotion and obedience to his parents, serves his lord sparing no sacrifice, keeps honest and reliable when associating with friends, I should definitely say that he has once studied the historical documents even if he himself says he has never touched them.


1·8 子曰:“君子(1)不重(2)則不威;學則不固(3)。主忠信(4)。無(5)友不如己者(6);過(7)則勿憚(8)改。”













Confucius said: “As far as a gentleman is concerned, he cannot become a man of high prestige if he does not behave solemnly. Study can help one avoid being ill-imformed. Do everything according to principle of keeping honest and reliable. Do not make friends with anyone who does not cherish the same ideals and take the same course as you do. So long as there is a mistake, you should not be afraid of correcting it.”


1·9 曾子曰:“慎終(1)追遠(2),民德歸厚矣。”







Zeng Ztu said: “Be cautious to deal with the death of your parents and remember to mourn for your age-old ancestors frequently. If so, you can certainly make people behave honestly.”


1·10 子禽(1)問於子貢(2)曰:夫子(3)至於是邦(4)也,必聞其政,求之與,抑(5)與之與?”子貢曰:“夫子溫、良、恭、儉、讓(6)以得之。夫子之求之也,其諸(7)異乎人之求之與?”












Tzu Qin asked Tzu Gong: “Whenever our teacher visits a country, he always asks something about its government affairs. Is this sort of privilege asked for by himself or is it given to him by the lord of the country?” Ztu Gong said: “Our teacher is gentle, kind, respectful, simple, frugal and modest, so he can get this sort of privilege. Yet, his way to get this privilege is maybe different from that of others, isn’t it?”


1·11 子曰:“父在,觀其(1)誌;父沒,觀其行(2);三年(3)無改於父之道,可謂孝矣。”








Confucius said: “You should observe his ambition when a person’s father is still alive; if his father passes away, you should observe his action. If he can keep the reasonable thought of his father unchanged his father’s reasonable thought unchanged for three years, he can be considered filial.”


1·12 有子曰:“禮(1)之用,和(2)為貴(3)。先王之道(4),斯(5)為美。小大由之,有所不行。知和而和,不以禮節(6)之,亦不可行也。”






(5)斯:這, 此。這裏指“禮”,也可指“和”。





You Tzu said: “When putting standards of morality into practice, the important thing is harmony. As for ways of country-governing of the ancient lords, anything praiseworthy lies just in here. Yet, if you handle everything, big or small, only according to the principle of harmony, sometimes you just cannot win. The reason is that it is unworkable to do everything only for harmony but not to standardize harmony with proprieties.”


1·13 有子曰:“信近(1)於義(2),言可複(3)也;恭近於禮,遠(4)恥辱也;因(5)不失其親,亦可宗(6)也。”











You Tzu said: “You should keep honesty in line with righteousness. It is only by doing so that you can put your words into practice. Respectfulness must agree with standards of morality. Only this can help you avoid shame. Make sure that all people whom you rely on are reliable. This point is well worth learning.”


1·14 子曰:“君子食無求飽,居無求安,敏於事而慎於言,就(1)有道(2)而正(3)焉,可謂好學也已。”








Confucius said: “Gentlemen seek neither sufficient food nor comfortable living conditions, but they handle everything as nimble as a squirrel does and speak cautiously and go to noble-minded people so as to perfect themselves day by day. If they can do like this, then they can be thought perfect in learning.”


1·15 子貢曰:“貧而無諂(1),富而無驕,何如(2)?”子曰:“可也。未若貧而樂(3),富而好禮者也。”子貢曰:《詩》雲,‘如切如磋!如琢如磨(4)’,其斯之謂與?”子曰:“賜(5)也!始可與言《詩》已矣,告諸往而知來者。”










Tzu Gong said: “Poor but not fawning , rich but not arrogant. What do you think of it?” Confucius said: “Not so bad. But still, it is somewhat far from the norms that a man is poor but ready to follow right doctrines, rich but ready to follow standards of morality.” Tzu Gong said: “《The Book of Songs》said: ‘to treat it like carving and polishing bones, horns, ivory and jade.’ Does it mean this?” Confucius said: “Now I can discuss 《The Book of Songs》with you because from what I said you can comprehend the past and foretell the future.”


1·16 子曰:“不患(1)人(2)之不已知,患不知人也。”






Confucius said: “Don’t be afraid that others don’t understand you. You should be afraid that you don’t understand others.”



2·1 子曰:“為政以德(1),譬如北辰(2),居其所(3)而眾星共(4)之。”









Confucius said: “If governing a country by education in morality, a lord will be like the Big Dipper which is located in a certain orientation with all stars around it.”


2·2 子曰:“詩三百(1),一言以蔽(2)之,曰:“思無邪(3)。”








Confucius said: “Having 300 poems, 《Poems》could be generalized into one sentence: the thought is pure.”


2·3 子曰:“道(1)之以政,齊(2)之以刑,民免(3)而無恥(4),道之以德,齊之以禮,有恥且格(5)。”










Confucius said: “If a lord guides his people with orders and restrains them with penal law, the people will only try to avoid punishment which is caused owing to crimes but will lose sense of shame. Yet, if a lord guides his people by education in morality and uses proprieties to make his people’s words and deeds kept in line, then the people will not only have a sense of shame but also try to abide by rules.”


2·4 子曰:“吾十有(1)五而誌於學,三十而立(2),四十而不惑(3),五十而知天命(4),六十而耳順(5),七十而從心所欲不逾矩(6)。”










Confucius said: “I was determined to study at the age of fifteen, scored some achievements at thirty, no longer felt puzzled at forty, was enlightened at fifty, could distinguish between truth and falsehood at sixty, could do as I liked without overstepping usual practice at seventy.”


2·5 孟懿子(1)問孝,子曰:“無違。(2)”樊遲(3)禦(4),子告之曰:“孟孫(5)問孝於我, 我對曰無違。”樊遲曰:“何謂也。”子曰:“生,事之以禮;死,葬之以禮,祭之以禮。”










Meng Yitzu asking questions about filial devotion, Confucius said: “Filial devotion means not going against standards of morality.” Later on, Fan Chi drove carriage for Confucius, Confucius told him: “Meng Sun asked me what filial devotion is. I told him that filial devotion means not going against standards of morality.” Fan Chi said: “What do you mean by saying not going against standards of morality?” Confucius said: “When parents are alive, you should serve them according to standards of morality; when they pass away, you should bury them and offer sacrifices to them according to standards of morality.”


2·6 孟武伯(1)問孝,子曰:“父母唯其疾之憂(2)。”







Meng Wubo asking questions about filial devotion, Confucius said: “The key point is that you should especially be concerned about your parents’ illness.”


2·7 子遊(1)問孝,子曰:“今之孝者,是謂能養。至於犬馬,皆能有養(2),不敬,何以別乎?”







Tzu You asking questions about filial devotion, Confucius said: “The so called filial devotion nowadays only means to provide for parents. But even dogs and horses can be provided for. So, if we don’t emphasize the necessity of respecting parents, then what’s the difference between providing for parents and raising dogs and horses?”


2·8 子夏問孝,子曰:“色難(1)。有事,弟子服其勞(2);有酒食,先生(3)饌(4),曾是以為孝乎?”









Tzu Xia asking questions about filial devotion, Confucius said: “The most difficult thing is to treat parents with amiable looks. If having something to do, you can do it for them; if having food and wine, you let them enjoy. Could it be said that it is considered filial devotion to parents?”


2·9 子曰:“吾與回(1)言,終日不違(2),如愚。退而省其私(3),亦足以發,回也不愚。”








Confucius said: “When I taught Yan Hui, he never had any objections all day long just like a foolish man. But after he left, I examined his private words and found he had developed what I’d taught him. Therefore, he is not foolish at all.


2·10 子曰:“視其所以(1),觀其所由(2),察其所安(3),人焉廋(4)哉?人焉廋哉?”









Confucius said: “If you want to know a person, you should analyze the motives of his words and deeds, observe the way he takes and examine what he is up to with ease of mind. If so, how can a person cover up himself? How can a person cover up himself?”


2·11 子曰:“溫故而知新(1),可以為師矣。”






Confucius said: “Restudy the old to obtain better insight. Then you can be a teacher.”


2·12 子曰:“君子不器(1)。”






Confucius said: “Gentlemen are not like tools each of which only has a certain use.”


2·13 子貢問君子。子曰:“先行其言而後從之。”




Tzu Gong asked some questions about gentlemen. Confucius said: “If you have something to say, you should put them into practice first and then say it.”


2·14 子曰:“君子周(1)而不比(2),小人比而不周。”








Confucius said: “Gentlemen unite the broad masses but don’t gang up for selfish purpose. While shameless men gang up for selfish purpose but don’t unite the broad masses.”


2·15 子曰:“學而不思則罔(1),思而不學則殆(2)。”







Confucius said: “Only study but not think, you’ll be perplexed without any gains; only indulge in idle dreams but not study, you’ll suffer from misgivings and hesitate all the time.”


2·16 子曰:“攻(1)乎異端(2),斯(3)害也已(4)。”









Confucius said: “Refute heresy, misfortune will be eliminated.”


2·17 子曰:“由(1),誨女(2),知之乎?知之為知之,不知為不知,是知也。”







Confucius said: “You, do you understand what I taught you? If you do, say yes, otherwise, just say no. This is wisdom.”


2·18 子張(1)學幹祿(2),子曰:“多聞闕(3)疑(4),慎言其餘,則寡尤(5);多見闕殆,慎行其餘,則寡悔。言寡尤,行寡悔,祿在其中矣。”


(1)子張:姓顓 (讀“專”) 孫名師,字子張,生於公元前503年,比孔子小48歲,孔子的學生。








Tzu Zhang wanted to learn the way of seeking official posts. Confucius said: “Listen more and put aside what you doubt about. As for the rest which you are sure of, you should say them out cautiously. Doing so, you can make fewer mistakes. Observe more and put aside what you doubt about. As for the rest which you are sure of, you should do them cautiously. Doing so, you can reduce the possibility of feeling regret. When speaking, you make fewer mistakes; when doing, you seldom feel regret. Then the official posts are lying in here.”


2·19 哀公(1)問曰:“何為則民服?”孔子對曰(2):“舉直錯諸枉(3),則民服;舉枉錯諸直,則民不服。”


(1)哀公:姓姬名蔣,哀是其諡號,魯國國君,公元前494 - 前468年在位。






The Lord Ai asked: “How to make people heartily convinced?” Confucius said: “Promote honest people and give shameless ones a cold shoulder. This can make people heartily convinced. If you do exactly the opposite, the people won’t be heartily convinced.”


2·20 季康子(1)問:“使民敬、忠以(2)勸(3),如之何?”子曰:“臨(4)之以莊,則敬;孝慈(5),則忠;舉善而教不能,則勸。”










Ji Kangtzu asked: “How to make people respect me with loyalty and work diligently?” Confucius said: “You treat people in a solemn manner, they will respect you with loyalty; you show filial devotion to your parents and kindness to others, people will be loyal to you; you choose and use kind persons, educate less capable ones, people will work diligently.”


2·21 或(1)謂孔子曰:“子奚(2)不為政?”子曰:“《書》(3)雲:‘孝乎惟 孝,友於兄弟。’施於有政(4),是亦為政,奚其為為政?”









Someone said to Confucius: “Why aren’t you engaged in politics?” Confucius replied: “《Shang Shu》said, ‘Being filial means to show filial devotion to parents, while being friendly means to show friendship to brothers.’ Putting the principle of filialness and friendship into political affairs is to be engaged in politics. Why can’t this action be considered to be engaged in politics?”


2·22 子曰:“人而無信,不知其可也。大車無輗(1),小車無軏(2),其何以行之哉?”







Confucius said: “Breaking one’s own word is absolutely what one cannot do. How can ox carts move without big or small wooden latches? ”


2·23 子張問:“十世(1)可知也?”子曰:殷因(2)於夏禮,所損益(3)可知也;周因於殷禮,所損益可知也。其或繼周者,雖百世,可知也。”


(1)世:古時稱30年為一世。也有的把“世”解釋為朝代。 從上下文看來,似乎指朝代而言。






Tzu Zhang asked Confucius: “Can we anticipate the rite systems of the next ten dynasties?” Confucius replied: “Shang Dynasty inherited the rite systems of Xia Dynasty, and additions and deletions could be anticipated; Zhou Dynasty inherited the rite systems of Shang Dynasty, additions and deletions could also be anticipated. There must have some dynasties in the future which inherit Zhou Dynasty and their conditions can certainly be anticipated even after a hundred dynasties.”


2·24 子曰:“非其鬼(1)而祭之;諂(2)也。見義(3)不為,無勇也。”








Confucius said: “If you offer sacrifices to the ghosts and spirits you should not do, then you will be considered to toady them. If you just stand by with folded arms when you see something you should step forward boldly to do, then you will be thought chicken-hearted.”



3·1 孔子謂季氏(1),“八佾(2)舞於庭,是可忍(3),孰不可忍也!”








Confucius talked about Ji: “He asked sixty-four people to dance in his own courtyard. If this can be tolerated, what cannot?”


3·2 三家(1)者以《雍》徹(2)。子曰:“‘相維辟公,天子穆穆’(3),奚取於三家之堂(4)?”




(3) 徹:結束。

(4) 相維辟公,天子穆穆:《雍》詩中的兩句。相,助。維,語助詞,無意義。辟公,指諸侯。穆穆:莊嚴肅穆。





After offering sacrifices to their ancestors, the three families should ask musicians to sing 《Yong》. Confucius said: “ ‘The emperor solemnly officiates at sacrificial rites, while the lords should be assistants.’ How can 《Yong》be sung in these three families’ temples?”


3·3 子曰:“人而不仁,如禮何?人而不仁,如樂何?”




Confucius said: “If a person lacks humanity and virtue, how can he correctly put proprieties into practice? If a person lacks humanity and virtue, how can he correctly use music?”


3·4 林放(1)問禮之本。子曰:“大哉問!禮,與其奢也,寧儉;喪,與其易(2)也,寧戚(3)。”








Lin Fang asked questions about the basic things of proprieties. Confucius said: “The questions you put forward are most important! As far as proprieties are concerned, generally speaking, they should be thrifty rather than extravagant. As for funeral affairs, you should emphasize true inner sorrow rather than comprehensive rites.”


3·5 子曰:“夷狄(1)之有君,不如諸夏(2)之亡(3)也。”








Confucius said: “The backward foreign countries also have their own lords, but they are not so good as the countries in central China who, even if, have no lords.”


3·6 季氏旅(1)於泰山,子謂冉有(2)曰:“女(3)弗能救(4)與?”對曰:“不能。”子曰:“嗚呼!曾謂泰山不如林放(5)乎?”










Ji Sun went to offer sacrifices to Mt. Tai . Confucius said to Ran You: “Can’t you dissuade him?” Replied: “No, I can’t.” Confucius said: “Alas! Could it be said that Mt. Tai is inferior to Lin Fang?”


3·7 子曰:“君子無所爭,必也射(1)乎!揖(2)讓而升,下而飲,其爭也君子。”







Confucius said: “Gentlemen have nothing to compete with others. If they have, they must be archery competitions. During an archery competition, each side makes a bow first to the other side with hands folded in front and then steps forward. After competition, each side makes a bow again to the other side with hands folded and then walks out and finally sits in the hall drinking wine. This is the competition between gentlemen.”


3·8 子夏問曰:“‘巧笑倩兮,美目盼兮,素以為絢兮’。(1)何謂也?”子曰:“繪事後素(2)。”曰:“禮後乎?”子曰:“起予者商也(3),始可與言詩已矣。”








Tzu Xia asked Confucius: “ ‘What a nice smiling face! What a pair of beautiful bright eyes! Dress up with plain face powder’. What do these sentences mean? ” Confucius said: “Make a white background and then paint.” Tzu Xia said: “Does it mean that proprieties also something coming late?” Confucius said: “Shang, you’re really skillful to enlighten me. Now I can start talking about The Book of Songs with you.”


3·9 子曰:“夏禮吾能言之,杞(1)不足徵(2)也;殷禮吾能言之,宋(3)不足徵也。文獻(4)不足故也。足,則吾能徵之矣。”









Confucius said: “I can say something about the proprieties of Xia Dynasty, but its continuator Ji is not enough for me to prove it. I can say something about the proprieties of Yin Dynasty, but its continuator Song is not enough for me to prove it. It’s because that there are not enough materials. Otherwise, I can prove them.”


3·10 子曰:“禘(1)自既灌(2)而往者,吾不欲觀之矣。”







Confucius said: “As for the grand Di ceremonies held by the lords to offer sacrifices to ancestors, I have already been unwilling to watch them ever since the first time to offer wine.”


3·11 或問禘之說(1),子曰:“不知也。知其說者之於天下也,其如示諸斯(2)乎!”指其掌。





有人問孔子關於舉行禘祭的規定。孔子說:“我不知道。知道這種規定的人,對治理天下的事,就會像把這東西擺在這裏一樣吧!” 孔子指著自己的手掌。


Someone asked Confucius about the rules to hold Di ceremonies. Confucius said: “I don’t know. As far as the persons are concerned who know these rules, they are probably just like me to put it here.” While saying, he pointed his palm.


3·12 祭如在,祭神如神在。子曰:“吾不與祭,如不祭。”




Offer sacrifices to ancestors as if the ancestors are really right here; offer sacrifices to gods as if the gods are really right here. Confucius said: “If I don’t participate in the ceremonies personally, then it’s just like that the ceremonies are not held.”


3·13 王孫賈(1)問曰:“與其媚(2)於奧(3),寧媚於灶(4),何謂也?”子曰:“不然。獲罪於天(5),無所禱也。”










Wang Sungu asked: “People say that fawning on room god is not so good as fawning on kitchen god. What does it mean?” Confucius said: “No, this saying doesn’t make sense. If you offend the heaven, it’s no use no matter how to prayer.”


3·14 子曰:“周監(1)於二代(2),鬱鬱(3)乎文哉,吾從周。”








Confucius said: “The rite system of Zhou was made by drawing lessons from the two dynasties of Xia and Shang. How rich it is! I’d like to follow Zhou’s system.”


3·15 子入太廟(1),每事問。或曰:“孰謂鄹(2)人之子知禮乎?入太廟,每事問。”子聞之,曰:“是禮也。”







Whenever entering the temple of the lord’s ancestors, Confucius would ask questions about everything. Someone said: “Who says that this person knows proprieties? Whenever he enters the temple of the lord’s ancestors, he asks everything.” Learning this, Confucius said: “This is in itself a sort of propriety.”


3·16 子曰:“射不主皮(1),為力不同科(2),古之道也。”







Confucius said: “When shooting an arrow, the key point doesn’t lie in shooting through the target because people are different in physical strength. It’s always been like this since ancient times.”


3·17 子貢欲去告朔(1)之餼羊(2)。子曰:“賜也!爾愛(3)其羊,我愛其禮。”








Tzu Gong suggested that alive sheep not be used when holding the ceremony of offering sacrifices in the temple of the lord’s ancestors on the first day of each month. Confucius said: “Ci ( i.e.Tzu Gong), you l care for the sheep, but I treasure the proprieties.”


3·18 子曰:“事君盡禮,人以為諂也。”




Confucius said: “I serve the lord completely according to the proprieties of Zhou Dynasty, but people think I toady the lord.”


3·19 (1)定公問:“君使臣,臣事君,如之何?”孔子對曰:“君使臣以禮,臣事君以忠。”







Ding Gong (i.e. the lord of the country Lu) asked: “How does a lord order his courtiers and how do the courtiers serve their lord?” Confucius said: “A lord orders his courtiers according to the proprieties while the courtiers serve their lord loyally and devotedly.”


3·20 子曰:“《關睢》(1),樂而不淫,哀而不傷。”






Confucius said: “The poem 《Guan Ju》is joyful but not loose; depressed but not sorrowful.”


3·21 哀公問社(1)於宰我,宰我(2)對曰:“夏後氏以鬆,殷人以柏,周人以栗,曰:使民戰栗(3)。”子聞之,曰:“成事不說,遂事不諫,既往不咎。”








Ai Gong asked Zai Wo something about offering sacrifices to village god. Zai Wo said: “Xia Dynasty used pine trees; Shang Dynasty used cypress trees; and Zhou Dynasty used chestnut trees. By using chestnut trees, it means to make people trembling.” On hearing this, Confucius said: “We’d better not to mention what has already been done, not to criticize what has already been finished, not to go into past misdeeds.”


3·22 子曰:“管仲(1)之器小哉!”或曰:“管仲儉乎?”曰:“管氏有三歸(2),官事不攝(3),焉得儉?”“然則管仲知禮乎?”曰:“邦君樹塞門(4),管氏亦樹塞門;邦君為兩君之好有反坫(5),管氏亦有反坫。管氏而知禮,孰不知禮?”










Confucius said: “What a narrow-minded person Guan Zhong is!” Someone asked: “Is he thrifty?” Confucius said: “Guan Zhong has three places to hide his money. Even his butlers undertake specific responsibility. How can it be considered thrift?” The person asked again: “Does Guan Zhong know rules of proprieties?” Confucius said: “The lord has a screen wall at the gate. So does he. The lord has a special earth terrace on which to put empty wine-cups. So does he. If Guan Zhong knows the rules of proprieties, who doesn’t know?”


3·23 子語(1)魯大師(2)樂,曰:“樂其可知也:始作,翕(3)如也;從(4)之,純(5)如也,皦(6)如也,繹(7)如也,以成。”












Confucius talked the principles of music playing to the musicians of the country Lu: “The principles of music playing are understandable: at the beginning, you do an instrumental ensemble and the sound is nice; then you expand your playing, the sound is melodious, the scales are distinct. Do this ceaselessly, and at last, your playing comes to an end.”


3·24 儀封人(1)請見,曰:“君子之至於斯也,吾未嚐不得見也。”從者見之(2)。出曰:“二三子何患於喪(3)乎?天下之無道也久矣,天將以夫子為木鐸(4)。”









A local official in Yi asked to see Confucius saying: “Whenever a gentleman comes here, I’ve never failed to see him.” A student of Confucius’ led him to see the master. When coming out, he said: “No reasons for you to worry about having no opportunities to be officials. Heaven looks upon Confucius as a sage and let him to lead the people.”


3·25 子謂韶(1):“盡美(2)矣,又盡善(3)也。”謂武(4):“盡美矣,未盡美也。”









When talking the dance named《Shao》, Confucius said: “Its artistic form is extremely beautiful and its contents are also excellent.” While talking the dance named 《Wu》, he said: “Its artistic form is very beautiful, but its content are not so good.”


3·26 子曰:“居上不寬,為禮不敬,臨喪不哀,吾何以觀之哉?”




Confucius said: “Some higher officials cannot treat people generously, fail to take part in ceremonies solemnly and show no sorrow when participating in funerals. How can I tolerate this thing?”



4·1 子曰:“裏仁為美(1),擇不處仁(2),焉得知(3)?”








Confucius said: “One should live in a place where there are not a few noble people. If he chooses not to live with noble people, how can he be considered wise?”


4·2 子曰:“不仁者不可以久處約(1),不可以長處樂。仁者安仁(2),知者利仁。”







Confucius said: “Persons lack of fine characters can neither rest content with poverty for long nor live easily and comfortably for long. Noble-minded people rest content with humanity, justice and virtue, but wise people put humanity, justice and virtue into practice only when they know these things are good for them.”


4·3 子曰:“唯仁者能好(1)人,能惡(2)人。”







Confucius said: “Only noble-minded persons can really love people and hate people.”


4·4 子曰:“苟誌於仁矣,無惡也。”




If a person is determined to be a noble-minded, then he can avoid misdemeanors.


4·5 子曰:“富與貴,是人之所欲也,不以其道得之,不處也;貧與賤,是人之所惡也,不以其道得之,不去也。君子去仁,惡乎成名?君子無終食之間違仁,造次必於是,顛沛必於是。”




Confucius said: “Riches and honors are something everyone wants. But, if they are improperly obtained, then we should not enjoy them. Poorness and humbleness are something everyone detests. But if they are improperly eliminated, then we’d rather not to free ourselves from them. If gentlemen lack humanity and virtue, how can they be considered gentlemen? Gentlemen don’t depart from humanity and virtue just in a short period of time of a dinner. Even at the most critical moment, gentlemen must act according to the principle of humanity and virtue. And even destitute and homeless, they can act according to the principle of humanity and virtue.


4·6 子曰:“我未見好仁者,惡不仁者。好仁者,無以尚之;惡不仁者,其為仁矣,不使不仁者加乎其身。有能一日用其力於仁矣乎?我未見力不足者。蓋有之矣,我未之見也。”




Confucius said: “I’ve never seen anyone who upholds humanity and virtue or anyone who detests non-humanity and non-virtue. When acting according to the principle of humanity and virtue, the ones who detest non-humanity and non-virtue can prevent others who lack humanity and virtue from affecting themselves. I’ve never seen anyone who doesn’t have enough strength. This sort of persons may really exist but I’ve never seen one.”


4·7 子曰:“人之過也,各於其黨。觀過,斯知仁矣。”




Confucius said: “Different people have different mistakes. You can know a person’s spiritual realm by observing his mistakes.”


4·8 子曰:“朝聞道,夕死可矣。”




Confucius said: “Learn truth in the morning and die in the evening. It’s something worthy to be done.”


4·9 子曰:“士誌於道,而恥惡衣惡食者,未足與議也。”




Confucius said: “Determined to seek truth but shamed for leading a thrifty and simple life. This sort of people is not worthy to be talked with.”


4·10 子曰:“君子之於天下也,無適(1)也,無莫(2)也,義(3)之與比(4)。”









Confucius said: “Gentlemen neither crack their brains to seek anything in the world nor oppose anything without reason or cause.”


4·11 子曰:“君子懷(1)德,小人懷土(2);君子懷刑(3),小人懷惠。”








Confucius said: “What a gentleman thinks is morality, but what a vulgarian thinks is his native place; what a gentleman thinks is the legal system, what a vulgarian thinks is the material benefit.”


4·12 子曰:“放(1)於利而行,多怨(2)。”







Confucius said: “Doing everything only for seeking fortune will bring about resentment.”


4·13 子曰:“能以禮讓為國乎,何有(1)?不能以禮讓為國,如禮何(2)?”







Confucius said: “If you administer a country according to the principle of giving up something for the sake of courtesy, there will be no difficulties. But if you cannot administer a country according to this principle, how can you put the standards of morality into practice?”


4·14 子曰:“不患無位,患所以立;不患莫己知,求為可知也。”




Confucius said: “Don’t be afraid that you have no official posts. What you should be afraid of is not having learnt something which can help you keep a foothold.”


4·15 子曰:“參乎,吾道一以貫之。”曾子曰:“唯。”子出,門人問曰:“何謂也?”曾子曰:“夫子之道,忠恕而已矣。”




Confucius said: “Zengcan, my doctrine is something through which a basic idea runs from beginning to end.” Zengcan said: “Oh, I see.” The master left and his followers asked: “What does it mean?” Zeng Tzu said: “The key point of our master’s doctrine is but forgivingness.”


4·16 子曰:“君子喻於義,小人喻於利。”




Confucius said: “Gentlemen have their eyes on justice, but vugarians only on fortune.”


4·17 子曰:“見賢思齊焉,見不賢而內自省也。”




Confucius said: “When you see worthy persons, you should think how to learn from them; when you see vulgarians, you should have self-examination.”


4·18 子曰:“事父母幾(1)諫,見誌不從,又敬不違,勞(2)而不怨。”







Confucius said: “When you serve your parents, you should tactfully advise them to overcome shortcomings, if any. If they are unwilling to accept your advice, you should still respect them and work for them without any complains.”


4·19 子曰:“父母在,不遠遊(1),遊必有方(2)。”







Confucius said: “When your parents are still alive, don’t leave home. If you are away from home as a last resort, you should have a definite destination.”


