19·1 子張曰:“士(1)見危致命,見得思義,祭思敬,喪思哀,其可已矣。”
Ztu Zhang said: “A gentleman should be regardless of his own safety in face of peril, should think of moral principle in face of benefit, should be pious when holding a memorial ceremony, and should be sorrowful when going into mourning. That’s enough for a gentleman.”
19·2 子張曰:“執德不弘,信道不篤,焉能為有?焉能為亡?”
Ztu Zhang said: “Some people neither observe standards of morality firmly nor believe in justice sincerely. What’s the difference between having them and not having them?”
19·3 子夏之門人問交於子張。子張曰:“子夏雲何?”對曰:“子夏曰:‘可者與之,其不可者拒之。’”子張曰:“異乎吾所聞:君子尊賢而容眾,嘉善而矜不能。我之大賢與,於人何所不容?我之不賢與,人將拒我,如之何其拒人也?”
子夏的學生向子張請教給如何交朋友。子張說:“子夏是怎麽說的?”答道:“子夏說:‘可交的就交,不可交的就拒絕。’”子張說:“這和我聽到的可不一樣:君子既尊重賢人,又能容納普通民眾;能器重能人,又能同情笨人。我如果是好人,那我還有誰不能容納呢?我如果不是好人,別人就會拒絕我,這怎麽能談得上由我去拒絕別人呢 ?”
Ztu Xia’s student asked Ztu Zhang how to make friends with others. Ztu Zhang asked: “What did Ztu Xia say?” The student replied: “Ztu Zhang said: ‘Make friends with anyone who can be friends and refuse anyone who can be friends.’” Ztu Zhang said: “This is quite different with what I heard: gentlemen not only respect worthy people but also tolerate common people; not only highly regard people of large caliber but also sympathize people of small caliber. If I’m a good man, there is no one I cannot tolerate. Otherwise, others will refuse me. And if so, how could it be said that I refuse others?”
19·4 子夏曰;“雖小道(1),必有可觀者焉,致遠恐泥(2),是以君子不為也。”
子夏說:“雖然都是微不足道的技藝,也一定有可稱道之處,但用它去實現遠 大目標就不行了。”
Ztu Xia said: “These are only insignificant skills, but they must have something commendable; nevertheless, you cannot use them to realize your high ideals.”
19·5 子夏曰:“日知其所亡,月無忘其所能,可謂好學也已矣。”
Ztu Xia said: “Each day you learn something you don’t understand and keep them not to be forgotten for a month. And this can be regarded being eager to learn.”
19·6 子夏曰;“博學而篤誌(1),切問(2)而近思,仁在其中矣。”
Ztu Xia said: “Have wide learning and a strong memory, raise and ponder questions about something closely related to your own conditions. I think humanity just exists in this learning process.”
19·7 子夏曰:“百工居肆(1)以成其事,君子學以致其道。”
Ztu Xia said: “Craftsmen live in workshops and do their own things, while gentlemen realize their high ideals through learning.”
19·8 子夏說:“小人之過也必文(1)。”
Ztu Xia said: “Vulgarians must gloss over their mistakes whenever they make.”
19·9 子夏曰:“君子有三變:望之儼然,即之也溫,聽其言也厲。”
Ztu Xia said: “A gentleman have three changeable characters: when you look at him from afar, he appears severe; when you get close to him, you’ll know that he is gentle-natured; when you listen to him, you’ll hear that he speaks sternly.”
19·10 子夏曰:“君子信而後勞其民;未信,則以為厲己也,信而後諫;未信,則以為謗己也。”
Ztu Xia said: “A gentleman must get trust from others first and then makes them do something, or they’ll think you ill-treat them. He must get trust from others first and then admonishes them, or they’ll think you
slander them.”
19·11 子夏曰:“大德(1)不逾閑(2),小德出入可也。”
Ztu Xia said: “In the respect of moral integrity, a gentleman must not transgress, but in the respect of trivial matter, there is no need for a gentleman to bother about it too much.”
19·12 子遊曰:“子夏之門人小子,當灑掃應對進退,則可矣,抑(1)末也。本之則無,如之何?”子夏聞之,曰:“噫,言遊過矣!君子之道,孰先傳焉?孰後倦(2)焉?譬諸草木,區以別矣。君子之道,焉可誣(3)也?有始有卒者,其惟聖人乎?”
Ztu You said: “As for Ztu Xia’s students, it’s certainly feasible to let them do something like sprinkling water and sweeping the floor, and receiving guests. But all these are only trivialities. They haven’t learned anything fundamental. How can it be workable?” After learning this, Ztu Xia said: “Oh, Ztu You is wrong!
As to a gentleman’s knowledge, what should be taught first and what should be taught next? There is a difference between these two points which are just like grass and trees.
19·13 子夏曰:“仕而優(1)則學,學而優則仕。”
Zi Xia said: “If a person, except for being an official, still has superfluous energy, he can study and if a person, except for study, still has superfluous energy, he can be an official.”
19·14 子遊曰:“喪致(1)乎哀而止。”
Zi You said: “When handling funeral affairs, so long as you fully express your sorrow, that’s enough.”
