


(2008-01-08 20:34:17) 下一個









Wang Ding was an elegant young man of Gaoyou County, Jiangsu Province. Healthy and strong, he was bold and vigorous and generous in helping others. As a good mixer, he had a wide acquaintanceship. At the age of eighteen, his girl-friend died shortly before wedding day and he’d remained single ever since.
Wang was keen on traveling to distant lands. Whenever going on a long journey, he wouldn’t come back within a year. His elder brother Wang Nai was a celebrity in his hometown. He had deep brotherly affection for him. He often dissuaded Wang from making long journeys. He also promised to choose him a good wife.
But Wang didn’t listen to his brother and persisted in going south to Zhenjiang visiting his friend. Unluckily, his friend wasn’t at home. He had to stay in a hotel on the bank of the Yangtse River. Facing clear waves and green mountains, he felt relaxed and happy. Next day, his friend came back and invited him to move, yet he politely declined.




11.塚誌 :墓誌,誌,指標示。12.訖事:把是辦妥。訖,完結。常有“收訖”、“付訖”、“驗訖”之說。如在付款單據上加蓋“付訖”圖章,表示錢款已付。13.不禁此風雨:禁不住這番風雨。風雨,本處指王生這麽急著辦好事。14.好合:好事,指男女情事。




One night half month later, Wang dreamt a pretty girl at the age of nearly fifteen. They slept together. Waking up, he found he had a wet dream. He felt quite strange about it but just considered it as an accidental case. Next day he did the same thing nevertheless. Worse of all, he repeated the same case time and again the next tree or four nights.
Much astonished, Wang didn’t dare to put out the candle. Although lying on his back, he till heightened his vigilance. Just closing his eyes, he dreamt that the girl came again. But he waked up at a start just at moment he was going to be on intimate terms with her. Abruptly opening his eyes, he found the girl extremely beautiful as a goddess and had a feeling that she had already been in his arms.
Finding Wang had already woken up, the girl looked quite shy.
Although he knew she wasn’t human being, he still felt very happy. Without asking anything, he had sexual activities with her violently. The girl seemed to be unable to bear his violent actions.
“You’re so wild,” she said. “Be cautious not to frighten girls away in future.”
To be asked, the girl said, “My name is Qiuyue Wu. My father is a famous scholar and good at fortune-telling. I’m dearly loved by him. He said I couldn’t live long, so he didn’t help me choose a boy friend.” Rose said continuously. “I really died at the age of fifteen. I was buried to the east of the pavilion. He made my tomb level with the ground without any signs of grave except a stone standing beside my coffin. There are a few words on the stone saying: ‘My daughter Qiuyue. Buried without grave, she’ll marry Wang Ding thirty years later.’ Just thirty years have passed over ever since up to now. And you’ve come, too. I’m delighted and want to introduce myself to you. But I feel quite shy so make you have a dream.”
Wang was very happy and asked her for sexual activities. But she declined.
“I’m now still a ghost and lack of energy,” said Wu. “so I’m too feeble to do this sort of things. Besides, I’ve been longing for rebirth. We have more than enough time to be dear and near in future. What’s the need to hurry tonight?”
Wu left.
Next day, she came again talking, laughing and joking as ever before. They put out the candle and went to bed. Comparing with living people, Wu had nothing different. She still refused to have sexual activities with him. But when she got up, he would shoot a heavy load of nut-juice which made the bed sheet terribly stained.








One bright moonlit night, they had a walk in the compound.
“Are there any towns in the nether world?” Wang asked.
“Yes, same as this world,” Wu said. “But the nether towns weren’t located here. They were only three or four miles away. The people there take nights as days.”
“Our living people can see them?” he asked.
“Yes, of cause,” she replied.
Wang wanted to go and have a look. Wu promised to help him.
They set out immediately in the bluish moonlight. Drifting fast as wind, Wu did his best to follow her closely.
Suddenly stopping at a certain place, Wu said to him, “Not far from here.”
Scrutinizing a while, he didn’t see anything. Wu applied some spit of hers to his eyes. He felt his eyes clearer than before that he could see through the curtain of night like seeing things at daytime. Hid in a mist, some city walls were faintly visible. The people were busy on their way as if going to markets.
Suddenly, three or four people passed by who were escorted by two official attendants in black. The last one looked familiar as if he was his brother. Stepping up, he found it was really his brother.
“Why are you coming here?” he was frightened and asked his brother.
Meeting Wang here, his brother was greatly sorrowful with tears in eyes.
“I was forced to come here,” his brother told him. “I don’t know why.”
Wang burst into anger, saying, “My brother is a gentleman. Why do you truss him and force him to come here?”
Wang asked the attendants to treat his brother liberally and release him. The attendants in black not only refused his request but also showed a haughty manner.
Wang was very angry and wanted to argue with them. But his brother stopped him.
“They’re just carrying out instructions from the superior,” his brother said. “Their actions are completely legal.” His brother told him continuously, “They ask for bribes, but I don’t have enough money to meet their demand. Go back immediately and raise money.”
The two brothers cried bitterly in each other’s arms.
The attendants were very angry and malevolently pulled the rope binding his brother’s neck. His brother fell in a dead faint.
Flying into a rage, Wang pulled out a knife and had an attendant beheaded. The other attendant screamed and was beheaded, too.
Wu was astonished, saying, “Killed the official attendants! You can’t be forgiven. You’ll meet with disaster if you don’t take resolute measurements immediately. You must find a boat and go north. Don’t take off the funeral streamers from your door when you get home. Shut the door and stay at home in seven days. Then you’ll be safe.”
Wang took his brother and bought a boat at night and went north at top speed. Back at home, he found many people coming to express condolences on the death of his brother. Only at this moment, did he realize his brother had really died. He opened the door with a key and then took off the key and shut the door again, but he found his brother had disappeared. He entered the room and found his deceased brother had already waked up.
“We’re terrible hungry,” Wang shouted. “Please give us something to eat.”
Up to then, his brother had died for two days. The whole family was therefore scared to death when seeing his rebirth. Wang told the whole story to them. The door was opened and the funeral streamers were taken off seven days later. Kith and kin asked the details but they made false stories to deal with them.