4·20 子曰:“三年(1)無改於父之道(2),可謂孝矣。”

(1)三年:對於古人所說的數字不必過於機械地理解,隻是說要經過一個較 長的時間而已,不一定僅指三年的時間。





Confucius said: “If a person can still keep his father’s good doctrine unchanged for three years after his father’s death, then he can be considered filial.


4·21 子曰:“父母之年,不可不知也。一則以喜,一則以懼。”




Confucius said: “You cannot be unaware of your parents’ birth-days. On the one hand, you are happy for their good health; but on the other hand, you are afraid of their decrepitude.


4·22 子曰:“古者言之不出,恥躬之不逮也。”




Confucius said: “Ancient people never said a word in a rash way. They took overstatement as a shame.”


4·23 子曰:“以約(1)失之者鮮(2)矣。”







Confucius said: “There are seldom persons who restrain themselves strictly but still commit mistakes.”


4·24 子曰:“君子欲訥(1)於言而敏(2)於行。”







Confucius said: “Gentlemen are cautious in speech and quick in action.”


4·25 子曰:“德不孤,必有鄰。”




Confucius said: “Noble-minded persons are never isolated. They’ll surely have some persons to get along with who cherish the same ideals and take the same course.”


4·26 子遊曰:“事君數(1),斯(2)辱矣;朋友數,斯疏矣。”







Tzu You said: “If you serve the lord too trivial and boring, you’ll be put to shame. If you treat your friends too trivial and boring, you’ll become estranged from your friends.



5·1 子謂公冶長(1),“可妻也。雖在縲絏(2)之中,非其罪也。”以其子(3)妻(4)之。









When commenting on Gongye Chang, Confucius said: “Anyone can marry his daughter to this man. Although he was in jail, yet no one can put blame on him.” Therefore, Confucius married his daughter to him.


5·2 子謂南容(1),“邦有道(2),不廢(3);邦無道,免於刑戮(4)。”以其兄之子妻之。









When commenting on Nan Rong, Confucius said: “During great order across the land, he will not get into trouble; while during disorder under heaven, he will not be put into jail.” And therefore, Confucius married his niece to Nan Rong.


5·3 子謂子賤(1),君子哉若人(2),魯無君子者,斯焉取斯(3)。”








When commenting on Tzu Jian, Confucius said: “What a gentleman Tzu Jian is! If no gentlemen in the country Lu, then where did he learn this sort of noble morality?”


5·4 子貢問曰:“賜(1)也何如?”子曰:“女,器也。”曰:“何器也?”曰:“瑚璉(2)也。”


(1) 賜: 就是子貢。姓端木,名賜,字子貢,又作子贛,亦稱作衛賜,春秋末衛國人,孔子的著名弟子。





Tzu Gong asked Confucius: “What do you think of me?” Confucius said: “You’re just like a tool.” Tzu Gong asked: “What sort of tool?” Confucius said: “Hulian. (an ancient tool to contain food when offering sacrifices) ”


5·5 或曰:“雍(1)也仁而不佞(2)。”子曰:“焉用佞?禦人以口給(3),屢憎於人,不知其仁(4)。焉用佞?”









Someone said: “Ran Yong is a noble-minded person but he’s not good at arguing.” Confucius said: “What’s the need to be good at arguing? If a person lives on arguing with a glib tongue, he will be detested by others. I don’t know whether he can be considered noble-minded person, but what’s the need to be eloquent?”


5·6 子使漆雕開(1)仕。對曰:“吾斯之未能信。”子說(2)。







Confucius asked Qi Diaokai to seek official posts. Qi said: “I don’t have confidence in official posts.” Hearing this, Confucius was very happy.


5·7 子曰:“道不行,乘桴(1)浮於海,從(2)我者,其由(3)與!”子路聞之喜。子曰:“由也好勇過我,無所取材。”








Confucius said: “If what I advocate isn’t workable, I’ll go to the sea by raft. Maybe only Zhong You is willing to follow me.” Hearing this Tzu Lu was very delighted. But Confucius said: “Zhong You has nothing more to surpass me except for courage.”


5·8 孟武伯問:“子路仁乎?”子曰:“不知也。”又問。子曰:“由也,千乘之國,可使治其賦(1)也,不知其仁也。”“求也何如?”子曰:“求也,千室之邑(2),百乘之家(3),可使為之宰(4)也,不知其仁也。”“赤(5)也何如?”子曰:“赤也,束帶立於朝(6),可使與賓客(7)言也,不知其仁也。”









【白話】 孟武伯問:“子路達到仁的標準了嗎?”孔子說:“不知道。”又問。孔子說:“子路可以做大將,不知他仁否。”又問:“冉求怎樣?”孔子說:“冉求可以當市長,不知他仁否。” “公西赤怎樣?”孔子說:“公西赤可以當外長,不知他是仁否。”


Meng Wubo asked: “Is Tzu Lu up to the standards of humanity?” Confucius said: “I don’t know.” Meng Wubo asked again. The master said: “Zhong You can be a general. But I don’t know whether he is up to the standard of humanity.” “What do you think of Ran Qiu?” Confucius said: “Ran Qiu can be a mayor. But I don’t know whether he is up to the standard of humanity.” “What do you think of Gongxi Chi?” Confucius said: “Gongxi Chi can be a foreign minister. But I don’t know whether he is up to the standard of humanity.”


5·9 子謂子貢曰:“女與回也孰愈(1)?”對曰:“賜也何敢望回?回也聞一以知十(2),賜也聞一以知二(3)。”子曰:“弗如也。吾與(4)女弗如也。”









Confucius said to Tzu Gong: “You and Yan Hui, who is better?” Tuz Gong replied: “How dare I compare myself with Yan Hui? Yan Hui can know ten events on the basis of knowing one event. But I can know two events on the basis of knowing one event.” Confucius said: “You are not so good as Yan Hui. I agree with you. You are really not good as him.”


5·10 宰予晝寢,子曰:“朽木不可雕也,糞土(1)之牆不可杇(2)也,於予與何誅(3)!”子曰:“始吾於人也,聽其言而信其行;今吾於人也,聽其言而觀其行。於予與(4)改是。”









Zai Yu sleeps in the day time. Confucius said: “Rotten wood can not be carved. Walls which are built with dirt can not white-washed. What’s the use to reproach him?” Confucius said: “At the beginning, I believed a person’s action after I heard his words. But now I’ll observe his action after I hear his words. The problem of Zai Yu made me change my way to observe people.”


5·11 子曰:“吾未見剛者。”或對曰:“申棖(1)。”子曰:“棖也欲,焉得剛?”






Confucius said: “I’ve never seen anyone firm and unyielding.” Someone said: “Shen Cheng is firm and unyielding.” Confucius said: “Sheng Cheng has too many desires, how can he be firm and unyielding?”


5·12 子貢曰:“我不欲人之加諸我也,吾亦欲無加諸人。”子曰:“賜也,非爾所及也。”




Tzu Gong said: “I’m unwilling to be forced to do what I don’t want to. I’m also unwilling to force others to do what they don’t want to.” Confucius said: “Ci, this isn’t what you can do.”


5·13 子貢曰:“夫子之文章(1),可得而聞也;夫子之言性(2)與天道(3),不可得而聞也。”








Tzu Gong said: “What you teach in your articles can be grasped by listening, but the theories on human’s nature and heaven’s doctrines cannot be grasped by listening.”


5·14 子路有聞,未之能行,唯恐有聞。




Whenever Tzu Lu hears a theory but cannot put it into practice, he is afraid to hear any new ones.


5·15 子貢問曰:“孔文子(1)何以謂之文也?”子曰:“敏(2)而好學,不恥下問,是以謂之文也。”







Tzu Gong asked: “Why was Kong Wentzu given a posthumous title Wen?” Confucius said: “He was intelligent and diligent and did not consider it disgraceful to learn from persons in humble position.”


5·16 子謂子產(1)有君子之道四焉:“其行己也恭,其事上也敬,其養民也惠,其使民也義。”






When commenting on Tzu Chan, Confucius said that he had four noble characters: “He conducts himself sedately, serves his lord respectfully and cherishes people by bestowing favor.”


5·17 子曰:“晏平仲(1)善與人交,久而敬之(2)。”


(1)晏平仲:齊國的賢大夫,名嬰。 “平”是他的諡號。





Confucius said: “Yan Pingzhong is good at making friends with others. Knowing each other as time goes on, he is respected by others.”


5·18 子曰:“臧文仲(1)居蔡(2),山節藻棁(3),何如其知也!”







Confucius said: “Zang Wenzhong built a temple with an arched roof and columns were painted with a design of water plants. And moreover, a big tortoise was hidden in the temple which was just like a shrine of the lord. How can he be considered wise?”


5·19 子張問曰:“令尹子文(1)三仕為令尹,無喜色;三已(2)之,無慍色。舊令尹之政,必以告新令尹。何如?”子曰:“忠矣。”曰:“仁矣乎?”曰:“未知。焉得仁?”“崔子(3)弑(4)齊君(5),陳子文(6)有馬十乘,棄而違之,至於他邦,則曰:‘猶吾大夫崔子也。’違之。之一邦,則又曰:‘猶吾大夫崔子也。’違之,何如?子曰:“清矣。”曰:“仁矣乎?”曰:“未知,焉得仁?”











Tzu Zhang asked: “Tzu Wen served as premier three times, but he was never happy, and he was dismissed from office three times, he never felt wronged. Moreover, before he was relieved of his office, he was very careful to handle the matter relating handing over and taking over. What do you think of it?” Confucius said: “Quite loyal.” Tzu Zhang asked again: “Can it be considered humanity?” Confucius replied: “I don’t know. It’s quite out of the question of humanity, isn’t it?” Tzu Zhang asked again: “Cui Tzu killed Qi Zhuanggong, Chen Wentzu abandoned his family property and ran away. Whenever getting into another country, he used to say: ‘The officials here are just the same as Cui Tzu.’ Again, he ran away. After getting into another country, he said once more: ‘The officials here are just the same as Cui Tzu.’ And then he ran way again. What do you think of it?” Confucius said: “He is really above politics and worldly interests.” Tzu Zhang asked: “Can it be considered humanity?” Confucius said: “I don’t know. It’s quite out of the question of humanity, isn’t it?”


5·20 季文子(1)三思而後行。子聞之,曰:“再,斯(2)可矣。”







Before doing anything, Ji Wentzu always thinks over it again and again. Learning this, Confucius said: “Think twice. That’s enough.”


5·21 子曰:“寧武子(1),邦有道則知,邦無道則愚(2),其知可及也,其愚不可及也。”







Confucius said: “You know Ji Wutzu. When the country is in great order, he seems very clever, while the country is in great disorder, he would pretend to be very stupid. As far as his cleverness is concerned, everyone can catch up with him, but as for his stupidity, no one can reach him.”


5·22 子在陳(1)曰:“歸與!歸與!吾黨之小子(2)狂簡(3),斐然(4)成章,不知所以裁(5)之。”








孔子在陳國說: “回去吧!回去吧!家鄉的學生們誌大才疏,不過文采揚揚,真不知該怎麽指導他們。”


Confucius said in the country Chen: “Go back! Go back! The students in my hometown have great ambition but little talent. Yet their writings have rich and bright colors. I really don’t know how to guide them.”


5·23 子曰:“伯夷叔齊(1)不念舊惡(2),怨是用希(3)。”








Confucius said: “Bo Yi and Shu Qi don’t bear grudges, so they are seldom hated by others.”


5·24 子曰:“孰謂微生高(1)直?或乞醯(2)焉,乞諸其鄰而與之。”







Confucius said: “Who said Wei Shenggao is frank? Someone asked him for some vinegar, he didn’t say frankly that he had no and moreover he stealthily asked his neighbor for some and then gave it to that man.”


5·25 子曰:“巧言、令色、足恭(1),左丘明(2)恥之,丘亦恥之。匿怨而友其人,左丘明恥之,丘亦恥之。”







Confucius said: “Saying honey words, putting on a false smile, nodding and bowing, Zuo Qiuming considers all these things shameful. So do I. Making friends with others but harboring resentment at the same time, Zuo Qiuming considers it shameful. So do I.”


5·26 顏淵、季路侍(1)。子曰:“盍(2)各言爾誌。”子路曰:“原車馬,衣輕裘,與朋友共,敝之而無憾。”顏淵曰:“願無伐(3)善,無施勞(4)。”子路曰:“願聞子之誌。”子曰:“老者安之,朋友信之,少者懷之(5)。”








顏淵、子路兩人侍立在孔子身邊。孔子說:“你們何不各自說說自己的誌向?”子路說:“願與朋友共同分享我的車馬和皮袍,用壞了也不抱怨。”顏淵說: “但願能做到不誇耀優點、不宣揚功勞。”子路說:“您的願望呢?”孔子說:“但願老人能享受安樂,少兒能得到關懷,朋友能夠信任我。”


With Yan Yuan and Tzu Lu standing by in attendance, Confucius said: “Why don’t you say something about your ideals?” Tzu Lu said: “I’d like to let my friends share my carriage, horse and fir coat. Even if all these are worn out, I don’t have any complains.” Yan Yuan said: “I’d like not to boast of my strong points, not to publicize my merits.” Tzu Lu said to Confucius: “I’d like to know your ideal.” Confucius said: “I’d like to see that the aged can enjoy ease and comfort, the young can get every concern, and friends have trust in me.”


5·27 子曰:“已矣乎!吾未見能見其過而內自訟者也。”




Confucius said: “Finished! I’ve never seen anyone who not only knows his own mistakes but also criticizes himself.”


5·28 子曰:“十室之邑,必有忠信如丘者焉,不如丘之好學也。”




Confucius said: “Even in a small village with only ten families, there are certainly someone like me who pays much attention to honesty.”



6·1 子曰:“雍也可使南麵(1)。”






Confucius said: “ Nei Yong can be a lord.”


6·2 仲弓問子桑伯子(1)。子曰:“可也,簡(2)。”仲弓曰:“居敬(3)而行簡(4),以臨(5)其民,不亦可乎?居簡而行簡,無乃(6)大(7)簡乎?”子曰:“雍之言然。”












Zhong Gong asked Confucius what he thinks of Sang Botzu. Confucius said: “Not so bad. He does everything simply and clearly.” Zhong Gong said: “Isn’t it O.K. to administer people with a thorough plan and simple action? Plan is crude and action is careless. Isn’t it too careless?”


6·3 哀公問:“弟子孰為好學?”孔子對曰:“有顏回者好學,不遷怒(1),不貳過(2),不幸短命死矣(3)。今也則亡(4),未聞好學者也。”


(1)不遷怒:不把對一個人的怒氣發泄到另外一個人身上,如“遷怒於人”。 這裏指不把自己的怒火發到別人身上。







Ai Gong, lord of the country Lu asked: “Who is the best one to love study among your students?” Confucius replied: “There is one who named Yan Hui. He was never gray with anyone. He never made same mistakes. Unfortunately he died young. Now there is no longer that sort of person. I’ve never hear anyone who is love study.”


6·4 子華(1)使於齊,冉子(2)為其母請粟(3)。子曰:“與之釜(4)。”請益。曰:“與之庾(5)。”冉子與之粟五秉(6)。子曰:“赤之適齊也,乘肥馬,衣輕裘。吾聞之也:君子周(7)急不濟富。”












Tzu Hua was sent to the country Qi on a diplomatic mission. Ran Tzu asked Confucius to give some rice to his mother. Confucius said: “Give 100 pounds.” Ran Tzu said: “Give a little more please.” Confucius said: “Add forty pounds.” But Ran Tzu gave two thousand pounds. Confucius said: “In the country Lu, Tzu Hua

takes splendid carriage and wears beautiful clothes. I’ve learned it. Gentlemen give relief only to the poor but don’t add property to the rich.”


6·5 原思(1)為之宰(2),與之粟九百(3),辭。子曰:“毋,以與爾鄰裏鄉黨(4)乎!”









Yuan Si served Confucius’s family as a butler. Confucius gave him 900 pounds of rice, but Yuan Se refused. Confucius said: “Don’t refuse. If you think it more than enough, you can give the superfluous part to your neighbors.”


6·6 子謂仲弓,曰:“犁牛(1)為之騂且角(2)。雖欲勿用(3),山川(4)棒舍諸(5)?”










When commenting on Zhong Gong, Confucius said: “If a farm cattle breeds a calf with red hair and elegant horns, the mountain and river spirits don’t abandon this calf, can’t they?”


6·7 子曰:“回也其心三月(1)不違仁,其餘則日月(2)至焉而已矣。”







Confucius said: “Yan Hui can keep humanity and virtue unchanged for a long time, but my other students can keep them unchanged only for a short period.”


6·8 季康子(1)問:“仲由可使從政也與?”子曰:“由也果(2),於從政乎何有?”曰:“賜也可使從政也與?”曰:“賜也達(3),於從政乎何有?”曰:“求也可使從政也與?”曰:“求也藝(4),於從政乎何有?”









Ji Kangtzu asked: “Is Zhong You capable to be in charge of government affairs?” Confucius said: “Zhong You is resolute in action. Will it be difficult for him to be in charge of government affairs?” Ji Kangtzu asked: “Is Duanmu Ci capable to be in charge of government affairs?” Confucius said: “Duanmu Ci is philosophic. Will it be difficult for him to be in charge of government affairs?” Ji Kangtzu asked: “Is Ran Qiu capable to be in charge of government affairs?” Confucius said: “Ran Qiu is talent. Will it be difficult for him to be in charge of government affairs?”


6·9 季氏使閔子騫(1)為費(2)宰,閔子騫曰:“善為我辭焉!如有複我(3)者,則吾必在汶上(4)矣。”









Ji sent someone to ask Min Tzujian to be an official in the county Mi. Min Tzujian said to the man: “Please refuse for me. If you come again, I’ll be on the other side of Wen River .”


6·10 伯牛(1)有疾,子問之,自牖(2)執其手,曰:“亡之(3),命矣夫(4),斯人也而有斯疾也!斯人也而有斯疾也!”




(3)亡之:一作喪失解,一作死亡解。 這裏選擇第一解。





Bo Niu was ill. Confucius went to see him and held his hand from outside the window and said: “I should have to lose this man. It is that I’m doomed to lose him. Such a person should have got this sort of disease! Such a person should have got this sort of disease!”


6·11 子曰:“賢哉回也,一簞(1)食,一瓢飲,在陋巷(2),人不堪其憂,回也不改其樂。賢哉回也。”







Confucius said: “How noble-minded Yan Hui is! A basket of rice, a ladleful of water, and living in a shabby lane. Other people cannot endure this sort of hard life. But Yan Hui never changed his optimistic nature. How noble-minded Yan Hui is!”


6·12 冉求曰:“非不說(1)子之道,力不足也。”子曰:“力不足者,中道而廢。今女畫(2)。”







Ran Qiu said: “It’s not that I don’t like your doctrine but I’m lack of a tremendous capacity.” Confucius said: “If lack of a tremendous capacity, one will stop halfway. You have not started but you’re unwilling to go forward.”


6·13 子謂子夏曰:“女為君子儒,無為小人儒。”




Confucius said to Tzu Xia: “You should be a scholar of gentleman type but not a scholar of vugarian type.”


6·14 子遊為武城(1)宰。子曰:“女得人焉爾(2)乎?”曰:“有澹台滅明(3)者,行不由徑(4),非公事,未嚐至於偃(5)之室也。”










Tzu You got the position of mayor of Wucheng City . Confucius asked: “Have you got any persons of talent?” Tzu You replied: “There is a man named Dantai Mieming. He never goes astray and doesn’t come to my room if having no official business to do.”


6·15 子曰:“孟之反(1)不伐(2),奔(3)而殿(4),將入門,策其馬,曰:非敢後也,馬不進也。”









Confucius said: “Meng Zhifan never praised himself. When fighting a battle, he always covered the retreat in the back of his own accord. When entering the city gate, he whipped his horse and quickly passed through the crowded welcomers, saying: ‘It’s not that I’ve got the guts to keep behind but that my horse runs not so quickly.”


6·16 子曰:“不有祝鮀(1)之佞(2),而有宋朝(3)之美,難乎免於今之世矣。”



(2)佞: 口才。





Confucius said: “If a person isn’t eloquent as Zhu Tuo but only has a beautiful face like Song Chao’s, he can never avoid disasters through out his life.”


6·17 子曰:“誰能出不由戶,何莫由斯道也?”




Confucius said: “Who can go out of a door without going through this door? Why nobody takes my way?”


6·18 子曰:“質(1)勝文(2)則野(3),文勝質則史(4)。文質彬彬(5),然後君子。”










Confucius said: “If a person’ s characters of honesty and simplicity surpass his rich and bright colors in literature, he’ll say rude things and behave boorishly; yet if on the contrary, he’ll grandiloquent in language but conduct frivolously. Only by properly combining these two factors, both refined and courteous, can he become a gentleman.”


6·19 子曰:“人之生也直,罔(1)之生也幸而免。”




孔子說: “人正直,才能生活幸福;不正直的人有時也能生活平安,但那隻是僥幸逃過災難而已。”


Confucius said: “Only an honest person can enjoy a happily life; sometimes a dishonest person can also enjoy a peaceful life, but he can avoid disasters only by pure luck.”


6·20 子曰:“知之者不如好之者,好之者不如樂之者。”




Confucius said: “Knowing the importance of study is not so good as loving study; loving study is not so good as taking pleasure from study.”


6·21 子曰:“中人以上,可以語上也;中人以下,不可以語上也。”




Confucius said: “As for a person with an upper-middle-class gift, you can study with him profound learning; as for a person with a lower-middle-class gift, you cannot study with him profound learning.”


6·22 樊遲問知(1),子曰:“務(2)民之義(3),敬鬼神而遠之,可謂知矣。”問仁,曰:“仁者先難而後獲,可謂仁矣。”








Fan Chi asked something about sensibleness, Confucius said: “Whenever you do something, you must to popular will. You respect religion but keep yourself far away from it. This can be considered sensibleness.” Fan Chi asked something about humanity. Confucius said: “If you can be the first to bear hardships and the last to enjoy comforts, then it can be considered humanity.”


6·23 子曰:“知(1)者樂水,仁者樂(2)山;知者動,仁者靜;知者樂,仁者壽。”







Confucius said: “Wise people love water. Benevolent people love mountains. Wise people love to be active. Benevolent people love to be calm. Wise people are happy. Benevolent people enjoy longevity.”


6·24 子曰:“齊一變,至於魯;魯一變,至於道。”

【白話】 “齊國的製度經過改革,就能達到魯國的水平;魯國的製度經過改革,就能走上正道。”


Confucius said: “Through reformation, the system of the country Qi can reach the level of the country Lu and the system of the country Lu can be put on the right track.”


6·25 子曰:“觚(1)不觚,觚哉!觚哉!”






Confucius said: “This wine-container does not like a wine-container. Can it be considered a wine-container? Can it be considered a wine-container?”


6·26 宰我問曰:“仁者雖告之曰: ‘井有仁(1)焉’,其從之也?”子曰:“何為其然也?君子可逝(2)也,不可陷(3)也;可欺也,不可罔也。”








Zai Wo asked: “A benevolent person is told that a benevolent person fell into a well. Can he follow him and jump into the well? ” Confucius said: “Why does he do this sort of thing? A gentleman can go to the well to rescue the man, but he cannot make himself fell into the well. A gentleman may be cheated but he cannot act blindfold.”


6·27 子曰:“君子博學於文,約(1)之以禮,亦可以弗畔(2)矣夫(3)。”








Confucius said: “Song long as keeping extensive study, observing disciplines and abiding by the law, a gentleman can avoid going astray.”


6·28 子見南子(1),子路不說(2)。夫子矢(3)之曰:“予所否(4)者,天厭之!天厭之!”









Confucius went to see Nan Tzu, Tzu Lu was unhappy. Confucius swore: “If I do something wrong, let the heaven condemn me! Let the heaven condemn me!”


6·29 子曰:“中庸(1)之為德也,其至矣乎!民鮮久矣。”






Confucius said: “As a sort of virtue, mean should be the highest state! But people have lacked this sort of virtue for a long time.”


6·30 子貢曰:“如有博施(1)於民而能濟眾(2),何如?可謂仁乎?”子曰:“何事於仁?必也聖乎!堯舜(3)其猶病諸(4)。夫(5)仁者,己欲立而立人,己欲達而達人。能近取譬(6),可謂仁之方也已。”











Tzu Gong said to Confucius: “Supposing there is a person who can relieve the broad masses by providing them much material benefit, what do you think of him? Can he be considered one of humanity?” Confucius said: “Far more than that. He’s simply a sage! Even Yao and Shun couldn’t reach this state. As far as a man of humanity is concerned, he should help others to rely on themselves when he himself wants to stand on his own legs, and help others to rise in the world when he himself wants to get a vigorous development in his own cause. Whenever doing anything, he should take himself as an example and then ‘do unto others what you would do unto yourself’. This can be considered a way to put humanity into practice.”



7·1 子曰:“述而不作(1),信而好古,竊(2)比於我老彭(3)。”








Confucius said: “I only pass on the existing knowledge but don’t make innovations, believe ancestors, especially love the ancient classical works. In secret, I compare myself with Shang Dynasty’s Mr. Peng.”


7·2 子曰:“默而識(1)之,學而不厭,誨(2)人不倦,何有於我哉(3)?”








Confucius said: “Learn knowledge by heart, unsatisfied with study, untiring of teaching others. How can these things be difficult to me?”


7·3 子曰:“德之不修,學之不講,聞義不能徙(1),不善不能改,是吾憂也。”






Confucius said: “Don’t cultivate noble morality, don’t assiduously study knowledge, don’t learn from good examples, don’t correct mistakes. All these are what I worry about.”


7·4 子之燕居(1),申申(2)如也;夭夭(3)如也。








When staying at home, Confucius was well dressed, carefree and content.


7·,5 子曰:“甚矣吾衰也!久矣吾不複夢見周公(1)。”






Confucius said: “I’m too doddery! I haven’t dreamt of Mr. Zhou for a long time.”


7·6 子曰:“誌於道,據於德(1),依於仁,遊於藝(2)。”







Confucius said: “Acquire high ideals, cultivate fine morality, cherish humane feeling, mould noble sentiment.”


7·7 子曰:“自行束脩(1)以上,吾未嚐無誨焉。”






Confucius said: “As for the students who are willing to give me ten or more pieces of dried beef, I’ve never refused to teach them.”


7·8 子曰:“不憤(1)不啟,不悱(2)不發。舉一隅(3)不以三隅反,則不複也。”








Confucius said: “When teaching a student, don’t remind him before he can rack his brains, and don’t guide him before he wants to say but cannot speak out. If he cannot learn by analogy, don’t teach him anymore.”


7·9 子食於有喪者之側,未嚐飽也。




With a person in mourning at his side, Confucius can never eat his fill.”


7·10 子於是日哭,則不歌。




Weeping the whole day, Confucius no longer sings.


7·11 子謂顏淵曰:“用之則行,舍之則藏(1),惟我與爾有是夫(2)!”子路曰:“子行三軍(3),則誰與(4)?”子曰:“暴虎(5)馮河(6),死而無悔者,吾不與也。必也臨事而懼(7)。好謀而成者也。”












Confucius said to Yan Yuan: “If I’m put in an important position, I’ll fully display my talents, otherwise I’ll conceal my capacities. Only you and me can do this, can’t we?” Tzu Lu asked Confucius: “If you command the country’s armed forces, what sorts of persons do you choose to be your assistants?” Confucius said: “I don’t need anyone who can wrestle with tigers bear-handed and across rivers bare-foot, and never repent. Who I’m looking for are those who can act cautiously and win by strategy.”


7·12 子曰:“富(1)而可求(2)也;雖執鞭之士(3),吾亦為之。如不可求,從吾所好。”








Confucius said: “So long as I can be rich reasonably, I’m willing to do anything, even if I have to drive cars for others, I don’t care. Otherwise, I’d like to do anything I love.”


7·13 子之所慎:齊(1)、戰、疾。






Confucius acted cautiously in three aspects including fast, war and diseases.


