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14·1 (1)問恥。子曰:“邦有道(2),穀(3);邦無道,穀,恥也。”問:“克(4)、伐(5)、怨、欲不行焉,可以為仁矣?”子曰:“可以為難矣,仁則吾不知也。”



(1) 憲:姓原名憲,孔子的學生。

(2) 有道:天下太平。









Yuan Xian asked about shame. Confucius said: “When there is a great order across the land, you can be an official. Yet if you still want to be an official when there is a disorder under heaven, you are shameful.” He asked once more: “Loving to excel others, self-praising, resentment, greediness, if a person doesn’t have any of these shortcomings, can it be said that his quality is up to the standards of humanity?” Confucius said: “It’s rare for a person to be up to this standard. But I don’t know whether this can be considered humanity or not.”




14·2 子曰:“士而懷居(1),不足以為士矣。”









Confucius said: “If a gentleman is reluctant to leave home, he cannot be a gentleman.”



14·3 子曰:“邦有道,危(1)言危行;邦無道,危行言孫(2)。”










Confucius said: “In case of great order across the land, your action and words should be honest, while in case of disorder under heaven, your action and words should still be honest, yet you should be modest and amiable.”




14·4 子曰:“有德者必有言,有言者不必有德。仁者必有勇,勇者不必有仁。”






Confucius said: “A person with fine characters must necessarily have fine words, yet the one with fine words is not necessarily of fine characters. A person with feelings of humanity must be brave, yet a brave person is not necessarily be of feelings of humanity.”



14·5 南宮適(1)問於孔子曰:“羿(2)善射,奡蕩(3)(4),俱不得其死然。禹稷(5)躬稼而有天下。”夫子不答。南宮適出。子曰:“君子哉若人!尚德哉若人!”





(3)奡:讀“傲”,一作“澆”,傳說中寒浞的兒子。後來為夏的後人少康所殺。浞, 讀“卓”,淋。








Nangong Shi asked Confucius: “Yi was good at arrow-shooting, and Ao was good at fighting in water. Yet neither of them died a worthy death. Yu and Ji were engaged in farming but they successfully seized state power.” Confucius didn’t reply. After Nangong Shi left, Confucius said: “He is really a gentleman! He worships virtues indeed.”




14·6 子曰:“君子而不仁者有矣夫,未有小人而仁者也。”






Confucius said: “There are only gentlemen without feelings of humanity, but no vulgarians with feelings of humanity.”



14·7 子曰:“愛之,能勿勞乎?忠焉,能勿誨乎?”






Confucius said: “If you love a person, is it possible for you not to work hard for him? If you are honest to a person, is it possible for you not to instruct him?”



14·8 子曰:“為命(1),裨諶(2)草創之,世叔(3)討論之,行人(4)子羽(5)修飾之,東裏(6)子產潤色之。”














When issuing official documents, the common procedure is like this:  Bi Chen made a draft; Shi Shu put forward his proposals; Ztu Yu, official in charge of foreign affairs, proposed amendments and addenda; and Ztu Chan did the final polishing up.




14·9 或問子產。子曰:“惠人也。”問子西(1)。曰:“彼哉!彼哉!”問管仲。曰:“人也(2)。奪伯氏(3)駢邑(4)三百,飯疏食,沒齒(5)無怨言。”













Someone asked about Ztu Chan. Confucius said: “This man is really of integrity.” This man asked about Ztu Xi. Confucius said: “That guy! That guy!” That man asked about Guan Zhong. Confucius said: “He is really of ability. He deprived Bo family of their feoff but he never claimed credit for himself and became conceited. He had long been living a hard life without any complains till the end of his life.”




14·10 子曰:“貧而無怨難,富而無驕易。”






Confucius said: “It’s difficult for a person to be poor but bear no resentment. It’s easy for a person to be rich but not to be arrogant.



14·11 子曰:“孟公綽(1)為趙魏老(2)則優(3),不可以為滕薛(4)大夫。”












Confucius said: “It’s more than enough for Meng Gongchuo to be a manager in the two families of Zhao and Wei, but it’s not advisable for him to be a minister in the two countries of Teng and Xue.”



14·12 子路問成人(1)。子曰:“若臧武仲(2)之知,公綽之不欲,卞莊子(3)之勇,冉求之藝,文之以禮樂,亦可以為成人矣。”曰:“今之成人者何必然?見利思義,見危授命,久要(4)不忘平生之言,亦可以為成人矣。”












Ztu Lu asked how can be a perfect man. Confucius said: “A person of the wisdom of Zang Wuchong, the restraint of Meng Gongchuo, the courage of Bian Zhuangztu and the skills of Ran Qiu has a good comprehension of proprieties and music he can be considered a perfect man.” Confucius said again: “But the present perfect men don’t need to act this way. So long as they can remember justice when facing benefits, can act regardless of his safety when facing danger, can remember his previous promises when having long been in dire necessity, they can be considered perfect men.”




