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7·1 子曰:“述而不作(1),信而好古,竊(2)比於我老彭(3)。”











Confucius said: “I only pass on the existing knowledge but don’t make innovations, believe ancestors, especially love the ancient classical works. In secret, I compare myself with Shang Dynasty’s Mr. Peng.”



7·2 子曰:“默而識(1)之,學而不厭,誨(2)人不倦,何有於我哉(3)?”











Confucius said: “Learn knowledge by heart, unsatisfied with study, untiring of teaching others.  How can these things be difficult to me?”




7·3 子曰:“德之不修,學之不講,聞義不能徙(1),不善不能改,是吾憂也。”









Confucius said: “Don’t cultivate noble morality, don’t assiduously study knowledge, don’t learn from good examples, don’t correct mistakes. All these are what I worry about.”




7·4 子之燕居(1),申申(2)如也;夭夭(3)如也。











When staying at home, Confucius was well dressed, carefree and content.



7·,5 子曰:“甚矣吾衰也!久矣吾不複夢見周公(1)。”









Confucius said: “I’m too doddery! I haven’t dreamt of Mr. Zhou for a long time.”



7·6 子曰:“誌於道,據於德(1),依於仁,遊於藝(2)。”










Confucius said: “Acquire high ideals, cultivate fine morality, cherish humane feeling, mould noble sentiment.”



7·7 子曰:“自行束脩(1)以上,吾未嚐無誨焉。”









Confucius said: “As for the students who are willing to give me ten or more pieces of dried beef, I’ve never refused to teach them.”




7·8 子曰:“不憤(1)不啟,不悱(2)不發。舉一隅(3)不以三隅反,則不複也。”











Confucius said: “When teaching a student, don’t remind him before he can rack his brains, and don’t guide him before he wants to say but cannot speak out. If he cannot learn by analogy, don’t teach him anymore.”




7·9 子食於有喪者之側,未嚐飽也。






With a person in mourning at his side, Confucius can never eat his fill.”



7·10 子於是日哭,則不歌。






Weeping the whole day, Confucius no longer sings.



7·11 子謂顏淵曰:“用之則行,舍之則藏(1),惟我與爾有是夫(2)!”子路曰:“子行三軍(3),則誰與(4)?”子曰:“暴虎(5)馮河(6),死而無悔者,吾不與也。必也臨事而懼(7)。好謀而成者也。”















Confucius said to Yan Yuan: “If I’m put in an important position, I’ll fully display my talents, otherwise I’ll conceal my capacities. Only you and me can do this, can’t we?” Tzu Lu asked Confucius: “If you command the country’s armed forces, what sorts of persons do you choose to be your assistants?” Confucius said: “I don’t need anyone who can wrestle with tigers bear-handed and across rivers bare-foot, and never repent. Who I’m looking for are those who can act cautiously and win by strategy.”



7·12 子曰:“富(1)而可求(2)也;雖執鞭之士(3),吾亦為之。如不可求,從吾所好。”











Confucius said: “So long as I can be rich reasonably, I’m willing to do anything, even if I have to drive cars for others, I don’t care. Otherwise, I’d like to do anything I love.”



7·13 子之所慎:齊(1)、戰、疾。









Confucius acted cautiously in three aspects including fast, war and diseases.



7·14 子在齊聞《韶》(1),三月不知肉味,曰:“不圖為樂之至於斯也。”









After hearing the music namedShaoin the country Qi, Confucius couldn’t taste beef. He said: “I’ve never realized thatShaoshould be amazing like this.”




7·15 冉有曰:“夫子為(1)衛君(2)乎?”子貢曰:“諾(3),吾將問之。”入,曰:“伯夷、叔齊何人也?”曰:“古之賢人也。”曰:“怨乎?”曰:“求仁而得仁,又何怨。”出,曰:“夫子不為也。”




(2)衛君:衛出公輒,是衛靈公的孫子。公元前492年 ̄前481年在位。他的父親因謀殺南子而被衛靈公驅逐出國。靈公死後,被立為國君,其父回國與他爭位。







Ran You said: “Is our master going to assist the lord of the country Wei?” Tzu Gong said: “Let me ask him.” After entering the room, Tzu Gong asked his master: “Bo Yi and Shu Qi belong to what sorts of persons?” The master replied: “They are ancient worthy persons.” Tzu Gong asked: “Did they regret?” The master replied: “They sought humanity and they got it. Why regret?” Tzu Gong going out and said: “Our master wouldn’t go to assist the country Wei.”