7·14 子在齊聞《韶》(1),三月不知肉味,曰:“不圖為樂之至於斯也。”






After hearing the music named《Shao》in the country Qi, Confucius couldn’t taste beef. He said: “I’ve never realized that《Shao》should be amazing like this.”


7·15 冉有曰:“夫子為(1)衛君(2)乎?”子貢曰:“諾(3),吾將問之。”入,曰:“伯夷、叔齊何人也?”曰:“古之賢人也。”曰:“怨乎?”曰:“求仁而得仁,又何怨。”出,曰:“夫子不為也。”



(2)衛君:衛出公輒,是衛靈公的孫子。公元前492年 ̄前481年在位。他的父親因謀殺南子而被衛靈公驅逐出國。靈公死後,被立為國君,其父回國與他爭位。





Ran You said: “Is our master going to assist the lord of the country Wei?” Tzu Gong said: “Let me ask him.” After entering the room, Tzu Gong asked his master: “Bo Yi and Shu Qi belong to what sorts of persons?” The master replied: “They are ancient worthy persons.” Tzu Gong asked: “Did they regret?” The master replied: “They sought humanity and they got it. Why regret?” Tzu Gong going out and said: “Our master wouldn’t go to assist the country Wei.”


7·16 子曰:“飯疏食(1)飲水,曲肱(2)而枕之,樂亦在其中矣。不義而富且貴,於我如浮雲。”







Confucius said: “Even have plain tea and simple fare and take a bended arm as a pillow, I can still take pleasure in them. In my eye, riches and honors without humanity are just like floating clouds in the sky.”


7·17 子曰:“加(1)我數年,五十以學易(2),可以無大過矣。”







Confucius said: “Let me have several more years and I’ll study 《Yi》. And at that time, I can avoid committing big mistakes.”


7·18 子所雅言(1),《詩》、《書》、執禮,皆雅言也。






Sometimes Confucius spoke popular speech. When reading 《Poems》,《Book》and taking part in ceremonies, he spoke popular speech.


7·19 葉公(1)問孔子於子路,子路不對。子曰:“女奚不曰,其為人也,發憤忘食,樂以忘憂,不知老之將至雲爾(2)。”







An official in Yecheng City asked Tzu Lu about Confucius. Tzu Lu didn’t answer. Confucius said to Tzu Lu: “Why don’t you answer him like this: when reading, he is so absorbed as to forget to eat and so happy as to forget his anxiety and even not to realize that he is becoming older and older?”


7·20 子曰:“我非生而知之者,好古,敏以求之者也。”




Confucius said: “I’m not a person who has got knowledge before his birth but a person who is fond of ancient things and quick in thought and studies them diligently.”


7·21 子不語怪、力、亂、神。




Confucius never talks about monstrosities, violence, turbulence, ghosts and spirits.”


7·22 子曰:“三人行,必有我師焉。擇其善者而從之,其不善者而改之。”


孔子說: “三人走路,必有人可作為我的老師。選擇他的優點向他學習,找出他的缺點作為借鑒,進而自我改正。”


Confucius said: “Three people are walking. There must be someone among them who can be my teacher. I’d like to find out his strong points to learn and pick out his shortcomings to drawn on lessons from and make self-correction.


7·23 子曰:“天生德於予,桓魋(1)其如予何?”


(1)桓魋:魋,讀“魁”,任宋國軍事行政官員司馬,是宋桓公的後代。 公元前492年,孔子從衛國去陳國時經過宋國。桓魋聽說以後,帶兵要去害孔子。當時孔子正與弟子們在大樹下演習周禮的儀式,桓魋砍倒大樹,而且要殺孔子,孔子連忙在學生保護下,離開了宋國,在逃跑途中,他說了這句話。




Confucius said: “The heaven bestowed virtues on me. What can Huan Kui do to me?”


7·24 子曰:“二三子(1)以我為隱乎?吾無隱乎爾。吾無行而不與二三子者,是丘也。”






Confucius said: “You students think that I’ve hid something from you? I’ve hid nothing from you. I don’t have anything which I didn’t do together with you. This is my behavior.”


7·25 子以四教:文(1)、行(2)、忠(3)、信(4)。




What Confucius taught included four aspects: documents, virtue, honesty and keeping promise.


7·26 子曰:“聖人吾不得而見之矣!得見君子者,斯(1)可矣。”子曰:“善人吾不得而見之矣!得見有恒(2)者,斯可矣。亡而為有,虛而為盈,約(3)而為泰(4),難乎有恒矣。”









Confucius said: “It’s impossible for me to see sages. If I can see gentlemen, that’s enough.” Confucius said again: “It’s impossible for me to see kind people. If I can see someone who can be true to himself forever, that’s enough. Have nothing, but pretend to have something. Empty, but pretend to be full. Poor, but pretend to be rich. It’s difficult for this sort of people to keep on doing something perseveringly.”


7·27 子釣而不綱(1),弋(2)不射宿(3)。








Confucius caught fish with only a hook but not a net, he shot only flying birds but not sleeping birds.


7·28 子曰:“蓋(1)有不知而作之者,我無是也。多聞,擇其善者而從之,多見而識之,知之次也(2)。”


(1) 蓋:大概。

(2) 知之次也:僅次於生而知之。

【白話】 孔子說:“有些人不了解情況就冒然行事,我不會這樣。多聽,向先進人物學習;多看,把細節牢記在心。這種方法僅次於生而知之。”


Confucius said: “Some people act rashly without knowing concrete conditions. I don’t do anything like that. Listen more and learn from exemplary persons; observe more and bear details in mind. This is only second to being born with knowledge.”


7·29 互鄉(1)難與言,童子見,門人惑。子曰:“與(2)其進(3)也,不與其退也,唯何甚?人潔己(4)以進,與其潔也,不保其往(5)也。”










People in Hu Xiang didn’t behave themselves well. It was difficult to exchange ideas with them. But a boy from there was granted an interview by Confucius. His students felt perplexed about it. Confucius said: “Affirming a person’s present progress is not equal to approving his past mistakes. What’s the need to seize on others’ mistakes? Since they’ve corrected their mistakes, we should affirm their progress but not mention their past any longer.”


7·30 子曰:“仁遠乎哉?我欲仁,斯仁至矣。”




Confucius said: “Humanity is very far from us? So long as I want humanity, and there it comes.”


7·31 陳司敗(1)問:“昭公(2)知禮乎?“孔子曰:“知禮。”孔子退,揖(3)巫馬期(4)而進之曰:“吾聞君子不黨(5),君子亦黨乎?君取(6)於吳,為同姓(7),謂之吳孟子(8)。君而知禮,孰不知禮?”巫馬期以告。子曰:“丘也幸,苟有過,人必知之。”













Chen Sibai asked: “Does Lu Zhaogong know proprieties?” Confucius said: “Yes, he does.” After Confucius left, Chen Sibai made a bow to Wu Maqi with hands folded in front and asked him to come near and said: “I heard that gentlemen show no partiality. Could it be said that gentlemen show partiality? The lord of the country Lu married a woman in the country Wu. She has the same family name as his and calls her as Wu Mengtzu. If the lord of the country Lu is considered to know proprieties, is there anyone who doesn’t know?” Wu Maqi told this to Confucius. Confucius said: “I’m lucky. If I make mistakes, others must know.”


7·32 子與人歌而善,必使反之,而後和之。




Confucius sometimes sung together with others. If he did well, he was certainly asked to repeat one more time and then others sung together with him.


7·33 子曰:“文,莫(1)吾猶人也。躬行君子,則吾未之有得。”






Confucius said: “As far as book-learning is concerned, maybe I’m about the same with others. But as for a gentleman who earnestly practices what he advocates, I’m much inferior to the standards.”


7·34 子曰:“若聖與仁,則吾豈敢?抑(1)為之(2)不厭,誨人不倦,則可謂雲爾(3)已矣。”公西華曰:“正唯弟子不能學也。”








Confucius said: “As for sage and humanity, how can I deserve this? Yet, I have been constantly doing my best to go in the direction of these two aspects. And moreover, I’ve been assiduously teaching others. I think my behavior in this respect is not so bad.” Gong Xihua said: “This is the very thing that I can’t learn.”


7·35 子疾病(1),子路請禱(2)。子曰:“有諸(3)?”子路對曰:“有之。《誄》(4)曰:‘禱爾於上下神祗(5)。’”子曰:“丘之禱久矣。”










Confucius was seriously ill and Tzu Lu prayed for him. Confucius said: “Really?” Tzu Lu said: “Yes. The text of《Lei》says: ‘Say prayer for you to heaven and earth, to spirits and ghosts.’” Confucius said: “I’ve long been praying.”


7·36 子曰:“奢則不孫(1),儉則固(2)。與其不孫也,寧固。”







Confucius said: “Luxury leads arrogance. Thrifty leads shabbiness. I’d rather show shabbiness than act



7·37 子曰:“君子坦蕩蕩(1),小人長戚戚(2)。”







Confucius said: “Gentlemen are always openhearted, while vulgarians are always sorrowful.”


7·38 子溫而厲,威而不猛,恭而安。




Confucius is gentle-natured but stern, awful but not violent, solemn but benign.



8·1 子曰:“泰伯(1),其可謂至德也已矣。三(2)以天下讓,民無得而稱焉(3)。”








Confucius said: “You may well say that Tai Bo is the noblest person. He renounced sovereign authority several times. People just can’t find proper words to praise him.”


8·2 子曰:“恭而無禮則勞(1),慎而無禮則葸(2),勇而無禮則亂,直而無禮則絞(3)。君子篤(4)於親,則民興於仁,故舊(5)不遺,則民不偷(6)。”











Confucius said: “Without proprieties, respectfulness is futile; without proprieties, cautiousness will lead to cowardice; without proprieties, braveness will cause trouble; without proprieties, frankness will become acridness. If leaders sincerely love their kinsfolk, people will uphold love and humanity; if gentlemen truly take care of their old friends, people couldn’t be indifferent.”


8·3 曾子有疾,召門弟子曰:“啟(1)予足!啟予手!詩雲(2):‘戰戰兢兢,如臨深淵,如履薄冰。’而今而後,吾知免(3)夫,小子(4)!”









Zeng Tzu was ill and called his disciples together before him and said: “Look at my hands! Look at my feet! 《Poems》said: ‘Trembling with fear, as if facing an abyss, as though walking on thin ice.’ From now on, I know that I won’t be wounded any longer, my disciples!”


8·4 曾子有疾,孟敬子(1)問(2)之。曾子言曰:“鳥之將死,其鳴也哀;人之將死,其言也善。君子所貴乎道者三:動容貌(3),斯遠暴慢(4)矣;正顏色(5),斯近信矣;出辭氣(6),斯遠鄙倍(7)矣。籩豆之事(8),則有司(9)存。”














Zeng Tzu was ill and Meng Jingtzu visited him. Zeng Tzu said: “In dying hour, birds cry sadly; in face of death, people speak genially. Gentlemen should pay attention to three points about virtue: a solemn appearance can avoid rudeness; a severe expression is near honesty; a proper tone can avoid rudeness and going against common sense. As for matters concerning the tools of etiquette and ceremony, there are certainly some people to manage.”


8·5 曾子曰:“以能問於不能,以多問於寡,有若無,實若虛;犯而為校(1) -- 昔者吾友嚐從事於斯矣。”




曾子說:“有才能卻向沒才能的人請教,知識多卻向知識少的人請教,有學問卻謙虛得像沒學問一樣;滿腹經綸卻大智若愚;被冒犯卻從不計較 -- 從前我的朋友就這樣做過了。”


Zeng Tzu said: “A man who is capable yet seeks advices from someone is incapable; a man who enjoys profound and extensive learning yet consults a person who is lack of knowledge and information; a man of letters is so modest that he acts as if he has no knowledge at all; a man of great learning is so modest that he behaves just like a foolish man; a person never bothers about anyone who offends him. In the past, a friend of mine conducted just like this.”

【原文】8·6 曾子說:“可以托六尺之孤(1),可以寄百裏之命(2),臨大節而不可奪也。君子人與?君子人也。”







Zeng Tzu said: “A man is so reliable that you can leave an ophen to him, you can entrust the country to him. And moreover, he is dauntless and unyielding in critical moment of life and death. A man of this sort is a gentleman? Certainly is.”


8·7 曾子曰:“士不可以不弘毅(1),任重而道遠。仁以為己任,不亦重乎?死而後已,不亦遠乎?”






Zeng Tzu said: “As for a person of resolution and integrity, he cannot but cultivate an unyielding will because his burden is heavy and his way ahead is long. He considers putting humanity into practice as his responsibility. Surely it doesn’t mean that his burden isn’t heavy. He keeps on fighting throughout his life and remains unyielding unto death. Could it be said that his way ahead isn’t long?”


8·8 子曰:“興(1)於詩,立於禮,成於樂。”







Translation No.1:

Confucius said: “Self-cultivation begins from learning poems; making up mind starts from learning proprieties and perfection is completed through learning music.”

Translation No.2:

Confucius said: “Taking pleasure in reciting poems; carving out career and performing merits according to proprieties; and be in a good mood through enjoying music.”


8·9 子曰:“民可使由(1)之,不可使知之。”









Translation 1:

Confucius said: “You can only let people do something, but not let them know why.”

Translation 2:

Confucius said: “We should do whatever the people approve; we should give them a clear explanation about whatever they can’t understand.”


8·10 子曰:“好勇疾(1)貧,亂也。人而不仁(2),疾之已甚(3),亂也。”








Confucius said: “If a person is very brave but hates poverty, he may cause trouble. If he hates evil men and ugly things too bitterly, he can also court disaster.”


8·11 子曰:“如有周公之才之美,使驕且吝,其餘不足觀也已。”




Confucius said: “A person is capable even as Zhou Gong, his other aspects are still not worth looking at if he is either arrogant or mean.”


8·12 子曰:“三年學,不至於穀(1),不易得也。”


(1)穀:古代以穀作為官吏的俸祿,這裏用“穀”字代表做官。不至於穀,即無官可做。 孔子辦教育的主要目的就是能做官的人才,古時一般學習三年為一個階段,此後便可做官。




Confucius said: “It’s difficult to find a man who has already studied three years but cannot gain an official post.”


8·13 子曰:“篤信好學,守死善道,危邦不入,亂邦不居。天下有道則見(1),無道則隱。邦有道,貧且賤焉,恥也;邦無道,富且貴焉,恥也。”






Confucius said: “Keep promise and study hard; uphold principles unswervingly all one’s life. Do not go to dangerous countries; do not live in turbulent countries. Fully display one’s talent during great order under heaven; conceal one’s capacities during great disorder across the land. Being poor during great order across the land, it’s shameful; being rich during great disorder under heaven, it’s shameful too.”


8·14 子曰:“不在其位,不謀其政。




Confucius said: “Think of nothing concerning a post you don’t enjoy.”


8·15 子曰:“師摯之始(1),《關睢》之亂(2),洋洋(3)乎盈耳哉!”








Confucius said: “From the very beginning of prelude played by the great musician Zhi thru to the end of 《Guan Ju》, rich and beautiful music constantly rang in my ears.”


8·16 子曰:“狂(1)而不直,侗(2)而不願(3),悾悾(4)而不信,吾不知之矣。”









Confucius said: “Frantic but not upright, childish but not cautious, honest outwardly but unable to keep promise. I really don’t know why some people conduct this way.”


8·17 子曰:“學如不及,猶恐失之。”




Confucius said: “Study is just like race. You’re always afraid of being unable to catch up. Yet when you catch up, you’ll be afraid of being overtaken.”


8·18 子曰:“巍巍(1)乎,舜禹(2)之有天下也而不與(3)焉!”









Confucius said: “How noble they are! Yao and Shun didn’t seize state power by means of violence.”


8·19 子曰:“大哉堯(1)之為君也!巍巍乎,唯天為大,唯堯則(2)之。蕩蕩(3)乎,民無能名(4)焉。巍巍乎其有成功也,煥(5)乎其有文章!”









Confucius said: “As an enlightened lord, how great Yao is! What a noble lord he is! Only heaven is the highest one, and only Yao could follow the example of heaven. His kindness is as deep as the sea and people don’t know what sorts of words to choose to praise him. How great his contributions are! What a perfect propriety-system he made!”


8·20 舜有臣五人(1)而天下治。武王曰:“予有亂臣十人(2)。”孔子曰:“才難,不其然乎?唐虞之際(3),於斯(4)為盛,有婦人焉(5),九人而已。三分天下有其二(6),以服事殷。周之德,其可謂至德也已矣。”











Yao had five worthy courtiers to help him get his country well governed. The lord Wu said: “I have ten worthy courtiers.” Confucius said: “It’s difficult to get talented people, isn’t it? During the periods of Yao , Shun and Wu, there was the largest number of talented people. There was a woman among Wu’s ten talented people, so in fact he only had nine. Lord Wen of Zhou Dynasty controlled two thirds of the sate power, yet he can still obey the leadership of the central government. His virtues are really most lofty.”


8·21 子曰:“禹,吾無間(1)然矣。菲(2)飲食而致(3)孝乎鬼神,惡衣服而致美乎黻冕(4);卑(5)宮室而盡力乎溝洫(6)。禹,吾無間然矣。”











Confucius said: “Yu had no fault for me to find. He led a thrifty and simple live but he did his best to serve spirits and ghosts. He was simply dressed but always turned himself out smartly when serving sacrifices. His palace was low and humble, but he devoted himself to water projects wholeheartedly. As for Yu, I can find no fault.”


9·1 子罕(1)言利與(2)命與仁。



Confucius rarely talked about lucre, but he had a great esteem for the will of God and virtue of humanity.

9·2 達巷黨人(1)曰:“大哉孔子!博學而無所成名(2)。”子聞之,謂門弟子曰:“吾何執?執禦乎?執射乎?吾執禦矣。”



Some people in Daxiangdang said: “What a great man Confucius is! He is really a scholar of profound and extensive learning, but it’s sorry to say that he doesn’t have any special skills to have his name up.” Learning this, Confucius said to his disciples: “Which aspect is my special skill? Cart-driving carts? Or arrow-shooting? Perhaps cart-driving is my special skill.”

9·3 子曰:“麻冕(1),禮也;今也純(2),儉(3),吾從眾。拜下(4),禮也;今拜乎上,泰(5)也。雖違眾,吾從下。”




Confucius said: “Making hats with linen is a previous regulation. But making hat with silk now is relatively economical. I’d like to follow the general trend. Making a respectful call on the lord in lower hall is a previous rule. But it is a breach of etiquette to do it in upper hall at present. Although infringing upon popular conventions, I’d like to do it in lower hall.”

9·4 子絕四 -- 毋意(1),毋必(2),毋固(3),毋我(4)。



Confucius got rid of four defects: make groundless conclusions, making arbitrary decisions, stubbornness, selfishness.

9·5 子畏於匡(1),曰:“文王(2)既沒,文不在茲(3)乎?天之將喪斯文也,後死者(4)不得與(5)於斯文也;天之未喪斯文也,匡人其如予何(6)?”

(1)畏於匡:匡,地名,在今河南省長垣縣西南。畏,受到威脅。公元前496年,孔子從衛國到陳國去經過匡地。匡人曾受到魯國陽虎的掠奪和殘殺。孔子的相貌與陽虎相像,匡人誤以孔子就是陽虎,所以將他圍困。 畏於匡,就是指這件事。


Being surrounded in Kuang, Confucius said: “After the death of Lord Wen, could it be said that the cultural heritage hasn’t be inherited by me? If Heaven wants to destroy culture, I wouldn’t have been able to master it. If Heaven doesn’t want to, what can people in Kuang do to me?”

9·6 太宰(1)問於子貢曰:“夫子聖者與?何其多能也?”子貢曰:“固天縱(2)之將聖,又多能也。”子聞之,曰:“太宰知我乎?吾少也賤,故多能鄙事(3)。君子(4)多乎哉?不多也。”




Taizai asked Tzu Gong: “Our master is a sage, isn’t he? Why is he so versatile?” Tzu Gong said: “It’s Heaven that made him a sage and versatile.” Learning this, Confucius said: “How can Taizai know me? When I was little, my social position was low so that I could do so many unskilled works. Do the nobility do these sorts of unskilled works? No.”

9·7 牢(1)曰:“子雲,‘吾不試(2),故藝’。”



Lao said: “Confucius said: ‘I was then not put in important positions, so I can master these sorts of skills.’”

9·8 子曰:“吾有知乎哉?無知也。有鄙夫(1)問於我,空空如也(2)。我叩(3)其兩端(4)而竭(5)焉。”



Confucius said: “Do I have knowledge? No. A farmer once asked me some questions, but I couldn’t answer. It’s when I made a thorough inquiry that I could fully understand his questions.”

9·9 子曰:“鳳鳥(1)不至,河不出圖(2),吾已矣夫!”



Confucius said: “Neither phoenix has come nor picture has appeared in the river. It seems I am finished!”

9·10 子見齊衰(1)者,冕衣裳者(2)與瞽(3)者,見之,雖少,必作(4);過之,必趨(5)。




Whenever meeting persons in mourning or nobility or blind persons, though they were young, he would stand up; whenever passing by them, he would quicken his steps.

9·11 顏淵喟(1)然歎曰:“仰之彌(2)高,鑽(3)之彌堅,瞻(4)之在前,忽焉在後。夫子循循然善誘人(5),博我以文,約我以禮,欲罷不能。即竭吾才,如有所立卓爾(6)。雖欲從之,末由(7)也已。”



Sighing with deep feelings, Yan Yuan said: “Our master’s knowledge is the higher the more to be looked at, the deeper the more to be delved into. It seems in front, but all of a sudden, it goes behind. Our master enriched me with knowledge step by step and restrained me with proprieties and rules. It is impossible for me not to learn from him. I’ve done my best but he is just like a mountain loftily standing in front of my eyes. I want to climb it but there’s no way.”

9·12 子疾病,子路使門人為臣(1)。病間(2),曰:“久矣哉,由(3)之行詐也。無臣(4)而為有臣。吾誰欺?欺天乎?且予與其死於臣之手也,無寧(5)死於二三子之手乎?且予縱不得大葬(6),予死於道路乎?”


(4) 臣:家臣,總管,此處指料理後事的總管大拿。



Confucius was seriously ill. Tzu Lu sent a disciple of Confucius’ to serve him as a butler. When getting better later on, Confucius said: “Tzu Lu has long been playing false like this. It’s clear that I have no butler at all, but pretend to have. Whom do I cheat? Cheating Heaven? I’d rather die before you rather than die in the hands of a butler. Isn’t it better? Moreover, even if I cannot enjoy a stately funeral, could it be said that I’ll be thrown onto the road?”

9·13 子貢曰:“有美玉於斯,韞匵(1)而藏諸?求善賈(2)而沽諸?”子曰:“沽(3)之哉,沽之哉!我待賈者也。”



Tzu Gong said: “Here is a piece of jade. Keep it in cupboard or find a businessman who knows what’s what to sell it out?” Confucius said: “Sell it out! Sell it out! I’m just waiting for a businessman who is able to judge.”

9·14 子欲居九夷(1)。或曰:“陋(2),如之何?”子曰:“君子居之,何陋之有?”



Confucius was going to live in a remote eastern place. Someone said: “That place is very backward. How can you live there?” Confucius said: “Gentlemen live there. How can it be backward?”

9·15 子曰:“吾自衛反魯(1),然後樂正(2),雅頌(3)各得其所。”




Confucius said: “Since coming back Lu from Wei, I’ve already made musics well sorted out and 《Ya》and 《Song》have also been properly arranged.”

9·16 子曰:“出則事公卿(1),入則事父兄,喪事不敢不勉,不為酒困,何有於我哉。”


(1) 事公卿:是,侍奉。公卿,古時指高級官員。侍奉高級官員,代指為國盡職。


Confucius said: “Away from home, serve the country wholeheartedly and at home, show filial devotion to parents and friendship to bothers. When arranging funeral, dare not be careless and do not let wine spoil anything. How can it be difficult for me to do all these things?”

9·17 子在川上曰:“逝者如斯夫,不舍晝夜。”


Facing a rive, Confucius said: “Time elapses like this river running forward night and day.”

9·18 子曰:“吾未見好德如好色者也。”


Confucius said: “I’ve never met anyone who loves virtue as if loves beauties.”

9·19 子曰:“譬如為山,未成一簣(1),止,吾止也;譬如平(2)地,雖覆一簣,進,吾往也。



Confucius said: “Like piling up a mountain, I failed to finish the job because of lacking only one basket of earth. It’s my own choice. Like filliing up a pit, I added only one basket of earth and then contimue to do like this. It’s also my own decision.”

9·20 子曰:“語之而不惰者,其回也與!”



Confucius said: “I’m afraid there is only one person, namely Yan Hui, who is never bored when listening to my speech even one hundred times.”

9·21 子謂顏淵曰:“惜(1)乎!吾見其進也,未見其止也。”


(1) 惜:可惜。孔子為何可惜呢?孔子的學生顏淵是一個十分勤奮刻苦的人,他在生活方麵幾乎沒有什麽要求,而是一心用在學問和道德修養方麵。但他卻不幸死了。對於他的死,孔子自然十分悲痛。他經常以顏淵為榜樣要求其他學生。


Confucius said to Yan Yuan: “What a pity! I’ve only seen him advancing but never seen him stopping.”

9·22 子曰:“苗而不秀(1)者有矣夫;秀而不實者有矣夫!”



Confucius said: “It happens that crops have seedlings but sprout no ears; and it also happens that crops sprout ears but bear no fruit.”

9·23 子曰:“後生可畏,焉知來者之不如今也?四十、五十而無聞焉,斯亦不足畏也已。”


Confucius said: “Young deserves to be treated with awe. How can you know that posterity is not so good as people of today? If a man is still unknown to the public at the age of forty or fifty, then he is finished.”

9·24 子曰:“法語之言(1),能無從乎?改之為貴。巽與之言(2),能無說(3)乎?繹(4)之為貴。說而不繹,從而不改,吾末(5)如之何也已矣。”



Confucius said: “How can I refuse reasonable advices? When having mistakes, it’s really admirable to correct them. How can it be said that flattery doesn’t make people happy? Yet, I’m really at my wit’s end to the people who are only happy but don’t make analysis on hearing flattery and who only approve but don’t adopt others’ reasonable advices.”

9·25 子曰:“主忠信,毋友不如己者,過則勿憚改。”(1)



Confucius said: “Take honesty as a foundation. Don’t make friends with people who are not so good as yourself. Don’t hesitate in correcting mistakes.”

9·26 子曰:“三軍(1)可奪帥也,匹夫(2)不可奪誌也。”

(1)三軍:周朝1, 2500人為一軍,三軍包括大國所有的軍隊。此處為虛數,多的意思。


Confucius said: “An army can be deprived of its commander; yet a person cannot be deprived of his ideals.”

9·27 子曰:“衣(1)敝縕袍(2),與衣狐貉(3)者立而不恥者,其由也與?‘不忮不求(4),何用不臧?’”子路終身誦之。子曰:“是道也,何足以臧?”

(4)不忮不求,何用不臧:這兩句見《詩經·邶風·雄雉》篇。忮,讀“誌”,害的意思。臧,善,好。 對應的是“否”,讀“匹”,壞、惡。相關成語有“否極泰來”,壞到極點好的來到。“臧否人物”,評論人物的優劣。



Confucius said: “Shabbily dressed, but stand side by side with people luxuriously dressed without feeling ashamed. Perhaps only Tzu Lu can do this. ‘Don’t be jealousy; don’t be greedy. Why no one praises these sorts of virtues?’” Tzu Lu recited this poem all his life. Confucius said again: “He should act this way. What’s the need to praise him?”

9·28 子曰:“歲寒,然後知鬆柏之後彫也。”


Confucius said: “It’s at the time of cold that we know pine tree is the last one to become withered and bare.”

9·29 子曰:“知者不惑,仁者不憂,勇者不懼。”


Confucius said: “Wise people cannot be puzzled; noble-minded people cannot be sorrowful; brave people cannot be timid.”

