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10·1 孔子於鄉黨(1),恂恂(2)如也,似不能言者。其在宗廟、朝廷,便便(3)言,唯謹爾。











Facing fellow townsmen, Confucius didn’t seem good at speaking. Yet in ancestral temple and court, he was a man of eloquence, but he was rather cautious.




10·2 朝,與下大夫言,侃侃(1)如也;與上大夫言,訚訚(2)如也。君在,踧踖(3)如也,與與(4)如也。













In court, Confucius talked with ease and confidence to lower rank officials, was out-spoken to higher rank officials, and talked to the lord respectfully and cautiously.



10·3 君召使擯(1),色勃如也(2);足躩(3)如也。揖所與立,左右手,衣前後,襜(4)如也。趨進,翼如也(5)。賓退,必複命曰:“賓不顧矣。”













The lord called Confucius in and asked him to receive guests. Confucius looked serious and quickened his pace. While making bows with hands folded in front to people beside him in both sides, he cupped one hand in the other to the left and then to the right with his dress swinging forward and backward rather neatly. When swiftly stepping forward, he walked at a brisk space. When guests left, he was certain to report back: “Guests went far away.”




10·4 入公門,鞠躬如(1)也,如不容。立不中門,行不履閾(2)。過位,色勃如也,足躩如也,其言似不足者。攝齊(3)升堂,鞠躬如也,屏氣似不息者。出,降一等(4),逞(5)顏色,怡怡如也。沒階(6),趨進,翼如也。複其位,踧踖如也。














Entering the court gate, Confucius looked deferential and cautious as if no place to shelter himself. When standing, he never stood in the middle of a door; when walking, he never let his feet touch threshold. While passing by the lord’s seat, he looked serious and quickened pace and spoke with a feeble voice as if suffering vitality deficiency. When walking toward upper hall with his gown hem in hand, he held his breath with all courtesy and respect as if he didn’t breathe at all. Only at the time of turning back and walking down the steps did he show a relaxed look and seemingly feel happy and contented. After walking down all the steps, he took a few quick paces forward as a bird stretching its wings. Back onto his seat, he still looked extremely differential but uneasy.



10·5 執圭(1),鞠躬如也,如不勝。上如揖,下如授。勃如戰色(2),足蹜蹜(3),如有循(4)。享禮(5),有容色。私覿(6),愉愉如也。














Confucius held a jade “Gui” in hand as if bowing to the lord and being unable to hold it. He raised it as if he made a bow with hands folded in front. Putting it down as if he presented it. When he walked with light and quick steps as if following a straight line, he showed a severe look and trembled with fear. Yet when presenting gifts, he showed an amiable look. While having a private interview with the lord, he looked rather relaxed and happy.




10·6 君子不以紺緅飾(1),紅紫不以為褻服(2)。當暑,袗絺綌(3),必表而出之(4)。緇衣(5),羔裘(6);素衣,麑(7)裘;黃衣,狐裘。褻裘長,短右袂(8)。必有寢衣(9),長一身有半。狐貉之厚以居(10)。去喪,無所不佩。非帷裳(11),必殺之(12)。羔裘玄冠(13)不以吊(14)。吉月(15),必朝服而朝。























Gentlemen neither use dark red material to make hems nor use red or purple material to make underwear. In summer, they wear coarse unlined clothes and must wear outer garment when away from home. They should pay attention to match: match black underwear with black outer garment, white underwear with yellow outer garment, yellow underwear with yellow outer garment. Underwear should be long with right sleeve relatively short. Pajamas must be used and should be one and half time the length of one’s height. Seat cushions must be thick. After funeral, there’re no restrictions on ornaments. As for clothes used on formal occasions, they must have hems cut. During funeral, black dress and hats are unadvisable. One the first day of every January, they must wear audience dress to have their audience with the sovereign ruler.


【原文】10·7 (1),必有明衣(2),布。齊必變食(3),居必遷坐(4)












On fast days, one must wear bathrobe after bath, which is made of cloth. During fast period, one should change diet and residence.




10·8 食不厭精,膾(1)不厭細。食饐(2)而餲(3),魚餒(4)而肉敗(5),不食。色惡,不食。臭惡,不食。失飪(6),不食。不時(7),不食,割不正(8),不食。不得其醬,不食。肉雖多,不使勝食氣(9)。唯酒無量,不及亂(10)。沽酒市脯(11),不食。不撤薑食,不多食。



















When you pestle grain, the more delicate the better; while fish and meat to be cut, the finest the better.  Neither moldy grain nor rotten fish and meat are eatable. Do not eat food with bad colors. Do not eat food with bad smell. Do not eat food improperly cooked. Do not eat food unseasonable. Do not eat meat without being cut into square pieces. Do not eat food improperly flavored. While eating meat, do not take more than rice though plenty. Only wine is unlimited, yet do not get drunk. Do not eat dried meat and wine bought from market. Ginger must be taken during each meal, but not too much.



