

第一章 魯提轄拳打鎮關西

(2008-08-23 20:34:06) 下一個

第一章 魯提轄拳打鎮關西

三人上到潘家酒樓上,揀個濟楚閣兒裏坐下。魯提轄坐了主位,李忠對席,史進下首坐了。酒保唱了喏,認得是魯提轄,便道:“提轄官人,打多少酒?”魯達道:“先打四角酒來。”一麵鋪下菜蔬、果品按酒,又問道:“官人,吃甚下飯?”魯達道:“問甚麽 ? 但有,隻顧賣來,一發算錢還你。這廝隻顧來聒噪。”酒保下去,隨即燙酒上來,但是下口肉食,隻顧將來,擺一桌子。三個酒至數杯,正說些閑話,較量些槍法,說得入港,隻聽得隔壁閣子裏有人哽哽咽咽啼哭。魯達焦躁,便把碟兒、盞兒,都丟在樓板上。酒保聽得,慌忙上來看時,見魯提轄氣憤憤地。酒保抄手道:“官人要甚東西,分付買來。”魯達道:“灑家要甚麽 ? 你也須認的灑家,卻恁地教甚麽人在間壁吱吱的哭,攪俺 ! 你與我喚的他來。”


提轄 : 宋代州郡武官的官名,主管訓練軍隊、督捕盜賊等事務。不妨按“軍訓部長”翻譯為 Minister of Military Training. 但為了行文方便,“提轄”采用漢語拚音 Tixia, 魯提轄,就是 Tixia Lu.

     Entering Pans’ Restaurant, they three went upstairs and took a table in a booth. Lu Da took the seat of honor with Li Zhong sitting face-to-face to him and Li Jin sitting next to Li.  Knowing Lu, the waiter helloed him and said: “Mr. Tixia, how much wine do you need?” Lu said: “Four cups of wine for the moment.” While preparing vegetables and fruits to go with wine, the waiter asked: “What do you need to go with rice, Sir?” Lu said: “Why ask? Just sell me whatever you have. I’ll pay you altogether. You only care for chattering. ” The waiter left to heat up wine and then came back with warm wine and meats which were laid all over the table. Having taken several cups of wine, they were happy to say something about skills of spear usage. Just at the height of enthusiasm, they heard someone choking with sobs in the next booth. Feeling fretful, Lu Da made all dishes and cups clatter down to the floor. Hearing the terrible noise, the waiter came on in immediately. Finding that Lu was filled with indignation, he hurriedly cupped one hand in the other before his chest as an obeisance and said: “Can I help you, Sir? Tell me what you need and I’ll bring them to you.” Lu Da said: “What I need? You must know me well. Why do you ask someone to sob in the next booth so that to disturb our party. You can rest assured that I’ll definitely pay you for the wine!” The waiter said: “Please cease to be angry. How do I dare to let someone sob and disturb your party. The ones sobbing in the next booth are a father and a daughter. They don’t know that you are here to enjoy your wine so choked.” Lu Da asked: “They are making mischief! You call them here for me.”


   ? 鬆雲髻,插一枝青玉簪兒;嫋娜纖腰,係六幅紅羅裙子。素白舊衫籠雪體, 淡黃軟襪襯弓鞋。蛾眉緊蹙,汪汪淚眼落珍珠;粉麵低垂,細細香肌消玉雪。若非雨病雲愁,定是懷憂積恨。

Shortly after the waiter’s leaving, two persons came in: a lady, 18 years old, in front, and an old man, 50 – 60 years old, behind with a string of bamboo clappers in hand. They stepped up together. The lady looked not too pretty, but rather beautiful after all. It could be seen like follows:

Her hair looks like clouds over pines with a jade clasp in it; her beautiful slender waist has on a red silk skirt with six folds. An old white dress covers her white body, with a pair of light yellow soft socks setting off her bow-like little shoes. Knitting brows, her watery eyes are brimming with pearl-like tears; her head sank on her chest, fair-complexioned but rather thin. If she isn’t ill, then she must be worried about something or harbor resentment against someone.

