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晚飯後和兩個女生T和F去看電影了,看了“ We Own the Night”,節奏很快,特別是跟和蘇聯大哥火拚的時候,非常緊張,我基本上是捏著拳頭強硬著頭頸看完的。做了一天的題目,加上兩個小時的頸項強直,現在頸部肌肉都痙攣了。不過真的不錯的電影,強烈推薦。
走出停車場的時候,經過一輛車,突然喇叭響了一下,嚇了我們一大跳。我還沒搞清楚狀況,小T就大聲斥責司機,原來是兩個無聊的年輕人。T罵了他們以後,他們把車窗搖下來開始不三不四的說話,深夜裏我怕麻煩,說我們走吧。小F說,怕什麽,作這種事情的人都是真正沒膽子的loser,然後她大聲說,“you guys stay in parking lot whole day waiting for girls? go get a life loser!" 倒車出來的時候,那輛車不停地用閃光燈打我們,小F竟然用兩隻手伸出車窗,高高豎起中指。我徹底暈倒。小F說,I don't take sh*t from people, not any! 我們不由哈哈大笑起來。如果是我自己,我肯定不聲不響逃走了,小F小T在醫院裏微笑地做著白衣天使,現實生活中是有膽色的巾幗英雄啊,非常佩服,嗬嗬。
8 hours test is unbelievable. Hope you get good score.
See/hear loser story like that all the time. Just last week, my husband's haircut lady told him, she (a Korean girl who grew up in the U.S.) and her girlfriend (also Korean) were eating in a Broad Ripple (a trendy/artsy area) restraurant, for no reason at all, a guy walked up to their table, and yelled at them, saying "you f***ing Chinese h---, blah blah blah". All the customers there including an off-duty police officer and the restraurant owner didn't do anything to help them, the girls defended themselves by yelling back equally offensive words to the guy. If it were me, I probably would be speechless, never said that many bad words in my life, I would walk away, not wanting to cause more trouble. But I admire people like her and your friends, those trouble maker deserve to be taught a lesson.
Rest Well!
quarl, 也算是勞逸結合了。