7·16 子曰:“飯疏食(1)飲水,曲肱(2)而枕之,樂亦在其中矣。不義而富且貴,於我如浮雲。”










Confucius said: “Even have plain tea and simple fare and take a bended arm as a pillow, I can still take pleasure in them. In my eye, riches and honors without humanity are just like floating clouds in the sky.”



7·17 子曰:“加(1)我數年,五十以學易(2),可以無大過矣。”










Confucius said: “Let me have several more years and I’ll study Yi. And at that time, I can avoid committing big mistakes.”




7·18 子所雅言(1),《詩》、《書》、執禮,皆雅言也。









Sometimes Confucius spoke popular speech. When reading Poems,Bookand taking part in ceremonies, he spoke popular speech.



7·19 葉公(1)問孔子於子路,子路不對。子曰:“女奚不曰,其為人也,發憤忘食,樂以忘憂,不知老之將至雲爾(2)。”










An official in Yecheng City asked Tzu Lu about Confucius. Tzu Lu didn’t answer. Confucius said to Tzu Lu: “Why don’t you answer him like this: when reading, he is so absorbed as to forget to eat and so happy as to forget his anxiety and even not to realize that he is becoming older and older?”




7·20 子曰:“我非生而知之者,好古,敏以求之者也。”






Confucius said: “I’m not a person who has got knowledge before his birth but a person who is fond of ancient things and quick in thought and studies them diligently.”



7·21 子不語怪、力、亂、神。






Confucius never talks about monstrosities, violence, turbulence, ghosts and spirits.”



7·22 子曰:“三人行,必有我師焉。擇其善者而從之,其不善者而改之。”



孔子說: “三人走路,必有人可作為我的老師。選擇他的優點向他學習,找出他的缺點作為借鑒,進而自我改正。”



Confucius said: “Three people are walking. There must be someone among them who can be my teacher. I’d like to find out his strong points to learn and pick out his shortcomings to drawn on lessons from and make self-correction.




7·23 子曰:“天生德於予,桓魋(1)其如予何?”



(1)桓魋:魋,讀“魁”,任宋國軍事行政官員司馬,是宋桓公的後代。 公元前492年,孔子從衛國去陳國時經過宋國。桓魋聽說以後,帶兵要去害孔子。當時孔子正與弟子們在大樹下演習周禮的儀式,桓魋砍倒大樹,而且要殺孔子,孔子連忙在學生保護下,離開了宋國,在逃跑途中,他說了這句話。






Confucius said: “The heaven bestowed virtues on me. What can Huan Kui do to me?”




7·24 子曰:“二三子(1)以我為隱乎?吾無隱乎爾。吾無行而不與二三子者,是丘也。”









Confucius said: “You students think that I’ve hid something from you? I’ve hid nothing from you. I don’t have anything which I didn’t do together with you. This is my behavior.”



7·25 子以四教:文(1)、行(2)、忠(3)、信(4)






What Confucius taught included four aspects: documents, virtue, honesty and keeping promise.



7·26 子曰:“聖人吾不得而見之矣!得見君子者,斯(1)可矣。”子曰:“善人吾不得而見之矣!得見有恒(2)者,斯可矣。亡而為有,虛而為盈,約(3)而為泰(4),難乎有恒矣。”












Confucius said: “It’s impossible for me to see sages. If I can see gentlemen, that’s enough.” Confucius said again: “It’s impossible for me to see kind people. If I can see someone who can be true to himself forever, that’s enough. Have nothing, but pretend to have something. Empty, but pretend to be full. Poor, but pretend to be rich. It’s difficult for this sort of people to keep on doing something perseveringly.”



7·27 子釣而不綱(1),弋(2)不射宿(3)











Confucius caught fish with only a hook but not a net, he shot only flying birds but not sleeping birds.