那婦人拭著眼淚,向前來深深的道了三個萬福。那老兒也都相見了。魯達問道:“你兩個是那裏人家 ? 為甚啼哭?”那婦人便道:“官人不知,容奴告稟:奴家是東京人氏。因同父母來這渭州,投奔親眷,不想搬移南京去了。母親在客店裏染病身故,子父二人,流落在此生受。此間有個財主,叫做鎮關西鄭大官人,因見奴家,便使強媒硬保,要奴作妾。誰想寫了三千貫文書,虛錢實契,要了奴家身體。未及三個月,他家大娘子好生利害,將奴趕打出來,不容完聚。著落店主人家追要原典身錢三千貫。父親懦弱,和他爭執不得,他又有錢有勢。當初不曾得他一文,如今那討錢來還他 ? 沒計奈何,父親自小教得奴家些小曲兒,來這裏酒樓上趕座子。每日但得些錢來,將大半還他;留些少子父們盤纏。這兩日酒客稀少,違了他錢限,怕他來討時,受他羞恥。子父們想起這苦楚來,無處告訴,因此啼哭。不想誤觸犯了官人,望乞恕罪,高抬貴手。”


1 . 東京:宋代指現今的河南省開封市。按漢語拚音翻譯成 Dongjing.

2. 鎮關西:鎮,鎮守;關西,舊指函穀關或潼關以西地區,即今陝西、甘肅一帶。後文中的綽號自然可以漢語拚音翻譯,但因魯智深隨後還會提到當年在關西做官,自稱是名副其實的“鎮關西”,自然應以意譯為佳,不妨譯為 West Pass Guardian, 其中的 pass 為“關”, guardian 為“鎮守者”,這樣翻譯不如漢語拚音簡便,但好在出現頻率並不多。

3. 貫:舊時的錢製,用繩子貫穿在一起,每一千叫一貫。英語無對應詞,隻好用漢語拚音 guan.

Wiping off tears, the lady dropped three courtesies. And the old man also offered greetings. Lu Da asked: “Where are you from? Why are you sweeping?” The lady said: “You don’t know. Let me tell you. I’m from Dongjing. I came to Weizhou with my parents to seek refuge with my relatives. But unexpectedly, they’ve moved to Nanjing. My mother died of illness in hotel. My father and I are stranded here and subjected to torture. Here is a rich man, West Pass Guardian, Mr. Zheng. He saw me and then let a matchmaker force me to be his concubine. Our two sides signed a contract for 3,000 guan. But the contract is real and the money is insubstantial. So at the end I became his concubine for nothing. His first wife is rather ferocious and in less than three months drove me out and doesn’t allow me to have reunion with the family. Worse of all, they asked the inn owner to press us for repayment of the 3,000 guan. Zheng is a rich man of great influence, but my father is weak and does not dare to get into a dispute with him. We got no money at all from him in the past but now he presses us for repayment. My father taught me some songs when I was little. We can do nothing but come to this restaurant to make some money by singing. We take out most of the money we earn everyday and pay him. We only keep a small amount for us to use as traveling expenses. Recently there are few tourists so we don’t have enough money to repay him. I’m afraid we’ll be put to shame. My father and I think that we can find no one to pour out our grievance, so we couldn’t help weeping sorrowfully. Unexpectedly we’ve offended you. We hope you can pardon our offence.”


