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11·1 子曰:“先進(1)於禮樂,野人(2)也;後進(3)於禮樂,君子(4)也。如用之,則吾從先進。”












Confucius said: “Anyone who learnt etiquette and music first and then looked for official posts was a common people. Anyone who looked for official posts first and then learnt etiquette and music was an aristocrat. If I had to make an appointment, I’d like to choose a common people.”




11·2 子曰:“從我於陳、蔡(1)者,皆不及門(2)也。”










Confucius said: “People who once followed me to the countries Chen and Cai were no longer right before my eyes.”



11·3 德行(1):顏淵、閔子騫、冉伯牛、仲弓。言語(2):宰我、子貢。政事(3):冉有、季路。文學(4):子遊、子夏。












The ones who were of high character and great prestige included Yan Yuan, Min Ztujian, Ran Boniu and Zhong Gong. People who were endowed with eloquence included Zai Wo and Ztu Gong. Persons were good at politics included Ztu You and Ztu Xia.



11·4 子曰:“回也非助我者也,於吾言無所不說。”






Yan Hui wasn’t a person who was helpful to me, yet never under any circumstances was he failed to feel a heartfelt admiration for my words.”




11·5 子曰:“孝哉閔子騫!人不間(1)於其父母昆(2)弟之言。”










Confucius said: “What a dutiful person Min Ztuqian is! People heard his parents and brothers praised him and quite agree with them.”




11·6 南容三複白圭(1),孔子以其兄之子妻(2)之。










Nan Rong often recited the poem on white jade and Confucius married his niece to him.





11·7 季康子問:“弟子孰為好學?”孔子對曰:“有顏回者好學,不幸短命死矣,今也則亡。”






Ji Kangztu asked Confucius: “Among your students who loves to study?” Confucius replied: “Yan Hui. But unfortunately he died young. There’s no more such sort of people.”




11·8 顏淵死,顏路(1)請子之車以為之槨(2)。子曰:“才不才,亦各言其子也。鯉(3)也死,有棺而無槨。吾不徒行以為之槨。以吾從大夫之後(4),不可徒行也。












Yan Yuan died. His father Yan Lu asked Confucius to sell out his cart to make his son an outer coffin. Confucius said: “No matter capable or not, they are all sons to their fathers. When my son Kong Li died, I didn’t sell out my cart to make him an outer coffin because I was once a higher official “Daifu”. It won’t do for a Daifu to go on foot.”




11·9 顏淵死,子曰:“噫!天喪予!天喪予!”






Yan Yuan died. Confucius said: “That’s really killing me! That’s really killing me!”




11·10 顏淵死,子哭之慟(1)。從者曰:“子慟矣。”曰:“有慟乎?非夫(2)人之為慟而誰為?”










Yan Yuan died. Confucius cried. His followers said: “You’re over-sad!” Confucius said: “Am I over-sad? If I’m not over-sad for him, then for whom?”



11·11 顏淵死,門人欲厚葬(1)之,子曰:“不可。”門人厚葬之。子曰:“回也視予猶父也,予不得視猶子也(2)。非我也,夫(3)二三子也。”











Yan Yuan died. Confucius’ students were going to entomb him grandly. Confucius said: “This won’t do.” These students held a stately funeral for Yan Yuan.  Confucius said: “Yan Hui treated me as his father, but I couldn’t treat him as my son. It’s not my original idea. All these things were done by my students.”





11·12 季路問事鬼神。子曰:“未能事人,焉能事鬼?”曰:“敢問死。”曰:“未知生,焉知死?”






Ji Lu asked Confucius how to attend ghosts and spirits. Confucius said: “You haven’t even well attended people, then how can you well attend ghosts and spirits?” Ji Lu said: “What’s death about?” Confucius replied: “You even don’t know anything about life, how can you know anything about death?”




11·13 閔子侍側,訚訚(1)如也;子路,行行(2)如也;冉有、子貢,侃侃(3)如也。子樂。“若由也,不得其死然。”











Min Tzuqian stood by Confucius in attendance, kindly and pleasantly. Ztu Lu showed a firm and unyielding look. Ran You and Tzu Gong looked kind and gentle. Confucius was quite happy. Yet Confucius said: “People like Zhong You cannot die a worthy death, I’m afraid.”



11·14 魯人(1)為長府(2)。閔子騫曰:“仍舊貫(3),如之何?何必改作?”子曰:“夫人(4)不言,言必有中。”






(4)夫人:夫, 度“扶”,這個人。






The lord of the country Lu was going to rebuild national treasury. Min Tzuqian said: “Keep it unchanged. How about it? What’s the need to rebuild it?” Confucius said: “This guy seldom says a word. Yet so long as he opens his mouth, he’ll hit home.”



