


(2007-11-18 22:55:20) 下一個








Zhu Erdan of Ling Yang County, An Hui Province had an unbridled character but was slow of understanding, and especially short of the ability in creative-writing. Although studied hard but he still couldn’t make a remarkable achievement.
One day, the local literary world held a party. Someone made fun of him.
“You’re famed for your fearless.” The man said. “If you dare to go into the temple at midnight and carry the judge god statue back here, we’ll let you have a good drink.”
There was a famous temple with many wooden statues for all kinds of gods and demons. The statues were carved to life. In the east wing-hall, there existed a standing statue of judge god with most fiendish looks, face green and beard red. It was said that something like the sound of torturing was often heard there at midnight. Whoever entered the hall would feel his hair standing on end. So his friend pressed Zhu to go there.
Smilingly rising to his feet, Zhu readily went. Shortly, there came his voice from outside the room.
“I’m coming together with the judge god.” Zhu cried out.
Hearing his voice, all of his friends stood up immediately. A minute later, Zhu entered the room with the statue on his back. Putting the statue onto a table, he sprinkled three cups of wine onto the ground as sacrifices to the judge god.
Seeing this, his friends terribly shivered and asked him to take the statue away. Zhu sprinkled another cup of wine onto the ground.
“My friends are too crazy. Please forgive them for their impoliteness,” Zhu said to the statue. “The distance between us is not far. You should often come here for some drink. You’d better discard the barrier between human beings and gods.”
Then, Zhu carried the statue back to the temple.








Next day, they had a party as usual. Zhu was indeed asked to carry the statue back again.
At dusk, Zhu came home, only half-drunk. Because of not returning in perfect content, he had a drink again alone in lamplight.
Lifting the door screen, a man suddenly came in. Looking up, Zhu found the judge god coming.
Hurriedly rising to his feet, Zhu said, “I’ve been waiting for death!” said Zhu continuously. “I defended you last night. Do you come to kill me?”
Opening his bearded mouth, the judge god smilingly said, “No. It’s very kind of you to warmly invite me to come again. This evening I’m free and therefore come here to keep an appointment.”
Wild with joy, Zhu pulled his dress and urged him to sit down and then went away washing tableware and making a fire to warm wine.
“It’s warm today,” said the judge god. “I can have a cold drink.”
Acting accordingly, Zhu put the wine bottle onto the table and went out to ask his family to prepare a meal and some fruits.
Hearing his words, his wife was terribly frightened and dissuaded him from going out. Refusing to listen to his wife, Zhu stood in the kitchen waiting for the meal. When the meal was well prepared, he came out carrying delicious food and good wine in a tray.
Only after drinking for sometime did Zhu begin to ask the judge god’s name.
“I only have a last name Lu, but no first name,” said the judge god.
While talking about the classics, the judge god was simply omniscient.
“Do you know how to compose articles for taking entrance examinations?”
“Of course I do,” said the judge god. “I can tell fine articles from bad ones. Writing skill of nether world is nearly the same as that of this world.”
The judge god Lu had ten cups of wine in a stretch without being drunk at all. But, because of drinking the whole day, Zhu became dead drunk and bended over a table and fell asleep quickly. When waking up, he found the guest had already left.








From then on, the judge god came every other two or three days. Their mutual relationship became deeper and deeper with every passing day. Sometimes, they lay in a same bed with their foot soles pressing close to each other.
Zhu often showed his articles to the judge god who would amend them carefully with a red pen, but always said the articles were not good enough.
One evening, Zhu was drunk and went to sleep first, while the judge god still had a drink alone.
Zhu, in his dream, felt lightly painful in his internal organs. Waking up, he found that the judge god, sternly sitting before his bed, had already cut his belly open and taken out his internal organs which he was carefully arranging them in order.
On seeing this, Zhu was startled.
“We’ve no malice and rancor with each other. Why do you kill me?” Zhu asked.
“Don’t be afraid,” said the judge god. “I’m replacing your old heart with a new clever one.”
The judge god put in his bowels, closed his body and wrapped his waist with a piece of cloth. Finishing all these, he made sure that no blood stains exited in the bed.
Feeling slightly numb in his waist, Zhu opened his eyes and found the judge god put a lump of flesh onto the table and asked.
“That’s your heart,” said the judge god. “All blood vessels in your heart were blocked. That’s the reason you cannot compose good articles. I chose you a good one from among thousands of thousands hearts in the nether world. I’ve already replaced your old heart with this new one and put the old one on the table to fill up any possible vacancy in the future.”
The judge stood up and left with the door closed.
At day break, Zhu untied the cloth and found the wound already healed up with only a thread- shaped red mark. From then on, his creative writing were greatly improved. Moreover, while reading, he had an extraordinary memory simply without forgetting anything after glancing over the books.
A few days later, Zhu showed his articles to the judge god again.
“O.K.” said the judge god. “But your happy lot is small. You cannot be a VIP. You can only pass the examination at the local level and become a well-known personage of local ranks.”
“No problem,” said Zhu “That’s enough. But when?”
“This year.”
Shortly, Zhu really passed the Autumn-term examination at the local level.
His friends used to deride him, but this unexpected news gave them quite a jolt. Especially on reading his article, they felt hard to believe. To be asked, Zhu told them the whole story.
His friends wanted to see the judge god and asked Zhu to make an introduction before hand. The judge god agreed.
They prepared a hearty banquet and waited for the judge god.
The judge god came at the first watch of the night. Seeing his red beard and sparkling eyes, they were frightened with teeth knocking constantly and left one after another.