魯提轄又問道:“你姓甚麽 ? 在那個客店裏歇 ? 那個鎮關西鄭大官人在那裏住?”老兒答道:“老漢姓金,排行第二;孩兒小字翠蓮;鄭大官人便是此間狀元橋下賣肉的鄭屠,綽號鎮關西。老漢父子兩個,隻在前麵東門裏魯家客店安下。”魯達聽了道:“呸 ! 俺隻道哪個鄭大官人,卻原來是殺豬的鄭屠。這個醃 ? 潑才,投托著 俺小種經略相公門下做個肉鋪戶,卻原來這等欺負人!”回頭看著李忠、史進道:“你兩個且在這裏,等灑家去打死了那廝便來。”史進、李忠抱住勸道:“哥哥息怒,明日卻理會。”兩個三回五次勸得他住。



1 .經略 : 宋代官職。相當於現在的軍分區司令員。不妨簡單地按“司令員”譯為 commander. 種經略,姓種的經略,那自然就是 Commander Zhong. 老種經略,自然就是 Commander Zhong, Senior. 指種師道,小種經略指其兒子,故冠以“小”字,英譯自然就是 Commander Zhong, Junior. 不過有研究者認為書中有誤,小種不是老種的兒子,而是弟弟。魯達出家前最早效力於延安府軍分區老種經略,即種師道。後調到後方的渭州軍分區,在小種經略府做一名提轄官,因此小種經略是他的首長。


Li Xia Lu asked: “What’s your name? Which inn do you put up at? Where does that Zhen Guanxi live?” The old man replied: “My name is Jin. I’m the second child. My daughter is named Cui Lian. Mr. Zhen is Zhen Tu who sells pork near Zhuangyuan Bridge. His nickname is West Pass Guardian. My daughter and I are putting up at the inn of Lu family right ahead within the east city gate.” Hearing this, Lu Da said: “Bah! I wonder which Mr. Zheng he is. So it’s the butcher Zhen Tu. This villain runs a pork store with the help of my superior –Commander Zhong, Junior. It turned out that he should have the audacity to bully people like this!” Turning his heard and looking at Li Zhong and Shi Jin, Lu Da said: “You two just stay here. I’ll be back as soon as I kill that guy.” Holding fast to Lu Da, they advised: “Don’t be so angry, brother. You can do it tomorrow.” Having done their utmost, were they successful to dissuade him from going.

魯達又道:“老兒,你來,灑家與你些盤纏,明日便回東京去如何?”父子兩個告道:“若是能夠回鄉去時,便是重生父母,再長爺娘。隻是店主人家如何肯放 ? 鄭大官人須著落他要錢。”魯提轄道:“這個不妨事,俺自有道理。”便去身邊摸出五兩來銀子,放在桌上,看著史進道:“灑家今日不曾多帶得些出來,你有銀子,借些與俺,灑家明日便送還你。”史進道:“直甚麽,要哥哥還。”去包裹裏取出一錠十兩銀子,放在桌上。魯達看著李忠道:“你也借些出來與灑家。”李忠去身邊摸出二兩來銀子。魯提轄看了見少,便道:“也是個不爽利的人。”魯達隻把十五兩銀子與了金老,分付道:“你父子兩個將去做盤纏,一麵收拾行李,俺明日清早來,發付你兩個起身,看那個店主人敢留你!”金老並女兒拜謝去了。


1. 一錠十兩銀子:製成塊狀的金屬,叫錠。一錠十兩銀子,換言之,就是十兩重的銀錠。“錠”和“兩”都是中國特有的重量單位,英語裏無對應詞,隻好用漢語拚音 ding 和 liang.

Lu Da said: “Granddad, come here, I give you some traveling expenses. You go back to Dongjing, all right?” The father and the daughter told him: “If you can help us go back home, you would be our savior and rescuer. But how can the inn owner be willing to let us go? Mr. Zheng will ask him to press us for money.” Tixia Lu said: “It doesn’t matter. I’ll manage.” After saying this, Lu took out about 5 liang silver and then put it onto the table. He looked at Shi Jin and said: “Today I haven’t brought much silver. If you have silver, lend me some. I’ll give the silver back to you tomorrow.” Shi Jin said: “The silver is too little to ask you return it.” Then he took out 1 ding, namely 10 liang silver from his bundle and lay it on the table. Looked at Li Zhong, Tixia Lu said: “Please lend me some silver, too.” Li Zhong took out 2 liang silver. Seeing it, Tixia Lu complained of his silver being too little and said: “You’re not a person who manages things promptly.” Lu Da gave the old man 15 liang silver and said to him: “Take it as traveling expenses and go back to get your luggage well prepared. I’ll be back here tomorrow morning and send you off. I would like to see which inn owner dares to stop you!” Granddad Jin and his daughter thanked Lu Da and left.


