


(2009-06-28 05:51:24) 下一個


《醉翁亭記》 歐陽修











Mountains all round Chuzhou City. On the southwest peaks, woods and ravines are especially beautiful. Flourish everywhere as far as the eye can see, rich green nearby, misty blue in the depth, this heavily forested spot is Mt. Langya. Walking six or seven miles in the mountains, you can gradually hear a murmuring stream named of Brewing Spring coming out from between two peaks. After twists and turns, you can see a bird-wing-like pavilion standing bolt upright above the spring which was Drunken Old Man Pavilion. Who made the pavilion? The monk Zhixian in the mountains. Who named it? The county magistrate himself. The county magistrate and his guests come here and drink wine. A little wine would make him drunken. And he is the oldest, therefore he gives himself a byname Drunken Old Man. The interest of Drunken Old Man does not lie in wine but in mountains and water instead. The happiness of touring the scenic spots was got from my heart and then deposited into wine.

The sun rising, the fog in the woods spreads out; the clouds gathering, the caves on the rocks become dark. Gloominess and brightness transforming into each other, morning and dusk take forms respectively. Being out, the wild flowers send forth wafts of faint fragrance. Luxuriantly green, the fine trees are lush. With scrip air, the wind and frost seems rather lofty and clean. The water receding, the rocks are out. All these mark the four seasons in the mountains. Going there in the morning, and coming back at dusk, you may see different sceneries of four seasons, and your pleasure will be boundless.

Carrying something, some people are singing on the way to and from Chuzhou City ; after walking, others are having rest among woods. The ones walking in front are calling, while the ones walking behind are responding. Bending over, old ones are taking little kids by the hand. All coming and going in a continuous stream, they are the local people of Chuzhou City who are busy for outing. Fishing at the stream side, you should know that the deeper the stream is, the fatter the fishes are. Brewing wine with spring, you should know that the sweeter the spring, the more mellow the wine. Miscellaneously placed on the table, the delicacies made of game and edible wild herbs from the mountains are offered by county magistrate as a banquet. Heartily enjoying the banquet, they are listening to beautiful music which is from neither stringed instruments nor wind instruments. Some are drinking, others are playing chess. Pushing glasses or changing cups, some are standing up, with uproarious talk and laughter, others are sitting down, all the guests are happily enjoying the rich banquet. Yet a white-haired old man among them is quite listless. He is just the county magistrate who has had a drop too much.

With the sun setting over the mountains very soon, the people’s shadows are in disorder. The county magistrate is going back and the guests are following. The woods enveloped in mist have become dim while birds are singing, sometimes up and sometimes down. The tourists left and the birds are pleased. The tourists have left and the birds are happy. Birds only know their own pleasure which come from mountains and forests but they know nothing about people’s pleasure. People know their own pleasure which comes from following the county magistrate to go outing, but they do not know the county magistrate’s pleasure which comes from taking pleasure from others’ pleasure. It is the county magistrate that can share pleasure with others during drunkenness and can narrate his own articles after sobering up. Who is the county magistrate? It is Ou Yangxiu of Luling County.








Mountains all round Chuzhou City. Woods and ravines on the southwest peaks are especially beautiful. Flourish everywhere as far as the eye can see, rich green nearby, misty blue in the depth, this heavily forested glory spot is Mt. Langya. Walking six or seven miles in the mountains, you can gradually hear a murmuring stream named of Brewing Spring coming out from between two peaks. After twists and turns, you can see a bird-wing-like pavilion standing bolt upright above the spring which was Drunken Old Man Pavilion. Who made the pavilion? The monk Zhixian in the mountains. Who named it? The county magistrate himself with his alias. The county magistrate and his guests come here and drink wine. A little wine would make him drunken. And he is the oldest, therefore he call himself Drunken Old Man. The interest of Drunken Old Man does not lie in wine but in mountains and water instead. The happiness of touring the scenic spots was got from my heart and then deposited into wine.


