


(2007-11-10 20:02:12) 下一個



王太常*,越*人。總角*時,晝臥榻上。忽陰晦,巨霆暴作,一物大於貓,來伏身下,展轉不離。移時晴霽,物即徑出。視之非貓,始怖,隔房呼兄。兄聞,喜曰:“弟必大貴,此狐來避雷霆劫也。”後果少年登進士,以縣令入為侍禦。 生一子名元豐,絕癡,十六歲不能知牝牡*,因而鄉黨無於為婚。王憂之。適有婦人率少女登門,自請為婦。視其女,嫣然展笑,真仙品也。喜問姓名。自言:“虞氏。女小翠,年二八矣。”與議聘金。曰:“是從我糠覈*不得飽,一旦置身廣廈,役婢仆,厭*膏梁,彼意適,我願慰矣,豈賣菜也而索直乎!”夫人大悅,優厚之。婦即命女拜王及夫人,囑曰:“此爾翁姑,奉侍宜謹。我大忙,且去,三數日當複來。”王命仆馬送之,婦言:“裏巷不遠,無煩多事。”遂出門去。 小翠殊不悲戀,便即奩中翻取花樣。夫人亦愛樂之。


1.太常:也叫侍禦宮廷中負責祭祀禮樂的官員。2.越:今浙江一帶。3.總角:古時未成年人把頭發紮成角狀發髻,借指幼年。4.以縣令入為侍禦:從宮外的縣令入宮任侍禦。 侍禦,宮中高層司法官,負責檢舉彈劾贓官;有時受命執行辦案。5.牝牡:雌雄。鳥獸雌性稱牝,讀“貧”;雄性稱牡。此處代指人的性別。6.年二八:女子十六歲。7.糠覈:粗飯。覈,米的粗渣,讀“和”8.厭:吃飽。此處是“饜”,吃飽,滿足的意思,讀“厭”,但不是討厭的“厭”。9.奩:原指梳妝盒。讀“連”。此處指閨中箱匣等。


王太常,浙江人。小時候有一天,白天躺在床上。天忽然陰下來,霹靂一聲,一個比貓大的東西,進來臥在他身邊,膩膩歪歪不離開。片刻之後天晴起來,那東西就馬上出去了。見它不是貓,就感到很害怕,隔著房門喊哥哥。哥哥知道後,高興地說:“弟弟將來一定會當大官,那是狐狸來避雷劈的劫難。”王公後來果然少年得誌,考取進士,從宮外的縣令入宮當上了侍禦。 生一個兒子叫元豐,極其癡呆,十六歲還不知人分男女,因而鄉裏鄉親沒有人願意和他結親。王公為此非常苦惱。正好有一位婦人領著一個少女找上門,主動要求把女兒嫁給王家當媳婦。看那女孩,麵帶笑容,貌美如仙。王公滿心歡喜地問姓名。婦人說:“我家姓虞。女兒叫小翠,剛十六歲。”和她們商議聘禮。婦人說:“從前我家總是吃糠咽菜不得溫飽,一旦進入豪門,有婢女仆人伺候,好吃好喝管夠,對方滿意,我也心甘情願,如果要聘禮,這豈不是在賣菜!”王夫人非常高興,熱情款待。婦人就叫女兒拜見王公及夫人,囑咐說:“這就是你的公婆,要好好伺候。我太忙,先回去,三兩天再來。”王公派仆人用馬車送她,婦人說:“家裏離這兒不遠,不必麻煩了。”於是出門就走了。 小翠也不感到悲傷留戀,隨即從閨中箱盒裏取出花樣做起針線活。夫人非常喜歡她。