Lu Da threw the 2 liang silver back to Li Zhong. Having some more wine, the three stepped down-stair. And Lu said: “Boss, I’ll pay you for the wine tomorrow.” The inn owner hurriedly replied: “Tixia, don’t hesitate to leave. Enjoy the wine to your heart’s content. There’s now harm in it. The only thing I’m afraid of is that you don’t come to buy wine on credit.” Stepping out of the inn of Pan family, the three parted with each other. Shi Jin and Li Zhong went back their own inns respectively. And Tixia Lu went back to where he stay in Jinglue’s home. Without having supper, he angrily went to bed. The host didn’t dare to ask him.

  再說金老得了這一十五兩銀子,回到店中,安頓了女兒。先去城外遠處覓下一輛車兒,回來收拾了行李,還了房宿錢,算清了柴米錢,隻等來日天明。當夜無事。次早五更起來,子父兩個先打火做飯,吃罷,收拾了,天色微明,隻見魯提轄大踏步走入店裏來,高聲叫道:“店小二,那裏是金老歇處?”小二哥道:“金公,提轄在此尋你。”金老開了房門,便道:“提轄官人,裏麵請坐。”魯達道:“坐甚麽 ? 你去便去,等甚麽?”金老引了女兒,挑了擔兒,作謝提轄,便待出門二攔住道:“金公,那裏去?”魯達問道:“他少你房錢?”小二道:“小人房錢,昨夜都算還了。須欠鄭大官人典身錢,著落在小人身上看管他哩!”魯提轄道:“鄭屠的錢,灑家自還他。你放這老兒還鄉去。”那店小二那裏肯放。魯達大怒,摣開五指,去那小二臉上隻一掌,打的那店小二口中吐血;再複一拳,打下當門兩個牙齒。小二扒將起來,一道煙走向店裏去躲了。店主人那裏敢出來攔他 ? 金老父子兩個,忙忙離了店中,出城自去尋昨日覓下的車兒去了。且說魯達尋思:恐怕店小二趕去攔截他,且向店裏掇條凳子,坐了兩個時辰。約莫金公去的遠了,方才起身,


Accepting the 15 liang silver and going back to the inn, old granddad Jin got his daughter well arranged. And he went outside the city to hire a cart for his luggage, then came back to the inn to pay board and lodge expenses, waiting for daybreak. Nothing happened the whole night. The father and the daughter got up at the fifth watch of the night, made fire to prepare breakfast. After they had breakfast and a proper preparation, the day was just dawning. And just at this moment, Tixia Lu came into the inn in great strides and shouted at the top of his voice: “Waiter, where does Granddad Jin stay?” The waiter cried: “Granddad Jin, Tixia is looking for you.” Granddad Jin opened the door and said: “Come on in and have a seat, Mr.Tixia.” Lu Da said: “No time to sit. You just leave. What are you waiting for?” Leading his daughter and carrying his luggage, Granddad Jin thanked Tixia Ly and was going to leave. Just at this instant, the waiter hurriedly stepped up and stopped him: “Where to go, Granddad Jin?” Lu Da asked: “He owes your lodgment expenses?” The waiter said: “He paid last night. The problem is that he owes Mr. Zheng a sum of money for selling themselves and Mr. Zheng asks me to keep an eye on him!” Tixia Lu said: “The money he owes to Zhen Tu will be paid by me, you just let him go home.” How can the waiter be willing to let him go? Beside himself with rage, Lu Da stretched out his five fingers and heavily slapped the waiter in the face. Blood comes out immediately from his mouth. One more punch, two front teeth fell down. The waiter picked himself up and ran inside quickly to hide himself. As for the inn owner, how can he have the audacity to come out and stop him? Taking this chance, Granddad Jin left the inn in a hurry with his daughter and went outside the city to look for the cart he hired yesterday. Afraid that the waiter would be in hot pursuit of Granddad Jin and stop him, Lu Da took out a stool from the inn and sat on it for about two shichen (four hours). Estimating Granddad Jin had already gong far away, did he stand up and make straight for Zhuangyuan Bridge.