1 .環滁皆山也。

這是歐陽修的不朽名句。傳說他經過反複斟酌,幾度易稿,才錘煉出這五個字,因此在翻譯時也應該忠實原文,才對得起歐陽老先生。我在翻譯時就拋開整句式的選擇,隻用了有主無謂的短語,而且也是五個詞。 Mountains all around Chu County. Around 與 round 作介詞和副詞時,意義基本相同。 Around 多被美國人所青睞,而 round 則多為英國人看中。

2 .其西南諸峰,林壑尤美。

原譯是: Woods and ravines on the southwest peaks are especially beautiful. 考慮到忠實原文語序,改譯成: On the southwest peaks, woods and ravines are especially beautiful. 但就在我當下寫這段“譯解”時,突然發現《我們的國家公園》第 252 頁有這樣一個句子: From the high tundra to shady river valleys, the Rockies are graced with a wealth of wildflowers. ( 從高高的苔原,到幽深蓊鬱的河穀,落基山都被大量的野花裝點得秀美無極。 Grace, 及物動詞,“使變美”;另 wealth 作“大量”解 。 ) 曾經改譯成 Woods and ravines on the southwest peaks are graced with especially beautiful. 但仔細推敲,這樣的譯法與原文意義相左,因為原文是說“林壑”尤美,我的譯法已經變成“西南諸峰”尤美了。最終還是忍痛割愛,舍棄了這個精美的句型,等以後用吧。

3. 望之蔚然而深秀者,琅琊也。

原來我是翻譯成兩句的: Flourish is everywhere as far as the eye can see, rich green nearby, misty blue in the depth (望之蔚然而深秀者), this heavily forested glory spot is Mt. Langya (琅琊也) . 但為求簡煉,前一句的 is 其實完全可以省略,從而使第一個句子變成詞組,這樣更符合原文句式。於是就成了 Flourish everywhere as far as the eye can see, rich green nearby, misty blue in the depth, 後麵仍然是一個完整的句子。至於 as far as the eye can see (望之) , 我也是從《我們的國家公園》類似的句子裏摘過來的。翻譯這句時我是以“心臨其境”的心緒和興致,幾乎是閉上眼睛一邊浮想聯翩,一邊翻譯,於是譯文與原文相比,含量似乎有少許增加,意境似乎也有些朦朧。這主要體現在“深秀”二字上。“深”是幽深, in the depth 已經表達清楚。而“秀”,則是采取意譯添加法,以“ rich green nearby, misty blue ”與“ glory ”來表達,不過把二者分開,將 glory 置於後麵的句子裏。要說的是 rich green nearby, misty blue ,遠望山林,必定有層次感,在觀望者附近的地方,綠色一定比較鮮豔亮麗,用 rich green 比較合適,而深遠之處,綠色一定比較深,近乎藍色,如果作畫,那必定要添加藍色調,而且是深藍的色調,再而且,必定是山嵐氤氳,這用 misty blue 來表達,似乎更能貼近真實的山林景色。 至於 heavily forested ,林木茂密,也屬於意譯的添加部分,原文沒有明說,但事實必定如此。我的翻譯原則是可增不可減。當然這種增要適當適量。

4 .山行六七裏,漸聞水聲潺潺,而泄出於兩峰之間者,釀泉也。

漸聞水聲潺潺,曾想譯成 you can hear the water murmuring ,從此字麵上看, water murmuring 與 murmuring water 差不多,但意思明顯不同。如果用作為“聽”的賓語,前者是“聽到水在潺潺作響”,而後者則是“聽到潺潺作響的水”。這樣一來,誰是誰非就會一目了然,因為“聽到”的必定是水之聲,“看到”的必然是水之形。如果根據這一邏輯造句, hear the water murmuring 自然欠妥,而如果改用動詞是 see, 則當別論。也就是說,正確的譯法應該是: hear the murmuring of water 與 see the water murmuring. 另請注意 the 的用法。前者的 murmuring 是動名詞,故而加定冠詞 the ,後者的 murmuring 是現在分詞,故而無需,也不應該使用定冠詞 the ;此外,前者的 water 不用定冠詞,因為那是泛指的水,而後者之所以使用定冠詞,那是因為具體指的是從兩山之間流出的水。

5 .峰回路轉,有亭翼然臨於泉上者,醉翁亭也。

峰回路轉,有現成的說法 twists and turns, 拿來用就是了。亭翼然,本是說有亭子像鳥兒展翅那樣。翼然,在這裏本身說明下麵的“臨於泉上”,因此屬於副詞範疇。但我為了造句方麵,將其改為定語去修飾亭子,而不是修飾“臨於泉上”,整體意思沒有大變。我使用了一個簡便的“堆砌”法,造出 bird-wing-like pavilion ,這種造次法如今很流行,尤其在美國英語中。由此說來,我這樣造次似無不可。此外,原文說“有亭”,本可以使用 there to be 的句式,但為了句式生動,我改用了“動賓”結構句,而主語“ you” 是我添加的,不必拘泥地理解為“你”,隻理解為泛指即可。醉翁亭,該如何翻譯?采用音譯法不好,我采用了意譯。醉翁者, Drunken Old Man 之謂也。醉翁亭, Drunken Old Man Pavilion.

