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Gandhi's Ashes to Be Scattered at Sea

Tue Jan 15, 2008 5:57 AM ESTworld-

Ramola Talwar Badam, AP Writer


MUMBAI — Sixty years after he was assassinated, some of peace icon Mohandas K. Gandhi's ashes will be scattered in the Arabian Sea at the family's request and not publicly displayed, a museum trustee said Tuesday.

孟買 – 一位博物館受托人周二表示,甘地被暗殺六十年之後,在其家屬的要求之下,和平偶像聖雄莫漢k .甘地的一些骨灰將會被撒在阿拉伯海,而不是被公開展示。

A small steel urn of Gandhi's ashes — one of dozens dispersed across the country after his death — was sent to a Gandhi museum in Mumbai last year by an Indian businessman whose father, a close friend of Gandhi's, had preserved the ashes.

甘地的一小鋼罐骨灰 – 這是在他死後分散在全國各地數十個之一 – 是去年由一名印度商人送往甘地博物館的,此人的父親是甘地的一位密友,他一直保存著這些骨灰。

Trustees had planned to display the nonviolence leader's ashes in a memorial in downtown Mumbai, but Gandhi's descendants requested the ashes be scattered at sea off Mumbai's coast on Jan. 30, the anniversary of his death, said Dhirubhai Mehta, vice president of the Mahatma Gandhi Museum.


Hindus cremate their dead and generally scatter the ashes in rivers or the sea after 13 days.


"We had thought of displaying the ashes, but naturally we will respect the family's wishes," said Mehta. "This is the right thing to do."

“我們曾想展示骨灰,但我們當然要尊重家屬的意願,”梅達說。 “這樣做是正確的。”

Gandhi was shot to death by a Hindu hard-liner in 1948 while walking to a prayer meeting in New Delhi. His ashes were sent to towns and villages across India for countless memorial services.


"No one knows for sure how many such urns there are elsewhere," Mehta said. "
"The ashes were sent to Gandhi's followers wherever they requested it."

“沒有人確切地知道其它地方究竟還有多少這樣的鋼罐,”梅達說。“甘地的追隨者要求送到哪裏,骨灰就送到哪裏 。”

Mehta, who was 11 when Gandhi was killed, remembers taking part in a small ceremony in Songad village in Gujarat, Gandhi's home state.


"Our village was sent an urn because a river ran through it," he said.


Gandhi's relatives and some of his followers have been invited to a small ceremony in Mumbai on Jan. 30 to scatter the ashes, Mehta said.


In 1997, Gandhi's great-grandson, Tushar Gandhi, immersed some of Gandhi's ashes at the holy spot where the Ganges and the Yamuna rivers meet. Those ashes had been found in a bank vault in northern India.


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