  且說鄭屠開著兩間門麵,兩副肉案,懸掛著三五片豬肉。鄭屠正在門前櫃身內坐定,看那十來個刀手賣肉。魯達走到麵前,叫聲:“鄭屠!”鄭屠看時,見是魯提轄,慌忙出櫃身來唱喏道:“提轄恕罪。”便叫副手掇條凳子來,“提轄請坐”。魯達坐下道:“奉著經略相公鈞旨,要十斤精肉,切做臊子,不要見半點肥的在上頭。”鄭屠道:“使得,你們快選好的,切十斤去。”魯提轄道:“不要那等醃 ? 廝們動手,你自與我切。”鄭屠道:“說得是。小人自切便了。”自去肉案上,揀下十斤精肉,細細切做臊子。那店小二把手帕包了頭,正來鄭屠家報說金老之事,卻見魯提轄坐在肉案門邊,不敢攏來,隻得遠遠的立住,在房簷下望。

Zheng Tu ran a pork store, two facades and two chopping boards, with about five pieces of pork hanging above. Sitting behind the counter at the door, Zhen Tu was watching about ten assistants of his sell pork. Stepping up, Lu Da shouted: “Zheng Tu!” Raised head and found it was Tixia Lu, Zhen Tu was walking from behind the counter in a hurry and extended greetings to him: “Tixia, pardon me please!” He asked an assistant to take over a stool and said: “Tixia, have a seat please.” Lu Da sat down and said: “By order of Mr. Jinglue did I come here for 10 jin refined pork. You are to cut it into minced meat without any fat.” Zhen Tu said to his assistants: “O.K. Quickly choose the best meat and cut 10 jin.” Tixia Lu said: “Don’t ask those dirty guys to cut. You do it for me by yourself.” Zhen Tu said: “You’re right. Let me do it by myself.” Zhen Tu went to the cutting board to pick out 10 jin refined pork and carefully cut it into minced meat. Just at this moment, the wounded waiter, with his head wrapped in a handkerchief, came in to make a report about Granddad Jin. Yet found Tixia Lu sitting by the meat board at the door, he didn’t dare to step up and stood far away under the eaves only looking at them, lifeless in facial expression.

這鄭屠整整的自切了半個時辰,用荷葉包了道:“提轄,教人送去。”魯達道:“送甚麽 ? 且住 ! 再要十斤,都是肥的,不要見些精的在上麵,也要切做臊子。”鄭屠道:“卻才精的,怕府裏要裹餛飩,肥的臊子何用?”魯達睜著眼道:“相公鈞旨,分付灑家,誰敢問他?”鄭屠道:“是合用的東西,小人切便了。”又選了十斤實膘的肥肉,也細細的切做臊子,把荷葉來包了。整弄了一早晨,卻得飯罷時候。那店小二那裏敢過來,連那正要買肉的主顧,也不敢攏來。鄭屠道:“著人與提轄拿了,送將府裏去。”魯達道:“再要十斤寸金軟骨,也要細細地剁做臊子,不要見些肉在上麵。”鄭屠笑道:“卻不是特地來消遣我!”魯達聽罷,跳起身來,拿著那兩包臊子在手裏,睜眼看著鄭屠道:“灑家特地要消遣你!”把兩包臊子,劈麵打將去,卻似下了一陣的肉雨。鄭屠大怒,兩條忿氣從腳底下直衝到頂門心頭。那一把無明業火焰騰騰的按納不住,從肉案上搶了一把剔骨尖刀,托地跳將下來。魯提轄早拔步在當街上。眾鄰舍並十來個火家,那個敢向前來勸 ? 兩邊過路的人都立住了腳,和那店小二也驚的呆了。