14·13 子問公叔文子(1)於公明賈(2)曰:“信乎,夫子(3)不言,不笑,不取乎?”公明賈對曰:“以(4)告者過也。夫子時然後言,人不厭其言;樂然後笑,人不厭其笑;義然後取,人不厭其取。”子曰:“其然?豈其然乎?”












Confucius asked Gongming Gu about Gongshu Wenztu: “He doesn’t speak, doesn’t smile and doesn’t take anything. Really?” Gongming Gu said: “Whoever told you this carried it too far. He speaks only when necessary, smiles only when happy and take something only when he should so that people don’t detest him.” Confucius said: “Is it like this? Is it really like this?”




14·14 子曰:“臧武仲以防求為後於魯,雖曰不要君,吾不信也。”



(1) 要:要挾






Confucius said: “Zang Wuchong wanted to withdraw from his fief and then took it as a condition for him to ask the lord of the country Lu to establish social position for the future generations of Zang family. Some people didn’t consider his action as putting pressure on the lord of the country Lu. But I don’t believe.”



14·15 子曰:“晉文公(1)(2)而不正,齊桓公(3)正而不譎。”



(1)晉文公:姓姬名重耳,春秋時期有作為的政治家,著名的霸主之一。公元前636 - 628年在位。


(3)齊桓公:姓薑名小白,春秋時期有作為的政治家,著名的霸主之一。公元前685 - 643年在位。






Confucius said: “Jin Wen Gong was fraudulent but not honest and upright. Qi Huan Gong was honest and upright but not fraudulent.”




14·16 子路曰:“桓公殺公子糾(1),召忽(2)死之,管仲不死。”曰:“未仁乎?”子曰:“桓公九合諸侯(3),不以兵車(4),管仲之力也。如其仁(5),如其仁。”













Ztu Lu said: “Huan Gong killed his brother Gongztu Jiu, Zhao Hu died a martyr, but Guan Zhong didn’t commit suicide. Guan Zhong should not be considered a man of humanity, should he?” Confucius said: “Huan Gong called dukes and princes under his regime to handle problems according to the principle of reaching unanimity through consultation instead of arms. It was well done only because Guan Zhong had secretly exerted his efforts. This is the humanity of Guan Zhong. This is the humanity of Guan Zhong.”




14·17 子貢曰:“管仲非仁者與?桓公殺公子糾,不能死,又相之。”子曰:“管仲相桓公,霸諸侯,一匡天下,民到於今受其賜。微(1)管仲,吾其被發左衽(2)矣。豈若匹夫匹婦之為諒(3)也,自經(4)於溝瀆(5)而莫之知也。”













Ztu Gong asked: “Guan Zhong should not be considered a man of humanity, should he? Huan Gong killed his own brother Gongztu Jiu. He didn’t sacrifice his life for Gongztu Jiu and worse of all he became Huan Gong’s premier instead.” Confucius said: “Guan Zhong helped Huan Gong unify the whole country by lording it over dukes and princes under his regime. It is only because of this that our people are still enjoying his favor even now. If without Guan Zhong, I’m afraid we are still suffering from foreign invasion.

So, how can we ask Guan Zhong to commit suicide secretly in the wild just like an ordinary people who rigidly adheres to trivial matters only?”



14·18 公叔文子之臣大夫僎(1)與文子同升諸公(2)。子聞之,曰:“可以為文矣。”










Gongshu Wenztu recommended his manager to be a minister who was on an equal footing with him. Heard this, Confucius said: “Gongshu Wenztu can be considered a gentleman.”




14·19 子言衛靈公之無道也,康子曰:“夫如是,奚而不喪?”孔子曰:“仲叔圉(1)治賓客,祝鮀治宗廟,王孫賈治軍旅,夫如是,奚其喪?”



 (1) 仲叔圉:圉,讀“雨”,即孔文子。他與後麵提到的祝鮀(讀“駝”)、王孫賈都是衛國的大夫。 






Confucius talked about Wei Ling Gong’s incompetence. Ji Kangztu said: “Why could he avert collapse now that the case was like this?” Confucius said: “He had Zhongshu Yu in charge of guest-reception, Zhu Tuo in charge of sacrifice affairs and Wangsun Gu in charge of military. In this case, how could he collapse?”


14·20 子曰:“其言之不怍(1),則為之也難。”









Confucius said: “If a man boast without shame, it’s hard for him to keep him promise.”



