


(2007-11-22 10:31:24) 下一個

Sanctuary of Rome's 'founder' revealed


美聯社阿裏爾朱 文 宋德利 譯

ROME - Archaeologists on Tuesday unveiled an underground grotto believed to have been revered by ancient Romans as the place where a wolf nursed the city's legendary founder Romulus and his twin brother Remus.

羅馬 - 考古學家周二揭開一個地下石窟神秘的麵紗,據信這就是一直被古羅馬人尊崇為一頭狼哺育該城傳奇締造者羅慕洛斯及其孿生兄弟樂姆斯的聖地。

Decorated with seashells and colored marble, the vaulted sanctuary is buried 52 feet inside the Palatine hill, the palatial center of power in imperial Rome, the archaeologists said at a news conference.


sanctuary ,聖地,聖殿;避難所。根據傳說中故事的意思,我選用“避難所”一解。Palatine hill,巴勒登丘,古羅馬七丘之一。

In the past two years, experts have been probing the space with endoscopes and laser scanners, fearing that the fragile grotto, already partially caved-in, would not survive a full-scale dig, said Giorgio Croci, an engineer who worked on the site.


The archaeologists are convinced that they have found the place of worship where Romans believed a she-wolf suckled Romulus and Remus , the twin sons of the god of war Mars who were abandoned in a basket and left adrift on the Tiber.


Thanks to the wolf, a symbol of Rome to this day, the twins survived, and Romulus founded the city, becoming its first king after killing Remus in a power struggle.

多虧這條狼,至今仍被視為羅馬一種象征的這對孿生兄弟才得以存活下來,也正是這個羅慕洛斯在一次權勢爭鬥中殺害了自己的孿生兄弟樂姆斯之後,才創建了這座 城市,成為第一位君主。

Ancient texts say the grotto known as the "Lupercale"_ from "lupa," Latin for she-wolf — was near the palace of Augustus, Rome's first emperor, who was said to have restored it, and was decorated with a white eagle .

古代文獻說,該石窟被稱為“拉珀凱勒 lupercale ” ,此字來源於拉丁語“ lupa ” ,意思是母狼 - 這裏距離羅馬第一位君主奧古斯都的宮殿不遠,據說後來重新修葺石窟的人正是他,而且還以一隻白鷹做裝飾物。

That symbol of the Roman Empire was found atop the sanctuary's vault, which lies just below the ruins of the palace built by Augustus, said Irene Iacopi, the archaeologist in charge of the Palatine and the nearby Roman Forum .


Augustus, who ruled from the late 1st century B.C. to his death in the year 14, was keen on being close to the places of Rome's mythical foundation and used the city's religious traditions to bolster his hold on power, Iacopi said.


"The Lupercale must have had an important role in Augustus' policies," she said. "He saw himself as a new Romulus."

“拉珀凱勒石窟在奧古斯都的政策中必然起到一種十分重要的作用,”她說。 “他將自己視為一位新生的羅慕洛斯。”

new Romulus,新的羅慕洛斯。根據其受哺母狼才得以新生的傳說,羅慕洛斯自然會認為自己是獲得第二次生命,亦即再生的羅慕洛斯,因此翻譯成“新生的”比“新的”更貼切。

Andrea Carandini, a professor of archaeology at Rome's La Sapienza University and an expert on the Palatine, said the grotto is almost certainly the "Lupercale."


"The chances that it's not are minimal," said Carandini, who did not take part in the dig. "It's one of the greatest discoveries ever made."

“這種機率並非微不足道,” 未參加發掘的卡蘭迪尼說。“這是至今為止最偉大的發現之一” 。

Most of the sanctuary is filled with earth, but laser scans allowed experts to estimate that the circular structure has a height of 26 feet and a diameter of 24 feet, Croci said.

避難所的大部分都已被土填滿,但激光掃描卻使專家得以估計,這一環形結構的建築物高26英尺,直徑24英尺, 工程師科洛西說。

Archaeologists at the news conference were divided on how to gain access to the "Lupercale." .Iacopi said a new dig would start soon to find the grotto's original entrance at the bottom of the hill. Carandini suggested enlarging the hole at the top through which probes have been lowered so far, saying that burrowing at the base of the hill could disturb the foundations of other ruins.


Carandini suggested一句實在太長,不如分開說,saying之後,其實也是suggested建議的內容。作者之所以采用這種句式,似乎也是考慮到建議的內容太多,如果和前年的內容並列說,句子勢必太長,因此才分開說。既然他可以分開說,譯者為何不可以分開譯呢?幹脆,比他還自由,把saying之後的成分摘下來,單獨成句,即使主語出現重複,但讀起來卻順暢得多。得大於失,何樂而不為?

The Palatine is honeycombed with palaces and other ancient monuments, from the 8th-century B.C. remains of Rome's first fledgling huts to a medieval fortress and Renaissance villas. But the remains are fragile and plagued by collapses, leaving more than half of the hill, including Augustus' palace, closed to the public.


Culture Minister Francesco Rutelli said the first area to benefit from an extensive, $17.5 million restoration of the hills' ruins will be Augustus' palace, scheduled to reopen in February after being closed for decades.



奧古斯都(Augustus),原名Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus,有漢譯簡稱屋大維,公元前63年9月23日—公元14年8月19日,是羅馬帝國的開國君主,統治羅馬長達43年。公元14年8月,在他去世後,羅馬元老院決定將他列入“神”的行列,並且將8月稱為“奧古斯都”月,這也是歐洲語文中8月(英語為August)的來源。

一般認為屋大維是最偉大的羅馬皇帝之一。雖然他保持了羅馬共和的表麵形式,但是卻作為一位獨裁者,統治羅馬長達四十年以上。他結束了一個世紀的內戰,使羅馬帝國進入了相當長一段和平、繁榮的輝煌時期。曆史學家通常以他的頭銜“奧古斯都烏斯”(“尊崇”的意思)來稱呼他,這個稱號是他在公元前27年的時候獲得的, 那時他36歲。


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