7·28 子曰:“蓋(1)有不知而作之者,我無是也。多聞,擇其善者而從之,多見而識之,知之次也(2)。” 


(1) 蓋:大概。

(2) 知之次也:僅次於生而知之。


 【白話】 孔子說:“有些人不了解情況就冒然行事,我不會這樣。多聽,向先進人物學習;多看,把細節牢記在心。這種方法僅次於生而知之。”




Confucius said: “Some people act rashly without knowing concrete conditions. I don’t do anything like that. Listen more and learn from exemplary persons; observe more and bear details in mind. This is only second to being born with knowledge.”



7·29 互鄉(1)難與言,童子見,門人惑。子曰:“與(2)其進(3)也,不與其退也,唯何甚?人潔己(4)以進,與其潔也,不保其往(5)也。”













People in Hu Xiang didn’t behave themselves well. It was difficult to exchange ideas with them. But a boy from there was granted an interview by Confucius. His students felt perplexed about it. Confucius said: “Affirming a person’s present progress is not equal to approving his past mistakes. What’s the need to seize on others’ mistakes? Since they’ve corrected their mistakes, we should affirm their progress but not mention their past any longer.”



7·30 子曰:“仁遠乎哉?我欲仁,斯仁至矣。”






Confucius said: “Humanity is very far from us? So long as I want humanity, and there it comes.”



7·31 陳司敗(1)問:“昭公(2)知禮乎?“孔子曰:“知禮。”孔子退,揖(3)巫馬期(4)而進之曰:“吾聞君子不黨(5),君子亦黨乎?君取(6)於吳,為同姓(7),謂之吳孟子(8)。君而知禮,孰不知禮?”巫馬期以告。子曰:“丘也幸,苟有過,人必知之。”
















Chen Sibai asked: “Does Lu Zhaogong know proprieties?” Confucius said: “Yes, he does.” After Confucius left, Chen Sibai made a bow to Wu Maqi with hands folded in front and asked him to come near and said: “I heard that gentlemen show no partiality. Could it be said that gentlemen show partiality? The lord of the country Lu married a woman in the country Wu. She has the same family name as his and calls her as Wu Mengtzu. If the lord of the country Lu is considered to know proprieties, is there anyone who doesn’t know?” Wu Maqi told this to Confucius. Confucius said: “I’m lucky. If I make mistakes, others must know.”




7·32 子與人歌而善,必使反之,而後和之。






Confucius sometimes sung together with others. If he did well, he was certainly asked to repeat one more time and then others sung together with him.



7·33 子曰:“文,莫(1)吾猶人也。躬行君子,則吾未之有得。”









Confucius said: “As far as book-learning is concerned, maybe I’m about the same with others. But as for a gentleman who earnestly practices what he advocates, I’m much inferior to the standards.”



7·34 子曰:“若聖與仁,則吾豈敢?抑(1)為之(2)不厭,誨人不倦,則可謂雲爾(3)已矣。”公西華曰:“正唯弟子不能學也。”











Confucius said: “As for sage and humanity, how can I deserve this? Yet, I have been constantly doing my best to go in the direction of these two aspects. And moreover, I’ve been assiduously teaching others. I think my behavior in this respect is not so bad.” Gong Xihua said: “This is the very thing that I can’t learn.”



7·35 子疾病(1),子路請禱(2)。子曰:“有諸(3)?”子路對曰:“有之。《誄》(4)曰:‘禱爾於上下神祗(5)。’”子曰:“丘之禱久矣。”













Confucius was seriously ill and Tzu Lu prayed for him. Confucius said: “Really?” Tzu Lu said: “Yes. The text ofLeisays: ‘Say prayer for you to heaven and earth, to spirits and ghosts.’” Confucius said: “I’ve long been praying.”



7·36 子曰:“奢則不孫(1),儉則固(2)。與其不孫也,寧固。”










Confucius said: “Luxury leads arrogance. Thrifty leads shabbiness. I’d rather show shabbiness than act




7·37 子曰:“君子坦蕩蕩(1),小人長戚戚(2)。”










Confucius said: “Gentlemen are always openhearted, while vulgarians are always sorrowful.”




7·38 子溫而厲,威而不猛,恭而安。






Confucius is gentle-natured but stern, awful but not violent, solemn but benign.

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