


(2007-11-29 05:06:43) 下一個
紅玉 (狐媒俠肝義膽)聊齋故事係列四合一(原著-注釋-白話-英譯)





1.諸生:明清時期經考試錄取而進入府、州、縣各級學校學習的生員。生員有增生、附生、廩生、例生等,統稱諸生。2.方鯁:性情方正耿直。鯁,讀“耿”。 3. 屢空:經常貧窮。語出《論語。先進》:“回也其庶乎,屢空。”4. 井臼:從井裏打水,在石臼裏舂米。比喻家務。5.自專:自作主張。6.耦:兩人並排行走耕地。此處音義皆同“偶”,配偶。7.俟:等待。讀“四”。8.高其價;聘禮要價高。9.未售:沒有嫁出去。10.重啖之:多下聘禮來滿足對方要求。啖,讀“但”,原意為“吃”或“給別人吃”,本文借用後者,表示滿足對方要求。




Feng Xiangru and his father were all scholars. The father was nearly sixty. Although honest by nature, they were very poor. Worse of all, Feng’s mother and wife died within a short period.
One evening, sitting in the moon light, Feng suddenly found the girl of the east neighbor looking at him at the wall. The girl was very beautiful. Feng went near, she only smiled at him. He beckoned her over, but she neither came nor left.
Feng insisted on inviting her, she climbed over the wall with the help of a ladder. These two slept together in his room.
To be asked, she said, “I’m the daughter of your neighbor. My name is Red Jade.”
Feng was delighted and suggested they should be life-long companions. Red Jade agreed.
From then on, they were together every evening. This case secretly lasted about half year.
One evening, Feng’s father got up and heard a woman laughing and speaking in his son’s room. Peeping stealthily, he found a girl. Flying in a rage, he called Feng out.
“What a pretty mess you have done!” he scolded his son. “Why don’t you study hard? Why are you so loose in conduct?” The old man said continuously. “If someone knows, your reputation is ruined. Even if no one knows, but your life will be shortened!”
Kneeling down and weeping, Feng showed repentance. Then the old man scolded the girl, stern in voice and countenance.
“As a woman, you don’t follow the women’s moral standards,” said the old man. “You not only smeared the reputation of yourself but also defamed others. If this ill news goes out, it will insult not only my family but also yours.”
After finishing his scolding, the old man angrily went to sleep.
“I’m rebuked by your father. I really feel ashamed!” the girl said in tears. “Our relationship is doom to end up here!”
“I’m sorry I cannot decide and act on my own because of my father.” He said. “But, if you really love me, you should stick to our friendly relations even if you’re put to shame.”
But the girl sternly refused. Feng wept.
Red Jade dissuaded him from crying and comforted him, “We lack not only a go-between but also your father’s approval, so we can only keep a secret relationship. How can we keep a life-long relationship like this?” she told him. “There’s a good girl. You can marry her.”
Feng said he was too poor.
“Wait for me tomorrow night,” said Red Jade. “I’ll make you a plan.”
Next evening, the girl really came, and moreover, she had also brought him some money.
“Sixty miles away from here, there’s a Wu Village.” Red Jade told him. “There’s a girl of eighteen in a Wei family. The family always wants too much money, so she still remains unmarried. So long as you give her family a large amount of money, they will agree.”
Finishing her words, Red Jade has already left.








