落花飄零 (熱門博主)
  • 博客訪問:

I have nothing left in me, but I will make it

(2010-08-14 13:57:09) 下一個
這個月病房輪轉,從一開始就非常非常stressful,主治醫生近乎刻薄的嚴厲讓我每天如履薄冰。有一天早上查房的時候,我說完診療計劃以後,主治醫生不耐煩地說,What makes you think of that? 我的言語越來越蒼白,他沒有聽完就打斷了我,然後說了自己的意見。我埋頭寫會診意見,使勁不讓自己的沮喪湧上來。去看下一個病人的時候,我默默地走著,主治醫生似乎意識到了什麽,盡量想讓氣氛活躍一點,其實這時候我最需要的是一點點自己的時間讓情緒平靜下來,但是主治醫生不停地問這問那,然後他說,I feel bad that I make you feel bad.

我借著按電梯轉過身,不讓他看見我的臉。自從來到這個program,我的自信心受到了從所未有的挑戰,每天都振作起來,然後被打敗,然後再振作起來。這份職業,我全身心投入, 大半生的心血和青春年華,當有一天,發覺自己也許不能做到一個自己預期的好醫生,feel bad這樣的詞語遠遠不能形容那種痛苦。我沉默了一會,然後回頭微笑地跟他說,I always appreciate your teaching, don't feel bad. 但是查房結束後,我走在沒有人的通道裏,眼淚無法抑製地流下來。

每天看完病例以後晚上還要花大量時間看文獻,給自己提供evidence based support,這樣第二天查房的時候才能在主治醫生麵前defend自己。要impress這樣的主治醫生,唯一的辦法,就是比他更了解病人,比他看更多的文獻。

星期五是我和這個主治醫生最後一天,我把詳細的病人情況和治療計劃給了他和接手病房的下一個fellow,主治醫生給我email說: perfect, good job.

星期五晚上,是我們的date night, 我知道他計劃了很久,因為我們好久沒有好好出去吃飯看電影了。我下午因為我的research project開會,很晚才到家,匆匆換了衣服去吃飯,我向往了這個晚上很久了,但是坐在他精心挑選的餐廳裏,我卻困的眼睛也睜不開,他說我們不一定得去看電影,你要是累的話就回家休息吧。我心裏難受極了。我可以聽我的病人連著說半個小時無關緊要的家常,但是我的愛人,卻連一頓像樣的晚餐和電影都不能給他。

睡到半夜裏醒來,看了事先錄好卻一直沒機會看的Boston Med. 裏麵一個ER的住院醫生因為在code的時候沒能夠成功給病人插管,給自己和其他專科的主治醫生批評了。她一邊繼續走向下一個病人,一邊哽咽著說,I have nothing left in me, but I will make it.

醫學training的過程,就是硬生生地將一個人的個性自尊毫不留情地捏碎,然後再重新塑造起來,at the end,survive這樣的過程的人,才能夠承受任何挑戰。

貼一下boston med的主題歌吧。

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閱讀 ()評論 (21)
Beast 回複 悄悄話 俺看到了某個時期的我自己。
lizecn73 回複 悄悄話 LuoHua, I am working in teaching hospital as an ICU nurse. I understand the stress you have been through as I have seen interns crying privately several times. I have to say I admire your courage that you can at least wipe out your tear and continue. My wife is in an CRNA program that is so stressful her prozac is no longer sufficient. She is thinking about quitting now. I told her that no matter what decision she makes, I will be supporing her 100% but deep down I know that she will regret the decision and it will haunt her for the rest of her life. I have been here for 8 years,finally got my green card and MSN. Just when I thought that I don't have to exhaust myself for school and work, now I have my wife's problem to deal with. Life is not easy for most of the people, I just wish I can take on her stress because I know I can handle it no matter how hard it is but she is the one feeling the pressure, which makes me helpless. I never made a comment on your blog, I have to say, it gives me a lot of strength and comfort as I am feeling you are fighting for your life and future like I do. Thanks a lot.
流沙隨風 回複 悄悄話 其實這是一個敬業的問題。大多數美國人很敬業,大多數美國醫生更敬業。隻要你認為自己敬業了,不要feel bad. I guess that what that doctor wanted to tell you :)
盈袖2006 回複 悄悄話 你已經是個好醫生了,不過還是不要對自己要求太過完美,我想也許是因為他自己的情緒,每個人都有BAD DAY,不一定是你做得不好.你不要太在意了.
qinghai07 回複 悄悄話 確實覺得言語的安慰都很蒼白,但你已經做到了你的最好,沒有什麽遺憾的了。
attending也說“I feel bad that I make you feel bad.”言辭間的愛護,就說明你已經足夠好了!
小泥山 回複 悄悄話 Hug you !

I can see that you are trying your best. I'm sure you'll be the best doctor in the future.

Your husband is very understanding and supportive. I'm very happy for you :)
kxl 回複 悄悄話 big hug...
charmaine2 回複 悄悄話 抱抱落花!
xux 回複 悄悄話 Sorry, not much I can say. hug hug.
大林 回複 悄悄話 那也起碼是孔雀,嗬嗬
落花飄零 回複 悄悄話 回複一雙舊皮鞋的評論:
一雙舊皮鞋 回複 悄悄話 Hug, Hug. This whole painful process is just for the purpose of improving ourselves, so take a distance and take a break and then go back to the battlefield...

I want to say thank you so much for your recent help...
落花飄零 回複 悄悄話 回複大林的評論:
大林 回複 悄悄話 鳳凰涅磐,痛苦會帶來其後的美麗
落花飄零 回複 悄悄話 回複Appleflower的評論:
Amy, hug hug. I was upset at myself, not at the attending at all. His job is not to make me feel good, but to make sure patients are getting taken care of. Learning to recieve criticism and working on it, is part of training process, it is just hard to swallow sometimes.
Appleflower 回複 悄悄話 At least your attending feels bad that he makes you feel bad. I know lots that deliberately likes to make other people feel bad. Hugs.
落花飄零 回複 悄悄話 回複流星1127的評論:
流星1127 回複 悄悄話 硬生生地將一個人的個性自尊毫不留情地捏碎,然後再重新塑造起來,at the end,survive這樣的過程的人,才能夠承受任何挑戰。

落花飄零 回複 悄悄話 謝謝問好。boston med這個星期四第一季結束了,我都沒怎麽看,昨天晚上看到很晚,嗬嗬。以前還有一個Hopkins,是不是你說的?我沒看過。Grey's anatomy現在還沒有新的,我一直看那個的。

garland66.謝謝鼓勵,I know I am not going to be the best, but I will definitely try my best.
garland66 回複 悄悄話 正如你自己所說的,“醫學training的過程,就是硬生生地將一個人的個性自尊毫不留情地捏碎,然後再重新塑造起來,at the end,survive這樣的過程的人,才能夠承受任何挑戰”。
You will be the best.
問好 回複 悄悄話 Dear落花,抱抱~~

跑去abc網看了一集Boston Med,很好看。謝謝你的介紹。記得以前Discovery Health Channel有一個專門講intern, resident的紀錄片,名字忘記了。