11·15 子曰:“由之瑟(1)奚為於丘之門(2)?”門人不敬子路。子曰:“由也升堂矣,未入於室(3)也。”











Confucius said: “Why is Zhong You playing Se (a zither – like musical instrument) at my doorway?” Confucius’ student therefore didn’t show respect to Ztu Lu.  Confucius said: “Ztu Lu plays quite well, only that he hasn’t been proficient in it.”



11·16 子貢問:“師與商(1)也孰賢?”子曰:“師也過,商也不及。”曰:“然則師愈(2)與?”子曰:“過猶不及。”










Ztu Gong asked Confucius: “Who is better? Ztu Zhang or Ztu Xia?” Confucius said: “Ztu Zhang often overdoes. But Ztu Xia often under-does.” Ztu said: “Ztu Zhang is better, then?”  Confucius said: “Too much is as bad as too little.”



11·17 季氏富於周公,而求也為之聚斂(1)而附益(2)之。子曰:“非吾徒也。小子鳴鼓而攻之可也。”










Ji Shi richer than the lord of Zhou Dynasty, but Ran Qiu still helped him collect money so as to make him much richer than ever before.  Confucius said: “Ji Shi is no longer my student. You students can beat drum to attack him.”



11·18 (1)也愚(2),參也魯(3),師(4)也辟(5),由也喭(6)






(4)師: 顓孫師,即子張。








Gao Chai was straifhtforward. Zeng Can was dull. Zhuansun Shi was over-radical. Zhong You was rash.



11·19 子曰:“回也其庶(1)乎,屢空(2)。賜不受命,而貨殖(3)焉,億(4)則屢中。”












Confucius said: “Yan Hui is nearly perfect, but he is often poor. Duanmu Ci refuses to leave thing to chance and went to business. He often estimates market situation by guess but he wins.”



11·20 子張問善人(1)之道,子曰:“不踐跡(2),亦不入於室(3)。”











Ztu Zhang asked the way to perfect himself. Confucius said: “If you don’t march ahead along others’ tracts, then you cannot have a good comprehension of knowledge.”




11·21 子曰:“論篤是與(1),君子者乎?色(2)莊者乎?”










Confucius said: “When someone compliments others on their honesty, we should agree with him. But we should also ask whether he compliments real gentlemen or hypocrites”




11·22 子路問:“聞斯行諸(1)?”子曰:“有父兄在,如之何其聞斯行之?”冉有問:“聞斯行諸?”子曰:“聞斯行之。”公西華曰:“由也問聞斯行諸,子曰,‘有父兄在’;求也問聞斯行諸,子曰,‘聞斯行之’。赤也惑,敢問。”子曰:“求也退,故進之;由也兼人(2),故退之。”











Ztu Lu asked: “Go into action on hearing?” Confucius said: “How can you go into action when your father and brother are still living and in good health?” Ran You asked: “Go into action on hearing?” Confucius said: “Go into action on hearing.” Gongxi Hua said: “Zhong You asked: ‘Go into action on hearing?’ You said: ‘How can you go into action when your father and brother are still living and in good health?’ Ran Qiu also asked: ‘Go into action on hearing?’ But you said: ‘Go into action on hearing.’  This makes me feel perplexed. Would you please give me an explanation?” Confucius said: “Ran Qiu always shrinks back so I have to encourage him.  But Zhong You is quite bold, so I have to restrain him.”





11·23 子畏於匡,顏淵後。子曰:“吾以女為死矣。”曰:“子在,回何敢死?”






After being pinned down in Kuang district for a long time, Yan Yuan escaped at last. Confucius said: “I thought you must have died.” Yan Yuan said: “How can I die while you are still living and in good health?”



11·24 季子然(1)問:“仲由、冉求可謂大臣與?”子曰:“吾以子為異之問,曾(2)由與求之間。所謂大臣者,以道事君,不可則止。今由與求也,可謂具臣(3)矣。”曰:“然則從之(4)者與?”子曰:“弑父與君,亦不從也。”









季子然問:“仲由和冉求能算大臣嗎?”孔子說:“我還以為您在問別人,原來您問的是這倆位。所謂大臣,應以仁道輔佐君主,不行也不強求。現在他們二人,可算是充數的臣子。” 季子然說:“那他們是否絕對聽話?”孔子說:“當然殺父弑君的事,他們也不會跟著幹。”



Ji Zturan asked: “Zhong You and Ran Qiu can be considered competent ministers?” Confucius said: “I thought you had asked me about others. So you’re asking me about these two guys.  It seems to me that they should be considered two stopgaps.” Ji Zturan said: “Do they obey orders absolutely or not?” Confucius said: “If they are ordered to kill their fathers and the lord, they certainly do not obey.”



