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喜歡這首歌,My Valentine。聽的時候,心裏忽然很難過,很想念他,因為工作我們總是不能在一起,拿著手機,把這首歌放給他聽了。
Happy Valentine's Day.
OMG! 來文學城出乎意料發現校友, 原來世界並不大哈~~~。仍舊記得帥氣十足的小師弟當時在校園裏才華橫溢卻靦腆謙虛的樣子,你那宏亮又磁性的嗓音伴隨力度的吉他聲讓多少MM心蕩神怡, 嘻~~~。
That ought to hurt, and it is also a cruel and unusual punishment in my opinion. :(
But, for the sakes of your pts, your career, your health and the day you’ll wear the gown to give your proud speech. I think that I just have to bite the bullet to allow you have a peaceful mind. fair enough ?
這種long distance的想念,隻有經曆過的人才明白個中滋味吧。有朋友們的祝福,固然可以高興一下,但要是長時間堅持下來,還是得靠自己的樂觀。。
縱然平行, you complain that we are no longer able to express our feeling straight from heart, so here is my suggestion: how about start from your own post?
next time, save the effort of laying out those irrelevant words, just say what you want to say. express your true feeling here and stop hiding behind those long paragraph.:)
Congratulations on your graduation and your parents' coming! No matter what you do, how busy you are, as long as your parents are with you, they will feel happy. Just cherish every moment you have with them. (I couldn't go
back to your last posting, because it makes me cry.)
Wish warmest wishes!
Sorry, I did not mean to hurt your feeling. 也祝你快樂,蔓穗草!
Last Friday morning, after I was having a conference call in one of my colleague office, she showed me a Valentine’s card she received from her son, a 6 years old boy. The card reads “Dear Mommy, I want you know you will be ALWAYS my Valentine in the Whole Wide World!!!!”, there was a big red heart following the slant sentence. While I was admiring the little boy’s affirmative wording , I was joking with her “Vow, your son used the “A” and “W” words , this is really something.” “Yes, isn’t he cute?“, my proud colleague chuckled and added, “but, I bet , I’ll be out of window when he turns into a teenager.” We both laughed out loud. Chances are, my colleague’s instinct would be right.
I remember that in the mid of 90’s , I graduated from an university. Technically, then I was still a teenager, my view about love was in the period of “Romeo and Juliet” ( The moment Romeo and Juliet lay eyes on each other, that is it. Their fates are tied together eternally.) At a celebration party, I played my guitar and sang Bryan Adams‘ song “Straight From The Heart” (I chose that song to play because my classmates and I were about to leave our college years behind to make anther start in our life. I also liked the song’s tempo and acoustic sonority). The song was a crowd pleaser as I had expected, but with a twist. The strokes on the strings and my voice not only bought out girls’ tears but guys’ glassy eyes as well after they made me to play three times on the roll. Probably, I was only one didn’t get sentimental. But, boy, little I knew or prepared for the real world that I was about venturing out into can be very different from expectations, the love I hungered can be a double edged sword. The tough choices made can tear one apart.
The strange thing is when we grow, the definition of love would also grow and so does complexity. For one thing, we are no longer able to express our love straight from our hearts as a little kids do because the constrains and reality we have to face and accept. As a result, “West Side Story” becomes merely a tale on the stage.
落花,請原諒我在你這兒BSO:) 今晚我實在是藏不住滿溢心房的幸福。。。與你分享。
You are all my need, my love, my valentine...這也是我很喜歡的一首歌,謝謝分享!