14·20 陳成子(1)弑簡公(2)。孔子沐浴而朝,告於哀公曰:“陳恒弑其君,請討之。”公曰:“告夫三子(3)。”孔子曰:“以吾從大夫之後(4),不敢不告也。君曰‘告夫三子’者。”之(5)三子告,不可。孔子曰:“以吾從大夫之後,不敢不告也。”




(2)簡公:齊簡公,姓薑名壬。公元前484 - 481年在位。









Chen Chengztu killed Qi Jian Gong. After bath, Confucius had an audience with the lord of Ju Ai Gong and make a report: “Chen Heng killed his lord. Please send out troops to suppress him.” Ai Gong said: “Make a report to the three ministers.” Confucius said: “I was once a minister so I don’t dare not to make a report to you. But you should say ‘make a report to the three ministers’!” Confucius had to make a report to these three ministers but they didn’t agree to send out troops to suppress Chen Heng. Confucius said: “I was once a minister so I don’t dare not to make a report to you.”




14·22 子路問事君。子曰:“勿欺也,而犯之。”






Ztu Lu asked how to serve a lord. Confucius said: “You can’t cheat him but you can advise him outspokenly without worrying that you may angry him.”



14·23 子曰:“君子上達,小人下達。”


【注釋】 上達:追求高尚。下達:追求庸俗。






Confucius said: “Gentlemen seek noble things but vulgarians seek vulgar thing.”



14·24 子曰:“古之學者為己,今之學者為人。”






Confucius said: “Ancient people study for enhance themselves but present people study for show.”



14·25 蘧伯玉(1)使人於孔子,孔子與之坐而問焉。曰:“夫子何為?”對曰:“夫子欲寡其過而未能也。”使者出,子曰:“使乎!使乎!”









Qu Boyu sent an envoy to visit Confucius. Confucius let the envoy sit down and asked: “What has Mr. Que been doing?” The envoy replied: “He wants to reduce his mistakes, but he failed.” The envoy left and Confucius said: “What a nice envoy! What a nice envoy!”



14·26 子曰:“不在其位,不謀其政。”曾子曰:“君子思不出其位。”






Confucius said: “Without being in the position, just don’t think anything related to the position.” Zeng Ztu said: “Whenever considering something, a gentleman never oversteps his authority.”



14·27 子曰:“君子恥其言而過其行。”






Confucius said: “Gentlemen think it shameful to say something but do nothing.”



14·28 子曰:“君子道者三,我無能焉:仁者不憂,知者不惑,勇者不懼。”子貢曰:“夫子自道也。”






Confucius said: “Gentlemen’s doctrines include three points which I have realized: a man of humanity never worries anything; a wise man is never perplexed; a brave man never fears anything.” Ztu Gong said: “This is just a self-explanation of yours.”



14·29 子貢方人(1)。子曰:“賜也賢乎哉(2)?夫我則不暇。”










Ztu Gong commented others’ shortcomings. Confucius said: “Ci, are you really nice enough? I have no time to comment others.”



14·30 子曰:“不患人之不己知,患其不能也。”






Confucius said: “Don’t be afraid that no one understands you. The only thing we should worry about is that you are not capable.”



14·31 子曰:“不逆詐(1),不億(2)不信,抑亦先覺者,是賢乎!”




(2)億:同“臆”,主觀地。例如“臆測”,主觀猜測。 此處“臆”即代“臆測”。






Confucius said: “Some people know others’ cheat and lie by detecting but not by suspecting and guessing. The sort of people can be considered worthy persons.



14·32 微生畝(1)謂孔子曰:“丘,何為是(2)棲棲(3)者與?無乃為佞乎?”孔子曰:“非敢為佞也,疾固(4)也。”












Wei Shengmu said to Confucius: “Kong Qiu, why are you so busy running about and peddling your ideas? You just want to show off your eloquence, do you?” Confucius said: “I don’t want to show off  my eloquence. The reason for me to do this is that I hate the social inveterate illness.”




14·33 子曰:“驥(1)不稱其力,稱其德也。”









Confucius said: “As for winged-steeds, what people praise is not their strength but their morality.”



14·34 或曰:“以德報怨,何如?”子曰:“何以報德?以直報怨,以德報德。”



(1) 或:有人,某人。






Someone asked: “Return good for evil. Is that O.K.?” Confucius said: “If according to your point of view, what we should return for good? I think that we should return honesty for evil, return good for good.”



14·35 子曰:“莫我知也夫!”子貢曰:“何為其莫知子也?”子曰:“不怨天,不尤(1)人。下學而上達(2),知我者其天乎!”