Having cut for an hour, did Zheng Tu make the minced meat ready and wrap it with a lotus leaf and said: “Tixia, I’ll ask someone to send it to Mr. Jinglue.” Lu Da said: “Send what? Wait a moment. Cut 10 jin more. All fat. No lean meat at all. It should be cut into minced meat, too.” Zheng Tu said: “You asked for lean refined meat a moment ago. You’re going to make dumpling soup, I suppose. But now you ask for fat refined meat. What’s the use of it?” With eye widely open, Lu Da said: “It’s the order given to me by Mr. Jinglue. Who dares to ask for the usage?” Zheng Tu said: “Maybe it’s useful. Then I just cut it.” Zheng Tu chose 10 jin completely fat meat, also cut it into minced meat and wrap it in a lotus leaf. It took him the whole morning to do all these things. It was nearly at the end of lunch time did he finish what Lu Da demanded. How could the waiter dare to step up? Even the customers coming to buy meat did not dare to move closer. Zheng Tu said: “Ask someone to send it to Tixia’s home.” Lu Da said: “I still need 10 jin gristle, you should also mince it without any meat to be seen.” Zheng Tu smiled and said: “Isn’t it that you’ve made a special trip and come here to tease me!” Hearing this, Lu Da jumped to his feet with the two packages of minced meat in hand and said to Zheng Tu with eyes widely opened: “I do come specially to tease you!” He threw the two packages of minced meat into Zheng Tu’s face just like a gust of meat rain.

Zheng Tu flew into a fury immediately. Beside himself with rage, he took up a sharp bone-picking knife from the board and jumped in his feet. But Tixia Lu had already run into the street. Neither neighbors nor the ten assistants dare to step up, let alone stop them from fighting. All passers-by stood by the road sides and the waiter was completely frozen with fright.

鄭屠右手拿刀,左手便來要揪魯達,被這魯提轄就勢按住左手,趕將入去,望小腹上隻一腳,騰地踢倒在當街上,魯達再入一步,踏住胸脯,提著那醋缽兒大小拳頭,看著這鄭屠道:“灑家始投老種經略相公,做到關西五路廉訪使,也不枉了叫做鎮關西。你是個賣肉的操刀屠戶,狗一般的人,也叫做鎮關西 ! 你如何強騙了金翠蓮?” 撲的隻一拳,正打在鼻子上,打得鮮血迸流,鼻子歪在半邊,卻便似開了個油醬鋪,鹹的、酸的、辣的,一發都滾出來。鄭屠掙不起來,那把尖刀,也丟在一邊,口裏隻叫:“打得好!”魯達罵道:“直娘賊,還敢應口!”提起拳頭來,就眼眶際眉梢隻一拳,打得眼棱縫裂,烏珠迸出,也似開了個彩帛鋪的,紅的、黑的、絳的,都綻將出來。兩邊看的人,懼怕魯提轄,誰敢向前來勸。鄭屠當不過,討饒。魯達喝道:“咄 ! 你是個破落戶,若是和俺硬到底,灑家倒饒了你;你如何對俺討饒,灑家偏不饒你。”


關西五路廉訪使:廉訪使,宋代全稱廉訪使者,元代全稱肅政廉訪使。主管監察事務。不妨叫做監察部長 , minister of supervisory. 關西五路廉訪使,不妨譯為 Minister of Supervisory of Fifth Route Army in West Pass.

