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12·1 顏淵問仁。子曰:“克己複禮(1)為仁。一日克己複禮,天下歸仁焉(2)。為仁由己,而由人乎哉?”顏淵曰:“請問其目(3)。”子曰:“非禮勿視,非禮勿聽,非禮勿言,非禮勿動。”顏淵曰:“回雖不敏,請事(4)斯語矣。”












Yan Yuan asked Confucius about humanity. Confucius said: “Set strict demands on ourselves so as to make our action conform to standards of proprieties. This is humanity. So long as we do this way, our society will be put on tract of humanity. It completely depends on oneself to make his action conform to standards of humanity. How can it be that it depends on others?” Yan Yuan said: “Would you please tell me the concrete way to do it?” Confucius said: “As to things going against humanity, you just don’t look at, don’t listen to, don’t speak, and don’t do.” Yan Yuan said: “I’m very simple, yet I’m willing to do everything according to your remarks.”





12·2 仲弓問仁。子曰:“出門如見大賓,使民如承大祭(1);己所不欲,勿施於人;在邦無怨,在家無怨(2)。”仲弓曰:“雍雖不敏,請事(3)斯語矣。”











Zhong Gong asked what sort of action can be considered humanity. Confucius said: “Go out to manage business respectfully and seriously as meeting with distinguished guests. Order people about as if hold grand sacrificial rites. Do not do to others what you would not have them to do to you. Do not breed enmity with colleagues; live in harmony at home.” Zhong Gong said: “I’m quite simple, but I’m willing to act according to your remarks.”




12·3 司馬牛(1)問仁。子曰:“仁者,其言也訒(2)。”曰:“其言也訒,斯(3)謂之仁已乎?”子曰:“為之難,言之得無訒乎?”











Sima Niu asked questions about humanity. Confucius said: “Noble-minded people speak cautiously.” Sima Niu said: “Speaking cautiously is humanity?” Confucius said: “Doing something is very difficult. In view of this, how can it be advisable for us not to speak cautiously?”




12·4 司馬牛問君子。子曰:“君子不憂不懼。”曰:“不憂不懼,斯謂之君子已乎?”子曰:“內省不疚,夫何憂何懼?”






Sima Niu asked questions about gentlemen. Confucius said: “Gentlemen neither worry about nor fear anything.” Sima Niu said: “Worrying about or fearing nothing can be considered humanity?” Confucius said: “If one has nothing on his conscience, then what in the world can make him worry about and fear anything?”



12·5 司馬牛憂曰:“人皆有兄弟,我獨亡。”子夏曰:“商(1)聞之矣:死生有命,富貴在天。君子敬而無失,與人恭而有禮,四海之內,皆兄弟也。君子何患乎無兄弟也?”









Sima Niu said sadly: “All others have brothers. Only I have no.” Zi Xia said: “I heard: ‘Life and death depend on fate; riches and honors depend on Heaven.’ So long as a gentleman works selflessly making no mistakes and treats people according to proprieties, he’ll find that all people in the world are his friends. What’s the need for a gentleman to worry about having no friend?”



12·6 子張問明(1)。子曰:“浸潤之譖(2),膚受之愬(3),不行焉,可謂明也已矣。浸潤之譖,膚受之愬,不行焉,可謂遠(4)也已矣。”



(1) :明智。









Ztu Zhang asked questions about sensibility. Confucius said: “Some slanders are like water soaking into something secretly. Some frames are like knives cutting skin ruthlessly. If these slanders and frames can do nothing to you, then you can be considered a man of sensibility. And if these slanders and frames can do nothing to you, then you can be considered a man of foresight.”




12·7 子貢問政。子曰:“足食,足兵,民信之矣。”子貢曰:“必不得已而去,於斯三者何先?”曰:“去兵。”子貢曰:“必不得已而去,於期二者何先?”曰:“去食。自古皆有死,民無信不立。”






Ztu Gong asked how to manage government affairs. Confucius said: “You should have abundant grain, sufficient troops and people’s trust.” Ztu Gong said: “If I have to remove one of them, which one should be taken off first?” Confucius said: “Take off sufficient troops.” Ztu Gong said: “If I have to remove another one, which one should be taken off?” Confucius said: “Take off abundant grain. There must have people to die ever since ancient times. If you lose people’s trust, the state will be unable to exist.”