朱爾旦帶著陸判官回家飲酒,等喝的醉醺醺的時候,朱爾旦說:“洗腸刮胃,領受你的恩賜已經夠多了。不過還有一事想麻煩你,不知行不行?”陸判官讓他說出來。朱爾旦說:“心腸可換,麵目想必也可以更換。我老婆,也就是我的原配夫人,下半截身子還不錯,可就是臉蛋不太俊。還想麻煩你幫她整整容,怎麽樣?”陸判官笑著說:“行,可你得容我慢慢想辦法。”過幾天,判官半夜來敲門。朱爾旦急忙起身把他領進屋。用蠟燭一照,隻見他衣襟裏裹著一個東西。問他,他說:“你從前不是托付我嗎,還真難找。剛剛弄到一個美人頭,特來照你的話辦事。”朱爾旦撥開一看,脖子上有血,還挺熱乎。陸判官立刻催他急忙進家,還囑咐說別驚雞鴨貓狗。朱爾旦擔心妻子房間反鎖著門門進不去。陸判官來到,用一手推,門就自動開了。朱爾旦急忙把判官領進臥室,見夫人正側身睡覺。陸判官把人頭交給朱爾旦抱著;他自己從靴子裏拔出一把如同匕首一樣的刀,按著夫人的脖子,用力一劃,就像切豆腐,迎刃而解,頭即刻落在枕邊;然後急忙從朱爾旦懷裏取美人投,安在脖子上,仔細審視,看看已經端端正正,再那麽一按。完事之後把枕頭拉過來,塞在肩 膀低下,讓朱爾旦把他妻子的頭埋在僻靜的地方,而後就走了。朱爾旦妻子醒後,覺得脖子那兒有點發麻,兩腮鱗甲雜錯;搓一搓,血嘎巴一片一片直往下掉,非常害怕。就叫婢女打水來盥洗;婢女見她臉上血跡斑斑,非常狼藉,簡直嚇死了。洗過之後,盆裏的水都是紅的。一抬頭,早已麵目皆非,又把她嚇了一大跳。夫人也拿起鏡子自己照,結果是驚愕至極,不能理解。朱爾旦進來告訴她;她就反複仔細端詳自己,隻見眉毛長長的,連鬢角都遮住了,笑的時候嘴邊有兩隻酒窩,美得簡直是畫中人。解開衣領查看,發現有一圈紅線,上下肉的顏色,截然不同。