Wang from Zhejiang Province was a higher official in the emperial palace.
One day when he was a young boy, Wang was lying in bed in daytime. Suddenly, dark clouds gathered in the sky and accompanied by peals of thunder, a storm started swiftly. With a thunderclap, an animal, larger than a cat, came in and hid under his body. The animal just stayed there without any signs to leave.
Only after the thunderstorm finished, did the animal come out. Finding it wasn’t a cat, Wang became terrified and called his brother who was then in another room. Learning what’d happened, his brother was very happy.
“You’ll have good luck, bother.” He was told. “This is a fox. It came here to avoid the thunderbolt calamity.”
Later on, indeed very lucky, Wang was created a higher official from local county into the imperial palace. Yet the only pity was that he had a dull-witted son named Yuan Feng. The son was so foolish that at the age of sixteen, he even couldn’t distinguish male from female Therefore no one wanted to marry his daughter to him. Wang was very much anxious about it.
One day, a middle-aged lady came together with a young girl, saying she was willing to marry her daughter to Yuan Feng. .
Giving a charming smile, the girl was as beautiful as a fairy. Seeing this, Wang was delighted and asked their names.
“We come from Yu family,” the lady said. “My daughter Xiao Cui is fourteen.”
Being asked what sort of betrothal presents they wanted, the lady said, “Our family is very poor so we’re often underfed. But from now on, as a member of your rich family, my daughter won’t have to worry about food and clothing. So long as she is happy, my wish will come true. What’s the need to bargain as vegetable sellers?”
Hearing this, Wang’s wife was very happy and warmly entertained the guests. The lady asked her daughter to kowtow to Wang and his wife.
“They’re your parents-in-law. You should well attend on them.” the lady said to Xiao Cui. “I’m leaving now because I’m very busy. Three days later I’ll come again.”
Wang asked his servant to send her off. But she said, “It’s not very far. No need to bother you.”
After saying this, the lady left at once. Showing no sign of sorrow for the separation with her mother, the girl happily ransacked her dowry box instead. Wang’s wife beamed with joy on her new daughter-in-law.







Yet several days later, the lady didn’t come. To be asked, even the girl couldn’t make an explanation.
Wang let the girl live in another compound and then held a wedding ceremony for the young couple.
Learning they got a girl from a poor family and even married her as their son’s bride, many relatives laughed at them. But when they saw the bride, they were greatly surprised and various gossips finished automatically.
Xiao Cui was very clever so that she could understand the old lady by examining her words and watching her mood. The old couple loved her with extraordinarily profound feelings, but they were still in a nervous state being afraid the girl would detest their son’s dementia. Yet Xiao Cui was happy all the time without any sign of detestation.
The only problem was that she liked joking. She made a ball with colorful cloth and kicked it and laughed. Kicking the ball several decades of feet away, she would ask Yuan Feng to run and pick it up. This often made the boy and his maid wet with sweat.
Passing by on an occasion one day, Wang was struck directly in his face by the ball. Xiao Cui and the maid all left, but his son still chased the ball. Wang was very angry and threw a stone to his son who was hit and fell down onto the ground and cried.
Wang told his wife all about it. The old lady reproached their daughter-in-law. Bending her head and smiling, Xiao Cui only stroked her bed subconsciously. But after that, being simpleminded and straightforward, she acted as usual. Moreover, she even rouged Yuan Feng’s face so that he looked just like a ghost.
Seeing this, the old lady burst into anger and scolded Xiao Cui. But she wasn’t afraid at all only leaning against a table, playing with her cloth subconsciously and saying nothing. Unable to do anything about it, the old lady could not but beat Yuan Feng with a stick.
Yuan Feng cried loudly. Only at this moment, did Xiao Cui begin to change her expression and kneel down begging for mercy. Seeing this, with her anger vanishing immediately, the old lady threw the stick away and left.
Smilingly, she dragged Yuan Feng into their room, patted the dust off his coat, wiped the tears off his face, caressed the wound on his body and gave him some dates and chestnuts to eat. Yuan Feng couldn’t refrain from smiling through tears.
But after closing the door, she was joking again. Carefully dressing Yuan Feng, she made him look like a king. And she was just like a queen. This made the young couple very happy. And the room was filled with laughter all the time.
Considering his son’s dementia, Wang had no heart to blame his new daughter-in-law too seriously. Even if learning something about it, he still left things as they were.



