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8·1 子曰:“泰伯(1),其可謂至德也已矣。三(2)以天下讓,民無得而稱焉(3)。”











Confucius said: “You may well say that Tai Bo is the noblest person. He renounced sovereign authority several times. People just can’t find proper words to praise him.”




8·2 子曰:“恭而無禮則勞(1),慎而無禮則葸(2),勇而無禮則亂,直而無禮則絞(3)。君子篤(4)於親,則民興於仁,故舊(5)不遺,則民不偷(6)。”














Confucius said: “Without proprieties, respectfulness is futile; without proprieties, cautiousness will lead to cowardice; without proprieties, braveness will cause trouble; without proprieties, frankness will become acridness. If leaders sincerely love their kinsfolk, people will uphold love and humanity; if gentlemen truly take care of their old friends, people couldn’t be indifferent.”



8·3 曾子有疾,召門弟子曰:“啟(1)予足!啟予手!詩雲(2):‘戰戰兢兢,如臨深淵,如履薄冰。’而今而後,吾知免(3)夫,小子(4)!”












Zeng Tzu was ill and called his disciples together before him and said: “Look at my hands! Look at my feet! Poemssaid: ‘Trembling with fear, as if facing an abyss, as though walking on thin ice.’ From now on, I know that I won’t be wounded any longer, my disciples!”




8·4 曾子有疾,孟敬子(1)(2)之。曾子言曰:“鳥之將死,其鳴也哀;人之將死,其言也善。君子所貴乎道者三:動容貌(3),斯遠暴慢(4)矣;正顏色(5),斯近信矣;出辭氣(6),斯遠鄙倍(7)矣。籩豆之事(8),則有司(9)存。”

















Zeng Tzu was ill and Meng Jingtzu visited him. Zeng Tzu said: “In dying hour, birds cry sadly; in face of death, people speak genially. Gentlemen should pay attention to three points about virtue: a solemn appearance can avoid rudeness; a severe expression is near honesty; a proper tone can avoid rudeness and going against common sense. As for matters concerning the tools of etiquette and ceremony, there are certainly some people to manage.”




8·5 曾子曰:“以能問於不能,以多問於寡,有若無,實若虛;犯而為校(1) -- 昔者吾友嚐從事於斯矣。”






曾子說:“有才能卻向沒才能的人請教,知識多卻向知識少的人請教,有學問卻謙虛得像沒學問一樣;滿腹經綸卻大智若愚;被冒犯卻從不計較 -- 從前我的朋友就這樣做過了。”



Zeng Tzu said: “A man who is capable yet seeks advices from someone is incapable; a man who enjoys profound and extensive learning yet consults a person who is lack of knowledge and information; a man of letters is so modest that he acts as if he has no knowledge at all; a man of great learning is so modest that he behaves just like a foolish man; a person never bothers about anyone who offends him. In the past, a friend of mine conducted just like this.”



【原文】8·6 曾子說:“可以托六尺之孤(1),可以寄百裏之命(2),臨大節而不可奪也。君子人與?君子人也。”










Zeng Tzu said: “A man is so reliable that you can leave an ophen to him, you can entrust the country to him. And moreover, he is dauntless and unyielding in critical moment of life and death.  A man of this sort is a gentleman? Certainly is.”



8·7 曾子曰:“士不可以不弘毅(1),任重而道遠。仁以為己任,不亦重乎?死而後已,不亦遠乎?”









Zeng Tzu said: “As for a person of resolution and integrity, he cannot but cultivate an unyielding will because his burden is heavy and his way ahead is long. He considers putting humanity into practice as his responsibility. Surely it doesn’t mean that his burden isn’t heavy. He keeps on fighting throughout his life and remains unyielding unto death. Could it be said that his way ahead isn’t long?”



8·8 子曰:“興(1)於詩,立於禮,成於樂。”











Translation No.1:

Confucius said: “Self-cultivation begins from learning poems; making up mind starts from learning proprieties and perfection is completed through learning music.”


Translation No.2:

Confucius said: “Taking pleasure in reciting poems; carving out career and performing merits according to proprieties; and be in a good mood through enjoying music.”



8·9 子曰:“民可使由(1)之,不可使知之。”












Translation 1:

Confucius said: “You can only let people do something, but not let them know why.”

Translation 2:

 Confucius said: “We should do whatever the people approve; we should give them a clear              explanation about whatever they can’t understand.”