6 .名之者誰?太守自謂也。

起初譯文是 Who named it? The county magistrate himself. 但仔細推敲,光是一個 himself 是遠遠不夠的,因為它沒有表達出他用自己的別號為廳命名的意思,於是改譯成: The county magistrate with his alias. 中國的文人都有名號之分。名 name 、號 alias or byname ;另有綽號 byname or nickname ;在美國填寫表格時常有 other name 一欄,就是其它的名字,簡稱即別名。

7 .太守與客來飲於此。

這段的人稱和上段一樣,都是第三人稱,作者以旁觀者麵對“太守”。此處的“客”無需拘泥為“客人 guest ”,其實就是美國人最常用的“朋友 friend ”,無論是否熟悉,反正聚到一起,哪怕隻有一麵之交,一言之談,也可親熱地稱之為 my friend, 因此將“客”譯成 friends 也未嚐不可。

8 .醉翁之意不在酒,在乎山水之間也。山水之樂,得之心而寓之酒也。醉翁的情趣不在於喝酒,而在於山水之間。欣賞山水的樂趣,領會它在心裏,並寄托它在酒上。

醉翁之意不在酒,字典裏有現成的譯文: have ulterior motives; 甚至還有諺語: Many kiss the baby for the nurse’s sake. 但在這裏最好不用這些意譯之句,還是直譯為妙,因為意譯反映不出原文的趣味。我的譯文是: The interest of Drunken Old Man does not lie in wine but in mountains and water instead. 山水之樂,得之心而寓之酒也, The happiness of touring the scenic spots was got from my heart and then deposited into wine. 直譯我的句子就是:欣賞山水的樂趣取之於心而寓之於酒。說白了就是“欣賞上水的樂趣,從心裏拿出來,再放到酒裏去”。







The sun rising, the fog in the woods spreads out; the clouds gathering, the caves on the rocks become dark. Gloominess and brightness transforming into each other, morning and dusk take forms respectively. Being out, the wild flowers send forth wafts of faint fragrance. Luxuriantly green, the fine trees are lush. With scrip air, the wind and frost seems rather lofty and clean. When the water receding, the rocks are out. All these mark the four seasons in the mountains. Going there in the morning, and coming back at dusk, you may see different sceneries of four seasons, and your pleasure will be boundless.


1. 若夫日出而林霏開,雲歸而岩穴暝,晦明變化者,山間之朝暮也。

若夫 , 發語詞,不必翻譯。“日出而林霏開,雲歸而岩穴暝”,非常工整的對仗句,翻譯時我注意到了這一點。兩個句子的結構基本相同。譯文是: The sun rising, the fog in the woods spreads out; the clouds gathering, the caves on the rocks become dark. 其中 The sun rising 對 the clouds gathering ; the fog in the woods 對 the caves on the rocks ; spreads out 對 become dark. 注意 The sun rising 與 the clouds gathering 都是懸垂獨立成份。另外,為了與 become dark 對仗,“開”字翻譯成 spread out, 其實“開”就是“散開”,不僅可以用 spread out 來表達,還有其它表達方法。如: disperse, scatter. The crowd dispersed. 人群紛紛散開。“晦明變化者,山間之朝暮也”,“ xx 者 xx 也”,其實就是 A 就是 B ,如若這樣,就等於說“變化就是朝暮”,如果照這樣的說法死譯,就會得出這樣的句子: The transformation of gloominess and brightness into each other is morning and dusk. 這顯然不同,於是我就 采取 take forms (成形)的表達法: morning and dusk take forms respectively.