1.給諫:官名。清朝隸屬都察院,負責檢舉,查處弊案。2。侍禦王:指王太常。 3.素不相能:向來不相容。4.三年大計吏:每三年對官吏考績一次。5.忌公握河南道篆:怕王公掌管河南道監察禦史大印。6.塚宰:官名,就是吏部尚書,掌管全國官吏的任免考選,是吏部的最高長官。唐宋是正三品,明代是正二品,清代為從一品。通常稱為天官、塚宰、太宰。7.虞候:宮中禁衛官,掌偵察、巡邏。後指富貴人家雇用的侍從。8.蹈我之瑕:找我的毛病,挑我的刺兒。9.讓:責備。10.寢:消食。



There was another higher official also named Wang who lived only several blocks away from Wang. These two Wangs were incompatible as fire and water. Deliberately, the second Wang had long been trying to find fault with Wang so as to defame him. Knowing this, Wang was always heavy-hearted.
One night, Wang went to bed early. Xiao Cui got into mischief again. She dressed herself a male higher official by putting on an official coat and sticking some silk on her jaw as bears, while dressed two maids as attendants.
Xiao Cui stealthily rode a horse, joking, “Let’s go to visit Mr. Wang.”
But, when they arrived at the second Wang’s gate, she said aloud to her servants, “We want to visit another Mr. Wang, not this one.”
In fact, her real purpose was to draw the attention of the second Wang.
When they were back at home, the doorman wrongly thought the higher official was visiting his master Wang,, namely Xiao Cui’s father-in-law, and hurriedly went to report. Firmly believing the report to be true, Wang came out to meet them without any delay. But he found this was just a joking of his daughter-in-law.
Filled with indignation, Wang said to his wife, “That Wang tries to find fault with me all the time.” He said continuously. “But our daughter-in-law did nothing to prevent it. And worse of all, she went to that Wang on her own initiative to cause me more trouble. My disaster’s coming near!”
Flying into a rage, the old lady went to Xiao Cui’s room and seriously scolded her. But Xiao Cui only smiled without saying anything.
If beating her, the old couple didn’t have the heart. If driving her out, she had no home to go. Not knowing what to do, they were very much annoyed and were sitting up all night.
On the other hand, the second Wang really believed a higher official went to visit his mortal enemy Wang because the makeup of Xiao Cui was very true to life. Secretly, he went to observe Wang’s gate time and again. Without seeing any higher officials coming out, he suspected that Wang and the higher official were making a plot to cause him trouble.
Next morning, the second Wang asked Wang, “A higher official paid a visit to you last night?”
Suspecting the second Wang was sneering at him, Wang felt quite ashamed and could do nothing but say yes in a low voice. Hearing Wang’s hem and haw, the second Wang became more doubtful than ever before so that he stopped plotting to frame up Wang anymore and instead tried his best to curry favor with him.
Learning the true story, Wang was very happy but secretly asked his wife to dissuade their daughter-in-law from doing the same foolish thing as before. Xiao Cui smilingly made a promise.


逾歲,首相*免,適有以私函致公者誤投給諫。給諫大喜,先托善公者往假*萬金,公拒之。給諫自詣公所。公覓巾袍並不可得;給諫伺候久,怒公慢,憤將行。忽見公子袞衣旒冕*,有女子自門內推之以出,大駭;已而笑撫之,脫其服冕而去。公急出,則客去遠。聞其故,驚顏如土,大哭曰:“此禍水*也!指日赤吾族矣!”與夫人操杖往。女已知之,闔扉任其詬厲。公怒,斧其門,女在內含笑而告之曰:“翁無煩怒。有新婦在,刀鋸斧鉞婦自受之,必不令貽害雙親。翁若此,是欲殺婦以滅口耶?”公乃止。給諫歸,果抗疏揭王不軌,袞冕作據。上驚驗之,其旒冕乃梁黠心所製,袍則敗布黃袱也。上怒其誣。又召元豐至,見其憨狀可掬,笑曰:“此可以作天子耶?”乃下之法司。給諫又訟公家有妖人,法司嚴詰臧獲,並言無他,惟顛婦癡兒日事戲笑,鄰裏亦無異詞。案乃定,以給諫充雲南軍。 王由是奇女。又以母久不至,意其非人,使夫人探詰之,女但笑不言。再複窮問,則掩口曰:“兒玉皇女,母不知耶?”