9·30 子曰:“可與共學,未可與適道(1);可與適道,未可與立(2);可與立,未可與權(3)。”



Confucius said: “There are some people from whom you can learn doctrines but it isn’t necessary to be able to gain something about doctrines. Even if you can gain something about doctrines, it won’t be necessary to be able to persevere in doctrines. And even you can persevere in doctrines, yet it won’t be necessary for you to be able to adjust yourself to circumstances.”

9·31 “唐棣(1)之華,偏其反而(2)。豈不爾思,室是遠而(3)。”子曰:“未之思也,夫何遠之有?”




There is an ancient poem saying: “O, Tang Di flowers! You’re so beautifully swinging. How can it be said that I don’t miss you? It’s only because I live too far from here.” Confucius said: “Still, you don’t really miss him. Otherwise it’s quite out of the question of being too far.”



10·1 孔子於鄉黨(1),恂恂(2)如也,似不能言者。其在宗廟、朝廷,便便(3)言,唯謹爾。








Facing fellow townsmen, Confucius didn’t seem good at speaking. Yet in ancestral temple and court, he was a man of eloquence, but he was rather cautious.


10·2 朝,與下大夫言,侃侃(1)如也;與上大夫言,訚訚(2)如也。君在,踧踖(3)如也,與與(4)如也。









In court, Confucius talked with ease and confidence to lower rank officials, was out-spoken to higher rank officials, and talked to the lord respectfully and cautiously.


10·3 君召使擯(1),色勃如也(2);足躩(3)如也。揖所與立,左右手,衣前後,襜(4)如也。趨進,翼如也(5)。賓退,必複命曰:“賓不顧矣。”










The lord called Confucius in and asked him to receive guests. Confucius looked serious and quickened his pace. While making bows with hands folded in front to people beside him in both sides, he cupped one hand in the other to the left and then to the right with his dress swinging forward and backward rather neatly. When swiftly stepping forward, he walked at a brisk space. When guests left, he was certain to report back: “Guests went far away.”


10·4 入公門,鞠躬如(1)也,如不容。立不中門,行不履閾(2)。過位,色勃如也,足躩如也,其言似不足者。攝齊(3)升堂,鞠躬如也,屏氣似不息者。出,降一等(4),逞(5)顏色,怡怡如也。沒階(6),趨進,翼如也。複其位,踧踖如也。











Entering the court gate, Confucius looked deferential and cautious as if no place to shelter himself. When standing, he never stood in the middle of a door; when walking, he never let his feet touch threshold. While passing by the lord’s seat, he looked serious and quickened pace and spoke with a feeble voice as if suffering vitality deficiency. When walking toward upper hall with his gown hem in hand, he held his breath with all courtesy and respect as if he didn’t breathe at all. Only at the time of turning back and walking down the steps did he show a relaxed look and seemingly feel happy and contented. After walking down all the steps, he took a few quick paces forward as a bird stretching its wings. Back onto his seat, he still looked extremely differential but uneasy.


10·5 執圭(1),鞠躬如也,如不勝。上如揖,下如授。勃如戰色(2),足蹜蹜(3),如有循(4)。享禮(5),有容色。私覿(6),愉愉如也。











Confucius held a jade “Gui” in hand as if bowing to the lord and being unable to hold it. He raised it as if he made a bow with hands folded in front. Putting it down as if he presented it. When he walked with light and quick steps as if following a straight line, he showed a severe look and trembled with fear. Yet when presenting gifts, he showed an amiable look. While having a private interview with the lord, he looked rather relaxed and happy.


10·6 君子不以紺緅飾(1),紅紫不以為褻服(2)。當暑,袗絺綌(3),必表而出之(4)。緇衣(5),羔裘(6);素衣,麑(7)裘;黃衣,狐裘。褻裘長,短右袂(8)。必有寢衣(9),長一身有半。狐貉之厚以居(10)。去喪,無所不佩。非帷裳(11),必殺之(12)。羔裘玄冠(13)不以吊(14)。吉月(15),必朝服而朝。




















Gentlemen neither use dark red material to make hems nor use red or purple material to make underwear. In summer, they wear coarse unlined clothes and must wear outer garment when away from home. They should pay attention to match: match black underwear with black outer garment, white underwear with yellow outer garment, yellow underwear with yellow outer garment. Underwear should be long with right sleeve relatively short. Pajamas must be used and should be one and half time the length of one’s height. Seat cushions must be thick. After funeral, there’re no restrictions on ornaments. As for clothes used on formal occasions, they must have hems cut. During funeral, black dress and hats are unadvisable. One the first day of every January, they must wear audience dress to have their audience with the sovereign ruler.

【原文】10·7 齊(1),必有明衣(2),布。齊必變食(3),居必遷坐(4)。









On fast days, one must wear bathrobe after bath, which is made of cloth. During fast period, one should change diet and residence.


10·8 食不厭精,膾(1)不厭細。食饐(2)而餲(3),魚餒(4)而肉敗(5),不食。色惡,不食。臭惡,不食。失飪(6),不食。不時(7),不食,割不正(8),不食。不得其醬,不食。肉雖多,不使勝食氣(9)。唯酒無量,不及亂(10)。沽酒市脯(11),不食。不撤薑食,不多食。
















When you pestle grain, the more delicate the better; while fish and meat to be cut, the finest the better. Neither moldy grain nor rotten fish and meat are eatable. Do not eat food with bad colors. Do not eat food with bad smell. Do not eat food improperly cooked. Do not eat food unseasonable. Do not eat meat without being cut into square pieces. Do not eat food improperly flavored. While eating meat, do not take more than rice though plenty. Only wine is unlimited, yet do not get drunk. Do not eat dried meat and wine bought from market. Ginger must be taken during each meal, but not too much.


10·9 祭於公,不宿肉(1),祭肉(2)不出三日。出三日,不食之矣。







Confucius didn’t eat overnight sacrificial meat allotted to him after participating in sacrificial rites held by lord. Sacrificial meat couldn’t be kept over three days. Otherwise, he didn’t eat it at all.


10·10 食不語,寢不言。




Confucius didn’t speak during eating or sleeping.


10·11 雖疏食菜羹(1),瓜祭(2),必齊(3)如也。



(2)瓜祭:古人飯前把食品分出一些,放在食具裏祭祖。 瓜,葫蘆瓜。古人以葫蘆瓢為食具,把食品放在瓢裏祭祀,故稱瓜祭。





Even if coarse rice and vegetable soup, Confucius was certain to put some aside before dinner as sacrificial offerings to his ancestors. He did it with all courtesy and respect as if during fast days.


10·12 席(1)不正,不坐。






Confucius didn’t sit on mat which wasn’t put properly.


10·13 鄉人飲酒(1),杖者(2)出,斯出矣。







After ending country wine rites, Confucius would certainly let old people walk out before him.


10·14 鄉人儺(1),朝服而立於阼階(2)。







During country ghost-expelling-rites, Confucius usually had his official garment on and stood on the eastern step.


10·15 問(1)人於他邦,再拜而送之(2)。







When asking someone to send regards or gifts to foreign friends, it was definite that Confucius saw him off by making two respectful calls on him


10·16 康子饋藥,拜而受之。曰:“丘未達,不敢嚐。”




Accepting some medicine given by Ji Kangtzu, Confucius said: “I’m not familiar with its property so I dare not have a taste.”


10·17 廄焚。子退朝,曰:“傷人乎?”不問馬。




Confucius’ stable was destroyed by a fire. Back from his audience with the sovereign ruler, he said: “Are there anyone wounded?” But he asked nothing about his horse.


10·18 君賜食,必正席先嚐之。君賜腥(1),必熟而薦(2)之。君賜生,必畜之。侍食於君,君祭,先飯。







Given food by the lord, Confucius definitely put it properly and then had a taste. Given raw meat, he definitely had it cooked and then offered it as sacrifices to ancestors. Given something alive, he definitely accepted and raised it. Accompanying the lord to have a meal, he definitely had a taste before the lord began offering sacrifice.


10·19 疾,君視之,東首(1),加朝服,拖紳(2)。



(2)紳:腰帶。 孔子患病,臥床不起,國君探視,他無法起身穿朝服,顯得對國君失禮,就把朝服蓋在身上,手裏還拿著腰帶。




Confucius was ill. The lord went to see him. Lying in bed, he had his head eastward with official garment covering his body and waistband in his hand.


10·20 君命召,不俟駕行矣。




Whenever called in by the lord, Confucius would usually go by foot without waiting to prepare carriage and horse ready.


10·21 入太廟,每事問(1)。




Entering the temple which was built for offering sacrifice to the lord’s ancestors, Confucius asked about everything.


10·22 朋友死,無所歸,曰:“於我殯(1)。”






A friend died but no one made arrangements for funeral affairs. Confucius said: “Let me do it.”


10·23 朋友之饋,雖車馬,非祭肉,不拜(1)。


(1) 拜:拜領,即接受。




As for gifts given by friends, Confucius refused anything other than sacrifice meat. If no sacrifice meat, he accepted nothing even if there were horses or carts.


10·24 寢不屍,居不客。




When sleeping, Confucius wasn’t as stiff and rigid as a corpse. While staying at home, he wasn’t as overcautious as a visitor.


10·25 見齊衰(1)者,雖狎(2),必變。見冕者與瞽者(3),雖褻(4),必以貌。凶服(5)者式(6)之。式負版者(7)。有盛饌(8),必變色而作(9)。迅雷風烈必變。















When seeing people in mourning apparel, Confucius definitely changed his usual look into a severe one even if they were near and dear to him. When seeing officials or blind musicians, he definitely showed respects even if they were well acquainted with each other. While seating in a cart and seeing people attending a funeral, he definitely bent his body to show sympathy. Seeing people carrying inscribed wooden slips, he did the same. Attending a grand banquet, he definitely changed his usual countenance into a thankful look and stood up to show gratitude. When bad weather came about with sound thunders and strong wind, he definitely showed a respectful and awesome expression to the heaven.


10·26 升車,必正立,執綏(1)。車中,不內顧(2),不疾言(3),不親指(4)。









When boarding a cart, Confucius definitely stood straight first and then grasped the supporting belt to help him climb up. In the cart, he neither peeped here and there nor spoke aloud and gesticulated wildly.


10·27 色斯舉矣(1),翔而後集(2)。曰:“山梁雌雉(3),時哉時哉!(4)”子路共(5)之,三戛(6)而作(7)。。








(7) 作:飛。




Seeing some pheasants flying and then gathering in a tree during an outing, Confucius suddenly changed his expression and said: “These she-pheasants on the hill. How lucky they are! How lucky they are!” Ztu Lu bowed to the birds cupping one hand in the other before his chest. And the birds gave out several cries and flew away.



11·1 子曰:“先進(1)於禮樂,野人(2)也;後進(3)於禮樂,君子(4)也。如用之,則吾從先進。”









Confucius said: “Anyone who learnt etiquette and music first and then looked for official posts was a common people. Anyone who looked for official posts first and then learnt etiquette and music was an aristocrat. If I had to make an appointment, I’d like to choose a common people.”


11·2 子曰:“從我於陳、蔡(1)者,皆不及門(2)也。”







Confucius said: “People who once followed me to the countries Chen and Cai were no longer right before my eyes.”


11·3 德行(1):顏淵、閔子騫、冉伯牛、仲弓。言語(2):宰我、子貢。政事(3):冉有、季路。文學(4):子遊、子夏。









The ones who were of high character and great prestige included Yan Yuan, Min Ztujian, Ran Boniu and Zhong Gong. People who were endowed with eloquence included Zai Wo and Ztu Gong. Persons were good at politics included Ztu You and Ztu Xia.


11·4 子曰:“回也非助我者也,於吾言無所不說。”




Yan Hui wasn’t a person who was helpful to me, yet never under any circumstances was he failed to feel a heartfelt admiration for my words.”


11·5 子曰:“孝哉閔子騫!人不間(1)於其父母昆(2)弟之言。”







Confucius said: “What a dutiful person Min Ztuqian is! People heard his parents and brothers praised him and quite agree with them.”


11·6 南容三複白圭(1),孔子以其兄之子妻(2)之。







Nan Rong often recited the poem on white jade and Confucius married his niece to him.


11·7 季康子問:“弟子孰為好學?”孔子對曰:“有顏回者好學,不幸短命死矣,今也則亡。”




Ji Kangztu asked Confucius: “Among your students who loves to study?” Confucius replied: “Yan Hui. But unfortunately he died young. There’s no more such sort of people.”


11·8 顏淵死,顏路(1)請子之車以為之槨(2)。子曰:“才不才,亦各言其子也。鯉(3)也死,有棺而無槨。吾不徒行以為之槨。以吾從大夫之後(4),不可徒行也。”









Yan Yuan died. His father Yan Lu asked Confucius to sell out his cart to make his son an outer coffin. Confucius said: “No matter capable or not, they are all sons to their fathers. When my son Kong Li died, I didn’t sell out my cart to make him an outer coffin because I was once a higher official “Daifu”. It won’t do for a Daifu to go on foot.”


11·9 顏淵死,子曰:“噫!天喪予!天喪予!”




Yan Yuan died. Confucius said: “That’s really killing me! That’s really killing me!”


11·10 顏淵死,子哭之慟(1)。從者曰:“子慟矣。”曰:“有慟乎?非夫(2)人之為慟而誰為?”







Yan Yuan died. Confucius cried. His followers said: “You’re over-sad!” Confucius said: “Am I over-sad? If I’m not over-sad for him, then for whom?”


11·11 顏淵死,門人欲厚葬(1)之,子曰:“不可。”門人厚葬之。子曰:“回也視予猶父也,予不得視猶子也(2)。非我也,夫(3)二三子也。”








Yan Yuan died. Confucius’ students were going to entomb him grandly. Confucius said: “This won’t do.” These students held a stately funeral for Yan Yuan. Confucius said: “Yan Hui treated me as his father, but I couldn’t treat him as my son. It’s not my original idea. All these things were done by my students.”


11·12 季路問事鬼神。子曰:“未能事人,焉能事鬼?”曰:“敢問死。”曰:“未知生,焉知死?”




Ji Lu asked Confucius how to attend ghosts and spirits. Confucius said: “You haven’t even well attended people, then how can you well attend ghosts and spirits?” Ji Lu said: “What’s death about?” Confucius replied: “You even don’t know anything about life, how can you know anything about death?”


11·13 閔子侍側,訚訚(1)如也;子路,行行(2)如也;冉有、子貢,侃侃(3)如也。子樂。“若由也,不得其死然。”








Min Tzuqian stood by Confucius in attendance, kindly and pleasantly. Ztu Lu showed a firm and unyielding look. Ran You and Tzu Gong looked kind and gentle. Confucius was quite happy. Yet Confucius said: “People like Zhong You cannot die a worthy death, I’m afraid.”


11·14 魯人(1)為長府(2)。閔子騫曰:“仍舊貫(3),如之何?何必改作?”子曰:“夫人(4)不言,言必有中。”





(4)夫人:夫, 度“扶”,這個人。




The lord of the country Lu was going to rebuild national treasury. Min Tzuqian said: “Keep it unchanged. How about it? What’s the need to rebuild it?” Confucius said: “This guy seldom says a word. Yet so long as he opens his mouth, he’ll hit home.”


11·15 子曰:“由之瑟(1)奚為於丘之門(2)?”門人不敬子路。子曰:“由也升堂矣,未入於室(3)也。”








Confucius said: “Why is Zhong You playing Se (a zither – like musical instrument) at my doorway?” Confucius’ student therefore didn’t show respect to Ztu Lu. Confucius said: “Ztu Lu plays quite well, only that he hasn’t been proficient in it.”


11·16 子貢問:“師與商(1)也孰賢?”子曰:“師也過,商也不及。”曰:“然則師愈(2)與?”子曰:“過猶不及。”







Ztu Gong asked Confucius: “Who is better? Ztu Zhang or Ztu Xia?” Confucius said: “Ztu Zhang often overdoes. But Ztu Xia often under-does.” Ztu said: “Ztu Zhang is better, then?” Confucius said: “Too much is as bad as too little.”


11·17 季氏富於周公,而求也為之聚斂(1)而附益(2)之。子曰:“非吾徒也。小子鳴鼓而攻之可也。”







Ji Shi richer than the lord of Zhou Dynasty, but Ran Qiu still helped him collect money so as to make him much richer than ever before. Confucius said: “Ji Shi is no longer my student. You students can beat drum to attack him.”


11·18 柴(1)也愚(2),參也魯(3),師(4)也辟(5),由也喭(6)。





(4)師: 顓孫師,即子張。






Gao Chai was straifhtforward. Zeng Can was dull. Zhuansun Shi was over-radical. Zhong You was rash.


11·19 子曰:“回也其庶(1)乎,屢空(2)。賜不受命,而貨殖(3)焉,億(4)則屢中。”









Confucius said: “Yan Hui is nearly perfect, but he is often poor. Duanmu Ci refuses to leave thing to chance and went to business. He often estimates market situation by guess but he wins.”


11·20 子張問善人(1)之道,子曰:“不踐跡(2),亦不入於室(3)。”








Ztu Zhang asked the way to perfect himself. Confucius said: “If you don’t march ahead along others’ tracts, then you cannot have a good comprehension of knowledge.”


11·21 子曰:“論篤是與(1),君子者乎?色(2)莊者乎?”







Confucius said: “When someone compliments others on their honesty, we should agree with him. But we should also ask whether he compliments real gentlemen or hypocrites”


11·22 子路問:“聞斯行諸(1)?”子曰:“有父兄在,如之何其聞斯行之?”冉有問:“聞斯行諸?”子曰:“聞斯行之。”公西華曰:“由也問聞斯行諸,子曰,‘有父兄在’;求也問聞斯行諸,子曰,‘聞斯行之’。赤也惑,敢問。”子曰:“求也退,故進之;由也兼人(2),故退之。”







Ztu Lu asked: “Go into action on hearing?” Confucius said: “How can you go into action when your father and brother are still living and in good health?” Ran You asked: “Go into action on hearing?” Confucius said: “Go into action on hearing.” Gongxi Hua said: “Zhong You asked: ‘Go into action on hearing?’ You said: ‘How can you go into action when your father and brother are still living and in good health?’ Ran Qiu also asked: ‘Go into action on hearing?’ But you said: ‘Go into action on hearing.’ This makes me feel perplexed. Would you please give me an explanation?” Confucius said: “Ran Qiu always shrinks back so I have to encourage him. But Zhong You is quite bold, so I have to restrain him.”


11·23 子畏於匡,顏淵後。子曰:“吾以女為死矣。”曰:“子在,回何敢死?”




After being pinned down in Kuang district for a long time, Yan Yuan escaped at last. Confucius said: “I thought you must have died.” Yan Yuan said: “How can I die while you are still living and in good health?”


11·24 季子然(1)問:“仲由、冉求可謂大臣與?”子曰:“吾以子為異之問,曾(2)由與求之間。所謂大臣者,以道事君,不可則止。今由與求也,可謂具臣(3)矣。”曰:“然則從之(4)者與?”子曰:“弑父與君,亦不從也。”







季子然問:“仲由和冉求能算大臣嗎?”孔子說:“我還以為您在問別人,原來您問的是這倆位。所謂大臣,應以仁道輔佐君主,不行也不強求。現在他們二人,可算是充數的臣子。” 季子然說:“那他們是否絕對聽話?”孔子說:“當然殺父弑君的事,他們也不會跟著幹。”


Ji Zturan asked: “Zhong You and Ran Qiu can be considered competent ministers?” Confucius said: “I thought you had asked me about others. So you’re asking me about these two guys. It seems to me that they should be considered two stopgaps.” Ji Zturan said: “Do they obey orders absolutely or not?” Confucius said: “If they are ordered to kill their fathers and the lord, they certainly do not obey.”


11·25 子路使子羔為費宰。子曰:“賊(1)夫人之子(2)。”子路曰:“有民人焉,有社稷(3)焉,何必讀書,然後為學?”子曰:“是故惡(4)夫佞者。”








Ztu Lu asked Ztu Gao to be the leader of Fei district. Confucius said: “You’re simple doing harm to him.” Ztu Lu said: “There are people and lands in that place. Serving the people and administrating the state can also be considered studies. How can it be necessary to read books?” Confucius said: “You’re simply using lame arguments.”


11·26 子路、曾皙(1)、冉有、公西華侍坐。子曰:“以吾一日長乎爾,毋吾以也(2)。居(3)則曰:‘不吾知也!’如或知爾,則何以哉(4)?”子路率爾(5)而對曰:“千乘之國,攝(6)乎大國之間,加之以師旅,因之以饑饉,由也為之,比及(7)三年,可使有勇,且知方也(8)。”夫子哂(9)之。“求,爾何如?”對曰:“方六七十(10),如(11)五六十,求也為之,比及三年,可使足民。如其禮樂,以俟君子。”“赤,爾何如?”對曰:“非曰能之,願學焉。宗廟之事(12),如會同(13),端章甫(14),願為小相(15)焉。”“點,爾何如?”鼓瑟希(16),鏗爾,舍瑟而作(17),對曰:“異乎三子者之撰。”子曰:“何傷乎?亦各言其誌也。”曰:“莫(18)春者,春服既成,冠者(19)五六人,童子六七人,浴乎沂(20),風乎舞雩(21),詠而歸。”夫子喟然歎曰:“吾與點也!”三子者出,曾皙後。曾皙曰:“夫三子者之言何如?”子曰:“亦各言其誌也已矣。”曰:“夫子何哂由也?”曰:“為國以禮。其言不讓,是故哂之。”唯(22)求則非邦也與?”“安見方六七十如五六十而非邦也者?”“唯赤則非邦也與?”“宗廟會同,非諸侯而何?赤也為之小,孰能為之大?”














































Accompanied by Ztu Lu, Zeng Zhe and Gongxi Hua, Confucius sat there saying: “Don’t consider my age too much to be out-spoken. You often said that no one could well understand you. If some people can well understand you and entrust you with important work, what are you going to do?”


Ztu Lu said in a hurry: “If a relatively big country is sandwiched by big countries and suffer from outer invasion and inner famine, I’d like to govern this country. Only within three years, I can make everyone brave and act according to the principles of humanity.”


Confucius smiled and asked: “Ran Qiu, how about you?”


Ran Qiu replied: “If there is a place which has a circumference of ten li, I can govern it. Only three years are needed for me to make people well-fed and well-clothed. Yet, as for the problem of spiritual civilization, a capable man is needed to solve it.


Confucius asked: “Gongxi Chi, how about you?”


Gongxi Chi replied: “I don’t dare to say that I can do it well, but I’m willing to learn. As to sacrifice offering and foreign affairs, I’m willing to be an assistant in ceremonial dress.”


Confucius asked: “Zeng Dian, how bout you?”


Zeng Zhe’s lute playing was coming to an end when he threw his lute onto the ground with a bang and stood up, saying: “I’m different from these three ones.”


Confucius said: “What does it matter to say something? It’s only a problem of expressing their respective ideals.”


Zeng Dian said: “In late March, I’d like to wear spring clothing, invite five or six people, take six or seven kids and have a bath near the bank of Xishui, expose myself to the wind on a high hill, and finally come back home singing all the way.”


The master sighed with feeling and said: “I appreciate Zeng Dian’s delight.”


After these three people left, Zeng Zhe asked: “How about the remarks of these three people?”


Confucius said: “It’s only a problem of expressing their respective ideals.”

曾皙說: “您為何笑仲由呢?”

Zeng Zhe said: “Why are you laughing at Zhong You?”


Confucius said: “If you want to govern a country, you should give up something for the sake of courtesy. But he didn’t say anything modest, so I laughed at him.”


Zeng Zhe asked again: “Did Ran Qiu say anything about governing a country?”


Confucius said: “How can you know governing a place in a circumferece of several decades of li is not governing a country?”


Zeng Zhe asked again: “What Gongxi Chi said is something about administering a country?”


Confucius said: “If sacrifice offering and foreign affairs are not big national issues, then what are they? If Gongxi Chi is fit for an assistant only, then who is fit for a high official?”



12·1 顏淵問仁。子曰:“克己複禮(1)為仁。一日克己複禮,天下歸仁焉(2)。為仁由己,而由人乎哉?”顏淵曰:“請問其目(3)。”子曰:“非禮勿視,非禮勿聽,非禮勿言,非禮勿動。”顏淵曰:“回雖不敏,請事(4)斯語矣。”









Yan Yuan asked Confucius about humanity. Confucius said: “Set strict demands on ourselves so as to make our action conform to standards of proprieties. This is humanity. So long as we do this way, our society will be put on tract of humanity. It completely depends on oneself to make his action conform to standards of humanity. How can it be that it depends on others?” Yan Yuan said: “Would you please tell me the concrete way to do it?” Confucius said: “As to things going against humanity, you just don’t look at, don’t listen to, don’t speak, and don’t do.” Yan Yuan said: “I’m very simple, yet I’m willing to do everything according to your remarks.”


12·2 仲弓問仁。子曰:“出門如見大賓,使民如承大祭(1);己所不欲,勿施於人;在邦無怨,在家無怨(2)。”仲弓曰:“雍雖不敏,請事(3)斯語矣。”








Zhong Gong asked what sort of action can be considered humanity. Confucius said: “Go out to manage business respectfully and seriously as meeting with distinguished guests. Order people about as if hold grand sacrificial rites. Do not do to others what you would not have them to do to you. Do not breed enmity with colleagues; live in harmony at home.” Zhong Gong said: “I’m quite simple, but I’m willing to act according to your remarks.”


12·3 司馬牛(1)問仁。子曰:“仁者,其言也訒(2)。”曰:“其言也訒,斯(3)謂之仁已乎?”子曰:“為之難,言之得無訒乎?”








Sima Niu asked questions about humanity. Confucius said: “Noble-minded people speak cautiously.” Sima Niu said: “Speaking cautiously is humanity?” Confucius said: “Doing something is very difficult. In view of this, how can it be advisable for us not to speak cautiously?”


12·4 司馬牛問君子。子曰:“君子不憂不懼。”曰:“不憂不懼,斯謂之君子已乎?”子曰:“內省不疚,夫何憂何懼?”




Sima Niu asked questions about gentlemen. Confucius said: “Gentlemen neither worry about nor fear anything.” Sima Niu said: “Worrying about or fearing nothing can be considered humanity?” Confucius said: “If one has nothing on his conscience, then what in the world can make him worry about and fear anything?”


12·5 司馬牛憂曰:“人皆有兄弟,我獨亡。”子夏曰:“商(1)聞之矣:死生有命,富貴在天。君子敬而無失,與人恭而有禮,四海之內,皆兄弟也。君子何患乎無兄弟也?”






Sima Niu said sadly: “All others have brothers. Only I have no.” Zi Xia said: “I heard: ‘Life and death depend on fate; riches and honors depend on Heaven.’ So long as a gentleman works selflessly making no mistakes and treats people according to proprieties, he’ll find that all people in the world are his friends. What’s the need for a gentleman to worry about having no friend?”


12·6 子張問明(1)。子曰:“浸潤之譖(2),膚受之愬(3),不行焉,可謂明也已矣。浸潤之譖,膚受之愬,不行焉,可謂遠(4)也已矣。”


(1)明 :明智。







Ztu Zhang asked questions about sensibility. Confucius said: “Some slanders are like water soaking into something secretly. Some frames are like knives cutting skin ruthlessly. If these slanders and frames can do nothing to you, then you can be considered a man of sensibility. And if these slanders and frames can do nothing to you, then you can be considered a man of foresight.”


12·7 子貢問政。子曰:“足食,足兵,民信之矣。”子貢曰:“必不得已而去,於斯三者何先?”曰:“去兵。”子貢曰:“必不得已而去,於期二者何先?”曰:“去食。自古皆有死,民無信不立。”




Ztu Gong asked how to manage government affairs. Confucius said: “You should have abundant grain, sufficient troops and people’s trust.” Ztu Gong said: “If I have to remove one of them, which one should be taken off first?” Confucius said: “Take off sufficient troops.” Ztu Gong said: “If I have to remove another one, which one should be taken off?” Confucius said: “Take off abundant grain. There must have people to die ever since ancient times. If you lose people’s trust, the state will be unable to exist.”