2 .野芳發而幽香,佳木秀而繁陰,風霜高潔,水落而石出者,山間之四時也。

這是山裏春夏秋冬四個季節的不同景色。“野芳發而幽香”,這是春: Being out, the wild flowers send forth wafts of faint fragrance. 野芳,指野花, wild flowers ,發,就是花開。開花有不同的表達方法。如果有具體花名,無論什麽花名,那就都可以用 be in flower 或 come into flower 或 burst into flower. 這三者的區別在於生動性,因為 be in flower, 含靜止意味,而 come into 則顯示動感,尤其是 burst into, 更是動感十足。不過,如果句子的主語已經是籠統的“花”,用這樣的句式勢必使用詞重複,當然不好。 這樣就可以選擇 be in bloom 或 be in blossom, 但是要注意 flower, bloom, blossom 這三者的區別: flower 籠統而言, bloom 用於觀賞植物 , blossom 用於果樹。比如玫瑰,是觀賞花卉,如果說玫瑰要開花了,則用 The roses are blooming. 或者 The roses are coming into flower. 睡蓮(觀賞花卉)開花了。 The water lilies are in flower.

然而,什麽都有例外,請看《我們的國家公園》第 323 頁中這樣的句子: Just as spring creeps into this high country a blossom at a time, so autumn trickles downward leaf by leaf – a foliage shower of claret, amber, and brass that drenches fawn-hued meadows and forested slopes. (像春天爬進這一高地那樣,每次僅開一花,秋天也是如此,每次僅落一葉 - 落葉色彩斑斕,或酒紅色,或琥珀色,或古銅色,這使得黃褐色的草地和森林密布的山坡層層浸然,絢麗多姿。)深山野嶺,哪裏有隻供欣賞之花和果園之花,所有的花不都是野花嗎?如果按照我對花的上述區分標準,這個句子中應該用 a flower at a time ,但此文作者為何不避諱 blossom 呢? 也許我從中國人編寫的詞典裏看到的劃分標準是多餘?還是這裏是特例?僅供參考吧。

再回過頭說“開花”。最簡單的表達法則是 to be out. The flowers are out. 簡單明了,四個詞便大功告成。我的選擇就是這樣,似乎也隻能這樣,因為如果選擇動感十足的 come into or burst in ,下麵就要接 flower ,和主語 wild flowers 重複了。看來這些野花也隻能委屈一下,表現得“文靜”一點了。最後扯點題外話,如果遇到形象的比喻說法,可千萬要小心。心裏樂開了花: be overflowing with joy. 炮彈在敵人陣地上炸開了花: The shell exploded right at the enemy position. 光是“開花”既說了如此之多,現在就來說下麵兩個字:幽香。“幽”在這裏的含義是香味淡薄,並不濃鬱,因此用 faint fragrance ,但這隻是一個靜感的詞組,必須放到句子裏。我使用的是野花散發“幽香”,即 the wild flowers send forth wafts of faint fragrance ,散發, send forth. 至於 wafts ,則是“小小的一股”之義。

以上這些講的都隻是春。下麵就按順序講夏:佳木秀而繁陰。佳木,無非是 fine trees 之類。秀,有許多種說法,最通常的莫過於“優秀”之義,但這裏並非此義,這裏的指的是茂盛,而隨後的“繁陰”,其實也是此義,當然這些都離不開樹木的本色“綠”,因此我選用 luxuriantly green 與 lush (繁茂,蔥翠),分別置於句子前後不同的位置。

夏:佳木秀而繁陰,是說美好的樹木鬱鬱蔥蔥。離不開綠色,而且是生機勃勃的綠色,也就 Luxuriantly green, the fine trees are lush.

秋:離不開“風”和“霜”。看來歐老先生也不能免俗。他一上來就使用了風霜高潔。不過我更不能免俗,給老先生的句子裏無中生有地添加了“秋高氣爽”的意境,因此一上來,我就用了 With scrip air , with 是“帶有”的意思。而原文中風霜的“高潔”,無非就是“清爽”之義,不過由於作者出於本身的氣質,“高潔”一詞在這裏無疑又其自身品德的影子。因此起初簡單的 clear 似乎有淺薄之嫌。似乎因該再添加 lofty 可以一語雙關,既有一般方位意義上的“高”,也有品格層麵的“高尚”之義。“高風格” lofty style ,於是眼下寫譯解時,把原來簡單的 the wind and frost seems rather clear 改譯成 the wind and frost seems rather lofty and clear.

冬:水落而石出者,山間之四時也。水落而石出: The waters receding, the rocks are out. 這是詞典裏現成的句子。不過《我們的國家公園》第 78 頁有句雲: As the water level declined and the reef arose, groundwater seeped through cracks deep inside the limestone, softening and dissolving the rock. (水麵落下去,暗礁升起來,地下水滲透到深深的石灰石裏麵,軟化和溶解了岩石。) 另有句雲: When the water level dropped still father, leaving spongy rock masses unsupported, great chunks fell. (水麵仍然在下降,導致海綿質的岩石塊失去支撐,從而大塊大塊地坍塌下來。)從例句中不難看出,水落的“落”既可以譯成 recede, 又可以譯成 drop.