8·10 子曰:“好勇疾(1)貧,亂也。人而不仁(2),疾之已甚(3),亂也。”











Confucius said: “If a person is very brave but hates poverty, he may cause trouble. If he hates evil men and ugly things too bitterly, he can also court disaster.”



8·11 子曰:“如有周公之才之美,使驕且吝,其餘不足觀也已。”






Confucius said: “A person is capable even as Zhou Gong, his other aspects are still not worth looking at if he is either arrogant or mean.”



8·12 子曰:“三年學,不至於穀(1),不易得也。”



(1)穀:古代以穀作為官吏的俸祿,這裏用“穀”字代表做官。不至於穀,即無官可做。 孔子辦教育的主要目的就是能做官的人才,古時一般學習三年為一個階段,此後便可做官。






Confucius said: “It’s difficult to find a man who has already studied three years but cannot gain an official post.”



8·13 子曰:“篤信好學,守死善道,危邦不入,亂邦不居。天下有道則見(1),無道則隱。邦有道,貧且賤焉,恥也;邦無道,富且貴焉,恥也。”









Confucius said: “Keep promise and study hard; uphold principles unswervingly all one’s life. Do not go to dangerous countries; do not live in turbulent countries. Fully display one’s talent during great order under heaven; conceal one’s capacities during great disorder across the land. Being poor during great order across the land, it’s shameful; being rich during great disorder under heaven, it’s shameful too.”




8·14 子曰:“不在其位,不謀其政。






Confucius said: “Think of nothing concerning a post you don’t enjoy.”



8·15 子曰:“師摯之始(1),《關睢》之亂(2),洋洋(3)乎盈耳哉!”











Confucius said: “From the very beginning of prelude played by the great musician Zhi thru to the end of Guan Ju, rich and beautiful music constantly rang in my ears.”



8·16 子曰:“狂(1)而不直,侗(2)而不願(3),悾悾(4)而不信,吾不知之矣。”












Confucius said: “Frantic but not upright, childish but not cautious, honest outwardly but unable to keep promise. I really don’t know why some people conduct this way.”



8·17 子曰:“學如不及,猶恐失之。”






Confucius said: “Study is just like race. You’re always afraid of being unable to catch up. Yet when you catch up, you’ll be afraid of being overtaken.”



8·18 子曰:“巍巍(1)乎,舜禹(2)之有天下也而不與(3)焉!”











Confucius said: “How noble they are! Yao and Shun didn’t seize state power by means of violence.”



8·19 子曰:“大哉堯(1)之為君也!巍巍乎,唯天為大,唯堯則(2)之。蕩蕩(3)乎,民無能名(4)焉。巍巍乎其有成功也,煥(5)乎其有文章!”












Confucius said: “As an enlightened lord, how great Yao is! What a noble lord he is! Only heaven is the highest one, and only Yao could follow the example of heaven. His kindness is as deep as the sea and people don’t know what sorts of words to choose to praise him. How great his contributions are! What a perfect propriety-system he made!”



8·20 舜有臣五人(1)而天下治。武王曰:“予有亂臣十人(2)。”孔子曰:“才難,不其然乎?唐虞之際(3),於斯(4)為盛,有婦人焉(5),九人而已。三分天下有其二(6),以服事殷。周之德,其可謂至德也已矣。”














Yao had five worthy courtiers to help him get his country well governed. The lord Wu said: “I have ten worthy courtiers.” Confucius said: “It’s difficult to get talented people, isn’t it? During the periods of Yao, Shun and Wu, there was the largest number of talented people. There was a woman among Wu’s ten talented people, so in fact he only had nine. Lord Wen of Zhou Dynasty controlled two thirds of the sate power, yet he can still obey the leadership of the central government. His virtues are really most lofty.”




8·21 子曰:“禹,吾無間(1)然矣。菲(2)飲食而致(3)孝乎鬼神,惡衣服而致美乎黻冕(4);卑(5)宮室而盡力乎溝洫(6)。禹,吾無間然矣。”














Confucius said: “Yu had no fault for me to find. He led a thrifty and simple live but he did his best to serve spirits and ghosts. He was simply dressed but always turned himself out smartly when serving sacrifices. His palace was low and humble, but he devoted himself to water projects wholeheartedly. As for Yu, I can find no fault.”

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