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Hiiiiiiiiiiii! i know its been a while, but i'm back!
Here to talk to you about arTiStY things! Recently I have been very into watercolor. There is just one problem. I"M PAINTING WITH FRICKING CRAYOLA COLORS!!! They don't have half the stuff I need.
So then I have to mix my OWN colors. It's really hard. Harder than acrylics, bcuz the water dilutes the color, so you have to add more, and more and bleh. It's just too. much. dang. WORK! The results are worth it though. I'll have mommy put a picture of my most recent painting.
There is also this thing called, artist eye (I totally made that up). It's basically where you have been staring and staring and staring at this drawing for sooo long, so that everyone else sees a pretty little painting that looks really good, and all I see, is a scribble of a drawing, looking like it was drawn by a 3 year old with their nondominant hand. That's also annoying.
Some of my favorite mediums include, pen, graphite (aka pencil), colored pencil, alchohol marker, and watercolorrrrr. Those are all my favorites.
Honestly, anything can be art if you try hard enough. And if you aren't James Pollock.
Ending with a period, like always. (ok maybe another).............(too many).