春夏秋冬的景致一一描繪完畢,這便是四個季節的全過程。 All these mark the four seasons in the mountains.

3 .朝而往,暮而歸,四時之景不同,而樂亦無窮也。

這一連串的句子,主語應該是誰,主句又該是哪個?不妨將第二人稱的“你”作為主語,其實這裏的第二人稱的真實含義是第三人稱的“他”,因為這裏說明的是一種普遍性的情況。主語我選擇了(看到)“四時之景不同”。這兩個問題解決了,就可以決定采取什麽樣的句式。我把前麵兩句用無主語的獨立分詞構成懸垂語,後麵的“而樂亦無窮也”則單獨成句,但又不完全獨立,而是用連詞“ and ”相連,以示其為全句內部的一部分,於是就造出如下句子: Going there in the morning, and coming back at dusk, you may see different sceneries of four seasons, and your pleasure will be boundless.

不過,我翻譯成這樣的英文句子,仔細想起來,對懸垂句式做上麵那樣的分析有些地方似乎欠妥,現在糾正一下,注意是“糾正”,這就意味著說淺了,是有不妥之處,說深了是有錯誤之處。原文可分三組:第一組是“朝而往,暮而歸”,第二組是“四時之景不同”,第三組是“而樂亦無窮也”。三組句子其實有三個不同的主語:第一組主語是作者本人或什麽人,第二組是“四時之景”,第三組是“樂”。但是我考慮全句的同一性和完整性,把三組句的主語都用第二人稱的“你”。 Going there in the morning, and coming back at dusk, 剛才分析說這是懸垂句式,其實說錯了,懸垂句式應該有個與主句主語不同的獨立主語,如這句話,若現在分詞前有個獨立主語,比如 a farmer, a fisherman 等,那樣就是: The farmer going there in the morning and coming back at duck, you may see ----. 然而我的英文句子現在分詞的實際主語與主句相同,都是“你”,因此這個部分不是懸垂,而是現在分詞作狀語結構。當然對第二人稱“你”的分析我依然堅持不變。我這樣將自己前後不同的分析過程寫出來,是想把自己真實的思想狀況公諸於眾,供大家參考。這樣做可能會給您留下深刻的印象。







Carrying something, some people are singing on the way to and from Chuzhou City ; after walking, others are having rest among woods. The ones walking in front are calling, while the ones walking behind are responding. Bending over, old ones are taking little kids by the hand. All coming and going in a continuous stream, they are the local people of Chuzhou City who are busy for outing. Fishing at the stream side, you should know that the deeper the stream is, the fatter the fishes are. Brewing wine with spring, you should know that the sweeter the spring, the more mellow the wine. Miscellaneously placed on the table, the delicacies made of game and edible wild herbs from the mountains are offered by county magistrate as a banquet. Heartily enjoying the banquet, they are listening to beautiful music which is from neither stringed instruments nor wind instruments. Some are drinking, others are playing chess. Pushing glasses or changing cups, some are standing up, with uproarious talk and laughter, others are sitting down, all guests are happily enjoying the rich banquet. Yet a white-haired old man among them is quite listless. He is just the county magistrate who has had a drop too much.


1. 至於負者歌於滁,行者休於樹,前者呼,後者應,傴僂提攜,往來而不絕者,滁人遊也。

首先遇到的就是一個方位的問題。不確定方位,就無法著手翻譯。文中有兩個具體方位,一是“於滁”,二是“於樹”。讀中文時讀者似乎並不會仔細留意這些人進行一連串活動究竟是在什麽地方。也許是隻需意會無需言傳。但在翻譯成英文時必須確定“於滁”和“於樹”究竟具體指的在哪裏。滁,前文指滁州城。但在這裏並不如此,因為作者講的故事發生在滁州城郊外,並非城內。確切地說就是在通往滁州城的道路上。因此我譯成 on the way. 接下來的就是方向,因為在路上的行人是來來往往,就是說有從滁州城出來的,有往滁州城去的,所以我又在 on the way 後麵加上 to 和 from ,起初我翻譯的時候還是 in Chuzhou City, 隻是在我眼下寫這段譯解時才發現問題。因此比小看這個虛詞“於”。同樣道理,“於樹”的“於”也許要仔細推敲,因為“於”後可以接著內外上下左右等各個方位,翻譯時需要譯者自己琢磨。這中間當然不可能在樹上,隻能在樹下麵休息。因此可以翻譯成 under the trees ,不過我有些格外的考慮,不如翻譯成在樹林之間,半隱半現的,更具詩意,因此我就譯成了 among woods, 要不要加定冠詞 the 兩可。


至於負者歌於滁,行者休於樹。 Carrying something, some people are singing on the way to and from Chuzhou City ; after walking, others are having rest among woods.

