2004 (9)
2007 (61)
2008 (69)
2009 (98)
2010 (87)
2012 (121)
2013 (49)
2014 (89)
2015 (75)
2016 (54)
2018 (169)
2019 (134)
2020 (257)
2021 (186)
2022 (363)
2023 (455)
2024 (457)
6AM now. I was on call since yesterday 6am. The most beautiful moment of the on call day is watching sun rising from the horizon in the east. It means no matter how miserable the night was, it's almost over.
One more hour, I will change over to the new ICU team, and then I will walk out as a second year resident.:)
One year ago today, I walked into this hospital totally clueless,with no idea what I was facing, what I would experience, how much I would change.
Senior residents left for their new job, we become senior residents working with the new coming interns, help them go through the same pain and struggling, and more important, to conquer the fear inside ourselves.
July 4th, I will be on call again, as a resident, with two brand new interns. I told my attending I was really nervous. He said just remember that, you always have back up, don't hesitate to call for help.
One year finished, two more to go. hehe.
人在異鄉,盈袖, viv, 蒼蘭, 非常感謝你們一直以來的鼓勵,我們一起加油。
Very happy for you, carry on!!!