12·8 棘子成(1)曰:“君子質而已矣,何以文為?”子貢曰:“惜乎夫子之說君子也!駟不及舌(2)。文猶質也,質猶文也,虎豹之鞟(3)猶犬羊之鞟。”








Ji Chengztu said: “Gentlemen should lay stress on qualities. What’s the need to attach importance to culture?” Ztu Gong said: “What a pity! As a master, you should talk about gentlemen like this. A word once out of the lips cannot be recovered even by swift horses. Qualities are like culture, and vice versa. Tiger or leopard leather is just like dog or sheep leather.”


12·9 哀公問於有若曰:“年饑,用不足,如之何?”有若對曰:“盍徹乎(1)?”曰:“二(2),吾猶不足,如之何其徹也?”對曰:“百姓足,君孰與不足?百姓不足,君孰與足?”







Ai Gong, the lord of the country Lu asked You Ruo: “Our country is suffering from financial difficulties due to the famine. How can we do?” You Ruo replied: “Whe don’t you carry out the One Tenth Tax?” Ai Gong said: “Even Two Tenth is not enough, let alone One Tenth.” You Ruo said: “If the ordinary people are rich, how can it be possible that you’re not rich consequently? And if the ordinary people are poor, how can it be possible that you are rich?”


12·10 子張問崇德(1)辨惑(2)。子曰:“主忠信,徙義(3),崇德也。愛之欲其生,惡之欲其死,既欲其生,又欲其死,是惑也。‘誠不以富,亦祗以異。’(4)”









Ztu Zhang asked how to enhance moral level and distinguish between right and wrong. Confucius said: “Taking honesty as purpose and carrying forward justice can enhance a person’s moral level. When you love a person, you wish he could enjoy longevity. But when you hate him, you wish he could die immediately. Wish a person a long life and meanwhile hope he could die at once. Wish a person a long life and at the same time hope he could die immediately. It is that you can’t distinguish right from wrong. It is just like what《The Book of Songs》said: ‘Even if it is not that you dislike the poor and love the rich, it is at least that you love the new and dislike the old.’”


12·11 齊景公(1)問政於孔子。孔子對曰:“君君、臣臣、父父、子子。”公曰:“善哉!信如君不君,臣不臣,父不父,子不子,雖有粟,吾得而食諸?”






Jing Gong, the lord of the country Qi asked Confucius how to manage government affairs. Confucius said:“A lord should be like a lord. A courtier should be like a courtier. A father should be like a father. A son should be like a son.” Jing Gong said: “Quite right! If a lord is not like a lord, a courtier is not like a courtier, a father is not like a father, and a son is not like a son, can I have something to eat even if the grain is sufficient?”


12·12 子曰:“片言(1)可以折獄(2)者,其由也與(3)?”子路無宿諾(4)。









Confucius said: “Decide a case only according to one-side story. Maybe only Zhong You can do it.”


12·13 子曰:“聽訟(1),吾猶人也。必也使無訟乎!”






Confucius said: “As for trying a case, mine is identical with the way of others. The most important thing is that we should do our best to prevent any lawsuit cases from occurring!”


12·14 子張問政。子曰:“居之無倦,行之以忠。”




Ztu Zhang asked how to manage government affairs. Confucius said: “Assiduously serve the people and loyally repay the country.”










Confucius said: “Song long as keeping extensive study, observing disciplines and abiding by the law, a gentleman can avoid going astray.”


12·16 子曰:“君子成人之美,不成人之惡。小人反是。”




Confucius said: “Gentlemen help others achieve a desired end but do not encourage others to do evil. But vulgarians run counter to it.”


12·17 季康子問政於孔子。孔子對曰:“政者正也。子帥以正,孰敢不正?”




Ji Kangztu asked how to manage government affairs. Confucius said: “By saying government affairs, it means that everything must be done correctly. Since you take a lead in taking a right way, who dare not to follow you?”


12·18 季康子患(1)盜,問於孔子。孔子對曰:“苟子之不欲,雖賞之不竊。”






Distressed about being infested with robbers and thieves, Jin Kangztu asked Confucius how to deal with it. Confucius said: “If you yourself seek no personal gain, no one is willing to commit theft even if you give awards to him.”


12·19 季康子問政於孔子曰:“如殺無道(1),以就有道(2),何如?”孔子對曰:“子為政,焉用殺?子欲善而民善矣。君子之德風,人小之德草,草上之風(3),必偃(4)。”









Ji Kangztu asked Confucius how to manage government affairs and said: “If I kill evil doers to help good people, how do you think about it?” Confucius said: “How can you manage government affairs by killing? If you want to do good works, people will follow you. A person in high position is just like wind. While a person in low position is just like grass. When wind blows on grass, grass will certainly topple and fall.”


12·20 子張問:“士何如斯可謂之達(1)矣?”子曰:“何哉,爾所謂達者?”子張對曰:“在邦必聞(2),在家必聞。”子曰:“是聞也,非達也。夫達也者,質直而好義,察言而觀色,慮以下人(3)。在邦必達,在家必達。夫聞也者,色取仁而行違,居之不疑。在邦必聞,在家必聞。”








Ztu Zhang asked: “How to become illustrious and influential?” Confucius said: “What do you mean by saying illustrious and influential?” Ztu Zhang said: “Well known both at home and abroad.” Confucius said: “This is only the problem of being well known but not the one of being influential. By saying illustrious and influential, we mean the moralities including being honest, just, good at feeling somebody out by examining his words and observing his countenance, and willing to be in low position. Only by doing so, can a person become illustrious and influential both home and abroad. Indeed so, but some other people can also get good reputations home and abroad by cheating who show only superficial humanity but they are entirely different from reality and who consider themselves to be men of integrity without a shadow of doubt.”


12·21 樊遲從遊於舞雩(1)之下,曰:“敢問崇德、修慝(2)、辨惑。”子曰:“善哉問!先事後得(3),非崇德與?攻其惡,無攻人之惡,非修慝與?一朝之忿(4),忘其身,以及其親,非惑與?”









Walking under the sacrificial altar in company with Confucius, Fan Chi said: “How to enhance moral level, correct mistakes and distinguish between truth and falsehood?” Confucius said: “An excellent question! Bear hardship first and then enjoy comforts. It helps a person to enhance moral level, doesn’t it? Do self- criticism but don’t criticize others. It helps a person to correct mistakes, doesn’t it? Some people cannot endure uncomplainingly for a while and forget the dangers he himself and his beloved are faced with. Surely it doesn’t mean that they are not bewildered.”


12·22 攀遲問仁。子曰:“愛人。”問知。子曰:“知人。”樊遲未達。子曰:“舉直錯諸枉(1),能使枉者直。”樊遲退,見子夏曰:“鄉(2)也吾見於夫子而問知,子曰‘舉直錯諸枉,能使枉者直’,何謂也?”子夏曰:“富哉言乎!舜有天下,選於眾,舉皋陶(3),不仁者遠(4)矣。湯(5)有天下,選於眾,舉伊尹(6),不仁者遠矣。”











Pan Chi asked questions about humanity. Confucius said: “Love people.” Pan Chi asked questions about wisdom. Confucius said: “Understand people.” Pan Chi didn’t understand. Confucius said: “Overwhelm unhealthy trend with healthy trend.” Came out and saw Ztu Xia, Pan Chi said: “I saw our master and asked him something about wisdom. He said: ‘Overwhelm unhealthy trend with healthy trend.’ What does it mean?” Ztu Xia said: “Extremely profound! When administering his state, Yao selected persons of talent from among the broad masses. Gao Yao was chosen and evil doers disappeared. When administering his state, Tang selected persons of talent from among the broad masses. Yi Yin was chosen and vulgarians disappeared.”


12·23 子貢問友。子曰:“忠告而善道之,不可則止,毋自辱也。”




Ztu Gong asked the way to treat friends. Confucius said: “Honestly advise and probably guide them. If they don’t listen to you, just leave it at that and don’t get self-insulted.”


12·24 曾子曰:“君子以文會友,以友輔仁。”




Zeng Ztu said: “Gentlemen make friends with knowledge and better their own qualities with the help of friends.”



13·1 子路問政。子曰:“先之勞之(1)。”請益(2)。曰:“無倦(3)。”








Ztu Lu asked the way to manage government affairs. Confucius said: “Go ahead of your men and encourage others to be diligent. Ztu Lu asked his master to say more. Confucius said: “Don’t be slacking.”


13·2 仲弓為季氏宰(1),問政。子曰:“先有司(2),赦小過,舉賢才。”曰:“焉知賢才而舉之?”曰:“舉爾所知。爾所不知,人其舍諸?”







As a manager of Ji, Zhong Gong asked how to manage government affairs. Confucius said: “Let each subordinate of yours take charge of his own job, bear with miner faults and promote talents.” Zhong Gong asked: “How to know who is a real talent?” Confucius said: “Promote whoever you know. As to the talents you don’t know, surely it doesn’t mean that they will be stifled.”


13·3 子路曰:“衛君(1)待子為政,子將奚(2)先?”子曰:“必也正名(3)乎!”子路曰:“有是哉,子之迂(4)也!奚其正?”子曰:“野哉,由也!君子於其所不知,蓋闕(5)如也。名不正則言不順,言不順則事不成,事不成則禮樂(6)不興,禮樂不興則刑罰不中(7),刑罰不中,則民無所措手足。故君子名之必可言也,言之必可行也。君子於其言,無所苟(8)而已矣。”













Ztu Lu aske Confucius: “If the lord of the country Wei is waiting for you to help him manage political affairs, what will you set about?” Confucius said: “I’ll make everything fully justified first.” Ztu Lu said: “Is it? I think you’re a bit too pedantic. What’s the use to make things full justified first?” Confucius said: “But your idea is rather superficial. General speaking, as for what they don’t understand, gentlemen usually reserve their views. If you don’t make things fully justified first, what you say will be unreasonable. If so, you’ll accomplish nothing. If so, you’ll be unable to make laws take root in the heart of the people. If so, penalty will be unfair. And if so, the people won’t know what to do. So, whatever they do, gentlemen must make them reasonable. And whatever they say, they make them workable. When speaking, gentlemen mustn’t be careless.”


13·4 樊遲請學稼。子曰:“吾不如老農。”請學為圃(1)。曰:“吾不如老圃。”樊遲出。子曰:“小人(2)哉,樊須也!上(3)好禮,則民莫敢不敬,上好義,則民莫敢不服;上好信,則民莫敢不用情(4)。夫如是,則四方之民繈(5)負其子而至矣,焉用稼?”










Fan Chi asked Confucius how to grow crops. Confucius said: “I’m not so good as farmers.” Fan Chi asked how to grown vegetable. Confucius said: “I’m inferior to gardeners.” Fan Chi left and Confucius said: “Fan Chi is really as short-sighted as mice. So long as the leaders observe law and discipline, the people won’t dare not to stand in awe of them. So long as the leaders stand for justice, the people won’t dare not to follow you. So long as the leaders pay much attention to honesty, people won’t dare not to treat you wholeheartedly. If so, the people will come to you from far and near supporting the old and carrying the young. What’s the need for them to till land?”


13·5 子曰:“誦詩三百,授之以政,不達(1);使於四方,不能專對(2)。雖多,亦奚以(3)為?”








Confucius said: “If someone is asked to manage government affairs but he cannot do it, if he is asked to deal with social activity but he cannot accomplish the task alone, then what’s the use even if he can skillfully recite the 300 poems of 《The Book of Odes》?”


13·6 子曰:“其身正,不令而行;其身不正,雖令不從。”




Confucius said: “So long as the leaders behave well, the people will follow you even if no orders are issued.

Otherwise, the people won’t follow you even if orders are given.”


13·7 子曰:“魯衛之政,兄弟也。”






Confucius said: “The government affairs between the two states of Lu and Wei are just like that between brothers.”


13·8 子謂衛公子荊(1):“善居室(2)。始有,曰:‘苟(3)合(4)矣’。少有,曰:‘苟完矣。’富有,曰:‘苟美矣。’”









Talking about Jing, prince of the country Wei, Confucius said: “He’s good at managing family money matters. When there is a little bit of money at the beginning, he would say: ‘That’s enough.’ When there is a little bit more, he would say: ‘There is more money.’ When there is much money, he would say: ‘It’s nearly perfect.’”


13·9 子適衛,冉有仆(1)。子曰:“庶矣哉!”冉有曰:“既庶(2)矣,又何加焉?”曰:“富之。”曰:“既富矣,又何加焉?”曰:“教之。”







Confucius went to the country Wei. Ran you drove the cart for him. Confucius said: “There are so many people!” Ran You said: “This country has enough people. What else has to be done?” Confucius said: “Make them rich.” Ran You said: “What else has to be done after getting rich?” Confucius said: “Make them educated.”


13·10 子曰:“苟有用我者,期月(1)而已可也,三年有成。”






Confucius said: “If someone starts using me, initial success will be won and a marked effect will be won.”


13·11 子曰:“善人為邦百年,亦可以勝殘去殺矣。誠哉是言也!”




Confucius said: “If a country is administered by capable men, it’ll spend a hundred years to surmount brutality and avoid killing. What wonderful remarks!”


13·12 子曰:“如有王者,必世(1)而後仁。”






Confucius said: “Thirty years are needed to realize administration by policy of benevolence even if a king turns up.”


13·13 子曰:“苟正其身矣,於從政乎何有?不能正其身,如正人何?”




Confucius said: “What sorts of difficulties will crop up if you behave well? How can you ask others to behave well if you cannot set right your behavior?”


13·14 冉子退朝。子曰:“何晏也?”對曰:“有政。”子曰:“其事也?如有政,雖不吾以,吾其與聞之。”




Ran Ztu came back from the court. Confucius said: “Why are you so late?” Ran Qiu said: “We had government affairs to manage.” Confucius said: “I think they must be personal affairs. If they are government affairs, I’ll know even if the lord has no longer assigned me to any posts.”


13·15 定公問:“一言而可以興邦,有諸?”孔子對曰:“言不可以若是其幾(1)也。人之言曰:‘為君難,為臣不易。’如知為君之難也,不幾乎一言而興邦乎?”曰:“一言而喪邦,有諸?”孔子對曰:“言不可以若是其幾也。人之言曰:‘予無樂乎為君,唯其言而莫予違也。’如其善而莫之違也,不亦善乎?如不善而莫之違也,不幾乎一言而喪邦乎?”






Mr. Ding, the lord of the country Lu, asked: “Only one single word can make a country flourishing. Are there any words like this?” Confucius said: “Although we cannot say this way, yet there are similar words. People say: ‘It’s hard to be a lord and it’s not easy to be a courtier.’ If the lord knows the difficulty to be a lord, isn’t it similar to the words - Only one single word can make a country flourishing?” Mr. Ding said: “Only one single word can make a country destroyed. Are there any words like this?” Confucius said: “Although we cannot say this way, yet there are similar words. Some lords say: ‘My pleasure doesn’t lie in being a lord but lie in that no one dare disobey my words.’ If their words are correct, it’s not so bad. Yet, if their words are wrong but no one dare resist, isn’t similar to the words - Only one single word can make a country destroyed?”


13·16 葉公問政。子曰:“近者悅,遠者來。”




Mr. Ye asked how to manage government affairs. Confucius said: “Make the people nearby happy and make the people far away come and give allegiance to you.”


13·17 子夏為莒父(1)宰,問政。子曰:“無欲速,無見小利。欲速則不達,見小利則大事不成。”






As a manager in Ju Fu, Ztu Xia asked how to manage government affairs. Confucius said: “Do not pursue speed only; do not seek small gains. If you pursue speed only, usually you cannot attain your objective. If you seek small gains, then you cannot do great things.”


13·18 葉公語孔子曰:“吾黨(1)有直躬者(2),其父攘 (3) 羊,而子證(4)之。”孔子曰:“吾黨之直者異於是:父為子隱,子為父隱,直在其中矣。”









Mr. Ye said to Confucius: “There is an honest man in my hometown. His father stole a goat and he informed against his father.” Confucius said: “The honest men in my hometown are different to the ones in your hometown. Fathers conceal sons’ mistakes and vice versa. The secrets of honesty are right here.”


13·19 樊遲問仁。子曰:“居處恭,執事敬,與人忠。雖之夷狄,不可棄也。”




Fan Chi asked about humanity. Confucius said: “Behave yourself properly at home and outside do things carefully and treat people honestly. You mustn’t abandon these principles even you go abroad.”


13·20 子貢問曰:“何如斯可謂之士矣?”子曰:“行已有恥,使於四方,不辱君命,可謂士矣。”曰:“敢問其次。”曰:“宗族稱孝焉,鄉黨稱弟焉。” 曰“敢問其次。”曰:“言必信,行必果(1),硜硜(4)然小人哉!抑亦可以為次矣。”曰:“今之從政者何如?”子曰:“噫!鬥筲之人(3),何足算也?”








Ztu Gong asked: “How can I be a man of integrity?” Confucius said: “You should have a sense of shame when you do something. You should accomplish your mission when you go abroad for state visit. By doing this way, you can be a man of integrity.” Ztu Gong asked: “How about a man of second rank?” Confucius said: “Clansmen praise him for his filial devotion to his parents and respect for his teachers.” Ztu Gong asked: “How about the next rank?” Confucius said: “Put words into deeds. Stubbornly hold to one’s own opinion without asking right or wrong. They are naturally narrow-minded vulgarians. If they can be considered men of integrity, naturally they should be the last rank.” Zut Gong asked: “How about today’s officials? Confucius said: “Oh, these narrow-minded persons! How can they be considered men of integrity?”


13·21 子曰:“不得中行(1)而與之,必也狂狷(2)乎!狂者進取,狷者有所不為也。”







Confucius said: “I cannot find and associate with persons who worship the doctrine of the mean. Therefore I have to associate with frantic persons and cowards. Frantic person dare to do, but cowards often shrink back. There are something they don’t want to do.”


13·22 子曰:“南人有言曰:‘人而無恒,不可以作巫醫(1)。’善夫!‘不恒 其德,或承之羞。’”(2)子曰:“不占(3)而已矣。”








Confucius said: “The southerners have a common saying: ‘Without being perseverant, no one can be a witch doctor.’ What a wonderful remark! But there’s a saying in 《Yi Books》: ‘Unable to keep standards of virtue, one will be subjected to humiliation.’ These words tell us that without being perseverant, one is doomed to get nowhere. It’s no use even if he resorts to fortune-telling.”


13·23 子曰:“君子和(1)而不同(2),小人同而不和。”







Confucius said: “Gentlemen live in harmony with others but don’t wallow in the mire with others. Yet vulgarians do exactly the opposite.”


13·24 子貢問曰:“鄉人皆好之,何如?”子曰:“未可也。”“鄉人皆惡之,何如?”子曰:“未可也。不如鄉人之善者好之,其不善者惡之。”




Ztu Gong asked: “As for a person, if all people in the town love him, how about him?” Confucius said: “It’s hard to say.” Ztu Gong asked: “As far as a person is concerned, if all people in the town detest him, how about him?” Confucius said: “It’s hard to say. I think the best person is a one who is loved by all good people in the town and detested by all bad people in the town.”


13·25 子曰:“君子易事(1)而難說(2)也。說之不以道,不說也;及其使人也,器之(3)。小人難事而易說也。說之雖不以道,說也;及其使人也,求備焉。”








Confucius said: “It’s easy to manage affairs for gentlemen, but it’s hard to make them happy. If you want to make them happy in crooked ways, they cannot be happy. But they employ persons according to their ability. It’s hard to manage affairs for vulgarians, but it’s easy to make them happy. If you want to make them happy in crooked way, they can be happy. But when they employ persons, they demand perfection.”


13·26 子曰:“君子泰而不驕,小人驕而不泰。”




Confucius said: “Gentlemen are calm but not arrogant, yet vulgarians are arrogant but not calm.”


13·27 子曰:“剛、毅、木、訥(1)近仁。”


(1) 訥:說話簡潔。




Confucius said: “Resolution, braveness, honesty and taciturnity. These four fine qualities are near humanity.”


13·28 子路問曰:“何如斯可謂之士矣?”子曰:“切切偲偲(1),怡怡(2)如也,可謂士矣。朋友切切偲偲,兄弟怡怡。”







Ztu Lu asked: “How to become a man of integrity?” Confucius said: “Honestly encourage others and live in amity with others. This sort of persons can be considered men of integrity.”


13·29 子曰:“善人(1)教民七年,亦可以即戎(2)矣。”




(1) 善人:好人。這裏指善於做某事的人。即“能人”。

(2) 戎:軍事,軍隊。即戎,從軍。


Confucius said: “So long as people are trained by a capable man, it only spends seven years that they can join the army.”


13·30 子曰:“以不教民戰,是謂棄之。”




Confucius said: “Not to train people to fight means to abandon them.”



14·1 憲(1)問恥。子曰:“邦有道(2),穀(3);邦無道,穀,恥也。”問:“克(4)、伐(5)、怨、欲不行焉,可以為仁矣?”子曰:“可以為難矣,仁則吾不知也。”


(1) 憲:姓原名憲,孔子的學生。

(2) 有道:天下太平。







Yuan Xian asked about shame. Confucius said: “When there is a great order across the land, you can be an official. Yet if you still want to be an official when there is a disorder under heaven, you are shameful.” He asked once more: “Loving to excel others, self-praising, resentment, greediness, if a person doesn’t have any of these shortcomings, can it be said that his quality is up to the standards of humanity?” Confucius said: “It’s rare for a person to be up to this standard. But I don’t know whether this can be considered humanity or not.”


14·2 子曰:“士而懷居(1),不足以為士矣。”






Confucius said: “If a gentleman is reluctant to leave home, he cannot be a gentleman.”


14·3 子曰:“邦有道,危(1)言危行;邦無道,危行言孫(2)。”







Confucius said: “In case of great order across the land, your action and words should be honest, while in case of disorder under heaven, your action and words should still be honest, yet you should be modest and amiable.”


14·4 子曰:“有德者必有言,有言者不必有德。仁者必有勇,勇者不必有仁。”




Confucius said: “A person with fine characters must necessarily have fine words, yet the one with fine words is not necessarily of fine characters. A person with feelings of humanity must be brave, yet a brave person is not necessarily be of feelings of humanity.”


14·5 南宮適(1)問於孔子曰:“羿(2)善射,奡蕩(3)舟(4),俱不得其死然。禹稷(5)躬稼而有天下。”夫子不答。南宮適出。子曰:“君子哉若人!尚德哉若人!”




(3)奡:讀“傲”,一作“澆”,傳說中寒浞的兒子。後來為夏的後人少康所殺。浞, 讀“卓”,淋。






Nangong Shi asked Confucius: “Yi was good at arrow-shooting, and Ao was good at fighting in water. Yet neither of them died a worthy death. Yu and Ji were engaged in farming but they successfully seized state power.” Confucius didn’t reply. After Nangong Shi left, Confucius said: “He is really a gentleman! He worships virtues indeed.”


14·6 子曰:“君子而不仁者有矣夫,未有小人而仁者也。”




Confucius said: “There are only gentlemen without feelings of humanity, but no vulgarians with feelings of humanity.”


14·7 子曰:“愛之,能勿勞乎?忠焉,能勿誨乎?”




Confucius said: “If you love a person, is it possible for you not to work hard for him? If you are honest to a person, is it possible for you not to instruct him?”


14·8 子曰:“為命(1),裨諶(2)草創之,世叔(3)討論之,行人(4)子羽(5)修飾之,東裏(6)子產潤色之。”











When issuing official documents, the common procedure is like this: Bi Chen made a draft; Shi Shu put forward his proposals; Ztu Yu, official in charge of foreign affairs, proposed amendments and addenda; and Ztu Chan did the final polishing up.


14·9 或問子產。子曰:“惠人也。”問子西(1)。曰:“彼哉!彼哉!”問管仲。曰:“人也(2)。奪伯氏(3)駢邑(4)三百,飯疏食,沒齒(5)無怨言。”










【 英譯】

Someone asked about Ztu Chan. Confucius said: “This man is really of integrity.” This man asked about Ztu Xi. Confucius said: “That guy! That guy!” That man asked about Guan Zhong. Confucius said: “He is really of ability. He deprived Bo family of their feoff but he never claimed credit for himself and became conceited. He had long been living a hard life without any complains till the end of his life.”


14·10 子曰:“貧而無怨難,富而無驕易。”




Confucius said: “It’s difficult for a person to be poor but bear no resentment. It’s easy for a person to be rich but not to be arrogant.


14·11 子曰:“孟公綽(1)為趙魏老(2)則優(3),不可以為滕薛(4)大夫。”









Confucius said: “It’s more than enough for Meng Gongchuo to be a manager in the two families of Zhao and Wei, but it’s not advisable for him to be a minister in the two countries of Teng and Xue.”


14·12 子路問成人(1)。子曰:“若臧武仲(2)之知,公綽之不欲,卞莊子(3)之勇,冉求之藝,文之以禮樂,亦可以為成人矣。”曰:“今之成人者何必然?見利思義,見危授命,久要(4)不忘平生之言,亦可以為成人矣。”









Ztu Lu asked how can be a perfect man. Confucius said: “A person of the wisdom of Zang Wuchong, the restraint of Meng Gongchuo, the courage of Bian Zhuangztu and the skills of Ran Qiu has a good comprehension of proprieties and music he can be considered a perfect man.” Confucius said again: “But the present perfect men don’t need to act this way. So long as they can remember justice when facing benefits, can act regardless of his safety when facing danger, can remember his previous promises when having long been in dire necessity, they can be considered perfect men.”


14·13 子問公叔文子(1)於公明賈(2)曰:“信乎,夫子(3)不言,不笑,不取乎?”公明賈對曰:“以(4)告者過也。夫子時然後言,人不厭其言;樂然後笑,人不厭其笑;義然後取,人不厭其取。”子曰:“其然?豈其然乎?”









Confucius asked Gongming Gu about Gongshu Wenztu: “He doesn’t speak, doesn’t smile and doesn’t take anything. Really?” Gongming Gu said: “Whoever told you this carried it too far. He speaks only when necessary, smiles only when happy and take something only when he should so that people don’t detest him.” Confucius said: “Is it like this? Is it really like this?”


14·14 子曰:“臧武仲以防求為後於魯,雖曰不要君,吾不信也。”


(1) 要:要挾




Confucius said: “Zang Wuchong wanted to withdraw from his fief and then took it as a condition for him to ask the lord of the country Lu to establish social position for the future generations of Zang family. Some people didn’t consider his action as putting pressure on the lord of the country Lu. But I don’t believe.”


14·15 子曰:“晉文公(1)譎(2)而不正,齊桓公(3)正而不譎。”


(1)晉文公:姓姬名重耳,春秋時期有作為的政治家,著名的霸主之一。公元前636 - 前628年在位。


(3)齊桓公:姓薑名小白,春秋時期有作為的政治家,著名的霸主之一。公元前685 - 前643年在位。




Confucius said: “Jin Wen Gong was fraudulent but not honest and upright. Qi Huan Gong was honest and upright but not fraudulent.”


14·16 子路曰:“桓公殺公子糾(1),召忽(2)死之,管仲不死。”曰:“未仁乎?”子曰:“桓公九合諸侯(3),不以兵車(4),管仲之力也。如其仁(5),如其仁。”










Ztu Lu said: “Huan Gong killed his brother Gongztu Jiu, Zhao Hu died a martyr, but Guan Zhong didn’t commit suicide. Guan Zhong should not be considered a man of humanity, should he?” Confucius said: “Huan Gong called dukes and princes under his regime to handle problems according to the principle of reaching unanimity through consultation instead of arms. It was well done only because Guan Zhong had secretly exerted his efforts. This is the humanity of Guan Zhong. This is the humanity of Guan Zhong.”