Zhu took the judge god back home and had a drink with him. When lightly drunk, Zhu said to the judge god, “You washed my bowels and gave me a new heart. I’ve already greatly benefited from you. But I still have a problem and want to ask you to resolve it for me. I wonder if you would mind helping me.”
The judge god asked. And Zhu said, “Since a heart can be replaced, I think an appearance can certainly be replaced, too.” He said continuously. “The lower part of my wife is rather elegant. Only her face isn’t beautiful enough. I’d like to ask you for a surgery. It’s all right?”
The judge god said smilingly, “O.K. Let me think it over before I give you an answer.”
One midnight several days later, the judge god came and knocked at the door. Zhu got up immediately and let him in.
In candle light, Zhu found the judge god had something wrapped with his clothes.
To be asked, the judge god replied, “According to your request, I’d been looking for a proper object. After an arduous search, I finally found the head of a beautiful woman. I come here to let you know.”
Unwrapped the god’s cloth and had a look, Zhu found the blood of the head was still wet. The judge god urged Zhu to lead him into his wife’s room at once without disturbing anyone. Zhu was afraid the door might be locked from inside. The judge god gave only a sight push, the door was opened.
Entering her bedroom, they found Zhu’s wife lie and sleep on her side. Passing the new head to Zhu and taking out a knife from his boot, the judge god pressed his wife’s head and cut it off as if cutting soft mud.
With the head falling down onto the bed beside her pillow, the judge god took over the new head from Zhu’s hands and joined it to his wife’s neck. To be sure there was no slanting, he gave a press and moved a pillow to her shoulder to support the new head. Asking Zhu to bury her wife’s head and await silently, the judge god left.
Waking up, Zhu’s wife felt a slight numb in her neck and found something like fish scales in her face. Rubbing there, she had some blood scabs falling into her hand. She was scared to death.
She asked her maid to wash for her. Seeing her ugly face stained with blood, the maid was terribly frightened, too. After washing, the washbasin was full of red water. When she raised her head, they found a completely different face and therefore became much more frightened.
Looking into the mirror, even she herself found her face unrecognizable. Deadly astonished, she just couldn’t understand all these strange things.
Coming into the bed room and telling her all the truth, Zhu carefully scrutinized his wife and found she had already become a beautiful woman. With long brows reaching her temples and charming dimples appearing below her cheeks while smiling, his wife was simply a beauty in painting. Untied the collar, she found a thread-shaped red mark winding her neck and an obvious difference between the colors above and below the red thread.








Not long ago, there was a higher official Mr. Wu who had a beautiful young girl. All of her two boy friends died before marriage, so she still remained single at the age of nineteen.
During Lantern Festival, she went out for sight-seeing. An evil man suddenly caught sight of her and became infatuated with her immediately. Finding out her address, the bad guy went to her home at night. With the help of a ladder, he climbed into her home. Stealthily pushing the door open, he killed the maid and forced the girl to have sexual activities with him. But the girl sternly rebuffed him.
With humiliation, the evil man flew into a rage and had the girl beheaded.
Hearing some noises, the old lady asked her servant to go and have a look. Seeing the two dead bodies of the girl and the maid, the servant was terribly scared. Then all the family members got up immediately.
Laying the girl’s body in the hall with her head beside her neck, the whole family cried and cried. They didn’t go to sleep the whole night.
After day break, the old lady took off the sheeting and found the girl’s body still there but her head disappeared.
Mrs. Wu gave a good beating to her maids and servants and reproached them for being unable to carefully look after her girl’s body so that her daughter’s head was eaten by dogs.
The girl’s father, Mr.Wu, sued the murderer. The magistrate issued a time limit to catch the murderer. But the murderer was still at large though three months had passed over.
Later on, Mr. Wu gradually learned the thrilling tale about the head replacement of Zhu’s wife. With suspicion in mind, he asked his wife to go to Zhu’s home to have a look. Seeing Zhu’s wife, Mrs. Wu was frightened and ran back home at once and told Mr. Wu what she saw in Zhu’s home.
Hearing his wife’s words and facing his daughter’s dead body, Mr. Wu’s suspicion became stronger than before, but he didn’t know what to do next. Thinking Zhu maybe killed his daughter with foul means, he went to asked Zhu personally.
“My wife dreamed that her head was replaced with a new one. I don’t know why.” Zhu replied. “So you really wrong me when you say that I killed your daughter.”
The old man didn’t believe and sued Zhu. The magistrate asked Zhu’s family. All talked in the same vein with Hanks. The magistrate couldn’t make a decision.
Back at home, Zhu asked the judge god for scheme.
“It’s easy,” said the judge god. “Just let the girl tell the truth.”
At night, the girl said to her father in his dream, “I was killed by Yang Danian. It has nothing to do with Zhu.” The girl said continuously. “Because Zhu is not satisfied with his wife’s appearance, the judge god therefore replaced his wife’s head with mine. The present situation is that my body is dead, but my head is alive. Don’t hostile to each other.”
After awaking, he told his daughter’s words to his wife. But his wife said she made a same dream as he did. Then the old couple went to tell the magistrate all about their daughter’s words.
Through investigation, the magistrate found there was really a Yang Danian . They arrested Yang and tortured him. The evil man could do nothing but plead guilty.
The old man visited Zhu again and wanted to see his wife. The old couple took Zhu as their son-in-law and buried their daughter’s body together with the head of Zhu’s wife.