Taking a chance when his father wasn’t busy, Feng told this matter to the old man. He said to his father he wanted to go and have a look, but he didn’t have the gut to mention the money given by Red Jade.
Thinking his son had no money and taking this as a pretext, the old man didn’t agree. Feng tactfully persisted on going.
“I just want to have a try and see whether they agree,” said Feng.
The father finally agreed.
Borrowing a servant and a horse from neighborhood, Feng went to Wu Village.
The master of Wei Family was a farmer. Feng had a discussion with him. Learning Feng came from a distinguished family, and especially seeing the elegant appearance of Feng, the old man was very satisfied with him, but simultaneously afraid the young man would grudge paying much money. Finding that the old man just minced his words, Feng immediately realized his true intention and put the money onto a table.
Mrs. Wei was delighted and asked his neighbor as a go-between and then signed a marriage contract written in a large piece of red paper.
Feng went into another room and gave a kowtow to Mrs. Wei. The girl was standing together with her mother. Stealthily glancing at the girl, he found her dress was rather simple but her look was beaming and buoyant. He was delighted.
The old couple cordially entertained their son-in-law.
“You just go back home and wait. It’s unnecessary for you to come here to escort your bride to wedding,” said the old man. “I’ll take her to you whenever her wedding dress is well prepared.”
Back at home, Feng made his father a false report that the girl’s family only loved decent families and didn’t care about money. The old man was very happy.
On the very day fixed by Feng and his parents-in-law, the girl really came accompanied by her father.
The girl was not only able and virtuous but also industrious and thrifty in running their home. The young couple was congenial in feelings and interests. Two years later, they got a lovely baby-boy named Happiness.
One day, on her way back home from the tomb of her late mother-in-law. Feng’s wife met a rich man named Song. This guy was a bad higher official running amuck everywhere. He found Feng’s wife a true beauty and became infatuated with her at once. Song learnt from the villagers that she was Feng’s wife. Now that Feng was very poor, he thought he could easily buy his wife with a large amount of money. Then he sent a servant to Feng’s home to give a massage to the family.
Suddenly learning this sort of things, Feng was very angry. But thinking better of it, he was no match for Song. Feng tried hard to hold back his anger and made smiles to pacify the servant. But his father was beside himself with rage and sternly abused the servant who ran widely like a cornered rat.
Flaring up, Song sent his running dogs to Feng’s home. Feng and his father were given a good beating. A hell of mess was made in the family. Scared to death, Feng’s wife left her son on bed and ran out. With her hair hanging down loosely, she hoarsely cried for help. But at last, she was dragged away by the running dogs.
Badly wounded, the father and son were bitterly groaning on the ground. And the little baby was crying in the bedroom. Taking pity on the poor family, the neighbors supported them onto their bed.
Several days later, Feng could stand up and walk with a stick. But the old man was too angry to eat anything and shortly died of blood vomiting.
Sorrowfully crying, Feng carried his son and went to sue Song. Busy running about, but he failed at last. Later on, learning his wife dauntlessly died, he was torn by sorrow and anger. Although burning with anger, he could do nothing. He often had the idea to kill Song. But he was afraid the bad guy had too many running dogs. Beside, he feared lest there would be no one to take care of his son. Racking his brain day and night, Feng felt uneasy even when eating and sleeping.








Suddenly, a man came to condole with Feng upon the death of his father and wife. The stranger had a broad jaw and a curly beard. He had no association with Feng. Hand in hand with the man, Feng urged him to sit down and wanted to ask his name.
“Your father was killed. Your wife was dragged away. So you have a deep-seated hatred,” said the man. “Don’t you forget to avenge their death upon the murderer?”
Doubting whether the stranger was a spy of the higher official Song, Feng had to pretend politeness and compliance.
The stranger flew in a rage and said, “I though you might be a gentleman of moral integrity. So you’re a vulgarian!”
Realizing that this man was quite different with others, Feng knelt down and dissuaded him from leaving.
“I’m really afraid Song’s running dogs will come to sound out my intention,” said Feng. “To tell the truth, I’ve long been thinking to avenge myself on the bad egg. But I’m anxious about my baby and dare not take reckless actions for fear the only successor of my family should be hurt. Since you’re a just gentleman, I’m willing to entrust my baby to you. Will you do me the favor if I die?”
“This is something for women. I can’t do it. You leave your baby to whom? It should be decided by you. The only thing I can do is to help you avenge yourself on that scoundrel.”
Hearing this, Feng was moved to tears of gratitude and knelt down immediately to give sound kowtows to the just stranger. The man walked out without saying anything. Feng hurriedly caught up with him asking his name.
“If fail, don’t blame me. If succeed, don’t praise me.”
After saying this, the man left. Feng escaped with his son for fear a disaster should befall them.
At night, Song’s whole family was fast asleep. Someone climbed over the walls and entered the bedroom and killed five people at one go, including Song, Song’s two sons, and a daughter-in-law and a maid.
Song’s family sued at law immediately. The judge was frightened. Song’s family asserted categorically that the murderer was Feng. The court sent people to catch Feng. But Feng had already fled and hid himself not leaving any traces. Feng thus seemed to be the true murderer. What was make-believe turned out to be true.
Song’s servants and the official attendants searched for Feng everywhere. In the evening, they came to the south mountains where they heard a baby crying. Feng was caught and driven forward with his arms tightly bound. His son cried loudly. They snatched over the little baby from Feng and threw him onto the ground. Feng was torn by sorrow and anger.
When they came to the court, the official asked Feng, “Why did you kill so many people?”
“You wronged an innocent person,” said Feng. “They died at night. But I ran away in daytime. Beside, I carried a crying baby. How could I climb over walls to kill people?”
“If you didn’t kill people, why did you run away?” asked the official.
Feng had nothing more to say without knowing how to justify his conduct. He was put into jail.
“Maybe my death isn’t worth mentioning,” cried Feng. “But what sort of faults did my baby commit?”
“They killed your baby only because you killed so many people.” The official said. “You have no reason to think I wronged you.”
The official ordered the attendants to tear off Feng’s clothes and put him to cruel torture. But Feng refused to plead guilty.
That night, immediately after going to bed, the official heard something loudly striking his bed. Terribly frightened, he screamed with fear. The family got up in a great panic. All members gathered and in candle light, found a sharp sword chopped into the bed half inch deep, too firmly to be pull off.
Seeing this, the official was scared to death. Weapons in hands, the servants carefully searched everywhere but found no trace to follow.
The official was secretly disappointed. But he thought there was no one worth being afraid of now that Song had already been killed. Then he submitted a report to the higher level and got rid of Feng’s charge of murder. Feng was finally released with a verdict of not guilty.




