

《宋氏快譯》英漢對照(63):春風得意馬蹄輕 希麥闊步向前衝

(2008-01-21 17:15:44) 下一個
《宋氏快譯》英漢對照(63):春風得意馬蹄輕 希麥闊步向前衝

Clinton, McCain move ahead - for now


By TOM RAUM, A .P Writer
13 minutes ago

CHARLESTON, SC - Republican John McCain and Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton were victors in contentious nominating contests, but neither party can claim front-runners as early presidential contests give way to big-state battles.

查爾斯頓,南卡羅來納州 - 共和黨的麥凱恩和民主黨的希拉裏,在頗具爭議的提名競賽中雙雙獲勝,但任何一方都不能就此而宣稱自己已處於領軍地位,因為當初的總統寶座之爭已讓位於大州之戰。

McCain, an Arizona senator , bested Mike Huckabee , a former Arkansas governor , in a South Carolina fight that focused on the economy.McCain was defeated here in 2000 by George W. Bush .


"Thank you, my friends, and thank you, South Carolina, for bringing us across the finish line first in the first-in-the-South primary. It took us a while. But what's eight years among friends," McCain told a boisterous crowd of supporters at a victory rally.

麥凱恩在一次慶祝勝利的集會上對狂熱的支持者們說:“謝謝你們,我的朋友,感謝你,南卡羅來納,是你們引領我們在南方選戰第一站中領先跨越終點線 – 這(此次勝出)使我們等了一段時間。不過這一等就在朋友們中間等了整整8年哪。”

Attention turns to Florida , which votes on Jan. 29, followed by contests in 22 states on February 5.

人們的注意力正在轉向1月29日進行選舉的佛羅裏達州 ,接踵而至的將是2月5日展開的22州之爭。

On the Democratic side, Clinton beat rival Barack Obama in a tight Nevada contest. She won the popular vote but Obama won more delegates.


Among Republicans, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney cruised to victory in the little-contested GOP Nevada caucuses.


But McCain's victory in South Carolina could shake up the GOP contest and give him political grasp. McCain won in New Hampshire but placed second to Romney in Michigan .


"We've got a long way to go," McCain told The Associated Press in an interview. The man whose campaign was left for dead six months ago predicted that victory in the first southern primary would help him next week when Florida votes, and again on Feb.

麥凱恩在一次訪談中對美聯社記者說:“我們還有很長的路要走。” 早在六個月之前,麥凱恩的競選就已被置於生死攸關的境地,他當時預測,在南方選戰中首戰獲勝,將有助於他參加下周在佛州展開的選舉,而二月的選情亦複如此。

On the Democratic side, Clinton claimed the Nevada vote as a victory. "This is one step on a long journey," Clinton told cheering supporters in Las Vegas . She captured the popular vote, but Obama edged her out for national convention delegates at stake, taking 13 to her 12.

民主黨方麵,克林頓將內華達州的投票情況稱之為一次勝利。她在拉斯維加斯對歡呼的支持者說:“這隻是長途跋涉的一小步。” 她將普選票抓到手,但奧巴馬卻以三比二的微弱優勢險勝於她,贏得更多一些國民大會代表的選票。

Obama issued a statement that said he had conducted an "honest, uplifting campaign ... that appealed to people's hopes instead of their fears.”

奧巴馬發表一份聲明,聲稱他已展開一次“誠實向上的競選活動… …因此給人們帶來的是希望而不是恐懼。”
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