前者呼,後者應。 The ones walking in front are calling, while the ones walking behind are responding.

傴僂提攜。 Bending over, old ones are taking little kids by the hand.

往來而不絕者,滁人遊也。 All coming and going in a continuous stream, they are the local people of Chuzhou City who are busy for outing.

注意,作者說的是,“滁人遊”而非“滁遊人”,注意兩者的區別。前者是主謂結構的一個句子,即“滁州人出遊”,而後者隻是一個詞組,即“滁州的遊人”。遊人, tourist, sightseer, excursionist, 注意這三者的區別: tourist, 旅遊者; sightseer, 觀光者; excursionist, 短途旅行者。

2. 臨溪而漁,溪深而魚肥;釀泉為酒,泉香而酒冽;山肴野蔌,雜然而前陳者,太守宴也。

按照分號我分三句話來譯。前兩句有個主語問題。我加上個泛指的 you, 其實真正的所指並非局限於第二人稱的“你”,而實質上隻是第三人稱“他”。於是就變成這樣的句子:你在溪邊釣魚,應該知道溪越深,魚越肥。你用釀泉的水釀酒,就應該知道泉水甘冽,就也就甘醇。 Fishing at the stream side, you should know that the deeper the stream is, the fatter the fishes are. Brewing wine with spring, you should know that the sweeter the spring, the more mellow the wine. 當然這兩句中的“你應該 you should ”也不妨譯成“你就會 you will or you would ”,相比之下,後者語氣似乎比較和緩。

山肴野蔌,雜然而前陳者,太守宴也。 山肴野蔌,我譯成 the delicacies made of game and edible wild herbs taken in the mountains ,意思是由山裏的野味和可食性野菜做成的美食。這裏要注意“製作”的兩種說法,一是 make of, 另有 make from ,先看如下兩句話: The bridge is made of steel. 這座橋是用鋼材造成的。 Steel is made from iron. 鋼是由鐵煉成的。前者所用材料未經大的質變,隻是形態有所變化,而後者則經過大質變,形態和質地都發生了變化。同樣,用山上的野味和野菜做飯,無需質變,因此用 made of. 同樣道理, The padded coat is made from cotton fabric. The fabric is made from cotton. 前者是:棉衣是用棉花做的。後者是:布料是由棉花做的。前者還既是棉衣,而且能看出棉花的樣子,或說衣服裏麵直接用沒有任何變化的棉花做的,因此用 made of , 而後者布料雖是棉花製作,但已看不出棉花的樣子,因為經過很大的變化,比如抽絲,漂染等。酒宴很豐富,既有蔬菜類,也有肉類,蔬菜是這座山裏挖采的野菜,而肉類,也就是常說的野味, game 即野味的總稱。注意野菜,不能直譯成 wild vegetable. 為了準確,我特意指出這些山野味野菜都取之於這座上,原譯為 edible wild herbs and game taken in the mountains ,其實 taken in 多此一舉,隻用一個介詞 from 即可, from 來源,如 a quotation from Mao Zedong ,一條毛澤東語錄。

3 . 宴酣之樂,非絲非竹,射者中,弈者勝,觥籌交錯,坐起而喧嘩者,眾賓歡也。

宴酣之樂,非絲非竹,其中的“酣”就是開心,用 heartily 表示。 絲,指弦樂器, stringed instruments , 竹指管樂器, wind instruments. 射者中,弈者勝,前者指飲酒,後者指下棋。觥籌交錯,我以“推杯換盞”一語替換翻譯。喧嘩 , uproarious talk and laughter, 實際上這是從“笑語喧嘩”一語翻譯而來。喧嘩除了 uproar 之外,還有別的說法,如 loud confused noise, 一看便知包含貶義。另有 hubbub 和 din, 如 after a hubbub(a dinning bout) 一陣喧嘩之後 . 不過要注意, din 表示持久的喧嘩。