11·25 子路使子羔為費宰。子曰:“賊(1)夫人之子(2)。”子路曰:“有民人焉,有社稷(3)焉,何必讀書,然後為學?”子曰:“是故惡(4)夫佞者。”











Ztu Lu asked Ztu Gao to be the leader of Fei district. Confucius said: “You’re simple doing harm to him.” Ztu Lu said: “There are people and lands in that place. Serving the people and administrating the state can also be considered studies. How can it be necessary to read books?” Confucius said: “You’re simply using lame arguments.”



11·26 子路、曾皙(1)、冉有、公西華侍坐。子曰:“以吾一日長乎爾,毋吾以也(2)。居(3)則曰:‘不吾知也!’如或知爾,則何以哉(4)?”子路率爾(5)而對曰:“千乘之國,攝(6)乎大國之間,加之以師旅,因之以饑饉,由也為之,比及(7)三年,可使有勇,且知方也(8)。”夫子哂(9)之。“求,爾何如?”對曰:“方六七十(10),如(11)五六十,求也為之,比及三年,可使足民。如其禮樂,以俟君子。”“赤,爾何如?”對曰:“非曰能之,願學焉。宗廟之事(12),如會同(13),端章甫(14),願為小相(15)焉。”“點,爾何如?”鼓瑟希(16),鏗爾,舍瑟而作(17),對曰:“異乎三子者之撰。”子曰:“何傷乎?亦各言其誌也。”曰:“莫(18)春者,春服既成,冠者(19)五六人,童子六七人,浴乎沂(20),風乎舞雩(21),詠而歸。”夫子喟然歎曰:“吾與點也!”三子者出,曾皙後。曾皙曰:“夫三子者之言何如?”子曰:“亦各言其誌也已矣。”曰:“夫子何哂由也?”曰:“為國以禮。其言不讓,是故哂之。”唯(22)求則非邦也與?”“安見方六七十如五六十而非邦也者?”“唯赤則非邦也與?”“宗廟會同,非諸侯而何?赤也為之小,孰能為之大?”

















































Accompanied by Ztu Lu, Zeng Zhe and Gongxi Hua, Confucius sat there saying: “Don’t consider my age too much to be out-spoken. You often said that no one could well understand you. If some people can well understand you and entrust you with important work, what are you going to do?”



Ztu Lu said in a hurry: “If a relatively big country is sandwiched by big countries and suffer from outer invasion and inner famine, I’d like to govern this country. Only within three years, I can make everyone brave and act according to the principles of humanity.”



Confucius smiled and asked: “Ran Qiu, how about you?”



Ran Qiu replied: “If there is a place which has a circumference of ten li, I can govern it. Only three years are needed for me to make people well-fed and well-clothed. Yet, as for the problem of spiritual civilization, a capable man is needed to solve it.



Confucius asked: “Gongxi Chi, how about you?”



Gongxi Chi replied: “I don’t dare to say that I can do it well, but I’m willing to learn. As to  sacrifice offering and foreign affairs, I’m willing to be an assistant in ceremonial dress.”



Confucius asked: “Zeng Dian, how bout you?”



Zeng Zhe’s lute playing was coming to an end when he threw his lute onto the ground with a bang and stood up, saying: “I’m different from these three ones.”



Confucius said: “What does it matter to say something? It’s only a problem of expressing their respective ideals.”



Zeng Dian said: “In late March, I’d like to wear spring clothing, invite five or six people, take six or seven kids and have a bath near the bank of Xishui, expose myself to the wind on a high hill, and finally come back home singing all the way.”



The master sighed with feeling and said: “I appreciate Zeng Dian’s delight.”



After these three people left, Zeng Zhe asked: “How about the remarks of these three people?”



Confucius said: “It’s only a problem of expressing their respective ideals.”


曾皙說: “您為何笑仲由呢?

Zeng Zhe said: “Why are you laughing at Zhong You?”



Confucius said: “If you want to govern a country, you should give up something for the sake of courtesy. But he didn’t say anything modest, so I laughed at him.”



Zeng Zhe asked again: “Did Ran Qiu say anything about governing a country?”



Confucius said: “How can you know governing a place in a circumferece of several decades of li is not governing a country?”



Zeng Zhe asked again: “What Gongxi Chi said is something about administering a country?”



Confucius said: “If sacrifice offering and foreign affairs are not big national issues, then what are they? If Gongxi Chi is fit for an assistant only, then who is fit for a high official?”

[ 打印 ]