一年之後,塚宰被免職。有個人寫給王公一封私信,可是卻誤投給了王給諫。給諫非常高興,先托和王公關係好的人去找王公借萬兩黃金,王公拒絕了。給諫就親自前往王公的住處。王公立即尋找官服,可是很久也沒找到;王給諫等候多時不見王公出來,就對他的怠慢感到非常惱火,氣得他直想離開。可忽然看見公子穿戴帝王衣冠,有女子從門裏把他推出來,先是非常害怕;後來又笑著愛撫他,並脫掉他的衣冠離開。王公急忙出來,可是客人已經走遠了。知道原因後,驚嚇得麵色如土,大哭著說:“這個禍水呀!我一家人被砍頭的日子不遠了!”於是和夫人一起拿著棍棒去找小翠算賬。小翠已經知道,關起門來任由他們嚴加責罵。王公大怒,用斧頭砍門,小翠在裏麵含笑告訴他:“公公不要惱怒。有新媳婦在,刀鋸斧鉞媳婦自己承受,一定不會加害於雙親。公公如果這樣,是想殺媳婦滅口吧?”王公這才止住。給諫回去後,果然上疏檢舉王公的不法行為,以公子穿戴的帝王冠服作證據。皇上吃驚,要檢查,可是發現公子的皇冠是高梁秸稈的心做成的,龍袍則是破布和黃色的包袱皮做的。皇上發怒怪他誣告。又召見元豐,見他憨態可掬,笑著說:“這樣的人可以作天子嗎?”於是把王給諫交由司法處置。給諫又指控王公家有妖精,司法部門對奴婢嚴加盤問後,都沒有說別的,隻說有個大大咧咧的媳婦和傻兒子成天耍笑,鄰裏也沒有說別的。案子於是裁定下來,把王給諫發配雲南充軍。 王公從此對小翠感到很奇怪。又因為她母親久久不到,意識到她們不是人類,就讓夫人探聽盤問,小翠隻笑不說話。再反複盤問,就捂著嘴說:“兒媳婦是玉皇大帝的女兒,婆婆不知道嗎?”