With a knife in right hand, Zheng Tu wanted to grasp Lu Da with left hand, but taking advantage of the favorable situation, Tixia Lu firmly pressed down his right hand, moved closer and just by one single kick in his belly, sent him down in the street. Moved one more step closer, stamped his chest, clenched his fist large as a vinegar pot, Lu Da looked at Zhen Tu and said: “In those years, I went and sought refuge with Commander Zhong, Senior and my position went up to Minister of Supervisory of Fifth Route Army in West Pass. So I’ve really proved myself to be the West Pass Guardian. You’re only a pork seller, a knife user, a butcher, a dog-like guy. How the hell can you be worthy of the title of West Pass Guardian? How did you get Cuilian Jin by force and by cheating?” Only one single punch heavily hit on his nose, blood gushed immediately from his wry nose, various tastes were mixed up: salty, sour, hot, just like setting up a grocer’s. Struggling hard, but still unable to rise to his feet, with his sharp knife thrown far away, Zheng Tu cried: “Well done!” Lu Da abused: “Son of bitch, dare you answer back!” Lu Da strongly punched only once at the point between Zheng Tu’s eye sockets and brow tips, and Zheng’s face was badly wounded with skin torn and flesh gapping open and black eye balls bursting out, various colors were mixed up: red, black and purple, as if starting a silk store. Afraid of Tixia Lu, no onlooker dared to dissuade him from doing so. Unable to withstand this anymore, Zheng started begging for mercy. Lu Da rebuked: “Bah! You impoverished guy. If you force yourself to fight me through to the end, I’ll forgive you; but if you beg mercy, I’ll simply do not forgive you.”

又隻一拳,太陽上正著,卻似做了一個全堂水陸的道場,磬兒、鈸兒、鐃兒一齊響。魯達看時,隻見鄭屠挺在地下,口裏隻有出的氣,沒了入的氣,動彈不得。魯提轄假意道:“你這廝詐死,灑家再打。”隻見麵皮漸漸的變了。魯達尋思道:“俺隻指望痛打這廝一頓,不想三拳真個打死了他。灑家須吃官司,又沒人送飯,不如及早撒開。”拔步便走,回頭指著鄭屠屍道:“你詐死,灑家和你慢慢理會。”一頭罵,一頭大踏步去了。街坊鄰舍,並鄭屠的火家,誰敢向前來攔他 ? 魯提轄回到下處,急急卷了些衣服、盤纏、細軟、銀兩,但是舊衣粗重,都棄了。提了一條齊眉短棒,奔出南門,一道煙走了。


1. 水陸道場:即水陸法會,又名 水陸齋。此會因以供飲食為主,為超度一切水陸亡魂而設,而且須將飲食撒在陸地與河流湖泊之中,故稱水陸大法會。規模宏大,參加法事僧人最少百人,多則千人、萬人。既然是法會,自然少不了磬、鈸、鐃等樂器。書中用以比喻鄭屠被魯達打得頭昏耳鳴,似乎聽到了法會上各種樂器奏出的聲音。

One more punch at temple made Zheng Tu feel as if he was attending a Buddhist mass at which he could hear various sounds coming altogether from different instruments such as inverted bells, cymbals and bronze bells. Looking at Zheng Tu, Lu Da found him lying outstretched on the ground, unable to move with air only coming out but not going into his mouth. Pretending not to care, Tixia Lu said: “You pretend to die. I’ll punch you again.” Yet finding that the color of Zheng’s face was gradually changing, Lu Da thought: “I only want to give him a good beating but unexpectedly, my three punches really killed him. I’ll be prosecuted and sentenced to prison. If so, I’ll have a hard time without anyone to give me food. I’d better leave here as soon as possible.” Quitting at once, Lu Da turned his head and said to Zheng’s body: “You guy pretend to die. I’ll get even with you later.” Lu Da abused while getting away in great strides. Neither neighbors nor Zheng’s assistants dared to stop Lu Da. Back at where he stayed, Lu Da hurriedly took some clothes, traveling expenses, valuables and silver and cast away all other old clothes and less important things. A short bar in hand, went out the south city gate, Lu Da disappeared in a flash.


[ 打印 ]