4.镵:讀“纏”,古代鐵質刨土工具。5.封家:收到帝王賜封的人家。古代帝王把爵位,甚至連同土地或稱號賜給下臣,這叫封。6.廣文:學官。7。巾服尚未複:秀才的資格還沒有恢複。巾服,秀才的服裝。這裏指被罷免的秀才的資格。8。鄉薦:. 由州縣薦舉去應試進士。




Back at home, lonely facing walls, Feng had nothing to eat. Thanks to the help of his neighbors, he eked out a living. Now that he had already avenged his father’s death upon the murderer, he felt gratified at the result. But thinking of the disaster which nearly destroyed his whole family, he felt greatly sorrowful with tears streaming out. He would be chocked with tears in his empty room with no one at his side whenever thinking of his bleak prospects: he would be as poor as a church mouse and he couldn’t go down to posterity.
Half year passed over and the situation turned tranquil. Feng found and buried his wife’s body with the help of the official. After funeral, he felt too sorrowful to live any longer.
One night, someone was knocking at the door. Carefully listening, Feng heard the knocker whispering with a little boy. Getting up hurriedly and peeping through the keyhole, he found the knocker seemed to be a woman.
Immediately after he opened the door, the knocker asked, “You’ve avenged yourself on the bad egg. Everything’s O.K.?”
The voice was quite familiar but Feng, in haste, couldn’t remember who she was. Looking at her carefully in candle light, he found it was Red Jad!And the little boy was laughing and playing merrily beside her. Feng wanted to ask him something, but before he could open his mouth, the boy had started crying with his hands firmly holding Red Jade.
Red Jade felt heartbroken and pushed the boy forward.
“You’ve forgotten your father, have you?” Red Jade asked the boy.
Firmly holding her dress, the boy was gazing at Feng with sparkling eyes.
Scrutinizing, Feng found the boy was his son, Happiness. He was greatly surprised and burst into tears.
“How do you come here?” he asked his son.
“To tell the truth,” Red Jade said. “In the past, I told you I was your neighbor. That’s not true. In fact, I’m a fox.” She told him. “That night, I passed by the mountain area and found your baby crying at the foot of a hill. I took him home and looked after him for you. Learning you’ve survived the disaster, I bring him here for you to have a family reunion.”
Feng thanked her in tears. Snuggling up to Red Jade as if she was his mother, the boy Happiness should be unable to recognize his father.
Red Jade got up before daybreak and wanted to leave. Feng knelt down at bedside and couldn’t help weeping grievously.
“I’m cheating you,” said Red Jade. “How can I have the heart to leave you? I know you badly need someone to help you rebuild a new family. ”
From then on, Red Jade did her best to help Feng look after household affairs. Industrious and thrifty in running his home, she was just like a man. Feng was much anxious whenever thinking he was too poor to rely on his own.
“You may simply study hard. Nothing for you to worry about,” she said continuously. “It’s unnecessary for you to ask me about profit and loss. I can ensure enough food and clothing for you lest you should die of hunger or cold.”
Roughly half year later, there was some improvement in the family which gradually became better and better as if a dead man had been brought back to life. Especially after Feng gained position and fortune, they began to live a happy life.
There were two things to make the neighbors surprised. Firstly, this poor family should be changed so profoundly with the help of this mystical woman. Secondly, Red Jade said she was twenty-eight, but she seemed to be eighteen. And though working hard and undergoing hot summers and cold winters, her skin was still delicate as that of young girls.
These people looked at things just on the surface without going deep, so they didn’t know she was a fox.








Author’s Commentary:
The son is a youth of prominent personage; the father is a man of high morality. Therefore, they got a chivalrous repay. Not only the human beings are chivalrous but the fox is chivalrous, too. And moreover, their meeting is also a miracle! While deciding the case, the official’s behavior is too preposterous. But he wasn’t wounded that night when they found a sharp sword chopped into the bed half inch deep, too firmly to be pull off. If Zimei Su ( a famous writer of Song Dynasty) read my story, he would say while drinking wine: “What a pity! The sword didn’t hit the stupid official in the bed.”
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