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16·1 季氏將伐顓臾(1)。冉有、季路見於孔子曰:“季氏將有事(2)於顓臾。”孔子曰:“求!無乃爾是過與?夫顓臾,昔者先王以為東蒙主(3),且在城邦之中矣,是社稷之臣也。何以伐為?”冉有曰:“夫子欲之,吾二臣者皆不欲也。”孔子曰:“求!周任(4)有言曰:‘陳力就列(5),不能者止。’危而不持,顛而不扶,則將焉用彼相(6)矣?且爾言過矣,虎兕(7)出於柙(8),龜玉毀於櫝(9)中,是誰之過與?”冉有曰:“今夫顓臾,固而近於費(10)。今不取,後世必為子孫憂。”孔子曰:“求!君子疾夫舍曰欲之而必為之辭。丘也聞有國有家者,不患寡而患不均,不患貧而患不安(11)。蓋均無貧,和無寡,安無傾。夫如是,故遠人不服,則修文德以來之。既來之,則安之。今由與求也,相夫子,遠人不服而不能來也,邦分崩離析而不能守也;而謀動幹戈於邦內。吾恐季孫之憂,不在顓臾,而在蕭牆(12)之內也。”





(3)東蒙主:東蒙,蒙山。主,主持祭祀的人。 東蒙山祭祀的主持人。















Ji Shi was going to attack Zhuan Yu. Ran You and Ji Lu came to Confucius and said: “Ji Shi was going to make an assault on Zhuan Yu.” Confucius said: “Ran Qiu, is this your fault? Zhuan Yu was once the sponsor to offer sacrifices to Mount Dongmeng and it is located within the country Lu. Since it is a part of Lu, what’s the reason for him to attack it?” Ran You said: “It is Ji Shi that wants to attack Zhuan Yu but we two don’t agree with him.” Confucius said: “Ran Qiu, As an old saying goes: ‘Since you occupy a position, you should take the relative responsibilities. Or else, you should resign.’ When persons are in danger, you don’t show any support; when persons fall down, you don’t lend them a helping hand, then what’s the use to have assistants like you? Worse of all, what you said is wrong. If a she-rhinoceros runs out of a cage and a turtle-jade is destroyed within a box, then whose fault is it?” Ran You said: “Now Zhuan Yu enjoys strong city walls and is located very near to Fei City. If we don’t attack it now I’m afraid that endless troubles will be left over to our future generations.” Confucius said: “Ran Qiu, gentlemen hate people who don’t say they want to do something but try their best to justify their conduct instead. I heard that people who have their own countries and families are not afraid of lacking money but afraid of unequal, not afraid of poverty but afraid of unrest. The reason is that so long as there is equality there will not be poverty. If people live in amity with others they won’t feel the sparseness of population and if they live in peace they won’t meet with any dangers. Then you can solicit people from far away with humanity who refuses to give in. And you can pacify them after their arrival. As two assistants to Ji Shi now, yet you cannot solicit people from far away who refuse to give in. When your country is on the verge of collapse, you can do nothing to save it but instead you should want to resort to force. I’m afraid that the danger of Ji lies just in yourself but not in Zhuan Yu.”




16·2 孔子曰:“天下有道,則禮樂征伐自天子出;天下無道,則禮樂征伐自諸侯出。自諸侯出,蓋十世希不失矣;自大夫出,五世希不失矣;陪臣執國命,三世希不失矣。天下有道,則政不在大夫。天下有道,則庶人不議。”






Confucius said: “When there is a great order across the land, the real power lies surely in central authority; when there is a great disorder under heaven, the real power lies certainly in local authorities. When real power lies in authorities of provincial level, the great order across the land can be kept ten generations at most. If the real power lies in authorities of provincial level more than ten generations, nearly no countries can avoid being destroyed. If the real power lies in authorities of prefecture level, the great order across the land can be kept five generations at most. If the real power lies in authorities of prefecture lvel more than five generations, nearly no countries can avoid being destroyed. If the real power lies in authorities of county level, the great order can be kept three generations at most. If the real power lies in authorities of county level more than three generations, nearly no counties can avoid being destroyed. If there is a great order across the land, the real power certainly does not lie in local authorities. And if there is a great order under heaven, people do not complain their society at all. ”




16·3 孔子曰:“祿之去公室五世(1)矣,政逮(2)於大夫四世(3)矣,故夫三桓(4)之子孫微矣。”












Confucius said: “The central authority of the country Lu has lost its real power five generations. And the real power has fallen into the provincial authority four generations. Therefore the posterity of the three Heng’s families has fallen into decay.




16·4 孔子曰:“益者三友,損者三友。友直,友諒(1),友多聞,益矣。友便辟(2),友善柔(3),友便侫(4),損矣。”












Confucius said: “There are three categories of good friends and three categories of bad ones, too. It’s good for you to make friends with straightforward people, honest people and experienced and learned people. It’s harmful to make friends with people who take crooked ways, who fawn on others and who are smooth-tongued.”



16·5 孔子曰:“益者三樂,損者三樂。樂節禮樂(1),樂道人之善,樂多賢友,益矣。樂驕樂(2),樂佚(3)遊,樂晏樂(4),損矣。”












Confucius said: “There are three sorts of helpful likings, and there are also three sorts of harmful likings.  Liking to adjust oneself with proprieties and music, liking to praise others’ strong points, liking to make many friends with persons of integrity, they are helpful; liking to wallow in luxury and pleasure, liking to live in idleness, liking to be spendthrift in feasting are harmful.”