12·8 棘子成(1)曰:“君子質而已矣,何以文為?”子貢曰:“惜乎夫子之說君子也!駟不及舌(2)。文猶質也,質猶文也,虎豹之鞟(3)猶犬羊之鞟。”











Ji Chengztu said: “Gentlemen should lay stress on qualities. What’s the need to attach importance to culture?” Ztu Gong said: “What a pity! As a master, you should talk about gentlemen like this. A word once out of the lips cannot be recovered even by swift horses. Qualities are like culture, and vice versa. Tiger or leopard leather is just like dog or sheep leather.”




12·9 哀公問於有若曰:“年饑,用不足,如之何?”有若對曰:“盍徹乎(1)?”曰:“二(2),吾猶不足,如之何其徹也?”對曰:“百姓足,君孰與不足?百姓不足,君孰與足?”










Ai Gong, the lord of the country Lu asked You Ruo: “Our country is suffering from financial difficulties due to the famine. How can we do?” You Ruo replied: “Whe don’t you carry out the One Tenth Tax?” Ai Gong said: “Even Two Tenth is not enough, let alone One Tenth.” You Ruo said: “If the ordinary people are rich, how can it be possible that you’re not rich consequently? And if the ordinary people are poor, how can it be possible that you are rich?”



12·10 子張問崇德(1)辨惑(2)。子曰:“主忠信,徙義(3),崇德也。愛之欲其生,惡之欲其死,既欲其生,又欲其死,是惑也。‘誠不以富,亦祗以異。’(4)












Ztu Zhang asked how to enhance moral level and distinguish between right and wrong. Confucius said: “Taking honesty as purpose and carrying forward justice can enhance a person’s moral level. When you love a person, you wish he could enjoy longevity. But when you hate him, you wish he could die immediately. Wish a person a long life and meanwhile hope he could die at once.  Wish a person a long life and at the same time hope he could die immediately. It is that you can’t distinguish right from wrong. It is just like whatThe Book of Songssaid: ‘Even if it is not that you dislike the poor and love the rich, it is at least that you love the new and dislike the old.’”



12·11 齊景公(1)問政於孔子。孔子對曰:“君君、臣臣、父父、子子。”公曰:“善哉!信如君不君,臣不臣,父不父,子不子,雖有粟,吾得而食諸?”










Jing Gong, the lord of the country Qi asked Confucius how to manage government affairs. Confucius said:“A lord should be like a lord. A courtier should be like a courtier. A father should be like a father. A son should be like a son.” Jing Gong said: “Quite right! If a lord is not like a lord, a courtier is not like a courtier, a father is not like a father, and a son is not like a son, can I have something to eat even if the grain is sufficient?”



12·12 子曰:“片言(1)可以折獄(2)者,其由也與(3)?”子路無宿諾(4)












Confucius said: “Decide a case only according to one-side story. Maybe only Zhong You can do it.”



12·13 子曰:“聽訟(1),吾猶人也。必也使無訟乎!”









Confucius said: “As for trying a case, mine is identical with the way of others. The most important thing is that we should do our best to prevent any lawsuit cases from occurring!”



12·14 子張問政。子曰:“居之無倦,行之以忠。”






Ztu Zhang asked how to manage government affairs. Confucius said: “Assiduously serve the people and loyally repay the country.”














Confucius said: “Song long as keeping extensive study, observing disciplines and abiding by the law, a gentleman can avoid going astray.”



12·16 子曰:“君子成人之美,不成人之惡。小人反是。”






Confucius said: “Gentlemen help others achieve a desired end but do not encourage others to do evil. But vulgarians run counter to it.”



12·17 季康子問政於孔子。孔子對曰:“政者正也。子帥以正,孰敢不正?”






Ji Kangztu asked how to manage government affairs. Confucius said: “By saying government affairs, it means that everything must be done correctly. Since you take a lead in taking a right way, who dare not to follow you?”



12·18 季康子患(1)盜,問於孔子。孔子對曰:“苟子之不欲,雖賞之不竊。”









Distressed about being infested with robbers and thieves, Jin Kangztu asked Confucius how to deal with it. Confucius said: “If you yourself seek no personal gain, no one is willing to commit theft even if you give awards to him.”