One year later, a locale higher official was promoted again. Somebody wrote Wang a letter telling him the news. But by mistake, the letter mailed to the second Wang. After reading the letter, the second Wang thought that Wang will surely be able to share in that higher official. Feeling delighted, he wanted to curry favor with Wang again. He gave Wang bribes of ten thousand dollars with the help of one of Wang’s friends. But Wang refused.
Facing Wang’s refusal, the second Wang had to pay a visit personally. Learning the second Wang’s coming, Wang was hurriedly searching for a proper official suit to put on. But he didn’t find one. Awaiting Wang for a long time, the second Wang became very angry with Wang’s slow action and wanted to leave.
Just at this moment, the second Wang suddenly saw Wang’s son Yuan Feng was pushed out by a lady. And the son was wearing elegant imperial dress. Seeing a stranger, Yuan Feng was afraid at first, but then laughed and took off the imperial dress and walked away.
Wang came out but the second Wang already left. Learning the reasons, he was frightened and cried. Wang knew that if an ordinary people should have the gut to putt on the imperial suit, he would be considered to have committed a capital crime.
“This woman is really the bane of my life.” He said. “Our whole family will be finished very soon!”
With a stick in hand, he went to Xiao Cui’s room together with his wife. Learning their coming, Xiao Cui closed the door and let them scold her at will.
Exploding with anger, Wang chopped the door with an ax. Xiao Cui smilingly said in her room, “Don’t be worried. One must bear the consequences of his own acts. Now that I’m here, I can deal with all kinds of disasters so that not to do any harm to you. ” She said continuously. “If you kill me, you would make the false appearance to be seemingly true. And they would think you did away with a witness.”
Hearing her words, Wang stopped.
The second Wang made a report to the imperial court saying that Wang was plotting treason and that his son’s imperial dress could be taken as evidence. The Emperor was very angry and asked someone to collect the evidence. But they found the so-called imperial dress of Yuan Feng was made of ordinary yellow cloth and the ornaments were made of maize stalk.
The Emperor was angry with the second Wang’s sheer slanderous accusation and issued an order to call in Wang’s son. Seeing the funny appearance of the simple-minded but lovely young man, the Emperor asked, “He can be an emperor?”
And because of this, the Emperor demanded the Supreme Court to punish the second Want. Hating to be outdone, the second Wang brought another charge against Wang saying Wang hid an evildoer in his home. After a careful research, nothing was found but an unrestrained young lady and a foolish son laughing and joking all the time. And moreover, the neighbors took no dislike to them at all.
Finally, a judgment passed on this case, the second Wang was sent to exile. From then on, Wang began to have doubts about his daughter-in-law. Besides, her mother hadn’t appeared again for so long a time, he even thought she wasn’t human being. He requested his wife to ask Xiao Cui about this matter. Xiao Cui only smiled without saying anything. If to be asked again, with her hand covering her mouth, she would say, “I’m the daughter of Kind of Heaven. But I don’t know who my mother is.”








Shortly, Wang was promoted again. But he was quite unhappy because he still didn’t have any grandsons at the age of fifty.
Within a long period of three years, Xiao Cui always slept separately with Yuan Feng. It seemed that this young couple didn’t have any private things at all. The old lady urged her son to sleep together with his wife. But he told his mother his wife always refused him.
“Every night, Xiao Cui put her legs and bottom on my belly. I nearly lost my breath,” said Yuan Feng. “She often pinched my bottom.”
Hearing this, the old lady and the servants felt surprised.
One day, Xiao Cui was going to take a bath in the bathroom. Yuan Feng wanted to be with her. She smilingly stopped him and asked him to wait. Stepping out of the bath room some time later, she filled a large jar with hot water, took off her husband’s clothes and helped him into the jar.
Feeling extremely sultry, Yuan Feng shouted wanting to go out. Not listening to him, Xiao Cui covered him with a quilt. Shortly, he became silent. Taking off the quilt, they found him breathless.
Only smiling without being surprised, Xiao Cui dragged his husband onto the bed, wiped the water off his body and then covered him again with a quilt.
Learning this, the old lady ran into the room crying aloud.
“You mad woman! Why do you kill my son?” the old lady scolded her daughter-in-law.
Xiao Cui smilingly replied, “What a silly son! You’d better not to have him.”
Being angrier than ever before, the old lady hit Xiao Cui in her head. The maids immediately dragged her away dissuading her from being too sorrowful.
Just at the moment all people were clamoring, a maid cried out, “Yuan Feng is groaning!”
Touching her son with tears streaming down like raindrops, the old lady found her son lightly breathing with his sweat wetting the quilt. Shortly, he stopped sweating and opened his eyes and looked at the people around. He seemed to be unable to recognize any of them.
“Recalling the past, I feel everything is seemingly in a dream,” he asked. “Why?”
Finding her son wasn’t speaking nonsense, the old lady felt much astonished. She brought him to see his father. Testing time and again, they found Yuan Feng indeed was no longer foolish at all. The old couple were greatly excited as if acquiring something priceless.
In the evening, they let him sleep in the old place and had a careful observation. They found Yuan Feng went into the room readily and asked the maid to leave.
From then on, Yuan Feng never had a recurrence of his old illness. Moreover, the young couple lived in perfect harmony, inseparable as body and shadow.