Missing Wu Qiuyue, Wang couldn’t simply sit still. He went south again and stayed in the same hotel waiting for Wu in candle light. But Wu didn’t appear.
Just at the moment he would fall asleep, he dazedly saw a woman coming in.
“Wu Qiuyue asked me to give you a message,” the woman said. “The official attendants were murdered but the murderer escaped. Wu was therefore arrested and put into jail. She suffered from ill-treatment. She’s been looking forward to hearing from you. She wishes you would help her.”
With mingled feelings of sorrow and anger, Wang followed the woman. They came to a town and entered through the west gate.
The woman pointed to a small door and said, “Wu is here.”
Wang walked in and found a large room filled with a lot of prisoners. But he couldn’t find Wu. He was then ushered to a small cabin lit by a dim oil lamp. He peeped through the window and found Wu sitting on a bed and sorrowfully weeping with her face covered by her sleeves. Worse of all, he also found two attendants sitting beside her and teasing her with their hands rubbing her neck or feet. Wu was chocked with tears.
One of the attendants firmly grasped her neck, saying, “Now you’ve become a prisoner, what’s the need to keep chastity?”
On hearing this, Wang burst into anger and rushed in with a knife in hand and then without saying anything killed the two attendants one after another and finally dragged Wu outside. It was lucky no one saw them.
But, when they went back to the hotel, Wang suddenly waked up.
Just at the moment Wang began to feel frightened by the ominous dream, did he find Wu standing there with her eyes beaming with affection on him. Feeling greatly surprised, he got up immediately and pulled her down on the bed and told her about his dream.
“It’s true,” said Wu. “It’s not a dream.”
“Why?” asked Wang.
“We’re destined to experience these hardships and setbacks,” she told him. “According to the original plan, my rebirth is to begin at the end of the month. Now that our situation has developed to such an extent, no need to wait. You should open my grave immediately and take back my body. So long as you call me repeatedly, I’ll be restored to life within three days. But at the beginning, I’ll be rather weak so that I cannot help you keep house.”
Finishing her words, Wu was going to leave in a hurry. Yet, she turned back again.
“I’ve forgotten something important,” Wu said. “What can we do if the officials in the nether world send some attendants to trail us? When I was alive, my father once gave me a written talisman. He said I could get a husband thirty years later with its help.”
Then she wrote some talisman words on two pieces of paper.
“You keep one,” Wu told him, “and stick the other one on my back.”




1.誌其沒處:記住埋葬的地方。誌,記住。沒,死亡,湮沒(消失)。讀“莫”。2.大競:大作。 3.佞佛:信佛,迷信佛教。佞,迷信,讀“寧”第四聲。佞,最常見的意思是貶義的“奸佞”,即用花言巧語去獻媚的壞人。此外,也有褒義,如“不佞”,是舊時對自己的謙稱,其中的“佞”是“有才智”的意思。4.皈依:歸順,信奉。 皈依,原指佛教的入教儀式。後指虔誠地信奉佛教,或參加其它宗教組織。皈,讀“歸”。有時也與“歸”相同,因此也可以寫作“歸依”。




Wang dug where Wu was buried immediately after seeing her off. He really found a coffin underground nearly one foot deep. The coffin was already completely rotten and there was indeed a small stone tablet near her grave. In a word, everything was just as what she said.
Opening the coffin, he found her complexion rosy and soft as if she was still alive. He carried her body into the room but her dress came to nothing immediately after being exposed to the wind.
He stuck the written talisman onto her back and closely wrapped her body with a quilt and carried her to the river bank. He called over a boat and told the boat man that his sister was suddenly ill and he’s going to take her home.
Lucky enough, there was much wind that evening. They got home before dawn on the wings of the south wind.
Wang laid Wu on bed and then told his brother and sister-in-law. The whole family was astonished but no one dared to say any suspicion straightforward.
Taking off the quilt, Wang called Wu repeatedly. And every night, he slept with his arms holding Wu’s remains.
With her body becoming warmer and warmer, Wu was finally restored to life within three days and could walk within seven days. Putting on new dress, Wu went to see Wang’s brother and sister-in-law. With a graceful carriage, Wu looked simply like a goddess.
But she needed to be supported with other’s hands after walking ten steps away because she was still rather feeble. Otherwise, she could only stagger along with the wind as if she would fall down at any time. Yet, it seemed to others that the feebler Wu became the more beautiful she looked.
Some people often persuaded Wang into believing Buddha, saying: “You’re too sinful, so you should chant Buddhist ures, say your prayers and confess everyday. Or you won’t live long.”
Wang had never believed in Buddha before. But from then on, he began to believe in it piously.
And therefore the whole family was well.








Author’s Commentary:
I simply want to give an advice to the emperor asking him to make a law: Comparing with the ordinary criminals, whoever killing official attendants could have his punishment reduced by one-third. If so, I’m afraid all these people could be killed. Therefore, whoever killing the evil attendants could be considered good people abiding by the law. Even if beyond the limit more or less, their action cannot be considered running riot. And furthermore, there’re no fixed laws in nether world. If some evil doers are tortured by being sawed or fried in boiling oil, this cannot be considered too cruel. If Nether King can do whatever the ordinary people like, they can be considered doing good work. And if so, how can the evil doers run away from this world to the nether world to escape punishment?
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