14·17 子貢曰:“管仲非仁者與?桓公殺公子糾,不能死,又相之。”子曰:“管仲相桓公,霸諸侯,一匡天下,民到於今受其賜。微(1)管仲,吾其被發左衽(2)矣。豈若匹夫匹婦之為諒(3)也,自經(4)於溝瀆(5)而莫之知也。”










Ztu Gong asked: “Guan Zhong should not be considered a man of humanity, should he? Huan Gong killed his own brother Gongztu Jiu. He didn’t sacrifice his life for Gongztu Jiu and worse of all he became Huan Gong’s premier instead.” Confucius said: “Guan Zhong helped Huan Gong unify the whole country by lording it over dukes and princes under his regime. It is only because of this that our people are still enjoying his favor even now. If without Guan Zhong, I’m afraid we are still suffering from foreign invasion.

So, how can we ask Guan Zhong to commit suicide secretly in the wild just like an ordinary people who rigidly adheres to trivial matters only?”


14·18 公叔文子之臣大夫僎(1)與文子同升諸公(2)。子聞之,曰:“可以為文矣。”







Gongshu Wenztu recommended his manager to be a minister who was on an equal footing with him. Heard this, Confucius said: “Gongshu Wenztu can be considered a gentleman.”


14·19 子言衛靈公之無道也,康子曰:“夫如是,奚而不喪?”孔子曰:“仲叔圉(1)治賓客,祝鮀治宗廟,王孫賈治軍旅,夫如是,奚其喪?”


(1) 仲叔圉:圉,讀“雨”,即孔文子。他與後麵提到的祝鮀(讀“駝”)、王孫賈都是衛國的大夫。




Confucius talked about Wei Ling Gong’s incompetence. Ji Kangztu said: “Why could he avert collapse now that the case was like this?” Confucius said: “He had Zhongshu Yu in charge of guest-reception, Zhu Tuo in charge of sacrifice affairs and Wangsun Gu in charge of military. In this case, how could he collapse?”

14·20 子曰:“其言之不怍(1),則為之也難。”






Confucius said: “If a man boast without shame, it’s hard for him to keep him promise.”


14·20 陳成子(1)弑簡公(2)。孔子沐浴而朝,告於哀公曰:“陳恒弑其君,請討之。”公曰:“告夫三子(3)。”孔子曰:“以吾從大夫之後(4),不敢不告也。君曰‘告夫三子’者。”之(5)三子告,不可。孔子曰:“以吾從大夫之後,不敢不告也。”



(2)簡公:齊簡公,姓薑名壬。公元前484 - 前481年在位。







Chen Chengztu killed Qi Jian Gong. After bath, Confucius had an audience with the lord of Ju Ai Gong and make a report: “Chen Heng killed his lord. Please send out troops to suppress him.” Ai Gong said: “Make a report to the three ministers.” Confucius said: “I was once a minister so I don’t dare not to make a report to you. But you should say ‘make a report to the three ministers’!” Confucius had to make a report to these three ministers but they didn’t agree to send out troops to suppress Chen Heng. Confucius said: “I was once a minister so I don’t dare not to make a report to you.”


14·22 子路問事君。子曰:“勿欺也,而犯之。”




Ztu Lu asked how to serve a lord. Confucius said: “You can’t cheat him but you can advise him outspokenly without worrying that you may angry him.”


14·23 子曰:“君子上達,小人下達。”

【注釋】 上達:追求高尚。下達:追求庸俗。




Confucius said: “Gentlemen seek noble things but vulgarians seek vulgar thing.”


14·24 子曰:“古之學者為己,今之學者為人。”




Confucius said: “Ancient people study for enhance themselves but present people study for show.”


14·25 蘧伯玉(1)使人於孔子,孔子與之坐而問焉。曰:“夫子何為?”對曰:“夫子欲寡其過而未能也。”使者出,子曰:“使乎!使乎!”






Qu Boyu sent an envoy to visit Confucius. Confucius let the envoy sit down and asked: “What has Mr. Que been doing?” The envoy replied: “He wants to reduce his mistakes, but he failed.” The envoy left and Confucius said: “What a nice envoy! What a nice envoy!”


14·26 子曰:“不在其位,不謀其政。”曾子曰:“君子思不出其位。”




Confucius said: “Without being in the position, just don’t think anything related to the position.” Zeng Ztu said: “Whenever considering something, a gentleman never oversteps his authority.”


14·27 子曰:“君子恥其言而過其行。”




Confucius said: “Gentlemen think it shameful to say something but do nothing.”


14·28 子曰:“君子道者三,我無能焉:仁者不憂,知者不惑,勇者不懼。”子貢曰:“夫子自道也。”




Confucius said: “Gentlemen’s doctrines include three points which I have realized: a man of humanity never worries anything; a wise man is never perplexed; a brave man never fears anything.” Ztu Gong said: “This is just a self-explanation of yours.”


14·29 子貢方人(1)。子曰:“賜也賢乎哉(2)?夫我則不暇。”







Ztu Gong commented others’ shortcomings. Confucius said: “Ci, are you really nice enough? I have no time to comment others.”


14·30 子曰:“不患人之不己知,患其不能也。”




Confucius said: “Don’t be afraid that no one understands you. The only thing we should worry about is that you are not capable.”


14·31 子曰:“不逆詐(1),不億(2)不信,抑亦先覺者,是賢乎!”



(2)億:同“臆”,主觀地。例如“臆測”,主觀猜測。 此處“臆”即代“臆測”。




Confucius said: “Some people know others’ cheat and lie by detecting but not by suspecting and guessing. The sort of people can be considered worthy persons.


14·32 微生畝(1)謂孔子曰:“丘,何為是(2)棲棲(3)者與?無乃為佞乎?”孔子曰:“非敢為佞也,疾固(4)也。”









Wei Shengmu said to Confucius: “Kong Qiu, why are you so busy running about and peddling your ideas? You just want to show off your eloquence, do you?” Confucius said: “I don’t want to show off my eloquence. The reason for me to do this is that I hate the social inveterate illness.”


14·33 子曰:“驥(1)不稱其力,稱其德也。”






Confucius said: “As for winged-steeds, what people praise is not their strength but their morality.”


14·34 或曰:“以德報怨,何如?”子曰:“何以報德?以直報怨,以德報德。”


(1) 或:有人,某人。




Someone asked: “Return good for evil. Is that O.K.?” Confucius said: “If according to your point of view, what we should return for good? I think that we should return honesty for evil, return good for good.”


14·35 子曰:“莫我知也夫!”子貢曰:“何為其莫知子也?”子曰:“不怨天,不尤(1)人。下學而上達(2),知我者其天乎!”







Confucius said: “No one knows me well!” Ztu Gong said: “How can you say no one knows you well?” Confucius said: “I’ve learned some ordinary knowledge and have understood some profound truth.”


14·36 公伯寮(1)愬(2)子路於季孫。子服景伯(3)以告,曰:“夫子固有惑誌於公伯寮,吾力猶能肆諸市朝(4)。”子曰:“道之將行也與,命也;道之將廢也與,命也。公伯寮其如命何!”









Gongbo Liao spoke ill of Ztu Lu to Ji Sun. Ztufu Jingbo told this matter to Confucius and said: “Ji Sun has been misled by Gongbo Liao’s slander. I have the ability to kill him and make his body displayed in the street.” Confucius said: “If a just cause can be carried out, it depends on luck; if it cannot be carried out, it also depends on luck. How can Gongbo Liao do anything about luck?”


14·37 子曰:“賢者辟(1)世,其次辟地,其次辟色,其次辟言。”子曰:“作者七人(2)矣。”







Confucius said: “People of integrity escape from four aspects including dark society, turbulent area, despising eyes, and vicious slanders.” Confucius said again: “There have already been seven people who can do this.”


14·38 子路宿於石門(1)。晨門(2)曰:“奚自?”子路曰:“自孔氏。”曰:“是知其不可而為之者與?”







Ztu Lu stayed overnight at Stone Door. The door-man asked: “Where are you from?” Ztu Lu said: “From Confucius.” The door-man said: “Is that the man who clearly knows he cannot do but just do it?”


14·39 子擊磬(1)於衛,有荷蕢(2)而過孔氏之門者,曰:“有心哉,擊磬乎!”既而曰:“鄙哉!硜硜(3)乎!莫己知也,斯己而已矣。深則厲(4),淺則揭(5)。”子曰:“果哉!末(6)之難(7)矣。”












Staying in the country Wei, Confucius once struck chime stone. A man with a basket on his back passed his door and said: “The chime stone striker really sets his mind on it!” But after a while he said: “This sound is really vulgar, isn’t it? It doesn’t matter that no one can understand you. So long as you can maintain personal integrity during chaotic times, it’s all right. This is just like crossing a river. If the water is deep, you just wade across it with your clothing on. And if shallow, you just wade across it with your hand holding up the hem of your jacket.” Confucius said: “What he said is really straightforward. I cannot blame him for anything.”


14·40 子張曰:“書雲:‘高宗(1)諒陰(2),三年不言。’何謂也?”子曰:“何必高宗?古之人皆然。君薨(3),百官總己以聽於塚宰(4)三年。”









Ztu Zhang said: “《The Book Shang Shu》said: ‘In Shang Dynasty, the lord Gao Zong did nothing about government affairs for three years during funeral period.’ What does it mean?” Confucius said: “No only Gao Zong, but all ancient people faithfully adhered to this principle. If a lord died, all officials obeyed orders by the premier and stayed at their respective posts.”


14·41 子曰:“上好禮,則民易使也。”




Confucius said: “If leaders worship moral standards, the masses are easy to lead.”


14·42 子路問君子。子曰:“修己以敬。”曰:“如斯而已乎?”曰:“修己以安人(1)。”曰:“如斯而已乎?”曰:“修己以安百姓(2)。修己以安百姓,堯舜其猶病諸?”







Ztu Lu asked about gentlemen. Confucius said: “Raise your own moral level and keep a respectful and attentive attitude at any time and anywhere.” Ztu Lu said: “Is this enough?” Confucius said: “Raise your own moral level and make others to live easily and comfortably.” Ztu Lu asked: “Is this enough?” Confucius said: “Raise your own moral level and make the masses to live and work in peace. Raise your own moral level and make the masses live and work in peace. It’s too difficult even for Yao and Shun to come up to this standard, isn’t it?”


14·43 原壤(1)夷俟(2)。子曰:“幼而不孫弟(3),長而無述焉,老而不死,是為賊。”以杖叩其脛。








With his legs stretching casually, Yuan Rang was waiting for Confucius. Confucius scolded him: “When you were young, you showed no civility to anyone. When you became a grown man, you had nothing accomplished. When you are old now, you don’t die. What a pest you are!”


14·44 闕黨(1)童子將命(2)。或問之曰:“益者與?”子曰:“吾其居於位(3)也,見其與先生並行也。非求益者也,欲速成者也。”








A boy in Que Li came to sent words to Confucius. Someone asked Confucius: “Is this a boy who seeks to make progress?” Confucius said: “I saw him sitting and walking together with elders. He is not a boy who seeks to make progress, but a one who is impatient for success.”



15·1 衛靈公問陳(1)於孔子。孔子對曰:“俎豆(2)之事,則嚐聞之矣;軍旅之事,未之學也。”明日遂行。







Ling Gong, the lord of the country Wei, asked Confucius about battle array. Confucius replied: “As for sacrificial rites, I’ve heard something but I’ve never learned anything about troops commanding and battle fighting.” Confucius left the country Wei the next day.


15·2 在陳絕糧,從者病,莫能興。子路慍(1)見曰:“君子亦有窮乎?”子曰:“君子固窮(2),小人窮斯濫矣。”







When Confucius and his students had run out of food in the country Chen, his students were too hungry to walk. Ztu Lu complained: “Could it be said that gentlemen also have days when they are poverty-stricken and frustrated?” Confucius said: “Sometimes gentlemen may be very poor but they can hold to their high aspirations in spite of poverty. Yet once vulgarians become poor, they will abandon themselves to despair.”


15·3 子曰:“賜也!女以予為多學而識之者與?”對曰:“然,非與?”曰:“非也。予一以貫之。”


(1) 賜:即子貢。

(2) 女:音義皆同“汝”,你。


孔子說:“子貢啊,你以為我是學得多才記得住的嗎?” 子貢答道:“對,難道不是嗎?”孔子說:“不對。那是因為我把學到的東西貫徹始終。”


Confucius said: “Ztu Gong, do you think that I can remember what I’ve learnt just because I’ve studied more?” Ztu Gong replied: “Yes I do. But could it be said that it isn’t like this?” Confucius said: “No. It is because that so long as I’ve learnt something I would put it into practice from beginning to end.”


15·4 子曰:“由!知德者鮮矣。”




Confucius said: “You, there are too little people who can well comprehend virtue.”


15·5 子曰:“無為而治(1)者,其舜也與?夫(2)何為哉?恭己正南麵而已矣。”







Confucius said: “Probably it’s only the lord Shun who can well govern his country by doing nothing, isn’t it? What did he do? The only thing he did was to sit solemnly and uprightly in his throne.”


15·6 子張問行(1)。子曰“言忠信,行篤敬,雖蠻貊(2)之邦,行矣。言不忠信,行不篤敬,雖州裏(3),行乎哉?立則見其參(4)於前也,在輿則見其倚於衡(5)也,夫然後行。”子張書諸紳(6)。



(2)蠻貊:古人對少數民族的貶稱,南為蠻,北為貊。“貊”讀“墨”。 這裏可以理解為偏遠地區。








Ztu Zhang asked Confucius about proper behavior. Confucius said: “What is said must be done and what is done must be honest. So long as you follow this principle, all business of yours will be fine even if you go to remote areas. Or nothing of yours will be going smoothly even in your hometown, won’t it? When you stand, the word ‘honesty’ seems to clearly appear in front of you; while you sit in a cart, this word seems to be carved on the shaft. If so, all your business will be doing well.” Hearing this, Ztu Zhang put these words on his waist belt.


15·7 子曰:“直哉史魚(1)!邦有道,如矢(2);邦無道,如矢。君子哉蘧伯玉!邦有道,則仕;邦無道,則可卷(3)而懷之。”








Confucius said: “How honesty Shi Yu was! When a healthy political atmosphere prevailed in his country, he was upright as an arrow and when an unhealthy political atmosphere prevailed in his country, he was also upright as an arrow. What a gentleman Ju Boyubo was! When a healthy political trend prevailed in his country he came out to be an official but when an unhealthy political trend prevailed in his country he secluded him from society.”


15·8 子曰:“可與言而不與之言,失人;不可與言而與言,失言。知者不失人,亦不失言。”




Confucius said: “If you can speak to a person but you don’t do it then you will lose a friend; yet if you cannot speak to a person but you do it, then you will make a mistake. As for a man of wisdom, he neither loses friends nor makes mistakes.”


15·9 子曰:“誌士仁人,無求生以害仁,有殺身以成仁。”




Confucius said: “There is no person of integrity who clings to life and fears death so that to harm humanity. There are only persons of integrity who are willing to die for a just cause.”


15·10 子貢問為仁。子曰:“工欲善其事,必先利其器。居是邦也,事其大夫之賢者,友其士之仁者。”




Ztu Gong asked about humanity. Confucius said: “If a worker wants to do a good job, he must sharpen his tools first. Living in this country, you must follow the persons of integrity among scholar-bureaucrats and associate with the persons of humanity among intellectuals.”


15·11 顏淵問為邦。子曰:“行夏之時(1),乘殷之輅(2),服周之冕(3),樂則韶舞(4)。放(5)鄭聲(6),遠(7)侫人。鄭聲淫,侫人殆(8)。”













Yan Yuan asked how to govern a country. Confucius said: “Use Xia Dynasty’s calendar, take Yin Dynasty’s carts, wear Zhou Dynasty’ hats, play Shao music, forbid music of the country Zhen, to be estranged from persons with glib tongues. The music of the country Zhen is decadent and vulgarians are too dangerous.”


15·12 子曰:“人無遠慮,必有近憂。”




Confucius said: “One has no foresight will have to face imminent dangers.”


15·13 子曰:“已矣乎!吾未見好德如好色者也。”


孔子說:“這個社會完了! 我沒見過喜歡美德如同喜歡美色的人。


Confucius said: “This society is finished! I’ve never seen a man who loves morality as much as he loves sex.”


15·14 子曰:“臧文仲其竊位(1)者與!知柳下惠(2)之賢而不與立也。”







Confucius said: “Zang Wenzhong was a person who unjustly occupied a high position, isn’t he? He knew well that Liu Xiahui was a person of integrity but he refused to recommend him as a higher official.”


15·15 子曰:“躬自厚而薄責於人,則遠怨矣。”




Confucius said: “So long as you are strict with yourself and lenient to others you can stay far away from resentment.”


15·16 子曰:“不曰‘如之何(1),如之何’者,吾末(2)如之何也已矣。”







Confucius said: “Some people always say ‘What can I do? What can I do?’ when they have something to do. To these people, I also don’t know ‘What can I do’.”


15·17 子曰:“群居終日,言不及義,好行小慧,難矣哉!”




Confucius said: “Some people like to gather, but their words fail to convey their idea and worse of all, they like to show off their cleverness. It’s rather difficult to discipline them.”


15·18 子曰:“君子義以為質,禮以行之,孫以出之,信以成之。君子哉!”




Confucius said: “Uphold justice, observe discipline and abide by the law, speak modestly, be trustworthy in word and resolute in deed. Anyone up to this standard is a gentleman!”


15·19 子曰:“君子病無能焉,不病人之不己知也。”


(1) 病:,擔心,怕。




Confucius said: “A gentleman is only afraid he isn’t capable but don’t be afraid no one well knows him.”


15·20 子曰:“君子疾沒世(1)而名不稱焉。”






Confucius said: “Gentlemen are afraid that their names will not be praised after their death.”


15·21 子曰:“君子求諸己,小人求諸人。”




Confucius said: “Gentlemen ask for help from their own, while vulgarians from others.”


15·22 子曰:“君子矜(1)而不爭,群而不黨。”






Confucius said: “Gentlemen bear themselves dignifiedly and get into no dispute with others; they unite with others but don’t form cliques to pursue selfish interests.”


15·23 子曰:“君子不以言舉人,不以人廢言。”




Confucius said: “Gentlemen neither recommend anyone because of his sweet words nor refuse anyone’s reasonable suggestions because of his bad character.”


15·24 子貢問曰:“有一言而可以終身行之者乎?”子曰:“其恕乎!己所不欲,勿施於人。”




Ztu Gong asked: “Is there any one single word which we can follow the whole life?” Confucius said: “That’s the word ‘forgive’! Do not do to others what you would not have them do to you.”


15·25 子曰:“吾之於人也,誰毀誰譽?如有所譽者,其有所試矣。斯民也,三代之所以直道而行也。”




Confucius said: “As for others, is there anyone I once defamed? Is there anyone I once praised? If there is anyone I once praised, he must be the one I once put to my test. All people in the three dynasties of Xia, Shang and Zhou behaved like this so they could be fair and square in handling affairs.”


15·26 子曰:“吾猶及史之闕文(1)也,有馬者借人乘之,今亡矣夫。”






Confucius said: “I can still find historic books lack something because of outstanding questions. Some people have horses but they’re willing to lend them to others. This sort of case doesn’t exist any longer.”


15·27 子曰:“巧言亂德。小不忍則亂大謀。”




Confucius said: “Honeyed words can make people demoralized. If a person cannot restrain himself when handling small things, he will spoil great things.”


15·28 子曰:“眾惡之,必察焉;眾好之,必察焉。”




Confucius said: “I must investigate whatever people like and I must investigate whatever people dislike too.”


15·29 子曰:“人能弘道,非道弘人。”




Confucius said: “It is human that carry forward and further develop Dao but it is not Dao that enhances people’s ability.”


15·30 子曰:“過而不改,是謂過矣。”




Confucius said: “If a person has made mistakes but he refuses to correct them, this is really a mistake.”


15·31 子曰:“吾嚐終日不食,終夜不寢,以思,無益,不如學也。”




Confucius said: “I once ate nothing all day long and didn’t sleep through the night constantly thinking over and over again. Since it was useless I’d better make the best use of my time to study.”


15·32 子曰:“君子謀道不謀食。耕也,餒(1)在其中矣;學也,祿(2)在其中矣。君子憂道不憂貧。”







Confucius said: “Gentlemen seek only strategy to govern a country but not way to eke out a living. Sometimes even farming cannot avoid hunger. But study can help a person win exalted position and handsome pay. Therefore gentlemen worry only about being unable to well master strategy of country-governing but not poverty.”


15·33 子曰:“知及之(1),仁不能守之;雖得之,必失之;知及之,仁能守之,不莊以涖(2)之,則民不敬。知及之,仁能守之,莊以涖之,動之不以禮,未善也。”







Confucius said: “You can win people by wisdom, but you cannot keep them only by humanity. Or else you will lose them though you have won them. Yet, if you cannot administer them seriously you still cannot win people’s respect even you can win people by wisdom and keep them by humanity. If you cannot mobilize them according to proprieties it cannot be thought perfect even you can win people by wisdom, keep them by humanity and administer them seriously.”


15·34 子曰:“君子不可小知(1)而可大受(2)也,小人不可大受而可小知也。”







Confucius said: “Gentlemen cannot be appointed to minor assignments but can be commissioned major tasks; and vulgarians cannot be designated to major tasks but can be appointed to trifles.


15·35 子曰:“民之於仁也,甚於水火。水火,吾見蹈而死者矣,未見蹈仁而死者也。”




Confucius said: “People need humanity more eagerly than need water and fire. I’ve seen people died after falling into water or fire but haven’t seen anybody who died because of showing humanity.”


15·36 子曰:“當仁,不讓於師。”




Confucius said: “As for the problem of humanity, we shouldn’t modestly yield precedence even to a teacher.”


15·37 子曰:“君子貞(1)而不諒(2)。”







Confucius said: “Gentlemen must keep their promises about big things but unnecessary about trifles.”


15·38 子曰:“事君,敬其事而後其食(1)。”






Confucius said: “When serving the lord, you must do a good job first and then consider reward.”


15·39 子曰:“有教無類。”




Confucius said: “Everyone is equal in education.”


15·40 子曰:“道不同,不相為謀。”




Confucius said: “Have nothing to say to anyone who doesn’t share your opinions.”


15·41 子曰:“辭達而已矣。”




Confucius said: “So long as you can make yourself clear, that’s O.K.”


15·42 師冕(1)見,及階,子曰:“階也。”及席,子曰:“席也。”皆坐,子告之曰:“某在斯,某在斯。”師冕出,子張問曰:“與師言之道與?”子曰:“然,固相(2)師之道也。”







Musician Mian came to see Confucius. Stepping up to front of steps, Confucius said: “This is a step.” Coming to front of a mat seat, Confucius said: “This is a mat” After sitting down, Confucius said: “Mr. so and so sits here. Mr. so and so sits there.” After the musician left, Ztu Zhang asked Confucius: “This is the way you speak to musicians?” Confucius said: “This is the way to help musicians.”



16·1 季氏將伐顓臾(1)。冉有、季路見於孔子曰:“季氏將有事(2)於顓臾。”孔子曰:“求!無乃爾是過與?夫顓臾,昔者先王以為東蒙主(3),且在城邦之中矣,是社稷之臣也。何以伐為?”冉有曰:“夫子欲之,吾二臣者皆不欲也。”孔子曰:“求!周任(4)有言曰:‘陳力就列(5),不能者止。’危而不持,顛而不扶,則將焉用彼相(6)矣?且爾言過矣,虎兕(7)出於柙(8),龜玉毀於櫝(9)中,是誰之過與?”冉有曰:“今夫顓臾,固而近於費(10)。今不取,後世必為子孫憂。”孔子曰:“求!君子疾夫舍曰欲之而必為之辭。丘也聞有國有家者,不患寡而患不均,不患貧而患不安(11)。蓋均無貧,和無寡,安無傾。夫如是,故遠人不服,則修文德以來之。既來之,則安之。今由與求也,相夫子,遠人不服而不能來也,邦分崩離析而不能守也;而謀動幹戈於邦內。吾恐季孫之憂,不在顓臾,而在蕭牆(12)之內也。”




(3)東蒙主:東蒙,蒙山。主,主持祭祀的人。 東蒙山祭祀的主持人。













Ji Shi was going to attack Zhuan Yu. Ran You and Ji Lu came to Confucius and said: “Ji Shi was going to make an assault on Zhuan Yu.” Confucius said: “Ran Qiu, is this your fault? Zhuan Yu was once the sponsor to offer sacrifices to Mount Dongmeng and it is located within the country Lu. Since it is a part of Lu, what’s the reason for him to attack it?” Ran You said: “It is Ji Shi that wants to attack Zhuan Yu but we two don’t agree with him.” Confucius said: “Ran Qiu, As an old saying goes: ‘Since you occupy a position, you should take the relative responsibilities. Or else, you should resign.’ When persons are in danger, you don’t show any support; when persons fall down, you don’t lend them a helping hand, then what’s the use to have assistants like you? Worse of all, what you said is wrong. If a she-rhinoceros runs out of a cage and a turtle-jade is destroyed within a box, then whose fault is it?” Ran You said: “Now Zhuan Yu enjoys strong city walls and is located very near to Fei City . If we don’t attack it now I’m afraid that endless troubles will be left over to our future generations.” Confucius said: “Ran Qiu, gentlemen hate people who don’t say they want to do something but try their best to justify their conduct instead. I heard that people who have their own countries and families are not afraid of lacking money but afraid of unequal, not afraid of poverty but afraid of unrest. The reason is that so long as there is equality there will not be poverty. If people live in amity with others they won’t feel the sparseness of population and if they live in peace they won’t meet with any dangers. Then you can solicit people from far away with humanity who refuses to give in. And you can pacify them after their arrival. As two assistants to Ji Shi now, yet you cannot solicit people from far away who refuse to give in. When your country is on the verge of collapse, you can do nothing to save it but instead you should want to resort to force. I’m afraid that the danger of Ji lies just in yourself but not in Zhuan Yu.”


16·2 孔子曰:“天下有道,則禮樂征伐自天子出;天下無道,則禮樂征伐自諸侯出。自諸侯出,蓋十世希不失矣;自大夫出,五世希不失矣;陪臣執國命,三世希不失矣。天下有道,則政不在大夫。天下有道,則庶人不議。”




Confucius said: “When there is a great order across the land, the real power lies surely in central authority; when there is a great disorder under heaven, the real power lies certainly in local authorities. When real power lies in authorities of provincial level, the great order across the land can be kept ten generations at most. If the real power lies in authorities of provincial level more than ten generations, nearly no countries can avoid being destroyed. If the real power lies in authorities of prefecture level, the great order across the land can be kept five generations at most. If the real power lies in authorities of prefecture lvel more than five generations, nearly no countries can avoid being destroyed. If the real power lies in authorities of county level, the great order can be kept three generations at most. If the real power lies in authorities of county level more than three generations, nearly no counties can avoid being destroyed. If there is a great order across the land, the real power certainly does not lie in local authorities. And if there is a great order under heaven, people do not complain their society at all. ”


16·3 孔子曰:“祿之去公室五世(1)矣,政逮(2)於大夫四世(3)矣,故夫三桓(4)之子孫微矣。”









Confucius said: “The central authority of the country Lu has lost its real power five generations. And the real power has fallen into the provincial authority four generations. Therefore the posterity of the three Heng’s families has fallen into decay.


16·4 孔子曰:“益者三友,損者三友。友直,友諒(1),友多聞,益矣。友便辟(2),友善柔(3),友便侫(4),損矣。”









Confucius said: “There are three categories of good friends and three categories of bad ones, too. It’s good for you to make friends with straightforward people, honest people and experienced and learned people. It’s harmful to make friends with people who take crooked ways, who fawn on others and who are smooth-tongued.”

16·5 孔子曰:“益者三樂,損者三樂。樂節禮樂(1),樂道人之善,樂多賢友,益矣。樂驕樂(2),樂佚(3)遊,樂晏樂(4),損矣。”









Confucius said: “There are three sorts of helpful likings, and there are also three sorts of harmful likings. Liking to adjust oneself with proprieties and music, liking to praise others’ strong points, liking to make many friends with persons of integrity, they are helpful; liking to wallow in luxury and pleasure, liking to live in idleness, liking to be spendthrift in feasting are harmful.”