One year later, Wang offended the second Wang’s friends. As a result, he was removed from office. In order to be restored to his original post, Wang was going to buy a certain higher official’s help by offering him a very precious jade vase.
Extremely liking the jade vase, Xiao Cui took it into her room and played with it, but she lost hold of the vase which fell down onto the ground and was broken into pieces. Feeling much ashamed, she went to the old couple acknowledging her fault.
Already unhappy enough because of Wang’s being removed from office, the old couple flew into a rage immediately after learning this and began to scold her, severe in voice and countenance.
“Don’t worry!” said Xiao Cui.
Without saying any more, she just waved her right hand to the broken vase. Strange enough, all the pieces flew up into her hand and turned into the original vase automatically.
“Here you are!” She handed the perfect vase to her mother-in-law.
The old lady was astonished.
Angrily went out, Xiao Cui said to Yuan Feng, “In your family, I saved not only a vase. Why didn’t they save a bit of my face?” she said continuously. “To tell the truth, I’m not human being. Long ago, my mother once suffered from a thunderbolt disaster. But thanks to your father’s help, she was saved. What’s more, you and me are destined to live together for five years. So I came here to repay your father for his kindness in order to realize my long-cherished wish. I’ve been scolded endlessly but I still live with you. The only reason why I don’t leave is that the five-year-time-limit for my love with you hasn’t finished. But today, it finished!”
Blazing with anger, Xiao Cui ran out. Yuan Feng tried to chase her but she already vanished. Greatly ashamed, Wang realized he had made a big mistake but was too late to make amends for what he did.
Going into his room and seeing whatever his wife left, Yuan Feng sorrowfully cried, cried and cried, and simply wanted to die. Uneasy even when eating and sleeping, he became thinner and thinner with every passing day.
Wang worried about his son and wanted to find him a new wife so as to preclude his sorrow. But Yuan Feng always felt gloomy. He could do nothing but ask a fine artist to draw him a portrait of Xiao Cui. And he’d kept praying for his wife before the portrait day and night for nearly two years.








One evening with a bright full moon in the sky, Yuan Feng was riding a horse on his way back home from somewhere else. Passing by the wall of a garden of his family located in the suburb, he heard some people speaking and laughing.
Stopping his horse and asking his servant to hold the reins for him. Yuan Feng stood on the saddle and had a look and found two girls playing there. Owing to the clouds, he couldn’t recognize them in the dim moon light.
He heard a girl in green saying, “You should be driven out of the garden!”
A girl in red said, “You’re in the garden of my family. But you want to drive others out!”
The girl in green answered back sarcastically, “What a shame! You couldn’t be someone’s wife and was driven out. But now you still pretend to be a member of that family and falsely claim the garden is yours.”
The girl in red retorted, “Anyway, I’m still better than you because even up to now, you still don’t have any family to rely on.”
According to her voice, Yuan Feng could recognize the girl in red was very like Xiao Cui. He called her immediately. The girl in green walked away saying, “I don’t want to argue with you. Your man has come!”
Shortly, the girl in red came to him. She was really Xiao Cui. Yuan Feng was beside himself with joy. Xiao Cui asked him to climb down the walls and helped him to set his feet onto the ground.
“We haven’t met each other for only two years, but you’ve already reduced to a mere skeleton!” she exclaimed.
Firmly holding her hands and sorrowfully weeping, Yuan Feng said to Xiao Cui, “I miss you terribly!”
“Yes, I know. But I feel too ashamed to see your family again.” She said. “Today my elder sister and I come here to have fun. I’m glad to meet you by chance. It fully shows that our destined relationship shouldn’t be finished.”
To be asked to go back home, she refused. To be asked to stay in the garden, she agreed.
Yuan Feng asked the servant to go back and make a report to the old lady.
Greatly surprised, the old lady got up quickly and hurriedly went to the garden. Immediately after arriving there, she opened the garden gate and rushed into the pavilion. Xiao Cui stepped up at once and made a salute to her mother-in-law. Holding Xiao Cui’s arms in a flood of tears, the old lady sincerely acknowledged her mistakes and simply wished to sink into the ground.
“If you can remove your previous ill will, you are welcome to go back home with me so that I can feel relieved in my remaining years,” said the old lady.
Xiao Cui firmly refused. Considering Xiao Cui would feel lonely in the deserted pavilion, the old lady was going to send more people to come here to serve her daughter-in-law.
“I don’t want to see too more people except for the two maids,” said Xiao Cui. “We once lived together every day. I have no heart not to take care of them. Besides, an old man is needed to be the door man. Others are not needed.”
Readily agreed to what her daughter-in-law said, the old lady asked Yuan Feng to live in the garden. Firstly he could recuperate from his illness; and secondly he could take care of his wife. Food and articles for daily use were offered abundantly.








