

《宋氏快譯》英漢對照(40): 聖誕老人光顧3 4微秒

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《宋氏快譯》英漢對照(40): 聖誕老人光顧3 4微秒

Santa Claus is coming to town -- for 34 microseconds

03 December 2007 06:28
Stockholm, Sweden

聖誕老人光顧3 4微秒

瑞典斯德哥爾摩 -

Christmas is hectic for all but particularly for Santa, who must live in Kyrgyzstan and make his rounds at lightning speed if he is to deliver gifts to all the world's children on time, a Swedish consultancy has concluded.


Between Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, Santa Claus's route around the planet includes stops at 2,5-billion homes, assuming that children of all religions receive a present from the jolly man in the red suit, Anders Larsson of the engineering consultancy Sweco told Agence France-Presse.


"We estimated that there are 48 people per square kilometre on Earth, and 20m between each home. So if Santa leaves from Kyrgyzstan and travels against the Earth's rotation he has 48 hours to deliver all the presents," he said. "


Father Christmas has long been believed to reside at the North Pole, although a number of northern towns, including Finnish Rovaniemi, claim to be his true home.

雖然一些北部城鎮,其中包括芬蘭的Rovaniemi ,都聲稱他們那裏才是聖誕老人真正的家,但長期以來他卻一直被認為居住在北極。

But Sweco's report on Santa's most efficient route -- which takes into account factors like geographic density and the fewest detours -- shows that he wouldn't be able to make his round-the-world trip from there in time.

但Sweco關於聖誕老人最有效途徑的報告 - 其中考慮到諸如如地理密度和最少彎路之類的因素 - 表明他來不及從那裏出發做環球之旅。

"He has 34 microseconds at each stop" to slide down the chimney, drop off the presents, nibble on his cookies and milk and hop back on his sleigh, Larsson said.


Santa's reindeer must travel at a speed of 5 800 kilometres per second to make the trip on time.


Another report circulating on the internet suggested however that Santa's sleigh, weighed down with presents and travelling at supersonic speed, would encounter such massive air resistance that the entire contraption would burst into flames and be vaporised within 4,26 thousandths of a second.

流傳於互聯網的另一份報告顯示,聖誕老人那輛裝滿禮物,以超音速的速度去周遊世界的雪橇,將會遇到巨大的空氣阻力,從而導致那個奇妙的玩意兒(指雪橇 – 譯者注)整個起火燃燒,並在42萬6千分之一秒的時間內蒸發。


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