16·6 孔子曰:“侍於君子有三愆(1):言未及之而言謂之躁,言及之而不言謂之隱,未見顏色而言謂之瞽(2)。”










Confucius said: “When you keep a gentleman company, there are three faults you should pay attention to: speak when you shouldn’t, this is called ‘being impatient’; do not speak when you should do, this is called “concealing’; speak without adapting yourself to the look in his eyes, this is called ‘being blind’.”



16·7 孔子曰:“君子有三戒:少之時,血氣未定,戒之在色;及其壯也,血氣方剛,戒之在鬥;及其老也,血氣既衰,戒之在得。”






Confucius said: “There are three bad habits for gentlemen to give up: when young, they are short of sap, so they must give up being addicted to sex; when grown up, they are full of sap, so they must give up fighting; when old, they are feeble in sap, so they must give up greed.”



16·8 孔子曰:“君子有三畏:畏天命,畏大人,畏聖人之言。小人不知天命而不畏也,狎大人,侮聖人之言。”





Confucius said: “There are three things which gentlemen should highly esteem, namely, Mother Nature, VIP and words of sages. Vulgarians don’t understand law of nature and therefore they don’t highly esteem Mother Nature and VIP and don’t treat words of sages seriously either.”




16·9 孔子曰:“生而知之者,上也;學而知之者,次也;困而學之,又其次也;困而不學,民斯為下矣。”






Confucius said: “A man who is born with knowledge is grade A; a man knows something through study  is grade B; a man who starts to study after meeting with difficulties is grade C; a man who refuses to study even after meeting with difficulties is grade D.”




16·10 孔子曰:“君子有九思:視思明,聽思聰,色思溫,貌思恭,言思忠,事思敬,疑思問,忿思難,見得思義。”






Confucius said: “Gentlemen have nine things to consider about carefully: when looking, they should consider whether the see clearly; when listening, they should consider whether they hear clearly; when examining self-expression, they should consider whether it is mild and refined; when scrutinizing self-appearance, they should consider whether it is decorous; when speaking, they should consider whether they are honesty; when managing business, they should consider whether they are diligent; when doubting, they should consider whether they should seek advice; when being angry, they should consider whether there is any future trouble; when making profits, they should consider whether it is reasonable.”




16·11 子曰:“見善如不及,見不善如探湯。吾見其人矣,吾聞其語矣。隱居以求其誌,行義以達其道。吾聞其語矣,未見其人也。”



孔子說:“看到別人行善, 就覺得不如人家,看到別人作惡,就像把手伸到開水中趕快避開。我見到過這樣的人,也聽到過這樣的話。以隱居避世保持自己的誌向,以主持正義實現自己的理想。我聽到過這種話,卻沒有見到過這樣的人。”



Confucius said: “When seeing others doing good works, a man would fell that he is not so good as the good-work doers; when seeing others doing evil, a man would avoid them immediately as if he puts his hand into boiled water and draw out at once. I have seen this kind of people and also heard of this sort of words. A man keeps his ideals by living a secluded life and realizes his dreams by upholding justice. I have heard of this sort of words but have not seen this kind of people.”



16·12 齊景公有馬千駟,死之日,民無德而稱焉。伯夷叔齊餓死於首陽之下,民到於今稱之。其斯之謂與?






Qi Jing Gong had 4,000 horses but people did not think he had any virtue worthy praising on the very day when he died. Bo Yi and Shu Qi died of hunger in Mt. Shouyang but they have long been being praised even up to now. What people like to talk about is probably this story, isn’t it?”




16·13 陳亢(1)問於伯魚(2)曰:“子亦有異聞(3)乎?”對曰:“未也。嚐獨立,鯉趨而過庭。曰:‘學詩乎?’對曰:‘未也’。‘不學詩,無以言。’鯉退而學詩。他日又獨立,鯉趨而過庭。曰:‘學禮乎?’對曰:‘未也’。‘不學禮,無以立。’鯉退而學禮。聞斯二者。”陳亢退而喜曰:“問一得三。聞詩,聞禮,又聞君子之遠(4)其子也。”



(1) 陳亢:亢,讀“剛”,即陳子禽。

(2) 伯魚:孔子的兒子,即孔鯉(前532-481年),字伯魚,因其誕時魯昭公賜孔子一尾鯉魚而得名。孔鯉先孔子而亡。

(3) 異聞:這裏指不同於對其他學生所講的內容。 

(4) 遠:讀“院”,疏遠。不親近,不偏愛。






Chen Gang asked Boyu: “Have you heard any special instructions from our master?” Boyu replied: “No. One day, he was standing alone in the hall and I pass quickly. He said to me: ‘Have you studied The Book of Odes?’ I replied: ‘No.’ He said: ‘If you don’t study The Book of Odes, you won’t know how to speak.’ After turning back, I began to studyThe Book of Odes.  Another day, he was standing alone in the hall and I pass quickly. He said to me: ‘Have you studied proprieties?’ I replied: ‘No.’ He said: ‘If you don’t study proprieties, you won’t know how to find a foothold in society.’ After turning back, I began to study proprieties.  Only twice have I ever heard his instructions.” Back of home, Chen Gang was very happy and said: “I only asked one question but I learned three things: firstly, I heard of the function of The Book of Odes; secondly, I heard of the function of proprieties; thirdly, I heard of a gentleman’s virtue about having no preference for his own son.”




16·14 邦君之妻,君稱之曰夫人,夫人自稱曰小童;邦人稱之曰君夫人,稱諸異邦曰寡小君;異邦人稱之亦曰君夫人。






As for the wife of a lord, the lord calls her madam, but the wife calls herself little kid; people call her the wife of the lord and before foreigners call her the little wife of the lord; and the foreigners call her the wife of the lord.

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