Xiao Cui repeatedly persuaded Yuan Feng into marrying another girl, but he refused.
One year later, there was gradually much alteration in Xiao Cui’s appearance and voice. Compared with the portrait, the previous Xiao Cui and the present one were poles part, simply two different people.
Yuan Feng felt greatly astonished.
Xiao Cui said, “Compare my present appearance with the previous one, which one is beautiful?”
“You’re just over twenty.” He asked. “Why do you become old so quickly?”
She burned the portrait which reduced to ashes too swiftly to be saved.
One day, Xiao Cui said to Yuan Feng, “When I lived in your family before, your father said I could never be able to have a baby. Now your parents already became old and shaky. And you’re alone all by yourself. I’m really unable to have a baby. I’m afraid I may prevent you from going down to posterity. Please marry the girl of Yu family. She can carefully attend your parents day and night. And you can come and go between your new wife and me. It isn’t inconvenient at all for you.”
Agreeing with her, Yuan Feng immediately entrusted a matchmaker with the task of talking about betrothal with his parents. With the wedding day drawing nearer and nearer, Xiao Cui was busy making new dresses and shoes for the will-be newlyweds. After finishing, she sent them to the old lady.
When the bride entered the house, they were greatly astonished to find the girl was exactly the same as Xiao Cui without any differences at all, including speech, deportment and appearance.
When they went back to the garden, Xiao Cui had already vanished. To be asked, the maids showed them a piece of red silk kerchief.
“Xiao Cui went back home for a temporary visit,” said the maid. “She left this kerchief to Yuan Feng.”
Unfolding the kerchief, Yuan Feng found a jade tied to it. Knowing she wouldn’t come for ever, he went back with the maids.
Unable to forget Xiao Cui at any time, yet it was lucky for him to face the new beauty as if seeing the old beloved. Only at this moment, did he realize the true story of his second marriage. Before coming to Yuan Feng’s family with her mother, Xiao Cui had already foreseen Yuan Feng would marry the girl of Yu family and therefore changed her original face beforehand into a new one same as that of the girl Yu. In other words, at the very moment Xiao Cui entered Yuan Feng’s family, Xiao Cui already had the face of the girl Yu. The purpose of hers was to make Yuan Feng relieved from sorrow whenever missing her.







Author’s Commentary:
As a fox, Xiao Cui knew clearly that she should repay the unintentional kindness shown by Wang. But as a man who had got the kindness of rebirth, Wang made a hullabaloo even about a broken vase. How mean and shameless! Xiao Cui left easily at the very moment when her benefactor’s son got remarried as a half-moon got full. But at the end, she left for ever. Only at this moment, did the beneficiary realize that the feelings of a fairy were really deeper than that of the vulgarians!

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