Confucius said: “No one knows me well!” Ztu Gong said: “How can you say no one knows you well?” Confucius said: “I’ve learned some ordinary knowledge and have understood some profound truth.”




14·36 公伯寮(1)(2)子路於季孫。子服景伯(3)以告,曰:“夫子固有惑誌於公伯寮,吾力猶能肆諸市朝(4)。”子曰:“道之將行也與,命也;道之將廢也與,命也。公伯寮其如命何!”












Gongbo Liao spoke ill of Ztu Lu to Ji Sun. Ztufu Jingbo told this matter to Confucius and said: “Ji Sun has been misled by Gongbo Liao’s slander. I have the ability to kill him and make his body displayed in the street.” Confucius said: “If a just cause can be carried out, it depends on luck; if it cannot be carried out, it also depends on luck. How can Gongbo Liao do anything about luck?”



14·37 子曰:“賢者辟(1)世,其次辟地,其次辟色,其次辟言。”子曰:“作者七人(2)矣。”










Confucius said: “People of integrity escape from four aspects including dark society, turbulent area, despising eyes, and vicious slanders.” Confucius said again: “There have already been seven people who can do this.”




14·38 子路宿於石門(1)。晨門(2)曰:“奚自?”子路曰:“自孔氏。”曰:“是知其不可而為之者與?”










Ztu Lu stayed overnight at Stone Door. The door-man asked: “Where are you from?” Ztu Lu said: “From Confucius.” The door-man said: “Is that the man who clearly knows he cannot do but just do it?”




14·39 子擊磬(1)於衛,有荷蕢(2)而過孔氏之門者,曰:“有心哉,擊磬乎!”既而曰:“鄙哉!硜硜(3)乎!莫己知也,斯己而已矣。深則厲(4),淺則揭(5)。”子曰:“果哉!末(6)之難(7)矣。”















Staying in the country Wei, Confucius once struck chime stone. A man with a basket on his back passed his door and said: “The chime stone striker really sets his mind on it!” But after a while he said: “This sound is really vulgar, isn’t it? It doesn’t matter that no one can understand you. So long as you can maintain personal integrity during chaotic times, it’s all right. This is just like crossing a river. If the water is deep, you just wade across it with your clothing on. And if shallow, you just wade across it with your hand holding up the hem of your jacket.” Confucius said: “What he said is really straightforward. I cannot blame him for anything.” 




14·40 子張曰:“書雲:‘高宗(1)諒陰(2),三年不言。’何謂也?”子曰:“何必高宗?古之人皆然。君薨(3),百官總己以聽於塚宰(4)三年。”












Ztu Zhang said: “The Book Shang Shusaid: ‘In Shang Dynasty, the lord Gao Zong did nothing about government affairs for three years during funeral period.’ What does it mean?” Confucius said: “No only Gao Zong, but all ancient people faithfully adhered to this principle. If a lord died, all officials obeyed orders by the premier and stayed at their respective posts.”



14·41 子曰:“上好禮,則民易使也。”






Confucius said: “If leaders worship moral standards, the masses are easy to lead.”



14·42 子路問君子。子曰:“修己以敬。”曰:“如斯而已乎?”曰:“修己以安人(1)。”曰:“如斯而已乎?”曰:“修己以安百姓(2)。修己以安百姓,堯舜其猶病諸?”










Ztu Lu asked about gentlemen. Confucius said: “Raise your own moral level and keep a respectful and attentive attitude at any time and anywhere.” Ztu Lu said: “Is this enough?” Confucius said: “Raise your own moral level and make others to live easily and comfortably.” Ztu Lu asked: “Is this enough?” Confucius said: “Raise your own moral level and make the masses to live and work in peace. Raise your own moral level and make the masses live and work in peace. It’s too difficult even for Yao and Shun to come up to this standard, isn’t it?”




14·43 原壤(1)夷俟(2)。子曰:“幼而不孫弟(3),長而無述焉,老而不死,是為賊。”以杖叩其脛。











With his legs stretching casually, Yuan Rang was waiting for Confucius. Confucius scolded him: “When you were young, you showed no civility to anyone. When you became a grown man, you had nothing accomplished. When you are old now, you don’t die. What a pest you are!”




14·44 闕黨(1)童子將命(2)。或問之曰:“益者與?”子曰:“吾其居於位(3)也,見其與先生並行也。非求益者也,欲速成者也。”











A boy in Que Li came to sent words to Confucius. Someone asked Confucius: “Is this a boy who seeks to make progress?” Confucius said: “I saw him sitting and walking together with elders. He is not a boy who seeks to make progress, but a one who is impatient for success.”

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