10·9 祭於公,不宿肉(1),祭肉(2)不出三日。出三日,不食之矣。










Confucius didn’t eat overnight sacrificial meat allotted to him after participating in sacrificial rites held by lord. Sacrificial meat couldn’t be kept over three days. Otherwise, he didn’t eat it at all.




10·10 食不語,寢不言。






Confucius didn’t speak during eating or sleeping.




10·11 雖疏食菜羹(1),瓜祭(2),必齊(3)如也。




(2)瓜祭:古人飯前把食品分出一些,放在食具裏祭祖。 瓜,葫蘆瓜。古人以葫蘆瓢為食具,把食品放在瓢裏祭祀,故稱瓜祭。







Even if coarse rice and vegetable soup, Confucius was certain to put some aside before dinner as sacrificial offerings to his ancestors. He did it with all courtesy and respect as if during fast days.




10·12 (1)不正,不坐。









Confucius didn’t sit on mat which wasn’t put properly.




10·13 鄉人飲酒(1),杖者(2)出,斯出矣。










After ending country wine rites, Confucius would certainly let old people walk out before him.




10·14 鄉人儺(1),朝服而立於阼階(2)










During country ghost-expelling-rites, Confucius usually had his official garment on and stood on the eastern step.



10·15 (1)人於他邦,再拜而送之(2)










When asking someone to send regards or gifts to foreign friends, it was definite that Confucius saw him off by making two respectful calls on him



10·16 康子饋藥,拜而受之。曰:“丘未達,不敢嚐。”






Accepting some medicine given by Ji Kangtzu, Confucius said: “I’m not familiar with its property so I dare not have a taste.”




10·17 廄焚。子退朝,曰:“傷人乎?”不問馬。






Confucius’ stable was destroyed by a fire. Back from his audience with the sovereign ruler, he said: “Are there anyone wounded?” But he asked nothing about his horse.



10·18 君賜食,必正席先嚐之。君賜腥(1),必熟而薦(2)之。君賜生,必畜之。侍食於君,君祭,先飯。










Given food by the lord, Confucius definitely put it properly and then had a taste. Given raw meat, he definitely had it cooked and then offered it as sacrifices to ancestors. Given something alive, he definitely accepted and raised it. Accompanying the lord to have a meal, he definitely had a taste before the lord began offering sacrifice.



10·19 疾,君視之,東首(1),加朝服,拖紳(2)




(2)紳:腰帶。 孔子患病,臥床不起,國君探視,他無法起身穿朝服,顯得對國君失禮,就把朝服蓋在身上,手裏還拿著腰帶。






 Confucius was ill. The lord went to see him. Lying in bed, he had his head eastward with official garment covering his body and waistband in his hand.



10·20 君命召,不俟駕行矣。






Whenever called in by the lord, Confucius would usually go by foot without waiting to prepare carriage and horse ready.



10·21 入太廟,每事問(1)






Entering the temple which was built for offering sacrifice to the lord’s ancestors, Confucius asked about everything.



10·22 朋友死,無所歸,曰:“於我殯(1)。”









A friend died but no one made arrangements for funeral affairs. Confucius said: “Let me do it.”




10·23 朋友之饋,雖車馬,非祭肉,不拜(1)



(1) 拜:拜領,即接受。





As for gifts given by friends, Confucius refused anything other than sacrifice meat. If no sacrifice meat, he accepted nothing even if there were horses or carts.




10·24 寢不屍,居不客。






When sleeping, Confucius wasn’t as stiff and rigid as a corpse. While staying at home, he wasn’t as overcautious as a visitor.



10·25 見齊衰(1)者,雖狎(2),必變。見冕者與瞽者(3),雖褻(4),必以貌。凶服(5)者式(6)之。式負版者(7)。有盛饌(8),必變色而作(9)。迅雷風烈必變。

















When seeing people in mourning apparel, Confucius definitely changed his usual look into a severe one even if they were near and dear to him. When seeing officials or blind musicians, he definitely showed respects even if they were well acquainted with each other. While seating in a cart and seeing people attending a funeral, he definitely bent his body to show sympathy. Seeing people carrying inscribed wooden slips, he did the same. Attending a grand banquet, he definitely changed his usual countenance into a thankful look and stood up to show gratitude. When bad weather came about with sound thunders and strong wind, he definitely showed a respectful and awesome expression to the heaven.




10·26 升車,必正立,執綏(1)。車中,不內顧(2),不疾言(3),不親指(4)












When boarding a cart, Confucius definitely stood straight first and then grasped the supporting belt to help him climb up. In the cart, he neither peeped here and there nor spoke aloud and gesticulated wildly.



10·27 色斯舉矣(1),翔而後集(2)。曰:“山梁雌雉(3),時哉時哉!(4)”子路共(5)之,三戛(6)而作(7)。。









(7) 作:飛。






Seeing some pheasants flying and then gathering in a tree during an outing, Confucius suddenly changed his expression and said: “These she-pheasants on the hill. How lucky they are! How lucky they are!”  Ztu Lu bowed to the birds cupping one hand in the other before his chest. And the birds gave out several cries and flew away.

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