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History: 40y/o previously healthy male presented to ER with fever, shortness of breath for three weeks.
I will not claim the diagnose right now, but I am posting the related pictures here, welcome to have a guess. :D
Medicine is fun!
Blastomycosis! You guys are great, I am very impressed.:D
Some quick knowledge:
The endemic area in North America includes the southeastern and south central states, especially those bordering the Mississippi and Ohio River basins. Most cases are reported in Mississippi, Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Wisconsin. A large outbreak was reported in Wisconsin with isolation of Blastomyces Dermatitidis in the soil at a beaver dam.
Initial analysis of sporadic cases indicated that middle-aged men with outdoor occupations that exposed them to soil were at greatest risk for blastomycosis.
Pulmonary manifestations are the most common clinical presentation of Blastomycosis. The skin, bones, and genitourinary systems are the most frequent extrapulmonary systems involved with this entity.
In this case, chest CT scan shows a dense left lower lobe infiltrate with central cavities. Diagnosis was established by BAL culture. Histopathology revealed broad-based budding yeasts, and cultures were positive for Blastomyces dermatitidis.
Treatment options for Blastomycosis include Itraconazole (mild to moderate disease) and Amphotericin B (life-threatening disease). Treatment duration varies from 6 months to 1 year.
Mandell, Bennett, & Dolin: Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases, 6th ed.
You are really pretty! It's your best photo I've seen so far.
BTW, any prize for the winner?
""the diagnosis of blastomycosis can usually be confirmed by demonstration of the characteristic broad based budding organisms in sputum or tissues by KOH prep, cytology, or histology. ""-----from answers.com
so what's on the CXR? diffuse pulmonary infiltrates?
no idea for the etiology. maybe like happyjia said, blastomycosis?
very good thought. it is an animal related disease just like SARS does. but this case is not SARS.
i will give the answer by the weekend. hehe.