16·6 孔子曰:“侍於君子有三愆(1):言未及之而言謂之躁,言及之而不言謂之隱,未見顏色而言謂之瞽(2)。”







Confucius said: “When you keep a gentleman company, there are three faults you should pay attention to: speak when you shouldn’t, this is called ‘being impatient’; do not speak when you should do, this is called “concealing’; speak without adapting yourself to the look in his eyes, this is called ‘being blind’.”


16·7 孔子曰:“君子有三戒:少之時,血氣未定,戒之在色;及其壯也,血氣方剛,戒之在鬥;及其老也,血氣既衰,戒之在得。”




Confucius said: “There are three bad habits for gentlemen to give up: when young, they are short of sap, so they must give up being addicted to sex; when grown up, they are full of sap, so they must give up fighting; when old, they are feeble in sap, so they must give up greed.”


16·8 孔子曰:“君子有三畏:畏天命,畏大人,畏聖人之言。小人不知天命而不畏也,狎大人,侮聖人之言。”



Confucius said: “There are three things which gentlemen should highly esteem, namely, Mother Nature, VIP and words of sages. Vulgarians don’t understand law of nature and therefore they don’t highly esteem Mother Nature and VIP and don’t treat words of sages seriously either.”


16·9 孔子曰:“生而知之者,上也;學而知之者,次也;困而學之,又其次也;困而不學,民斯為下矣。”




Confucius said: “A man who is born with knowledge is grade A; a man knows something through study is grade B; a man who starts to study after meeting with difficulties is grade C; a man who refuses to study even after meeting with difficulties is grade D.”


16·10 孔子曰:“君子有九思:視思明,聽思聰,色思溫,貌思恭,言思忠,事思敬,疑思問,忿思難,見得思義。”




Confucius said: “Gentlemen have nine things to consider about carefully: when looking, they should consider whether the see clearly; when listening, they should consider whether they hear clearly; when examining self-expression, they should consider whether it is mild and refined; when scrutinizing self-appearance, they should consider whether it is decorous; when speaking, they should consider whether they are honesty; when managing business, they should consider whether they are diligent; when doubting, they should consider whether they should seek advice; when being angry, they should consider whether there is any future trouble; when making profits, they should consider whether it is reasonable.”


16·11 子曰:“見善如不及,見不善如探湯。吾見其人矣,吾聞其語矣。隱居以求其誌,行義以達其道。吾聞其語矣,未見其人也。”


孔子說:“看到別人行善, 就覺得不如人家,看到別人作惡,就像把手伸到開水中趕快避開。我見到過這樣的人,也聽到過這樣的話。以隱居避世保持自己的誌向,以主持正義實現自己的理想。我聽到過這種話,卻沒有見到過這樣的人。”


Confucius said: “When seeing others doing good works, a man would feel that he is not so good as the good-work doers; when seeing others doing evil, a man would avoid them immediately as if he puts his hand into boiled water and draw out at once. I have seen this kind of people and also heard of this sort of words. A man keeps his ideals by living a secluded life and realizes his dreams by upholding justice. I have heard of this sort of words but have not seen this kind of people.”


16·12 齊景公有馬千駟,死之日,民無德而稱焉。伯夷叔齊餓死於首陽之下,民到於今稱之。其斯之謂與?




Qi Jing Gong had 4,000 horses but people did not think he had any virtue worthy praising on the very day when he died. Bo Yi and Shu Qi died of hunger in Mt. Shouyang but they have long been being praised even up to now. What people like to talk about is probably this story, isn’t it?”


16·13 陳亢(1)問於伯魚(2)曰:“子亦有異聞(3)乎?”對曰:“未也。嚐獨立,鯉趨而過庭。曰:‘學詩乎?’對曰:‘未也’。‘不學詩,無以言。’鯉退而學詩。他日又獨立,鯉趨而過庭。曰:‘學禮乎?’對曰:‘未也’。‘不學禮,無以立。’鯉退而學禮。聞斯二者。”陳亢退而喜曰:“問一得三。聞詩,聞禮,又聞君子之遠(4)其子也。”


(1) 陳亢:亢,讀“剛”,即陳子禽。

(2) 伯魚:孔子的兒子,即孔鯉(前532年-前481年),字伯魚,因其誕時魯昭公賜孔子一尾鯉魚而得名。孔鯉先孔子而亡。

(3) 異聞:這裏指不同於對其他學生所講的內容。

(4) 遠:讀“院”,疏遠。不親近,不偏愛。




Chen Gang asked Boyu: “Have you heard any special instructions from our master?” Boyu replied: “No. One day, he was standing alone in the hall and I pass quickly. He said to me: ‘Have you studied 《The Book of Odes》?’ I replied: ‘No.’ He said: ‘If you don’t study 《The Book of Odes》, you won’t know how to speak.’ After turning back, I began to study《The Book of Odes》. Another day, he was standing alone in the hall and I pass quickly. He said to me: ‘Have you studied proprieties?’ I replied: ‘No.’ He said: ‘If you don’t study proprieties, you won’t know how to find a foothold in society.’ After turning back, I began to study proprieties. Only twice have I ever heard his instructions.” Back of home, Chen Gang was very happy and said: “I only asked one question but I learned three things: firstly, I heard of the function of 《The Book of Odes》; secondly, I heard of the function of proprieties; thirdly, I heard of a gentleman’s virtue about having no preference for his own son.”


16·14 邦君之妻,君稱之曰夫人,夫人自稱曰小童;邦人稱之曰君夫人,稱諸異邦曰寡小君;異邦人稱之亦曰君夫人。




As for the wife of a lord, the lord calls her madam, but the wife calls herself little kid; people call her the wife of the lord and before foreigners call her the little wife of the lord; and the foreigners call her the wife of the lord.



17·1 陽貨(1)欲見孔子,孔子不見,歸孔子豚(2)。孔子時其亡(3)也,而往拜之,遇諸塗(4)。謂孔子曰:“來!予與爾言。”曰:“懷其寶而迷其邦(5),可謂仁乎?”曰:“不可。”“好從事而亟(6)失時,可謂知乎?”曰:“不可。”“日月逝矣,歲不我與(7)。”孔子曰:“諾,吾將仕矣。”










陽貨想見孔子,孔子不見,他就給孔子送了一隻烤乳豬,目的在於迫使孔子去他家致謝。孔子乘他不在家時去拜謝,可不料卻在半路上遇見了。陽貨對孔子說 :“來,我有話要跟你說。”孔子走過去,陽貨說:“有本領卻藏起來而聽任國家大亂,這能叫仁嗎?”孔子說:“不能。”陽貨說:“總想幹大事而又屢次錯過機會,這能叫明智嗎?”孔子說:“不能。”陽貨說:“時間一天天過去了,年歲是不等人的。”孔子說:“好吧,那我就去做官吧。”


Yang Huo wanted to visit Confucius but Confucius refused. He gave Confucius a roasted sucking pig aiming to force Confucius to visit him expressing thanks. Confucius deliberately went to visit him when Yang Huo was out but unexpectedly he met with him on the way. Yang Huo said to Confucius: “Come on! I have something to talk with you.” Confucius stepped up and Yang Huo said: “You’re a man of ability but you live a secluded life and let the country suffer from a great disorder. Can it be called humanity?” Confucius said: “No.” Yang Huo said continuously: “You always want to do big things but you have missed chances again and again. Can it be called wisdom?” Confucius said: “No.” Yang Huo said: “Time passed day by day. Age doesn’t wait for anyone.” Confucius said: “All right. I’ll be out and seek a post then.”


17·2 子曰:“性相近也,習相遠也。”




Confucius said: “All people’s nature is nearly the same, but their habits can be quite different.”


17·3 子曰:“唯上知與下愚不移。”




Confucius said: “It is the wise men of upper class and the stupid men of grass-root class that cannot be changed.”


17·4 子之武城(1),聞弦歌(2)之聲。夫子莞爾而笑,曰:“割雞焉用牛刀?”子遊對曰:“昔者偃也聞諸夫子曰:‘君子學道則愛人,小人學道則易使也。’”子曰:“二三子!偃之言是也。前言戲之耳。”







Confucius came to Wu Cheng City and heard the sound interspersed with singing and accompanied with plucked instruments. Smiling, Confucius said: “What’s the necessity to kill a chicken with a butcher’ knife for ox-killing?” Ztu You replied: “Before I once heard you say: ‘After learning proprieties and music, gentlemen will love people; after learning proprieties and music, vulgarians will be easily incited.’” Confucius said: “My dear student, what Yan Yan said is correct. And what I said just now is only for fun.”


17·5 公山弗擾(1)以(2)費畔(3),召,子欲往。子路不悅,曰:“末之也已(4),何必公山氏之之也(5)。”子曰:“夫召我者,而豈徒(6)哉?如有用我者,吾其為東周乎(7)?”



(2) 以:占據,以某地為據點。









Taking Fei County as a stronghold, Gongshan Furao rose in rebellion and invited Confucius. Confucius wanted to go. Ztu Lu said unhappily: “If there is nowhere for you to go, let it go at that. What’s the need to accept the invitation of Gongshan Furao?” Confucius said: “Could it be said that there is no reason for him to invite me? If someone wants to use me, surely it doesn’t mean that I cannot rebuild a new Zhou Dynasty in the east.”


17·6 子張問仁於孔子。孔子曰:“能行五者於天下為仁矣。” 問:“請問之。”曰:“恭、寬、信、敏、惠。恭則不侮,寬則得眾,信則人任焉,敏則有功,惠則足以使人。”




Ztu Zhang asked Confucius about humanity. Confucius said: “If you can do five things then you can be considered man of humanity.” Ztu Zhang said: “What are they?” Confucius said: “Seriousness, generosity, honesty, diligence and kindness. Seriousness can help you avoid being insulted; generosity can help you win supports of the people; honesty can help you win important positions; diligence can help you to be crowned with success; kindness can help you properly use persons of talent.”


17·7 佛肸(1)召,子欲往。子路曰:昔者由也聞諸夫子曰:‘親於其身為不善者,君子不入也。’佛肸以中牟(2)畔,子之往也,如之何?”子曰:“然,有是言也。不曰堅乎,磨而不磷(3);不曰白乎,涅(4)而不緇(5)。吾豈匏瓜(6)也哉?焉能係(7)而不食?”







(6)匏瓜:匏讀“袍”, 葫蘆中的一種,比一般葫蘆大,味苦不能吃,可做瓢。





Bixi invited Confucius and he wanted to go. But Ztu Lu said: “I heard you said before: ‘Gentlemen don’t go to persons who do bad things personally.’ Now Bixi takes Zhong Mou as a stronghold and has risen in rebellion. But you want to go there. How can you explain it?” Confucius said: “Yes, I once said this. But do you know that hard thing cannot be worn out by rubbing and white thing cannot be blackened with dyestuff? Could it be said I’m a bitter gourd which can just be hung there but cannot be eaten?”


17·8 子曰:“由也,女(1)聞六言六蔽矣乎?”對曰:“未也。”“居(2),吾語女。好仁不好學,其蔽也愚(3);好知不好學,其蔽也蕩(4);好信不好學,其蔽也賊(5);好直不好學,其蔽也絞(6);好勇不好學,其蔽也亂;好剛不好學,其蔽也狂。”











Confucius said: “Zhong You, have you ever heard of six virtues and six defects?” Zhong You said: “No.” Confucius said: “Sit down. Let me tell you. Lay stress on humanity but not on study, its defect is stupidity; lay stress on wisdom but not on study, its defect is loose; lay stress on honesty but not on study, its defect is misleading people; lay stress on straightforwardness but not on study, its defect is causticity; lay stress on braveness but not on study, its defect is to rise in revolt; lay stress on firmness and unyieldingness but not on study, its defect is franticness.”


17·9 子曰:“小子何莫學夫詩。詩,可以興(1),可以觀(2),可以群(3),可以怨(4)。邇(5)之事父,遠之事君;多識於鳥獸草木之名。”










Confucius said: “My students, why don’t you study 《The Book of Odes》?Through the study of 《The Book of Odes》, you can arouse delights of life, you can be broad-minded, you can get on well with others, you can express resentment. Near, you can well show filial devotion to your parents and far you can well serve the lord. Moreover, you can also learn some names of birds, animals, plants and trees.”


17·10 子謂伯魚曰:“女為《周南》、《召南》(1)矣乎?人而不為《周南》、《召南》,其猶正牆麵而立(2)也與?”







Confucius said to Bo Yu: “Have you learned 《Zhounan》and《Zhaonan》? If a man doesn’t learn《Zhounan》and《Zhaonan》, isn’t it like to sand facing a wall?”


17·11 子曰:“禮雲禮雲,玉帛雲乎哉?樂雲樂雲,鍾鼓雲乎哉?”




Confucius said: “Gifts and gifts, do they mean jade and silk? Music and music, does it mean bell and drum?”


17·12 子曰:“色厲而內荏(1),譬諸小人,其猶穿窬(2)之盜也與?”







Confucius said: “A fierce look covers a coward heart. If we use this sentence to draw an analogy to vulgarians, aren’t they like thieves who commit theft by boring holes in the wall?”


17·13 子曰:“鄉願,德之賊也。”


(1) 鄉願:老好人。




Confucius said: “Men of no principle are demoralized persons.”


17·14 子曰:“道聽而塗說,德之棄也。”




Confucius said: “Hearsay runs counter to morality.”


17·15 子曰:“鄙夫可與事君也與哉?其未得之也,患得之。既得之,患失之。苟患失之,無所不至矣。”




Confucius said: “Can we work together with vulgarians at serving the lord? When they’ve got no official posts, they are always afraid of being unable to get. But when they’ve got one, they are afraid of losing it. If what they always worry about is just losing office posts, then there is nothing they cannot do.”


17·16 子曰:“古者民有三疾,今也或是之亡也。古之狂(1)也肆(2),今之狂也蕩(3);古之矜也廉(4),今之矜也忿戾(5);古之愚也直,今之愚也詐而已矣。”










Confucius said: “The ancient people had three weak points but what the present people do is probably to make them intensified. What the ancient frantic persons did was only to show self-importance, but what the present frantic persons do is to lead a loose life; what the ancient arrogant persons did was only never to go back on their words, but what the present arrogant persons do is to be arbitrary and cruel; what the ancient stupid persons did was only to be straightforward, but what the present stupid persons do is to be sly and fraudulent.”


17·17 子曰:“巧言令色(1),鮮(2)仁矣。”







Confucius said: “Talking plausibly with feign amiable looks, people of this sort are scarcely benevolent.”


17·18 子曰:“惡紫之奪朱也,惡鄭聲之亂雅樂也,惡利口之覆邦家者。”




Confucius said: “I hate people who replace red with purple, disturb refined music with popular music and subvert a government with fallacies.”


17·19 子曰:“予欲無言。”子貢曰:“子如不言,則小子何述焉?”子曰:“天何言哉?四時行焉,百物生焉,天何言哉?”




Confucius said: “I don’t want to say anymore.” Ztu Gong said: “If you don’t want to say anymore, then what can we students say?” Confucius said: “Has Heaven ever said anything? No. Yet even Heaven has said nothing, the four seasons move regularly and everything in the world grows as usual. Has Heaven said anything?”


17·20 孺悲(1)欲見孔子,孔子辭以疾。將命者出戶,取瑟而歌,使之聞之。






Ru Bei wanted to see Confucius but Confucius declined to see him on the pretext of illness. Yet as soon as the man who sent words walked out, taking out a Se ( a music instrument), Confucius sang as he played it. On purpose, he wanted to let Ru Bei hear it.”


17·21 宰我問:“三年之喪,期已久矣。君子三年不為禮,禮必壞;三年不為樂,樂必崩。舊穀既沒,新穀既升,鑽燧改火(1),期(2)可已矣。”子曰:“食夫稻(3),衣夫錦,於女安乎?”曰:“安。”“女安則為之。夫君子之居喪,食旨(4)不甘,聞樂不樂,居處不安,故不為也。今女安,則為之!”宰我出,子曰:“予之不仁也!子生三年,然後免於父母之懷,夫三年之喪,天下之通喪也。予也有三年之愛於其父母乎?”









Zai Wo said: “The three-year-funeral-period is too long. If gentlemen do not study proprieties three years, proprieties will be ruined; if gentlemen do not play music three years, music will be neglected. Old grain is run out, new one will come out. And the method of making fire by drilling wood should be changed. Therefore, one year is enough for a funeral-period.” Confucius said: “Only one year passed, you do begin eating rice and wearing silk. Do you feel quite at ease?” Zai Wo said: “Yes, I do.” Confucius said: “Since you feel quite at ease, you can do that way. During funeral period, gentlemen do not feel tasty when eating delicious food, do not feel happily when listening music, do not feel comfortable when living at home. So gentlemen do not do like that. Since you feel quite at ease, then you can do that way.” After Zai Wo left, Confucius said: “Zai Wo is really lack of humanity! After being born, a little baby does not leave his mother’s embrace until he is three years old. Keeping a three-year-funeral-period is the usual funeral propriety. Could it be said that Zai Wo have got no three-year-love at all from his parents?”


17·22 子路曰:“飽食終日,無所用心,難矣哉!不有博奕者乎?為之,猶賢乎已。”




Confucius said: “It’s really too difficult to loaf through the day well-fed and taking nothing seriously! There is a chess game, isn’t there? Playing chess is much better than living in idleness.”


17·23 子路曰:“君子尚勇乎?”子曰:“君子義以為上。君子有勇而無義為亂,小人有勇而無義為盜。”




Ztu Lu asked: “Do gentlemen uphold braveness?” Confucius said: “Gentlemen consider justice as the best morality. If a gentleman is brave but doesn’t uphold justice, he will make troubles. If a vulagarin is brave but doesn’t uphold justice, he will commit theft.”


17·24 子貢曰:“君子亦有惡(1)乎?”子曰:“有惡。惡稱人之惡者,惡居下流(2)而訕(3)上者,惡勇而無禮者,惡果敢而窒(4)者。”曰:“賜也亦有惡乎?”“惡徼(5)以為知(6)者,惡不孫(7)以為勇者,惡訐(8)以為直者。”













Ztu Gong asked: “Do gentlemen detest anyone?” Confucius said: “Yes, of course. They detest persons who publicize others’ weak points, detest persons who are in lower positions but defame persons in higher positions, detest persons who are brave but don’t pay attention to proprieties, detest persons who are stubborn but don’t make any exceptions.” Confucius said: “Ci, do you detest anyone?” Ztu Gong said: “Yes. I detest persons who plagiarize others’ works but praise themselves, detest persons who consider un-modesty as braveness, detest persons who take disclosing others’ faults as straightforwardness.”


17·25 子曰:“唯女子與小人為難養也,近之則不孫,遠之則怨。”




Confucius said: “Women and vulgarians are the only ones who are difficult to be dealt. If you are on intimate terms with them, they will neglect proprieties. But if you keep them at a distance, they will complain.”


17·26 子曰:“年四十而見(1)惡焉,其終也已。”






Confucius said: “If a person is still detested by others at the age of forty, then his whole life is over.”



17·1 陽貨(1)欲見孔子,孔子不見,歸孔子豚(2)。孔子時其亡(3)也,而往拜之,遇諸塗(4)。謂孔子曰:“來!予與爾言。”曰:“懷其寶而迷其邦(5),可謂仁乎?”曰:“不可。”“好從事而亟(6)失時,可謂知乎?”曰:“不可。”“日月逝矣,歲不我與(7)。”孔子曰:“諾,吾將仕矣。”










陽貨想見孔子,孔子不見,他就給孔子送了一隻烤乳豬,目的在於迫使孔子去他家致謝。孔子乘他不在家時去拜謝,可不料卻在半路上遇見了。陽貨對孔子說 :“來,我有話要跟你說。”孔子走過去,陽貨說:“有本領卻藏起來而聽任國家大亂,這能叫仁嗎?”孔子說:“不能。”陽貨說:“總想幹大事而又屢次錯過機會,這能叫明智嗎?”孔子說:“不能。”陽貨說:“時間一天天過去了,年歲是不等人的。”孔子說:“好吧,那我就去做官吧。”


Yang Huo wanted to visit Confucius but Confucius refused. He gave Confucius a roasted sucking pig aiming to force Confucius to visit him expressing thanks. Confucius deliberately went to visit him when Yang Huo was out but unexpectedly he met with him on the way. Yang Huo said to Confucius: “Come on! I have something to talk with you.” Confucius stepped up and Yang Huo said: “You’re a man of ability but you live a secluded life and let the coutry suffer from a great disorder. Can it be called humanity?” Confucius said: “No.” Yang Huo said continuously: “You always want to do big things but you have missed chances again and again. Can it be called wisdom?” Confucius said: “No.” Yang Huo said: “Time passed day by day. Age doesn’t wait for anyone.” Confucius said: “All right. I’ll be out and seek a post then.”


17·2 子曰:“性相近也,習相遠也。”




Confucius said: “All people’s nature is nearly the same, but their habits can be quite differenct.”


17·3 子曰:“唯上知與下愚不移。”




Confucius said: “It is the wise men of upper class and the stupid men of grass-root class that cannot be changed.”


17·4 子之武城(1),聞弦歌(2)之聲。夫子莞爾而笑,曰:“割雞焉用牛刀?”子遊對曰:“昔者偃也聞諸夫子曰:‘君子學道則愛人,小人學道則易使也。’”子曰:“二三子!偃之言是也。前言戲之耳。”







Confucius came to Wu Cheng City and heard the sound interspersed with singning and accompanied with plucked instruments. Smiling, Confucius said: “ What’s the necessacity to kill a chicken with a butcher’ knife for ox-killing?” Ztu You replied: “Before I once heard you say: ‘After learning propieties and music, gentlemen will love people; after learning propieties and music, vulgarians will be easily incited.’” Confucius said: “My dear student, what Yan Yan said is correct. And what I said just now is only for fun.”


17·5 公山弗擾(1)以(2)費畔(3),召,子欲往。子路不悅,曰:“末之也已(4),何必公山氏之之也(5)。”子曰:“夫召我者,而豈徒(6)哉?如有用我者,吾其為東周乎(7)?”



(2) 以:占據,以某地為據點。









Taking Fei County as a stronghold, Gongshan Furao rose in rebellion and invited Confucius. Confucius wanted to go. Ztu Lu said unhappily: “If there is nowhere for you to go, let it go at that. What’s the need to accept the invitation of Gongshan Furao?” Confucius said: “Could it be said that there is no reason for him to invite me? If someone wants to use me, surely it doesn’t mean that I cannot rebuild a new Zhou Dynasty in the east.”


17·6 子張問仁於孔子。孔子曰:“能行五者於天下為仁矣。” 問:“請問之。”曰:“恭、寬、信、敏、惠。恭則不侮,寬則得眾,信則人任焉,敏則有功,惠則足以使人。”




Ztu Zhang asked Confucius about humanity. Confucius said: “If you can do five things then you can be considered man of humanity.” Ztu Zhang said: “What are they?” Confucius said: “Seriousness, generosity, honesty, diligence and kindness. Seriousness can help you avoid being insulted; generosity can help you win supports of the people; honesty can help you win important positions; diligence can help you to be crowned with success; kindness can help you properly use persons of talent.”


17·7 佛肸(1)召,子欲往。子路曰:昔者由也聞諸夫子曰:‘親於其身為不善者,君子不入也。’佛肸以中牟(2)畔,子之往也,如之何?”子曰:“然,有是言也。不曰堅乎,磨而不磷(3);不曰白乎,涅(4)而不緇(5)。吾豈匏瓜(6)也哉?焉能係(7)而不食?”







(6)匏瓜:匏讀“袍”, 葫蘆中的一種,比一般葫蘆大,味苦不能吃,可做瓢。





Bixi invited Confucius and he wanted to go. But Ztu Lu said: “I heard you said before: ‘Gentlemen don’t go to persons who do bad things personally.’ Now Bixi takes Zhong Mou as a stronghold and has risen in rebellion. But you want to go there. How can you explain it?” Confucius said: “Yes, I once said this. But do you know that hard thing cannot be worn out by rubbing and white thing cannot be blackened with dyestuff? Could it be said I’m a bitter gourd which can just be hung there but cannot be eaten?”


17·8 子曰:“由也,女(1)聞六言六蔽矣乎?”對曰:“未也。”“居(2),吾語女。好仁不好學,其蔽也愚(3);好知不好學,其蔽也蕩(4);好信不好學,其蔽也賊(5);好直不好學,其蔽也絞(6);好勇不好學,其蔽也亂;好剛不好學,其蔽也狂。”


(1) 女:音義皆同“汝”,你。









Confucius said: “Zhong You, have you ever heard of six virtues and six defects?” Zhong You said: “No.” Confucius said: “Sit down. Let me tell you. Lay stress on humanity but not on study, its defect is stupidity; lay stress on wisdom but not on study, its defect is loose; lay stress on honesty but not on study, its defect is misleading people; lay stress on straightforwardness but not on study, its defect is causticity; lay stress on braveness but not on study, its defect is to rise in revolt; lay stress on firmness and unyieldingness but not on study, its defect is franticness.”


17·9 子曰:“小子何莫學夫詩。詩,可以興(1),可以觀(2),可以群(3),可以怨(4)。邇(5)之事父,遠之事君;多識於鳥獸草木之名。”










Confucius said: “My students, why don’t you study 《The Book of Odes》?Through the study of 《The Book of Odes》, you can arouse delights of life, you can be broad-minded, you can get on well with others, you can express resentment. Near, you can well show filial devotion to your parents and far you can well serve the lord. Moreover, you can also learn some names of birds, animals, plants and trees.”


17·10 子謂伯魚曰:“女為《周南》、《召南》(1)矣乎?人而不為《周南》、《召南》,其猶正牆麵而立(2)也與?”







Confucius said to Bo Yu: “Have you learned 《Zhounan》and《Zhaonan》? If a man doesn’t learn《Zhounan》and《Zhaonan》, isn’t it like to sand facing a wall?”


17·11 子曰:“禮雲禮雲,玉帛雲乎哉?樂雲樂雲,鍾鼓雲乎哉?”




Confucius said: “Gifts and gifts, do they mean jade and silk? Music and music, does it mean bell and drum?”


17·12 子曰:“色厲而內荏(1),譬諸小人,其猶穿窬(2)之盜也與?”







Confucius said: “A fierce look covers a coward heart. If we use this sentence to draw an analogy to vulgarians, aren’t they like thieves who commit theft by boring holes in the wall?”


17·13 子曰:“鄉願,德之賊也。”


(1) 鄉願:老好人。




Confucius said: “Men of no principle are demoralized persons.”


17·14 子曰:“道聽而塗說,德之棄也。”




Confucius said: “Hearsay runs counter to morality.”


17·15 子曰:“鄙夫可與事君也與哉?其未得之也,患得之。既得之,患失之。苟患失之,無所不至矣。”




Confucius said: “Can we work together with vulgarians at serving the lord? When they’ve got no official posts, they are always afraid of being unable to get. But when they’ve got one, they are afraid of losing it. If what they always worry about is just losing office posts, then there is nothing they cannot do.”


17·16 子曰:“古者民有三疾,今也或是之亡也。古之狂(1)也肆(2),今之狂也蕩(3);古之矜也廉(4),今之矜也忿戾(5);古之愚也直,今之愚也詐而已矣。”










Confucius said: “The ancient people had three weakpoints but what the present people do is probably to make them intensified. What the ancient frantic persons did was only to show self-importantance, but what the present frantic persons do is to lead a loose life; what the ancient arrogant persons did was only never to go back on their words, but what the present arrogant persons do is to be arbitrary and cruel; what the ancient stupid persons did was only to be straightforward, but what the present stupid persons do is to be sly and fraudulent.”


17•17 子曰:“巧言令色(1),鮮(2)仁矣。”







Confucius said: “Talking plausibly with feign amialble looks, people of this sort are scarely benevolent.”


17·18 子曰:“惡紫之奪朱也,惡鄭聲之亂雅樂也,惡利口之覆邦家者。”




Confucius said: “I hate people who replace red with purple, disturb refined music with popular music and subvert a government with fallacies.”