12·19 季康子問政於孔子曰:“如殺無道(1),以就有道(2),何如?”孔子對曰:“子為政,焉用殺?子欲善而民善矣。君子之德風,人小之德草,草上之風(3),必偃(4)。”












Ji Kangztu asked Confucius how to manage government affairs and said: “If I kill evil doers to help good people, how do you think about it?” Confucius said: “How can you manage government affairs by killing? If you want to do good works, people will follow you. A person in high position is just like wind. While a person in low position is just like grass. When wind blows on grass, grass will certainly topple and fall.”




12·20 子張問:“士何如斯可謂之達(1)矣?”子曰:“何哉,爾所謂達者?”子張對曰:“在邦必聞(2),在家必聞。”子曰:“是聞也,非達也。夫達也者,質直而好義,察言而觀色,慮以下人(3)。在邦必達,在家必達。夫聞也者,色取仁而行違,居之不疑。在邦必聞,在家必聞。”











Ztu Zhang asked: “How to become illustrious and influential?” Confucius said: “What do you mean by saying illustrious and influential?” Ztu Zhang said: “Well known both at home and abroad.” Confucius said: “This is only the problem of being well known but not the one of being influential. By saying illustrious and influential, we mean the moralities including being honest, just, good at feeling somebody out by examining his words and observing his countenance, and willing to be in low position. Only by doing so, can a person become illustrious and influential both home and abroad. Indeed so, but some other people can also get good reputations home and abroad by cheating who show only superficial humanity but they are entirely different from reality and who consider themselves to be men of integrity without a shadow of doubt.”




12·21 樊遲從遊於舞雩(1)之下,曰:“敢問崇德、修慝(2)、辨惑。”子曰:“善哉問!先事後得(3),非崇德與?攻其惡,無攻人之惡,非修慝與?一朝之忿(4),忘其身,以及其親,非惑與?”












Walking under the sacrificial altar in company with Confucius, Fan Chi said: “How to enhance moral level, correct mistakes and distinguish between truth and falsehood?” Confucius said: “An excellent question! Bear hardship first and then enjoy comforts. It helps a person to enhance moral level, doesn’t it? Do self- criticism but don’t criticize others. It helps a person to correct mistakes, doesn’t it? Some people cannot endure uncomplainingly for a while and forget the dangers he himself and his beloved are faced with. Surely it doesn’t mean that they are not bewildered.”




12·22 攀遲問仁。子曰:“愛人。”問知。子曰:“知人。”樊遲未達。子曰:“舉直錯諸枉(1),能使枉者直。”樊遲退,見子夏曰:“鄉(2)也吾見於夫子而問知,子曰‘舉直錯諸枉,能使枉者直’,何謂也?”子夏曰:“富哉言乎!舜有天下,選於眾,舉皋陶(3),不仁者遠(4)矣。湯(5)有天下,選於眾,舉伊尹(6),不仁者遠矣。”














Pan Chi asked questions about humanity. Confucius said: “Love people.” Pan Chi asked questions about wisdom. Confucius said: “Understand people.” Pan Chi didn’t understand. Confucius said: “Overwhelm unhealthy trend with healthy trend.” Came out and saw Ztu Xia, Pan Chi said: “I saw our master and asked him something about wisdom. He said: ‘Overwhelm unhealthy trend with healthy trend.’ What does it mean?” Ztu Xia said: “Extremely profound! When administering his state, Yao selected persons of talent from among the broad masses. Gao Yao was chosen and evil doers disappeared. When administering his state, Tang selected persons of talent from among the broad masses. Yi Yin was chosen and vulgarians disappeared.”




12·23 子貢問友。子曰:“忠告而善道之,不可則止,毋自辱也。”






Ztu Gong asked the way to treat friends. Confucius said: “Honestly advise and probably guide them. If they don’t listen to you, just leave it at that and don’t get self-insulted.”




12·24 曾子曰:“君子以文會友,以友輔仁。”






Zeng Ztu said: “Gentlemen make friends with knowledge and better their own qualities with the help of friends.”

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