4 .蒼然白發,頹乎其中者,太守醉也。

頹乎其中的“頹”,一說起這個字就會馬上想到“頹廢”一詞。“頹廢”是貶義詞。而這裏隻是說由於喝醉酒神情模糊,沒有貶義,我用 listless ,指精神不振。至於“醉”,有不同的說法,最通常的是 drunken ,不過這有點重,令人聯想到醉醺醺的樣子,很不雅觀,我用 have a drop too much 表示略微喝高了點,似乎不會使這位令人尊敬的太守過於失態。







With the sun setting over the mountains very soon, the people’s shadows are in disorder. The county magistrate is going back and the guests are following. The woods enveloped in mist have become dim while birds are singing, sometimes up and sometimes down. The tourists left and the birds are pleased. Birds only know their own pleasure which come from mountains and forests but they know nothing about people’s pleasure. People know their own pleasure which comes from following the county magistrate to go outing, but they do not know the county magistrate’s pleasure which comes from taking pleasure from others’ pleasure. It is the county magistrate that can share pleasure with others during drunkenness and can narrate his own articles after sobering up. Who is the county magistrate? It is Ou Yangxiu of Luling County.


1 .已而夕陽在山,人影散亂,太守歸而賓客從也。

我將這段文字分成兩句話來譯。前兩截譯成一個句子,以“人影散亂”為主句,“夕陽在山”以懸垂形式出現,似乎前後兩者有些因果關係。當然也可以譯成兩個獨立的簡單句: The sun is setting over the mountains very soon and the people’s shadows are in disorder. “太守歸而賓客從也” , 我譯成兩個獨立的簡單句。正是因為都是簡單句,讀起來有些呆板,因此我才將前兩個獨立的簡單句變換形式,成為帶懸垂的句子。 “夕陽在山”之所以翻譯成 the sun setting over the mountains ,是參考《我們的國家公園》第 頁的這樣一段話:

2 .樹林陰翳,鳴聲上下,遊人去而禽鳥樂也。

樹林陰翳,原譯為 Woods have become gloomy ,但我覺得句式過於簡單,而且遠遠沒有譯出真實意境,於是參考《實用漢英詞典》的例句: The hills enveloped in mist became dim. (山被霧所遮掩,變得朦朧了。)改譯成: The woods enveloped in mist have become dim. “鳴聲上下,遊人去而禽鳥樂也”:原譯: Chirping can be heard up and down. It’s that the tourists left and the birds are happy. 其實後半句無須采用強調語氣的句式,不如按原文語序照譯顯得更自然。於是改譯成: Chirping can be heard up and down. The tourists left and the birds are pleased.

3 .然而禽鳥知山林之樂,而不知人之樂;人知從太守遊而樂,而不知太守之樂其樂也。

山林之樂,其中的“之”本來表示所屬關係,這四個字用白話說就是:山林的樂趣。如果照字麵死譯就會是: pleasure of mountains and forests. 其實仔細推敲起來,全句說的是鳥從山林中獲得的樂趣。再者從中文語義分析,那樣翻譯也不通,因為樂趣隻是有生命的生物所特有的心理感受,作為靜物的山林,除了在特殊情況下,比如擬人法,或寓言中,它們是不會像生物那樣有心理感受的。因此,我譯成 pleasure which comes from mountains and forests. 而不知太守之樂其樂也,這句有些彎彎繞,其實意思是:不知道太守的一種動作,即從他人的“樂趣”中獲得“樂趣”,說通俗一些就是別人玩得盡興,他見了也感到盡興。其中“之樂”的“樂”是動詞,似乎可以譯成動名詞比較合適,隻有“其樂”的“樂”是名詞,即他人的“樂趣”。 they do not know the county magistrate’s pleasure which comes from taking pleasure from others’ pleasure. 原譯是: but they do not know the county magistrate’s pleasure which comes from being together with them. 這樣譯太簡單了,沒有譯出原文的彎彎繞風格和趣味。


這段話的一個重點就是“同其樂”,原譯為: It is the county magistrate that can enjoy pleasure ,其中的 enjoy pleasure ,沒有譯出“同”,這個“同”其實就是“共同”,就是“分享”,因此翻譯成 share pleasure with others or share others’ pleasure or share the pleasure of others 才比較貼切。

[ 打印 ]