17·19 子曰:“予欲無言。”子貢曰:“子如不言,則小子何述焉?”子曰:“天何言哉?四時行焉,百物生焉,天何言哉?”




Confucius said: “I don’t want to say anymore.” Ztu Gong said: “If you don’t want to say anymore, then what can we students say?” Confucius said: “Has Heaven ever said anything? No. Yet even Heaven has said nothing, the four seasons move regularly and everything in the world grows as uasual. Has Heaven said anything?”


17·20 孺悲(1)欲見孔子,孔子辭以疾。將命者出戶,取瑟而歌,使之聞之。






Ru Bei wanted to see Confucius but Confucius delined to see him on the pretext of illness. Yet as soon as the man who sent words walked out, taking out a Se ( a music instrument), Confucius sang as he played it. On purpose, he wanted to let Ru Bei hear it.”


17·21 宰我問:“三年之喪,期已久矣。君子三年不為禮,禮必壞;三年不為樂,樂必崩。舊穀既沒,新穀既升,鑽燧改火(1),期(2)可已矣。”子曰:“食夫稻(3),衣夫錦,於女安乎?”曰:“安。”“女安則為之。夫君子之居喪,食旨(4)不甘,聞樂不樂,居處不安,故不為也。今女安,則為之!”宰我出,子曰:“予之不仁也!子生三年,然後免於父母之懷,夫三年之喪,天下之通喪也。予也有三年之愛於其父母乎?”









Zai Wo said: “The three-year-funeral-period is too long. If gentlemen do not study proprieties three years, proprieties will be ruined; if gentlemen do not play music three years, music will be neglected. Old grain is run out, new one will come out. And the method of making fire by drilling wood should be changed. Therefore, one year is enough for a funeral-period.” Confucius said: “Only one year passed, you do begin eating rice and wearing silk. Do you feel quite at ease?”Zai Wo said: “Yes, I do.” Confucius said: “Since you feel quite at ease, you can do that way. During funeral period, gentlemen do not feel tasty when eating delicious food, do not feel happly when listening music, do not feel comfortable when living at home. So gentlemen do not do like that. Since you feel quite at ease, then you can do that way.” After Zai Wo left, Confucius said: “Zai Wo is really lack of humanity! After being born, a little baby does not leave his mother’s embrance until he is three years old. Keeping a three-year-funeral-period is the usual funeral propriety. Could it be said that Zai Wo have got no three-year-love at all from his parents?”


17·22 子路曰:“飽食終日,無所用心,難矣哉!不有博奕者乎?為之,猶賢乎已。”




Confucius said: “It’s really too difficult to loaf through the day well-fed and taking nothing seriously! There is a chess game, isn’t there? Playing chess is much better than living in idleness.”


17·23 子路曰:“君子尚勇乎?”子曰:“君子義以為上。君子有勇而無義為亂,小人有勇而無義為盜。”




Ztu Lu asked: “Do gentlmen uphold braveness?” Confucius said: “Gentlemen consider justice as the best morality. If a gentleman is brave but doesn’t uphold justice, he will make troubles. If a vulagarin is brave but doesn’t uphold justice, he will commit theft.”


17·24 子貢曰:“君子亦有惡(1)乎?”子曰:“有惡。惡稱人之惡者,惡居下流(2)而訕(3)上者,惡勇而無禮者,惡果敢而窒(4)者。”曰:“賜也亦有惡乎?”“惡徼(5)以為知(6)者,惡不孫(7)以為勇者,惡訐(8)以為直者。”













Ztu Gong asked: “Do gentlemen detest anyone?” Confucius said: “Yes, of course. They detest persons who publicize others’ weak points, detest persons who are in lower positions but defame persons in higher posions, detest persons who are brave but don’t pay attention to proprieties, detest persons who are stubbon but don’t make any exceptions.” Confucius said: “Ci, do you detest anyone?” Ztu Gong said: “Yes. I detest persons who plagiarize others’ works but praise themselves, detest persons who consider un-modesty as braveness, detest persons who take disclosing others’ faults as straightforwardness.”


17·25 子曰:“唯女子與小人為難養也,近之則不孫,遠之則怨。”




Confucius said: “Women and vulgarians are the only ones who are difficult to be dealt. If you are on intimate terms with them, they will neglect proprieties. But if you keep them at a distance, they will complain.”


17·26 子曰:“年四十而見(1)惡焉,其終也已。”






Confucius said: “If a person is still detested by others at the age of forty, then his whole life is over.”



18·1 微子(1)去之,箕子(2)為之奴,比幹(3)諫而死。孔子曰:“殷有三仁焉。”








Because of the same crime of admonition, Wei Ztu left the lord Zhou, Ji Ztu was degraded to a slave and Bi Gan was killed. Confucius said: “There are three persons of humanity in Yin Dynasty.”


18·2 柳下惠為士師(1),三黜(2)。人曰:“子未可以去乎?”曰:“直道而事人,焉往而不三黜?枉道而事人,何必去父母之邦?”







As a judicial offer, Liu Xiahui was dismissed from his post three times. Someone asked him: “Can’t you leave the country Lu?” Liu Xiahui said: “If I serve the lord open and above-board, how can I find a good place for me to avoid being dismissed frequently? If I serve the lord by foul means, what’s the need for me to leave my motherland?”


18·3 齊景公待孔子曰:“若季氏,則吾不能;以季、孟之間待之。”曰:“吾老矣,不能用也。”孔子行。




Qi Jinggong said something about the way to treat Confucius: “I cannot treat him as the lord of the country Lu treated Ji. I can only treat him in a way between the ones I used to treat Ji and Meng.” He then added: “I’m too old to be useful.” Learning this, Confucius left the country Qi.


18·4 齊人歸(1)女樂(3),季桓子(3)受之,三日不朝。孔子行。



(2) 女樂:歌女。





Someone from the country Qi presented some dancing girls to the country Lu. Ji Hengztu not only accepted them but also refused to have an audience with the sovereign ruler. Learning this, Confucius left.


18·5 楚狂接輿(1)歌而過孔子曰:“鳳兮鳳兮!何德之衰?往者不可諫,來者猶可追。已而已而!今之從政者殆而!”孔子下,欲與之言。趨而辟之,不得與之言。






Passing by Confucius, Jie Yu, the madman of the country Chu was singing: “ Phoenix , phoenix! Why are you running into bad luck like this? Whatever passed away, you cannot retrieve it. But whatever comes later, you have the time to change it. Let it go, let it go. The present rulers are too dangerous!” Getting off his wagon, Confucius wanted to speak with him. But the mad man shunned him so that Confucius failed to talk with him.


18·6 長沮、桀溺(1)耦而耕(2)。孔子過之,使子路問津(3)焉。長沮曰:“夫執輿(4)者為誰?”子路曰:“為孔丘。”曰:“是魯孔丘與?”曰:“是也。”曰:“是知津矣。”問於桀溺。桀溺曰:“子為誰?”曰:“為仲由。”曰:“是孔丘之徒與?”對曰:“然。”曰:“滔滔者天下皆是也,而誰以易之(5)?且而與其從辟(6)人之士也,豈若從辟世之士哉?”耰(7)而不輟。子路行以告。夫子憮然(8)曰:“鳥獸不可與同群,吾非斯人之徒與而誰與?天下有道,丘不與易也。”



(2)耦而耕:兩個人合力耕作。 耦,讀“偶”,這個字的本身就是兩人並耕。








長沮、桀溺一起耕田,孔子路過,讓子路詢問路。長沮說:“你在為誰駕車?”子路說:“為孔丘。”長沮問:“是魯國孔丘嗎?”子路說:“是。”長沮說:“他天生就應該知道路在哪裏。”子路又去問桀溺。桀溺說:“你是誰?”子路說:“我是仲由。” 桀溺說:“是魯國孔丘的學生嗎?”子路說:“是。”桀溺說:“壞人壞事象洪水一樣泛濫,誰和你們去改變?你與其跟隨避人的人,哪如跟隨我們這些避世的人呢?”他邊說邊不停地播種。子路回來告訴孔子,孔子失望地說:“人不能和鳥獸相處,我不同人打交道而同誰打交道?如果天下太平,我就用不著改革了。”


Chang Zu and Jie Ni worked together in the fields. Passing by, Confucius let Ztu Lu ask the way. Chang Ju said: “For whom do you drive the cart?” Ztu Lu said: “For Confucius.” Chang Ju asked: “Is he the one of the country Lu?” Ztu Lu said: “Yes.” Ztu Ju said: “Then he should know innately where his way is.” Then Ztu Lu asked Jie Ni. Jie Ni asked: “Who are you?” Ztu Lu said: “I’m Zhong You.” Jie Ni said: “Are you a student of the Kong Qiu of the country Lu?” Ztu Lu said: “Yes.” Evil doers and evil deeds are spreading unchecked like overflowing food. Who are willing to work with you to reverse the tide? Isn’t it better for you to follow us who retire from the world than follow the ones who shun persons?” He talked and sowed at once without stopping. Ztu Lu came back and told Confucius what they said. Confucius said disappointedly: “Human being cannot get long with birds and animals. If I don’t get long with human being, whom I should get long with? If there is a great order across the land, what’s the need for me to carry out reforms?”


18·7 子路從而後,遇丈人,以杖荷蓧(1)。子路問曰:“子見夫子乎?”丈人曰:“四體不勤,五穀不分(2),孰為夫子?”植其杖而芸。子路拱而立。止子路宿,殺雞為黍(3)而食(4)之。見其二子焉。明日,子路行以告。子曰:“隱者也。”使子路反見之。至,則行矣。子路曰:“不仕無義。長幼之節,不可廢也;君臣之義,如之何其廢之?欲潔其身,而亂大倫。君子之仕也,行其義也。道之不行,已知之矣。”




(3)五穀不分:分,糞。 為五穀施肥忙著呢。






Following Confucius on a tour, Ztu Lu lagged behind. He met an old man who was carrying a grass-cutting tool with his walking stick. Ztu Lu asked: “Have you ever met with my teacher?” The old man said: “I’m tied up with work, sowing grain and spreading manure. There is no time for me to know who is your teacher.” After saying that, the old man was still working in the fields. Ztu Lu was standing beside, cupping one hand in the other before his chest as an obeisance. Deeply touched, the old man invited Ztu Lu to stay overnight and entain him with chicken and let him meet his two sons. Next day, Ztu Lu said goodbye to the host and left. When catching up with Confucius, Ztu Lu told him the whole story. Confucius said: “He must be a hermit.” He let Ztu Lu go back to meet the old man again. But he was out. Ztu Lu said to his teacher: “It’s wrong not to seek official posts. The proprieties relating relationship between elder and young couldn’t be abolished. But it could not be said that the custom relating relationship between a lord and his subjects should be abandoned. It’s no good to preserve one’s purity but at the same time violate proprieties between lord and subject. The aim of a gentleman to seek official posts is only to carry out his duty. As for pursuing a great order across the land, I know it’ll get us nowhere.”


18·8 逸民(1):伯夷、叔齊、虞仲(2)、夷逸、朱張、柳下惠、少連。子曰:“不降其誌,不辱其身,伯夷、叔齊與?”謂柳下惠、少連,“降誌辱身矣,言中倫,行中慮,其斯而已矣。”謂虞仲、夷逸,“隱居放(3)言,身中清,廢中權。”“我則異於是,無可無不可。”








Hernits: Bo Yi, Shu Qi, Yu Zhong, Yi Yi, Zhu Zhang, Liu Xiahui and Shao Lian. Confucius said: “Do not self-lower ideal, do not self-humiliate status. Bo Qi and Shu Qi are among this kind of people, aren’t they?” As for Liu Xiahui and Shao Lian, Confucius said: “They lowered their ideals and humiliated their status, but they spoke according to moral principles and acted according to their senses. This is what they could only do.” As for Yu Zhong and Yi Yi, he said: “They secluded themselves from society, enjoyed freedom of speech, preserved their purity and resigned their official posts. What they did was all reasonable.” He said at last: “I’m quite different from them. I don’t care one way or another”


18·9 大師摯(1)適齊,亞飯(2)幹適楚,三飯繚適蔡,四飯缺適秦,鼓方叔(3)入於河,播鞀(4)武入於漢,少師(5)陽、擊磬襄(6)入於海。











Zhi, musician No.1 went to the country Qi; Gan, musician No.2 went to Chu; Liao, musician No.3 went to Cai; Que, musician No.4 went to Qin; Fang Shu, drum-beater went to Huanghe Rive area; Wu, drum-shaker went to Hanshui River area; Yang, assistant musician and Xiang, chime-beater went to sea shore.


18·10 周公謂魯公(1)曰:“君子不施(2)其親,不使大臣怨乎不以(3)。故舊無大故,則不棄也。無求備於一人。”








The lord of the country Zhou said to the lord of the country Lu: “Gentlemen do not keep their relatives at a distance and do not let their objects complain because of being unemployed. As for old friends and objects, do not desert them so long as they don’t make serious mistakes. Just do not demand perfection.”


18·11 周有八士(1):伯達、伯適、伯突、仲忽、叔夜、叔夏、季隨、季騧(2)。







There were eight gentlemen in Zhou Dynasty, namely Bo Da, Bo Shi, Bo Tu Zhong Hu, Shu Ye, Shu Xia, Ji Sui and Ji Gua.



19·1 子張曰:“士(1)見危致命,見得思義,祭思敬,喪思哀,其可已矣。”






Ztu Zhang said: “A gentleman should be regardless of his own safety in face of peril, should think of moral principle in face of benefit, should be pious when holding a memorial ceremony, and should be sorrowful when going into mourning. That’s enough for a gentleman.”


19·2 子張曰:“執德不弘,信道不篤,焉能為有?焉能為亡?”




Ztu Zhang said: “Some people neither observe standards of morality firmly nor believe in justice sincerely. What’s the difference between having them and not having them?”


19·3 子夏之門人問交於子張。子張曰:“子夏雲何?”對曰:“子夏曰:‘可者與之,其不可者拒之。’”子張曰:“異乎吾所聞:君子尊賢而容眾,嘉善而矜不能。我之大賢與,於人何所不容?我之不賢與,人將拒我,如之何其拒人也?”


子夏的學生向子張請教給如何交朋友。子張說:“子夏是怎麽說的?”答道:“子夏說:‘可交的就交,不可交的就拒絕。’”子張說:“這和我聽到的可不一樣:君子既尊重賢人,又能容納普通民眾;能器重能人,又能同情笨人。我如果是好人,那我還有誰不能容納呢?我如果不是好人,別人就會拒絕我,這怎麽能談得上由我去拒絕別人呢 ?”


Ztu Xia’s student asked Ztu Zhang how to make friends with others. Ztu Zhang asked: “What did Ztu Xia say?” The student replied: “Ztu Zhang said: ‘Make friends with anyone who can be friends and refuse anyone who can be friends.’” Ztu Zhang said: “This is quite different with what I heard: gentlemen not only respect worthy people but also tolerate common people; not only highly regard people of large caliber but also sympathize people of small caliber. If I’m a good man, there is no one I cannot tolerate. Otherwise, others will refuse me. And if so, how could it be said that I refuse others?”


19·4 子夏曰;“雖小道(1),必有可觀者焉,致遠恐泥(2),是以君子不為也。”





子夏說:“雖然都是微不足道的技藝,也一定有可稱道之處,但用它去實現遠 大目標就不行了。”


Ztu Xia said: “These are only insignificant skills, but they must have something commendable; nevertheless, you cannot use them to realize your high ideals.”


19·5 子夏曰:“日知其所亡,月無忘其所能,可謂好學也已矣。”




Ztu Xia said: “Each day you learn something you don’t understand and keep them not to be forgotten for a month. And this can be regarded being eager to learn.”


19·6 子夏曰;“博學而篤誌(1),切問(2)而近思,仁在其中矣。”







Ztu Xia said: “Have wide learning and a strong memory, raise and ponder questions about something closely related to your own conditions. I think humanity just exists in this learning process.”


19·7 子夏曰:“百工居肆(1)以成其事,君子學以致其道。”






Ztu Xia said: “Craftsmen live in workshops and do their own things, while gentlemen realize their high ideals through learning.”


19·8 子夏說:“小人之過也必文(1)。”






Ztu Xia said: “Vulgarians must gloss over their mistakes whenever they make.”


19·9 子夏曰:“君子有三變:望之儼然,即之也溫,聽其言也厲。”




Ztu Xia said: “A gentleman have three changeable characters: when you look at him from afar, he appears severe; when you get close to him, you’ll know that he is gentle-natured; when you listen to him, you’ll hear that he speaks sternly.”


19·10 子夏曰:“君子信而後勞其民;未信,則以為厲己也,信而後諫;未信,則以為謗己也。”




Ztu Xia said: “A gentleman must get trust from others first and then makes them do something, or they’ll think you ill-treat them. He must get trust from others first and then admonishes them, or they’ll think you

slander them.”


19·11 子夏曰:“大德(1)不逾閑(2),小德出入可也。”







Ztu Xia said: “In the respect of moral integrity, a gentleman must not transgress, but in the respect of trivial matter, there is no need for a gentleman to bother about it too much.”


19·12 子遊曰:“子夏之門人小子,當灑掃應對進退,則可矣,抑(1)末也。本之則無,如之何?”子夏聞之,曰:“噫,言遊過矣!君子之道,孰先傳焉?孰後倦(2)焉?譬諸草木,區以別矣。君子之道,焉可誣(3)也?有始有卒者,其惟聖人乎?”








Ztu You said: “As for Ztu Xia’s students, it’s certainly feasible to let them do something like sprinkling water and sweeping the floor, and receiving guests. But all these are only trivialities. They haven’t learned anything fundamental. How can it be workable?” After learning this, Ztu Xia said: “Oh, Ztu You is wrong!

As to a gentleman’s knowledge, what should be taught first and what should be taught next? There is a difference between these two points which are just like grass and trees.


19·13 子夏曰:“仕而優(1)則學,學而優則仕。”






Zi Xia said: “If a person, except for being an official, still has superfluous energy, he can study and if a person, except for study, still has superfluous energy, he can be an official.”


19·14 子遊曰:“喪致(1)乎哀而止。”






Zi You said: “When handling funeral affairs, so long as you fully express your sorrow, that’s enough.”


19·15 子遊曰:“吾友張也為難能也,然而未仁。”




Zi You said: “My friend Zi Zhang can be reckoned a rare outstanding person. But even he himself hasn’t become a person of humanity.”


19·16 曾子曰:“堂堂乎張也,難與並為仁矣。”




Zeng Zue said: “Zue Zhang bears a grandeur appearance. But it’s difficult for anyone to be man with humanity together with him.”


19·17 曾子曰:“吾聞諸夫子,人未有自致者也,必也親喪乎。”




Zeng Zue said: “I heard my teachers said that people could not show their feelings naturally except for that they lost their own beloved.”


19·18 曾子曰:“吾聞諸夫子,孟莊子(1)之孝也,其他可能也;其不改父之臣與父之政,是難能也。”






Zeng Zue said: “I heard my teacher said that others could show filial devotion to their parents as Meng Zhuangzue did, but there was one thing others could hardly do, namely, to keep their fathers’ old subjects and policies unchanged.”


19·19 孟氏使陽膚(1)為士師,問於曾子。曾子曰:“上失其道,民散久矣。如得其情,則哀矜(2)而勿喜。”







Appointed as judge by Meng, Yang Fu sought advice from Zeng Zue. Zeng Zue said: “The rulers didn’t behave themselves well so the masses have lost morale for a long time. Learning true conditions of the


19·20 子貢曰:“紂(1)之不善,不如是之甚也。是以君子惡居下流(2),天下之惡皆歸焉。”







Zue Gong said: “The lord Zhou’s evil doings were not so serious as what people said. Thereore, gentlemen are afraid they would have blemish in their past, because if so, all blame would be put on them.”


19·21 子貢曰:“君子之過也,如日月之食焉。過也,人皆見之;更也,人皆仰之。”




Zue Gong said: “Gentlemen’s faults are like solar eclipse and lunar eclipse. If they commit faults, people can see them; if they correct the faults, people would look up to them.”


19·22 衛公孫朝(1)問於子貢曰:“仲尼(2)焉學?”子貢曰:“文武之道,未墜於地,在人。賢者識其大者,不賢者識其小者,莫不有文武之道焉。夫子焉不學?而亦何常師之有?”







Gong Sunchao of the country Wei asked Zue Gong: “Where does Confucius’ knowledge come from?” Zue Gong said: “The doctrines of Wen Wang and Wu Wang are not failed to be handed down. They still exist in the world. The question is that worthy people can see major principles but unworthy people can only see minor ones. The doctrines of Wen Wang and Wu Wang exist everywhere. And Confucius learns wherever he goes. How can he have regular teachers?”


19·23 叔孫武叔(1)語大夫於朝曰:“子貢賢於仲尼。”子服景伯(2)以告子貢。子貢曰;“譬之宮牆(3),賜之牆也及肩,窺見室家之好。夫子之牆數仞(4),不得其門而入,不見宗廟之類,百官(5)之富。得其門者或寡矣。夫子之雲,不亦宜乎!”










Shu Sun and Wu Sun said to ministers in the imperial court: “Zue Gong is more worthy than Confucius.” Zuefu Jingbo told Zue Gong what they said. Zue Gong said: “If we take a wall as an example by analogy. My wall is only shoulder high. Standing outside, you can see the condition of my family is not so bad. But Confucius’s wall is decades of feet high. Fail to find a gate to enter, you can see neither the splendid temple nor the beautiful house. Since there are only a few people who can find a gate to enter, it’s understandable for Mr. Shu Sun to say this sort of things.”


19·24 叔孫武叔毀仲尼。子貢曰;“無以為也!仲尼不可毀也。他人之賢者,丘陵也,猶可逾也;仲尼,日月也,無得而逾焉。人雖欲自絕,其何傷於日月乎?多(1)見其不知量也。”






Shu Sun and Wu Shu try their best to defame Confucius. Zue Gong said: “Better not to do this. It’s impossible to get Confucius defamed. The worthiness of others is just like a hill which is surmountable, yet Confucius’s is the sun or the moon which isn’t surmountable. Some people want to estrange themselves from the sun and the moon, but what harm they can do to the sun and the moon? It only indicates that they overestimate their own ability.”


19·25: 陳子禽謂子貢曰:“子為恭也,仲尼豈賢於子乎?”子貢曰:“君子一言以為知,一言以為不知,言不可不慎也。夫子之不可及也,猶天之不可階而升也。夫子之得邦家者,所謂立之斯立,道之斯行,餒之斯來,動之斯和。其生也榮,其死也哀,如之何其可及也?”




Chen Zueqin said to Zue Gong: “You must be modest. How can Confucius be more worthy than you?” Zue Gong said: “Gentlemen must be cautious when speaking. Only one word can make it clear whether you are wise or not. Confucius is like the sky which is so high that no ladders can be used to climb to it. If Confucius is given a chance to govern a country, he would do as what people say, namely, he would educate people with proprieties and people would do everything according to proprieties; he would lead the people, and people would be willing to follow him; he would pacify people, and people would be willing to come over and give allegiance to him; he would mobilize the people, and they would be willing to work as one. He is honorable to live and pathetic to die. How can we say that we can catch up with him?”



20·1 堯曰(1):“谘(2)!爾舜!天之曆數在爾躬,允(3)執其中。四海困窮,天祿永終。”舜亦以命禹。曰:“予小子履(4),敢用玄牡(5),敢昭告於皇皇後帝:有罪不敢赦。帝臣不蔽,簡(6)在帝心。朕(7)躬有罪,無以萬方;萬方有罪,罪在朕躬。”周有大賚(8),善人是富。“雖有周親(9),不如仁人。百姓有過,在予一人。”謹權量(10),審法度(11),修廢官,四方之政行焉。興滅國,繼絕世,舉逸民,天下之民歸心焉。所重:民、食、喪、祭。寬則得眾,信則民任焉。敏則有功,公則說。





(4)履:這是商湯的名字。 商湯,又稱成湯,原為商部落首領,居商。夏朝時,商是夏統治下的小國。商湯處處對人民施仁政,很快有40多個小國歸順於他。而夏桀隻顧奢侈荒淫,致使眾叛親離。後商湯經過十一次出征,在公元前十六世紀,致使眾叛親離。後商湯經過十一次出征,在公元前十六世紀,伐桀滅夏。夏朝滅亡後,商湯在亳(今商丘)建立商朝。











Yao said: “Good! You Shun. Heaven has already issued an order to let you succeed to the throne. If people are poor, your ruling position as a sovereign will be ended for ever.” Shun also exhorted Yu this way. Shang Tang said: “My supreme Heaven, I - your sun on earth – would like to present you a black calf as a piece of sacrificial offerings. I pray for myself: I absolutely do not dare to pardon any guilty persons. I dare to conceal neither good nor evil. You’re omniscient so you naturally know how things stand. If I’m guilty, please don’t drag the broad masses in; if the masses are guilty, to lay all the blame on me.” Zhou Dynasty granted favors to the masses and let good people become rich. The lord Wu said: “I have nearest relatives but it’s not so good as to have people of humanity. If the broad masses commit errors, all blame should be put on me only.” Confucius said: “Cautiously examine measurement, carefully lay down laws, establish just personnel system; let government ordinances carried out smoothly; revive perished countries; succeed to severed clans; promote stifled real talents. If all these are well done, the broad masses will come over and give all allegiance to you wholeheartedly. Governors should pay attention to people, grains, funeral affairs and sacrificial rites. Tolerance wins support; credit gets confidence from others; diligence wins success; justice makes people happy.”


20·2 子張問孔子曰:“何如斯可以從政矣?”子曰:“尊五美,屏四惡,斯可以從政矣。”子張曰:“何謂五美?”子曰:“君子惠而不費,勞而不怨,欲而不貪,泰而不驕,威而不猛。”子張曰:“何謂惠而不費?”子曰:“因民之所利而利之,斯不亦惠而不費乎?擇可勞而勞之,又誰怨?欲仁而得仁,又焉貪?君子無眾寡,無大小,無敢慢,斯不亦泰而不驕乎?君子正其衣冠,尊其瞻視,儼然人望而畏之,斯不亦威而不猛乎?”子張曰:“何謂四惡?”子曰:“不教而殺謂之虐;不戒視成謂之暴;慢令致期謂之賊;猶之與人也,出納之吝謂之有司。”




Zue Zhang asked Confucius: “How to deal with politics?” Confucius said: “Observe five fine characters and eliminate four bad habits. By doing so, you can deal with politics.” Zue Zhang said: “What are those five good characters?” Confucius said: “Gentlemen can grant favors to others without wasting anything and make people bear responsibilities without grudge. They consider others’ richness without seeking personal interests. They are easy to approach without arrogance and look serious but show no violence.” Zue Zhang said: “How to grant favors to others without wasting anything?” Confucius said: “Do anything beneficial to people according to their need. Isn’t it ‘granting favors to others without wasting anything’? If you can make people do whatever they can, they will have nothing to complain about. If you want to carry out policies of benevolence and you can obtain what you wish, then you will have no reasons to seek personal interests. Gentlemen respect all people without considering their population’s number and age. Surely it could be said that you are easy to approach without arrogance. Always well dressed, gentlemen pay much attention to their appearance. They look solemn and dignified so that others stand in awe of them. Surely it could be considered that you look serious but show no violence.” Zue Zhang said: “What are those four bad habits?” Confucius said: “Paying no attention to education but putting stress on killing is called ill treatment; paying no attention to instruction but only considering about success or failure is called savage; being tardy in issuing orders but impatient for success is called doing harm to people; wanting to award people but giving little is called stinginess.”


20·3 孔子曰:“不知命,無以為君子也;不知禮,無以立也;不知信,無以知人也。”




Confucius said: “If you don’t understand objective laws, you cannot be a gentleman; if you don’t understand moral norms, you cannot conduct yourself well in society; if you don’t understand how to distinguish between truth and falsehood, you cannot know people well.”

2008年8月10日 21點24分 新澤西/紐約

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