Zhu was constantly failed to pass the examinations for the next three times. And from then on, he became quite depressed
One evening, the judge god came and said to Zhu, “Your days are numbered.”
Asking how many days were left, Zhu was told only five days.
“Can you save me?” asked Zhu.
“We should submit ourselves to fate. How can we decide our lives privately? According to the viewpoint of the open-minded men, life or death, there’s only once throughout one’s life. What’s the need to be happy for life but sorrowful for death?”
Agreeing with the judge god, Zhu began to prepare a coffin and some funeral dress for himself. When the preparation was finished, he put on his funeral dress and died.
Next day, his wife bended her body over his coffin and cried. But suddenly, Zhu trippingly walked in. His wife was terribly scared.
“I’m really a ghost. But there’s no difference between my present and my past. I’m always worried about you and my son. I’ve no heart to part from you.”
His wife cried sorrowfully in a flood of tears. Zhu did his best to comfort her.
“People say there are some ways to restore the dying to life,” his wife said. “Since you have a soul, why don’t you restore yourself to life?”
“We can’t disobey the will of Heaven,” he said.
“What do you do in the nether world?” her wife asked him.
“The judge god recommended me a job to handle official documents.” He told her. “I enjoy formal official ranking. My life is quite comfortable.”
His wife wanted to asked more, but Zhu said, “The judge god came together me. You’d better prepare some wine and food for him.”
Zhu walked out. His wife made a good preparation accordingly. She found the sound of smiling and drinking in the room was loud and clear just as before his death. When she peeped through the window at midnight, the two already vanished.
From then on, Zhu came frequently. Sometimes, he stayed overnight at home not only expressing his deep feelings to his wife but also helping her to keep house. His son was only five years old. Whenever Zhu came, the little one would ask his father to carry him. When his son became seven or eight years old, Zhu began to teach him how to read and write.
Quite clever, his son was good at compositions at nine and went to the county school at fifteen. During all these years, he didn’t know that he had no father.
But afterwards, Zhu gradually estranged himself from his family. He came home only once in a while.
One evening, he came and told his wife, “I come to part forever.”
“Where to go?” his wife asked.
“God of Heaven appointed me the god of Mt. Hua,” he told his wife. “I’ll go on a long journey. The distance is too long, and my official business is too busy, so I can’t come again.”
The mother and the son firmly held him and sorrowfully cried.
“Don’t do like this!” Zhu comforted his wife. “Our son has already become an adult. Our living conditions are not so bad. They can support the family. Besides, it’s impossible to prevent a family from being separated forever!” Then he turned to his son Jr. Zhu, saying, “Do good all your life. You must never be unworthy of my hope. We’ll meet again ten years later.”
Zhu walked out without turning his head and never came back again.







At the age of twenty-five, Jr. Zhu was already promoted to be a higher official. He was under orders to offer sacrifices to Mt. Hua. When passing through Hua Yin County, he met a guard of honor of horses and wagons. Greatly surprised, Jr. Zhu scrutinized the man in the first wagon. It was his father! Getting off his wagon and kneeling down on the left side of the road, Jr.Zhu cried. His father pulled up his wagon.
“You enjoy a good reputation. I can die content.” Zhu said to his son.
Jr. Zhu kept kneeling there, but his father urged the horse to run fast without turning his head. The horse ran for a while, Zhu turned his head and looked at his beloved son. He then took out a knife and asked someone to give it to Jr. Zhu.
Zhu said to his son far from a long distance, “You should treasure the knife.”
Jr. Zhu was going to follow his father. But his father and the guard of honor already drifted away like wind and vanished in a twinkle.
Sorrowfully standing for a long time, Jr. Zhu took out the knife and found it was delicately made. Especially, a line of words were carved on the handle, “Be resolute in action. Be careful in thinking. Be flexible in plan. Be honest in behavior.”
Later on, Jr. Zhu was promoted to the ranks of Sima, the name of a high position enabling him to command the country’s armed forced. He had five sons: Chen, Qian, Wu, Hun and Shen. One evening, all of them had a same dream in which their father said: “The knife should be given to Hun.” They acted accordingly. Hun was threreafter promoted to be Zongxian, the name of a high rank of minister. With great achievements in his official career, people warmly chanted the praises to his moral excellence.








Author’s Commentary:
A crane has two long legs, you can’t cut them short; an egret has two short legs, you can’t elongate them. Otherwise, your action would be thought absurd. As far as graft is concerned, it can be thought something of originality. As for cutting human’s internal organs, particularly cutting down a human’s head and changing a new one, they should be considered miracles! The judge god Lu was really a man with an ugly appearance but a good heart. The period between Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty isn’t very long. But the statue of the judge god Lu still exists? It can still make its power easy to feel? I’m willing to be his servant and drive a cart for him with a whip in my hand because I admire him very much for his fine qualities.

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