19·15 子遊曰:“吾友張也為難能也,然而未仁。”
Zi You said: “My friend Zi Zhang can be reckoned a rare outstanding person. But even he himself hasn’t become a person of humanity.”
19·16 曾子曰:“堂堂乎張也,難與並為仁矣。”
Zeng Zue said: “Zue Zhang bears a grandeur appearance. But it’s difficult for anyone to be man with humanity together with him.”
19·17 曾子曰:“吾聞諸夫子,人未有自致者也,必也親喪乎。”
Zeng Zue said: “I heard my teachers said that people could not show their feelings naturally except for that they lost their own beloved.”
19·18 曾子曰:“吾聞諸夫子,孟莊子(1)之孝也,其他可能也;其不改父之臣與父之政,是難能也。”
Zeng Zue said: “I heard my teacher said that others could show filial devotion to their parents as Meng Zhuangzue did, but there was one thing others could hardly do, namely, to keep their fathers’ old subjects and policies unchanged.”
19·19 孟氏使陽膚(1)為士師,問於曾子。曾子曰:“上失其道,民散久矣。如得其情,則哀矜(2)而勿喜。”
Appointed as judge by Meng, Yang Fu sought advice from Zeng Zue. Zeng Zue said: “The rulers didn’t behave themselves well so the masses have lost morale for a long time. Learning true conditions of the
19·20 子貢曰:“紂(1)之不善,不如是之甚也。是以君子惡居下流(2),天下之惡皆歸焉。”
Zue Gong said: “The lord Zhou’s evil doings were not so serious as what people said. Thereore, gentlemen are afraid they would have blemish in their past, because if so, all blame would be put on them.”
19·21 子貢曰:“君子之過也,如日月之食焉。過也,人皆見之;更也,人皆仰之。”
Zue Gong said: “Gentlemen’s faults are like solar eclipse and lunar eclipse. If they commit faults, people can see them; if they correct the faults, people would look up to them.”
19·22 衛公孫朝(1)問於子貢曰:“仲尼(2)焉學?”子貢曰:“文武之道,未墜於地,在人。賢者識其大者,不賢者識其小者,莫不有文武之道焉。夫子焉不學?而亦何常師之有?”
Gong Sunchao of the country Wei asked Zue Gong: “Where does Confucius’ knowledge come from?” Zue Gong said: “The doctrines of Wen Wang and Wu Wang are not failed to be handed down. They still exist in the world. The question is that worthy people can see major principles but unworthy people can only see minor ones. The doctrines of Wen Wang and Wu Wang exist everywhere. And Confucius learns wherever he goes. How can he have regular teachers?”
19·23 叔孫武叔(1)語大夫於朝曰:“子貢賢於仲尼。”子服景伯(2)以告子貢。子貢曰;“譬之宮牆(3),賜之牆也及肩,窺見室家之好。夫子之牆數仞(4),不得其門而入,不見宗廟之類,百官(5)之富。得其門者或寡矣。夫子之雲,不亦宜乎!”
Shu Sun and Wu Sun said to ministers in the imperial court: “Zue Gong is more worthy than Confucius.” Zuefu Jingbo told Zue Gong what they said. Zue Gong said: “If we take a wall as an example by analogy. My wall is only shoulder high. Standing outside, you can see the condition of my family is not so bad. But Confucius’s wall is decades of feet high. Fail to find a gate to enter, you can see neither the splendid temple nor the beautiful house. Since there are only a few people who can find a gate to enter, it’s understandable for Mr. Shu Sun to say this sort of things.”
19·24 叔孫武叔毀仲尼。子貢曰;“無以為也!仲尼不可毀也。他人之賢者,丘陵也,猶可逾也;仲尼,日月也,無得而逾焉。人雖欲自絕,其何傷於日月乎?多(1)見其不知量也。”
Shu Sun and Wu Shu try their best to defame Confucius. Zue Gong said: “Better not to do this. It’s impossible to get Confucius defamed. The worthiness of others is just like a hill which is surmountable, yet Confucius’s is the sun or the moon which isn’t surmountable. Some people want to estrange themselves from the sun and the moon, but what harm they can do to the sun and the moon? It only indicates that they overestimate their own ability.”
19·25: 陳子禽謂子貢曰:“子為恭也,仲尼豈賢於子乎?”子貢曰:“君子一言以為知,一言以為不知,言不可不慎也。夫子之不可及也,猶天之不可階而升也。夫子之得邦家者,所謂立之斯立,道之斯行,餒之斯來,動之斯和。其生也榮,其死也哀,如之何其可及也?”
Chen Zueqin said to Zue Gong: “You must be modest. How can Confucius be more worthy than you?” Zue Gong said: “Gentlemen must be cautious when speaking. Only one word can make it clear whether you are wise or not. Confucius is like the sky which is so high that no ladders can be used to climb to it. If Confucius is given a chance to govern a country, he would do as what people say, namely, he would educate people with proprieties and people would do everything according to proprieties; he would lead the people, and people would be willing to follow him; he would pacify people, and people would be willing to come over and give allegiance to him; he would mobilize the people, and they would be willing to work as one. He is honorable to live and pathetic to die. How can we say that we can catch up with him?”